Imágenes de páginas

I, (insert here the name of the collector of the district,) of (insert here name of district,) in the United States, do certify that (insert the name of the builder,) of (insert the place of his residence, county and state,) having sworn or affirmed that the (describing the ship or vessel, as in the certificate of record,) named (insert here her name,) whereof (insert here the name of the master) is at present master, was built (insert here the name of the place, county, and state, where built) by him, or under his direction, in the year (insert here the number of the year,) and (insert here the name of the surveyor or other person by whom the same admeasurement shall have been made) having certified that the said ship or vessel has (insert here her number of decks,) is in length (insert here the number of feet,) in breadth (insert here the the number of feet,) in depth (insert here the number of feet,) and measures (insert here the number of tons.) And the said builder and (naming and describing the owner or master, or agent for the owner or owners, as the case may be, by whom the said certificate shall have been countersigned) having agreed to the said description and admeasurement, the said ship or vessel has been recorded in the district of (insert here the name of the district where recorded,) in the United States.

Witness my hand and seal, this (insert here the day of the month,) day of (insert here the name of the month,) in the year (insert here number of the year.)

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Record of certifiIcate of record to

62. The certificate, thus issued, must be recorded in the

be kept by collec- office of the collector, and a duplicate thereof be trans

tor, and duplicate

gister of the Treas- mitted to the Register of the Treasury, to be recorded in


Form of endorse

ment of change, to

certificate granted by collector.

his office also.

63. In case of change of the master of any ship or vessel be made on the recorded in pursuance of law, or of the name of such ship or vessel, the owner, part owner, or consignee of such ship or vessel, shall cause a memorandum thereof to be endorsed on the certificate of record by the collector of the

district where such ship or vessel may be, or at which she shall first arrive, if such change take place in a foreign country; and the said collector will keep a record in his office of all such changes of master or name of ship or vessel, following the requirements of article 52, where the endorsement is made out of the district in which the vessel shall have been recorded,

The endorsement of a change of master or name, in the case of recorded vessels, may be made in the following form, to wit:

FORM No. 25.

Endorsement of change of master or name of vessel.

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Proceedings in case of change of name of recorded vessel.

is at present master (or is the name, as the master, or in the

case may be,) of the within vessel, in lieu of

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Sec. 23 Act Dec. 81, 1792.

late master (or name.)

-, Collector.


The master of a recorded vessel, on her entry, is re- Sec. 24 Act Dec. 81, quired to produce her certificate of record to the collector of the district.



ART. 64. In regard to the forms of the records relative Records. to the registry, enrolment, recording, and licensing of ships or vessels, and the abstracts of the same, to be ren- Abstracts of the dered quarterly to the Register of the Treasury, it is pre ed quarterly to Resumed that regularity and the convenience of the collectors can be best reconciled by observing the following regu


same to be render


of record to be kept

Let blank books be provided for the certificates of reg- Appropriate books istry, record, enrolment, licenses for the coasting trade by collectors. and fisheries, and for vessels under twenty tons, of such size as may be convenient, and according to the probable demands which will be made in each office, with suitable alphabets for each.

Record of permanent certificates of registry.

When any certificate or license is granted, let it be recorded in the book appropriated for that purpose; let the name and the particular kind of the vessel, and the number and year in which it was granted, be inserted in the alphabet.

When any certificate or license is surrendered, or when proof of loss, destruction, or mislaying, is made to the collector by whom granted, or regular information thereof received from any other office, or when an alteration has been made in the vessel, or a change of the master has happened, or a change of the name in the case of a recorded vessel, or when for any cause an endorsement has been made on the original document, or when official information has been obtained that any document has ceased to be of validity, let an endorsement, accurately stating the fact, be made on the back of the record. When any new document is issued, predicated on a former one, let the endorsement refer to the new document and to the record thereof.

It is evident that a careful observance of these rules will enable the collectors, by an easy reference, to know the state of any particular vessel, and of the changes which she may have undergone, and also what documents. are outstanding.

This object being attained, it will remain, that such information be transmitted quarterly to the Treasury as will enable the Register to make corresponding records, and also form statements of the quantity of tonnage belonging to the different districts, and of the manner in which it is employed.

65. Let a suitable book be provided, and a sufficient part ruled according to Form No. 27, being an account of permanent certificates of registry; let the amount of registered tonnage on the 1st of July, 1857, as shown in abstract, Form No. 26, be entered in one line on the debit side of the account; underneath let a brief record be made of every permanent certificate of registry which may be issued. The following explanations, it is presumed, will make the form intelligible: In all cases, except where a register is granted for a new vessel, and

except where a loss, destruction, or mislaying is proved, the former document is to be surrendered. In the column. headed "for what cause granted," the reason for granting the register is to be inserted; in the subsequent columns headed "description of former register, enrolment, or record," a reference is to be made to the document surrendered.

FORM No. 26.

Abstract of certificates of registry issued in the district of before the first day of July, 1857, and outstand

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Abstract of Permanent Registers issued and surrendered in the district of

--, from

[blocks in formation]


For what cause surrendered or vacated.

When and where surrendered.



Port where.

Tons. 95ths.

[blocks in formation]

Amount of registered tonnage on the 1st of July, 1857, per Abstract No. 26.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]



Temporary register...

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