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slavery from our land, and the execution of full justice upon slavery-engendered treason as mercy to the nation.

4. That we rejoice that the life of the honored and faithful Secretary of State has been spared from the assassin's knife to the service of his country; and that the murderers' plot so far failed as it contemplated within its fell the death of other high executive and military officers of the government.


5. That we have entire confidence in the ability, integrity, and patriotism of Andrew Johnson as a worthy successor of ABRAHAM LINCOLN in the presidency of these United States, and we pledge him our earnest and hearty support in the performance of his high and onerous duties, and bid him, and all those engaged with him in the administration of our national affairs, God-speed in the great work of reconstruction upon the basis of justice, liberty, and equal rights.

6. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the President of the United States and the heads of the several departments at Washington. In common council, April 29, 1865. Passed unanimously.

ISAAC N. ABBOTT, President.


Passed unanimously.

Resolutions passed at a meeting held by the citizens of Erie, Pennsylvania.

The following preamble and resolutions were reported to an adjourned meeting of citizens of Erie, held at Farrar Hall on Tuesday evening, April 18, and unanimously adopted.

The committee through which they were reported consisted of Charles W. Kelso, Andrew Scott, George W. Starr, Irvin Camp, George W. De Camp, Joseph M. Sterrett, John P. Vincent, and M. R. Barr.

Whereas, after four years of terrible and destructive war, waged by traitors for the purpose of subverting our government and destroying our Union, the people of the United States were celebrating with joy and thanksgiving the success of our arms, and the speedy return of peace and fraternal concord through these successes, due, under God, to the wise administration of the Chief Magistrate of the nation, ABRAHAM LINCOLN; and whereas, in the midst of these rejoicings, the sudden and terrible calamity of the death of our revered and beloved President by the hand of a traitorous assassin has fallen upon us, turning our pæans of joy and thanksgiving into dirges of sorrow and anguish; and whereas it is proper that the people of the United States everywhere should manifest their sense of this their great bereavement, as well as their confidence in the patriot and statesman who, through the inscrutable dispensation of Provi

dence, is called upon to administer the government of the United States, and their determination to sustain him in his great and important duties as they have in the past sustained his lamented predecessor: Therefore,

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Resolved, That we, the people of the city of Erie, while bowing with submission to the will of God and His inscrutable decrees, do hereby express our deep and unfeigned grief at the death of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, late President of the United States, a magistrate so pure, so upright, and so clear in his great office as to have won the admiration and esteem even of his political enemies, and the affection and love of all who faithfully and truly loved their country and its integrity-a man so honest in all his intercourse with man, so kind-hearted in all the relations of life, that no man who knew him could be his personal enemy unless filled with passions so barbarous as to unfit him for intercourse with civilized humanity.

Resolved, That, severe as the affliction is, we bow in humble submission to the will of that Being who has in his inscrutable wisdom permitted the deed to be done, saying, "Not our will but thine be done."

Resolved, That this affliction comes with peculiar severity at this time of our country's trial, when the consummate wisdom and undoubted patriotism of our good President was about arranging the disordered condition of our country's affairs, and that, while life shall last, we will cherish the memory of the great and good ABRAHAM LINCOLN as one of the most precious of our country's possessions.

Resolved, That we have entire confidence in the patriotism, integrity, and ability of Andrew Johnson, now President of the United States, fully believing and hoping that he will carry out the wise and judicious policy of our late lamented President, and spare no effort to crush this infamous rebellion, which shows its legitimate character in the employment of base assassins to effect that which their want of manly courage could not effect-the destruction of our civil rulers, and that we, one and all, "pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honors" to maintain and defend the government of our fathers, whether assailed by armed traitors in rebellious States, or skulking assassins in the national capital.

Resolved, That we are gratified at the evidence already given by Andrew Johnson of his disposition to carry out the views and policy of our late beloved President by the retention of his counsellors in the cabinet, believing that they were the hearty and able co-operators of Mr. LINCOLN in his most wise and successful administration of the government.

Resolved, That we sincerely and deeply sympathize with our Secretary of State, Hon. William H. Seward, in his multiplied afflictions, and are thankful for his escape with his life from the poniard of the assassin, and we pray most heartily that he may be spared and restored to health and activity, when, by

his matchless ability, he may continue to confound, as he has in the past, the infamous machinations of foreign governments to involve our country in ruin.

Resolved, That we sympathize, from the very depths of our hearts, with Mrs. Lincoln and the other members of her family in their deplorable bereavement, and that we most heartily commend her and them to the tender mercies of that God who does not willingly afflict the children of men, and has promised to be the protector of the widow and the fatherless, earnesly praying that from behind this dark and heavy cloud they may yet discern the smile of a merciful and gracious God.

Resolved, That a copy of the above resolutions, signed by the officers of this meeting, be transmitted to Mrs. Lincoln, his Excellency Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, and the Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.

F. F. FARRAR, President.
J. B. GARRA, Secretary.


Pursuant to previous notice, a meeting of the citizens of Huntsville and Madison county, Alabama, was held in the court-house at 12 m. on the 18th instant, which was very largely attended.

