APPROPRIATIONS—Continued. State prisons, chap. 185.... State survey, chap. 185... Superintendent of public works, chap. 449. Supply bill, chap. 475 Supreme court, chap. 185... PAGE. Thomas asylum, chap. 185. Transportation, chap. 185... Treasurer, office of, chap. 185... United States deposit fund, deficiency, chap. 1..... Western house of refuge, additional buildings, chap. 366. Willard asylum, chap. 185.. ASSAULTS. To punish assault by throwing vitriol or other corrosive substance, ASSESSMENTS. (See, also,"Taxes.") Albany, city of, acts affecting, in, chap. 209, 307; chap. 271, 382; chap. Brooklyn, city of, arrears, chap. 514, 685; chap. 663... Telegraph companies, real estate of, chap. 597... 278 280 612 638 273 281 279 274 1 283 280 276 491 281 333 391 301 376 177 830 ASSOCIATED METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH. Conveyance by, legalized, chap. 331... 454 ASSOCIATIONS OF FARMERS. Authorizing, to lease grounds, etc., chap. 657..... Incorporation of trustees of, amended, chap. 653..... ASYLUM FOR INSANE CONVICTS. Appropriation for support of, chap. 185.... ATTICA, VILLAGE OF May raise money for purchase of site for erection of building, chap. 56, 58 ATLANTIC DOCK COMPANY. PAGE. Amending act incorporating, chap. 204. ... 304 ATLANTIC GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY. Extending time for organization of, chap. 460 .... 623 AUBURN, CITY OF. Charter, amended, chap. 182 .... 225 Collection of county taxes, time extended, chap. 21. .... AUCTIONEER'S ACCOUNTS. Appropriation for agent to examine, chap. 185...... Appropriation for salary. etc., chap. 449 21 308 836 ... 275 612 BANKERS' LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. Name changed to Bankers' Loan and Trust Company, chap. 707..... 942 chap. 74... Exempted from provisions of act relating to floating of logs, etc., BEDFORD, TOWN OF. May execute lease of old court-house, chap. 643.... BENEFICIARY ASSOCIATIONS. Act concerning, chap. 256.... BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS. Act concerning, chap. 256...... SOCIETIES. (See, also, "Corporations.") 609 502 646 699 80 885 361 ... 361 BENEVOLENT. CHARITABLE, SCIENTIFIC AND MISSIONARY 704 586 22 Amending act for the incorporation of, chap. 254, 359; chap. 526.... BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. Providing for the reporting of commitments to, except in Kings county, amended, chap. 273.... Relating to investment of funds of, chap. 428.. BENNETT, HIRAM. Acts of, as constable, legalized, chap. 636..... BINGHAMTON, CITY OF. Charter amended, chap. 114, 156; chap. 250..... PAGE. 383 586 860 356 97 ... 282 587 458 BINGHAMTON ASYLUM FOR THE CHRONIC INSANE. Appropriations for, chap. 151, 196; chap. 185..... BIRDS. Preservation of, amended, chap. 430..... BLACK RIVER. To restore natural supply of water, etc., chap. 336.... BLIND. Appointment of commissioners to select a site for a state home for the, authorized, chap. 85..... Appropriations for maintenance of pupils, chap. 185. BOARDS OF EDUCATION. (See "Schools".) BOARD OF PILOT COMMISSIONERS. Appropriation for expenses of, chap. 185..... BOMBAY, TOWN OF. Conveyance of lands to Hazen K. Cross legalized, chap. 539 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. Albany, city of, Clinton avenue improvement, chap. 693... Albany, city of, Second avenue improvement, chap. 458. Buffalo, city of, funding of, chap. 177.... Kinderhook, village of, fire apparatus, chap. 612... Long Island City, arrears of taxes, chap. 487. Long Island City, may borrow money, etc., chap. 603 93 275 ... 781 929 620 699 222 358 210 801 326 650 160 . 175 840 .. 