Official oath. Sheriff to collect assessment Sale, in case of unknown owners, if tax is not paid. Assessment bonds, when to be issued. Comptroller to pay awards, etc. hereby amended. Said commissioners, before they enter upon the performance of the duties hereinafter prescribed, shall severally take and subscribe the oath prescribed by the twelfth section of the constitution of this state, which oath shall be filed in the clerk's office of the city of New York. § 2. Section seven of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: § 7. The sheriff of the city and county of New York shall thereupon, by virtue of said warrant and the authority hereby given, collect the several amounts so directed to be collected from the several persons or parties named therein, and from the several lands and premises numbered and described therein, as belonging to such persons or parties, and he shall have the same power to enforce the collection of the same, or any renewal thereof, as if said warrant, or any renewal thereof, were an execution issued in due form of law upon a judgment of a court of record of this state, against the persons and parties named therein as against the several parcels of land and premises numbered and described in said warrant. If any of the parcels numbered and described in said warrant shall be assessed to unknown owners and the amount so assessed shall not be paid to said sheriff within twenty days after said warrant shall have come into his hands, said sheriff is hereby authorized and directed, immediately after the expiration of said twenty days, to advertise the several parcels so assessed to unknown owners in the same manner and for the same period of time as in the case of known owners, except that for the name or names of the persons or parties as set forth in the notice of sale, and other proceedings subsequent thereto, taken by him, the description of "unknown owners" may be inserted therein. Upon the return by the said sheriff of the warrant first issued by said comptroller, as herein before directed, if there shall be due and uncollected any of the sums assessed in said warrant directed to be collected, the said comptroller is hereby authorized, on the security of said assessments so returned unpaid, to raise on the assessment bonds of the city in the manner now provided by law, a sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, to be applied as in the following section directed. All the collections of such assessments to the extent of the assessment bonds issued, and all proceedings taken for the enforcement and collection of the same shall be for the benefit of the said city of New York. § 3. Section eight of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: § 8. From the moneys so collected by said comptroller, and from the proceeds of said bonds, in case any have been issued pursuant to the provisions of the last section, he shall pay all sums which have been awarded to the persons and parties as owners, or interested in the lands and premises taken or to be taken for the purpose of said improvement, as the same shall appear by the report of the commissioners of estimate, made in pursuance of the provisions of the acts hereby amended, and as amended, when confirmed, and the expenses, charges and disbursements of the proceedings taken under said acts and under the same as hereby amended, as taxed and certified by a justice of the Awards to supreme court; and whenever it shall appear by the report of the comagainst as- missioners of estimate, as provided in the acts hereby amended, and sessments as hereby amended, and by the report of the commissioners of assessonly to be ment, as provided by this act, that an award for compensation for paid. the lands taken or to be taken for the purposes of said improvement has been made to the same owners or parties in interest, upon whom set off and excess and upon whose lands and premises an assessment for benefit has been CHAP. 62. AN ACT relative to the continuance of compensation to judges and justices of courts in certain cases, after removal pursuant to the provisions of the constitution. PASSED March 29, 1881; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Any judge or justice of any court who shall be removed pursuant to section eleven of article six of the constitution, for any cause not involving moral delinquency, shall continue to receive, until the expiration of the term for which he was elected, a sum equal to one-half of the salary of his office as fixed by law at the time of such removal, to be paid to him at the same times and in the same manner as said salary was payable when he was so removed. When half salary to judges or be paid to justices removed. § 2. If said sum would exceed three thousand dollars no greater Limitasum shall be annually paid said judge or justice than three thousand tion. dollars. The payment of any sum pursuant to the provisions of this act shall cease at the death of such judge or justice notwithstanding the term for which he was elected shall not then have expired. No person shall be entitled to the benefit of this act unless the resolution of removal shall state that he is removed for a cause not involving moral delinquency, and shall recommend the continuance of such compensation. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Corporat ors. Name. Objects. Place of business. Board of trustees. Election. CHAP. 63. AN ACT to incorporate "The Chautauqua School of Theology." PASSED March 29, 1881. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. John H. Vincent, New York, S. J. M. Eaton, Pennsylvania, Luther T. Townsend, Massachusetts, H. M. Sanders, New York, Lewis Miller, Ohio, H. M. Warren, Georgia, F. H. Root, New York, Richard S. Holmes, New York, J. E. Kittredge, New York, and all persons who shall hereafter be associated with them, in the form and manner prescribed by this act, are hereby created a body corporate under the name of "The Chautauqua School of Theology." The said corporation shall have perpetual succession, with power to sue and be sued, to make and use a common seal, and to alter the same at pleasure. § 2. The objects of said corporation shall be 1. To instruct its patrons in the departments of biblical, theological, ecclesiastical, historical and philosophical learning which are usually taught in seminaries devoted to the training of candidates for the clerical profession, and in such other subjects as, in the judgment of its instructors, shall conduce to the increased efficiency of such candidates. To provide an archæological library and museum for the illustration of biblical and oriental research and the collection of books, manuscripts, charts, plans, casts, relics, etc., designed to assist the biblical student in his investigation of evidence and contents of the holy scriptures. The place of business of said corporation shall be at Chautauqua, in the town of Chautauqua, county of Chautauqua, New York, Said corporation shall be capable of taking by