Bangs' Carburetter Company of New York, limited. New York and New Mexico Mining and Smelt- Rochester Herald Publishing Company, limited.. Port Royal Harbor Shipping and Improvement Catholic Times Publishing Company, limited... Havard Club, limited Porter Manufacturing Company, limited....... New York Steamboat Construction Company, Sterling Price Mining Company, limited.. Adams and Taylor Manufacturing Company, limited Oneida Community, limited............. Founding colonies, etc... Nov. 11, 1880 Nov. 23, 1880 New York city 5,000 Manufacturing and sale of lumber...... Nov. 22, 1880 Nov. 27, 1880 New York city 10,000 150,000 Dec. 13, '80 Dealing in cutlery, etc... Nov. 12, 1880 Nov. 27, 1880 New York city 10,000 Licensing patent right to use electric appliances Jan. Dealing in railroad stock, real estate, etc.... Manufacturing of wool and cotton goods Dealing in safes, etc........................ Nov. 16, 1880 Dec. 3, 1880 Rochester Producing and selling petroleum.... 21, 1880 Dec. 23, 1860 New York city 2,000,000 Dec. 3, 1880 Dec. 24, 1880 New York city 1,000,000 Dec. 7, 1880 Dec. 29, 1880 Catskill. 50,000 INDEX. A. ACCIDENTS. Providing against, on elevated railroads, chap. 399.... ADIRONDACK SURVEY. Appropriation for prosecution of, chap. 185 ADULTERATION. Of food and drugs, to prevent, chap. 407 ..... AGRICULTURE. Appropriation for promotion of, chap. 185.... AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. PAGE, 540 280 553 . 277 937 Amending act for the incorporation of, chap. 207, 306; chap. 388.... 526 401 Lewis County Agricultural Society, may issue bonds, etc., chap. 238.. 344 ALBANY, CITY OF. Assessments to subdivide and reapportion, chap. 209... Assessment and collection of taxes, relative to, amended, chap. 284.. Broadway railroad crossing, for the improvement of, chap. 258. City Hall, amending act for rebuilding of, chap. 37... Clinton avenue improvement, chap. 693... Court of special sessions, establishing, amended, chap. 364. Drawing of jurors, chap. 532... Justices' court, relating to, chap. 438 Public instruction, amended, chap. 699. Second avenue improvement, chap. 458 ALBANY COUNTY. (See, also, "Albany, City of.") 52 307 382 391 364 38 929 488 710 596 935 682 620 621 City Hall and County Court House, rebuilding of, amended, chap. 37, 38 936 ALBANY COUNTY-Continued. Cohoes, city of, charter amended, chap. 60, 66; chap. 183, 227; PAGE 705 County clerk's office, transfer of records to Greene county, chap. 133, 176 Green Island, village of, police force, chap. 206... Supervisors, powers and duties of, chap. 283.. Watervliet, town of, first collection district, to preserve the public West Troy, village of, amending water act, chap. 103 143 305 389 395 140 West Troy, village of, amending act establishing a jail, chap. 174 .... 219 ALIEN EMIGRANTS. Inspection of, chap. 427 ... 585 ALIEN PASSENGERS. Authorizing tax on, to execute inspection laws, chap. 432 .... 590 ALLEGANY COUNTY. Cuba fire department, incorporated, chap. 390.... 527 172 ALLEGANY INDIAN RESERVATION. General laws of New York State extended over, etc., chap. 188...... 288 ALLEGANY, TOWN OF. May elect an additional justice of the peace, chap. 65..... ALLEGHANY RIVER. Exempted from provisions of act regulating passage of logs, etc., on ALMS-HOUSES. 72 80 State Charities Aid Association may inspect, chap. 323.............. 444 Providing for a supply of water, etc., chap. 101 ... 134 ANIMALS. Appropriation for carrying out provisions of act relative to infectious APARTMENT HOUSES. General corporation act extended to, chap. 58......... Amended, chap. 232.... PAGE. 505 64 338 APPROPRIATIONS. Additional advances to clerks of senate and assembly, chap. 580...... 817 Adirondack survey, chap. 185 280 Agriculture, chap. 185. 277 Agricultural experiment station, renewed, chap. 702.... 937 Animals, to prevent spread of infectious diseases, chap. 378 Auditor of canal department, chap. 449.... Awards by state board of audit, chap. 481, 653; chap. 594, 828; 612 chap. 646, 887; chap. 667.... 904 Bank department, chap. 185 ... . 275 Binghamton Asylum for the Chronic Insane, chap. 151, 196; chap. 282 Black river, to construct reservoirs to restore natural supply of water 458 Blind, chap. 185 281 Board of pilot commissioners, chap. 185. 280 Bridge over abandoned Genesee Valley canal at Hume, chap. 125. 172 Brockport, bridge over canal at, chap. 340..... 462 Buffalo Asylum for the Insane, chap. 185, 282; chap. 527. 853 Canal appraisers, awards by, chap. 301, 403; chap. 660. 897 Canal appropriations, chap. 449. 612 Canal debt, chap. 310.... 436 Canal officials' salary and ordinary expenses, chap. 449. . 612 Capitol, chap. 185..... 276 Causes of malaria, removal of, from abandoned canals, chap. 593..... Commissioners to confer with United States for expenses of, chap. 610, $39 APPROPRIATIONS—Continued. Elmira Female College educational fund, chap. 185 Fishways in state dams, amended, chap. 620.. Free school fund, pay able from, chap. 185 Fuel, chap. 185. Game and fish protectors, chap. 185.. Hudson River State Hospital, chap. 185.. Indian affairs, chap. 185.... Inspector of gas-meters, chap. 185 Insurance department, chap..185 Judicial district libraries, amended, chap. 234. Juvenile delinquents, chap. 185 Land office, chap. 185 ... Law library, for a subject-index catalogue, chap. 306... Legislature, chap. 185... Literature fund, payable from, chap. 185 Miscellaneous, chap. 185.... Military record fund, payable from, chap. 185 .. Monument to General Herkimer, chap. 314 National guard, chap. 185 ... New capitol, for continuing work on, chap. 24, 23; chap. 325. New York State Reformatory, at Elmira, chap. 585... Noxon, Mrs. Sarah M., chap. 274.... PAGE 283 272 .. 847 .. 282 277 280 337 282 281 278 280 275 340 281 276 .. 434 277 283 283 280 439 279 426 820 . 384 . 279 276 276 279 279 846 1 282 829 274 280 72 280 276 281 .. 275 .. 282 Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents, chap. 64. Soldiers and Sailors' Home, chap. 69, 76; chap. 185. 280 State Cabinet of Natural History and Agricultural Museum, chap. 185, 277 282 State engineer and surveyor, office of, chap. 185. |