660 834 34 2 Malone, town of, village school district may issue bonds for certain Middletown, village of, may issue bonds, etc., chap. 2..... Middletown, village of, payment of water bonds, amended, chap. 93.. 99 813 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS- Continued. Newburgh, city of, and town of New Windsor, chap. 227........... PAGE 335 13 346 859 700 Rensselaer county, supervisors may issue bonds, chap. 292. .. 398 Sherman, Chautauqua and Clymer, towns of, may fund, chap. 172.... 218 296 Ticonderoga, town of, union free school dists. No. 5, chap. 669..... 907 17 Ulster county, relating to bonds stolen, chap. 525 703 Villages, relative to, chap. 353 ... 477 Watertown, city of, railroad bonds, chap. 214. 321 Wawarsing, town of, chap. 352, 476; chap. 499 674 50 Yates, town of, may readjust, chap. 53 BONDS. To facilitate the giving of bonds required by law, chap. 486......... 659 Providing for organization of, amended, chap. 313.... BRIGHTON, TOWN OF. Commissioners of highways may borrow money to construct a new May purchase lands for cemetery purposes, chap. 530. Bridge over Erie canal at, amended, chap. 340.. ... 616 462 708 BROOKHAVEN, TOWN OF. Ratifying agreement with part of town of Islip, chap. 322..... BROOKLYN AND MONTAUK RAILROAD COMPANY. May change date of annual meeting, chap. 78...... Arrears of taxes, settlement of, chap. 443, 602; chap. 514 685 Board of education may sell certain lands, chap. 43, 42; chap. 545... 795 225 Conveyance by Methodist Protestant Church of Williamsburgh legal- 454 Court-rooms, providing for, chap. 365 490 Courts, relating to inferior, justices of the peace, etc., amended, chap. 185 Fourth avenue, relating to, amended, chap. 312.... 437. Judges of city court may be detailed to hold circuits of supreme court, 11 BROOKLYN, CITY OF-Continued. La Fayette avenue, relating to, chap. 108 Long Island College Hospital, charter amended, chap. 7 Methodist Episcopal Hospital, incorporation of, chap. 404.. Night medical service, providing for, chap. 221.... PAGE. 143 8 505 330 Newtown creek, opening of canal along, chap. 98 130 Park commissioners, limiting amount to be expended by, chap. 335... 457 Plumbers, to secure registration of, chap. 450.... 614 Prospect avenue, widening of, payment of awards, chap. 26. 24 Rapid transit, to facilitate, chap. 498.. 671 Relating to the government of, chap. 457.. . 619 Release of lands to Joseph Woltering, etc., chap. 109 144 Sewers and drainage, relating to, chap. 655 896 Sewers, relative to certain assessments for, chap. 371. 497 Sixth avenue, improvement of, chap. 368.... 495 Young Men's Christian Association, incorporation of, amended, Taxes and assessments, collection of, amended, chap. 265, 376; chap. Stockton street, paving and grading of, chap. 555, 796; chap. 651.... 891 694 901 662 BROOKLYN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. Relating to, chap. 318...... ... 441 BROOKLYN Y. M. C. A. Incorporation, amended, chap. 490 ... BROOME COUNTY. 662 Binghamton, city of, charter amended, chap. 114, 156; chap. 250 .... 356 Relating to certain adverse claims of the state and the assignee of the BROWN, JESSE. Mortgaging of lands of, deceased, chap. 530..... 375 855 'BUFFALO ASSOCIATION OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. 904 BUFFALO, CITY OF. 470 12 Cemeteries, location of, amended, chap. 345.... Charity Organization Society of, may acquire lands, chap. 11.... Charter amended, chap. 506, 679; chap. 604, 835; chap. 672.. 150 909 39 Common council to provide for deficiency in tax of 1880, chap. 130.. 175 222 May take certain lands from United States for parks, etc., chap. 405.. 552 |