On motion of Hon. Nicholas Davis, Hon. D. C. Humphreys was called to the chair. He explained the object of the meeting to be to give expression to the sentiments of the community, and the citizens generally, in regard to the death of the President of the United States by the hands of the assassin. His remarks evinced deep feeling, and were forcible and judicious.

On motion of Hon. D. P. Lewis, W. B. Figures was requested to act as secretary of the meeting.

Judge P. M. Dox then moved that a committee of fifteen be appointed by the Chair to draught resolutions expressive of the sense of the assemblage, which was carried.

The Chair appointed the following gentlemen as said committee, viz: P. M. Dox, chairman, D. P. Lewis, F. A. Saunders, Smith Adams, Nicholas Davis Joseph Ward, Britton Frank, B. M. Lowe, jr., Thos. Bibb, A. J. Johnson, C. E Douglass, S. M. Weaver, Thos. U. Green, Jas. M. Venable, and Theo. Lacy.

The committee retired for a short while, and then reported the following preamble and resolutions, which were read and unanimously adopted, viz: Whereas official information has been received in this community that ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States of America, has been killed by the hand of an assassin, and that an attempt, by assassination, has been made on the life of William H. Seward, Secretary of State; and whereas civilization.

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and Christianity alike, the laws of God and the laws of man, regard such acts with unmixed horror and execration; the citizens of Huntsville, in primary meeting assembled, and without distinction of parties, do resolve

1. That they can view the acts of assassination of President LINCOLN, and the attempt to assassinate Mr. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, only with emotions of unmixed grief and destestation; and that the assassins are the enemies of civilization and humanity.

2. That the acts and the actors can find parallels alone in the calendars of the most flagitious crimes and the most fiendish criminals. They can only be classed in infamy with the savage and the cannibal, the guerilla of Spain, the carbonari of Italy, and thugs of India.

3. That copies of the proceedings of this meeting be laid before Brigadier General R. S. Granger, commanding the district of northern Alabama. That copies of the same be sent to Andrew Johnson, President of the United States of America; to Mrs. Lincoln, relict of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, late President of the United States; and to Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States of America.

4. That the proceedings of the meeting be signed by the president and secretary, and that the same be forwarded to the newspapers in the cities of Nashville and Washington, D. C., with the request that they publish the same.

On motion of Judge Lewis, a committee of three was appointed by the Chair, consisting of Messrs. D. P. Lewis, William B. Figures, and J. W. Scraggs, to carry out the wishes of the meeting expressed in the resolutions.

In response to loud calls from the multitude, feeling, appropriate and eloquent remarks were made by Judge Dox, Hon. Nicholas Davis, Judge Lewis, and the chairman of the meeting, which were received with hearty applause. On motion, the meeting then adjourned.

D. C. HUMPHREYS, Chairman.
WM. B. FIGURES, Secretary.

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama, April 18, 1865.


Whereas it has pleased Almighty God, since the last meeting of the Synod, to remove, by death, the late Chief Magistrate of our nation, whom we believe to have been peculiarly guided by Divine wisdom in the discharge of the great responsibilities devolving upon him in the terrible crisis of civil war through which we have passed; and whereas we believe him, in answer to prayer, to have been greatly supported and strengthened in his efforts, as well as by the assurance repeatedly given him that he had the sympathies of Christian people: Therefore,

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Resolved, That we, the Synod of Michigan, hereby respectfully assure the present Chief Magistrate of this nation, Andrew Johnson, that we fully appreciate the difficulties of his position, and the weight of responsibility resting upon him in the work of completely restoring the Union, and in removing the chief causes of future national disturbance; and that he has our warmest sympathies, and shall have our most earnest prayers to the Throne of Heavenly Grace that he may, in the performance of all his duties, be sustained and directed by the hand of Him in whose support and guidance individuals and nations can alone securely trust. W. S. TAYLOR, Moderator.

KALAMAZOO, Michigan, October 28, 1865.



Martinsburg, Va., April 17, 1865.

At a meeting held at the headquarters first brigade, third division, department of West Virginia, on this the 17th day of April, 1865, composed of the regimental and detachment commanders of the brigade as aforesaid, in pursuance of an invitation to that effect from Captain C. S. Ilsley, acting assistant adjutant general, convened for the purpose of expressing more especially their feelings of profound sympathy with Brigadier General Seward, their esteemed commanding officer, in the recent affliction that has befallen him, the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas it has pleased an all-wise Providence to visit a terrible calamity upon the nation through the death of our Chief Magistrate; and whereas, in conjunction with the sad tidings of the assassination of that honored and revered President and patriot, his Excellency ABRAHAM LINCOLN, we have heard of the dastardly attempt to assassinate the honorable William H. Seward, Secretary of State, the father of our commanding general; and whereas it is eminently proper that we, the commanding officers of the different organizations comprised in this brigade, and as the legitimate mediums of the same, should exhibit more especially some evidence of the profound sympathy which this entire command feel for their beloved commanding general in this the hour of his tribulation: Therefore, be it resolved

1st. That the wicked, unprecedented, and inhuman murder of the nation's Chief Magistrate and most honored son is a crime the most horrible that has ever disgraced our country's history.

2d. That as the representatives of the first brigade, third division, department of West Virginia, we take this method to exhibit to our commanding general those feelings of respect and admiration in which his person is held by

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