At a special term of the supreme court of the state of New York, held at the old capitol in the city of Albany in and for the county of Albany, state of New York, on the 27th day of July, 1880: Present Hon. WILLIAM L. LEARNED, Justice. On reading and filing the petition of Depew C. Wilder, president of the Odd Fellows' Funeral Aid Association, by which it appears that a notice has been duly published pursuant to the provisions of sections 24, 25 and 26, chapter 18, title 4, part 1st of the Revised Statutes of the state of New York; that on the 27th day of July, 1880, an application would be made to the supreme court of the state of New York at a special term thereof to be held at the old capitol in the city of Albany, N. Y., for an order to change the name of said corporation; and it further appearing by said petition that the application to change said corporate name was duly authorized by a resolution of the directors of said corporation duly passed on the 5th day of May, 1880; and it further appearing by said petition that said corporation was organized and now exists for the purpose of giving relief, to the families of deceased members thereof, and that its principal and only office and place of business is situate in the city of Albany, N. Y.; and on reading and filing said notice and proof of the publication of the same; On motion of D. J. Morton, attorney for said corporation, it is ordered that said corporate name of said association be changed from The Odd Fellows' Funeral Aid Association to The Odd Fellows' Relief Association of the state of New York, and that said association be continued as The Odd Fellows' Relief Association of the state of New York, with all the rights, privileges and powers which it now posW. L. LEARNED, sesses. Enter. At a special term of this court held at the chambers of Justice Ingalls, in the city of Troy, N. Y., on the 21st day of February, 1881: Upon reading and filing the petition of all the trustees of the Congress Street Methodist Episcopal Church of Troy, N. Y., duly verified. by Joseph Hillman, the president of the said board of trustees, praying that said corporation be allowed to change its corporate name; and upon due proof that notice of this application has been duly pub lished according to law in the newspaper called "The Argus," published in Albany, N. Y., and the newspaper called "The Troy Daily Times," published at Troy, N. Y., for six weeks prior to this application; and it appearing to the court that there is no reasonable objection to such corporation changing its name, it is therefore Ordered, that said corporation known as the Congress Street Methodist Episcopal Church, of Troy, N. Y., be and it is hereby authorized to assume a new corporate name, to wit: "Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church of Troy, N. Y.," immediately upon compliance with the following provisions of this order: And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be filed forthwith in the office of the secretary of state, and also a copy with the county clerk of Rensselaer county, and that this order be published once in each week for four weeks in the newspaper known as "The Troy Daily Times," said publication to begin on or before February 23, 1881, and that when said publication is completed, and from and after the 25th day of March, 1881, said corporation may be known by and use the new corporate name designated above. Filed February 22, 1881. ANSON S. WOOD, C. R. INGALLS, Justice Supreme Court. Deputy Secretary of State. At a special term of the supreme court held at the county court-house on the 14th day of February, 1881: Present Hon. CHARLES DONOHUE, J. -- In the Matter of application of Wm. C. Bryant and Company, a corpora tion, etc., etc. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, by the petition of Wm. C. Bryant and Company, a corporation duly organized under the general laws of the state of New York, verified by the chief officer thereof, that there is no reasonable objection for such corporation changing its name to the William C. Bryant Company, as therein proposed. On reading and filing said petition, and proof of due publication of the notice of this application, as provided by law, and on motion of George W. Wingate, Esq., of counsel to petitioner, it is Ordered, that said Wm. C. Bryant and Company be and it is hereby authorized to assume the name The William C. Bryant Company as its corporate name, and shall be hereafter known thereby. At a special term held at chambers at the county court house in the city of New York on the 22d day of March, 1881. Present Hon. A. R. LAWRENCE, Justice. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKCOUNTY OF NEW YORK. In the Matter of the application of "The Emerson Chronometer Stamp Company," for authority to change its name. On reading and filing the duly verified petition of "The Emerson Chronometer Stamp Company," an incorporation organized under the laws of this state, for authority to change its name, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that due notice, that an application would be made to this court at said special term for an order to authorize the said corporation to assume the name of "The Chronometer Stamp Company," has been duly published for six weeks in the Albany Argus, the state paper, and in the Daily Register, a newspaper of the county of New York, the only county in which such corporation has a business office, and that there is no reasonable objection to such corporation changing its name, and Upon motion of P. H. Vernon, attorney for said petitioner, and an affidavit made by Frank W. Allin, being submitted in op position, it is Ordered that the said corporation be and is hereby authorized to assume and use the corporate name of "The Chronometer Stamp Company," from and after the 23d day of April, 1881, upon previously filing a copy of this order in the office of the secretary of state and with the county clerk of the county of New York, and upon previously publishing this order once in each week, for four weeks, in the said Daily Register, a newspaper published in the said county of New York. At a special term of the supreme court for the city and county of New York, held in the court house in said city, on the 18th day of April, Upon reading and filing the petition of John McGowan, president of the United States Revenue Marine Relief Society,making application to have the corporate name of said society changed to the United States Revenue Marine Relief Association, and said petition setting forth sufficient grounds therefor, and on reading and filling the afidavits of Philip Lyons and David Owens, showing that notice of said application has been published in the state paper, the Albany Morning Express and the Daily Register, a paper published in the county of New York, for six weeks successively, now on motion of J. E. Eustis, Esq., attorney for petitioner, it is Ordered, that the name of said United States Revenue Marine Relief Society, be and the same hereby is, changed to the United States Revenue Marine Relief Association, and it is further ordered that this order be published for four weeks successively, once in each week, in the Daily Register, a newspaper published in the county of New York. WM. A. BUTLER, [L. S.] Filed April 21, 1881. (A copy.) ANSON S. WOOD, Deputy Secretary of State. Clerk. STATEMENT relative to Business Corporations, organized during the period beginning January 1, 1880, to and including December 31, 1880, made pursuant to section 9 of chapter 611, Laws of 18:5. New York Syndicate, limited.. Dealing in cotton, grain, stocks, etc... Dec. 20, 1879 Jan. 3, 1880 New York city $250,000 Edison Ore Milling Company, limited.......... Universal Conservatory and Zoological Garden American Horse Exchange, limited.. Union Cotton Tie and Compress Company, lim- International Bell Telephone Company, limited. New York and New Mexico Mining and Smelt- Rockaway Beach Improvement Company, limited... Western New York Preserving and Manufactur- New York and Brooklyn Coffee Company, limited Rocky Mountain Cattle Company, limited...... |