purchase, grant, gift, devise or otherwise, any real or personal estate, and of holding, using, improving, leasing and of selling and conveying the same as the purposes of said corporation may require. § 3. The affairs, property, business and concerns of said corporation shall be managed by a board of trustees, a majority of whom shall be citizens of the state of New York. The persons named in the first section of this act shall constitute said board of trustees until their successors shall be appointed or elected as herein provided. They shall, immediately after entering upon the duties of their office, divide themselves by lot into three classes of three trustees each, and the term of office of the first class shall expire on the second Tuesday of August, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, of the second class, the second Tuesday of August, one thousand eight hundred and eightythree, and of the third class, the second Tuesday of August, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four. The annual election of said corporation for the election of trustees shall be held on the second Tuesday of August of each year at said Chautauqua, and the number of its trustees shall be nine. The first election of said corporation for that purpose shall be held on the second Tuesday of August, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, and at such election, and at each annual election thereafter, there shall be elected three trustees who shall severally hold their offices for the term of three years, and until their several successors are appointed or elected as herein provided. Any board of trustees of said corporation shall have power to Vacancies. fill any vacancy in their board by appointment in writing, and the person so appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold his office for the unexpired term of the person to whom he is the successor. 4. Said board of trustees shall have power to make, establish, Powers. publish, modify, amend and repeal by-laws, rules and regulations for the following purposes: 1. To determine the qualifications of members of said corporation and to prescribe the form and manner in which any person may become a member thereof. 2. To prescribe the officers and agents of said corporation not herein provided for, and to fix and define the powers and duties of such officers and agents. 3. To regulate the form and manner of the election of the trustees of said corporation. 4. To regulate the form and manner in which the affairs, business, property and concerns of said corporation shall be conducted, when no special provision is herein made." 5. To determine the form of the government, discipline and management of its schools. § 5. Said board of trustees shall elect one of their number president, Officers. whose duty it shall be to preside at all the meetings of said board and to do such other things and to perform such other duties as pertains to said office, and in case of his absence, said board shall elect one of their number president for the occasion. The president and presiding officers may vote upon all matters before the meetings over which they preside. The said board of trustees shall also appoint a secretary and treasurer of said board who shall severally hold their offices during the pleasure of the board. § 6. All leases, contracts, deeds and other papers to be executed as Contracts, the act of said corporation, when so authorized by the board of trus- etc. tees, shall be under the corporate seal and signed by the president or presiding officer and the secretary of said board. Title three of chapter eighteen of the first part of the Revised Statutes shall apply to the said corporation so far as the same is applicable. § 7. Said board of trustees may in the name and for the use of said Powers. corporation recover, hold and enjoy all the debts and demands, rights and privileges and property which may belong to said corporation and all the estates, real and personal, to which said corporation may be entitled; and may purchase or lease and improve and hold for said corporation any real or personal estate which they may deem requisite or proper. And may let, demise, mortgage, grant or sell and convey any such real or personal estate for the use and benefit of said corporation, and shall have the exclusive management and control of all matters relating to the moneys and temporal concerns and revenues of said corporation. And said board of trustees shall also have the power to appoint the officers and instructors of said school; and to prescribe and control the course of instruction, the subjects of discussion and the methods of teaching therein, and to enforce the government and discipline thereof, and the said school and the officers, instructors and students Diplomas. Degree of Appropria- Purposes. Additional be elected. thereof shall be under the exclusive control and management of said board of trustees. § 8. The said corporation is hereby authorized to grant diplomas and honorary testimonials in such form and under such regulations as its board of trustees may determine to any person who shall or may graduate at said school of theology. And the said corporation shall have power to grant and confer the degree of doctor of divinity upon any such graduate whenever the said board of trustees may determine so to do. But no person shall receive a diploma conferring such degree unless he be of good moral character and of the age of twenty-one years. § 9. This act shall take effect immediately, CHAP. 64. AN ACT making an appropriation to the Society for the PASSED March 29, 1881; by a two-third vote. SECTION 1. The treasurer of the state shall pay on the warrant of the comptroller to the Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents in the city of New York, the sum of thirty-eight thousand dollars in addition to the sum now authorized by law for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty, which sum is hereby appropriated and shall be expended by the managers for the following purposes, and in the following amounts, namely: Thirty thousand dollars for the maintenance of the institution; Three thousand dollars for making alterations and additions to dormitories for employees and for remodeling the dining-room for employees of the institution; Two thousand dollars for the erection of suitable houses for storage of coal for the institution; and Three thousand dollars for the erection of galleries in the chapel of the institution, painting the chapel and furnishing seats therein. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 65. AN ACT to authorize the town of Allegany in the county of The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and SECTION 1. The town of Allegany in the county of Cattaraugus is justice to hereby authorized, at the next annual town meeting and every two years thereafter, to elect one justice of the peace in said town in addition to the number which they are now authorized by law to elect. |