Imágenes de páginas

consistency, to confound the animal to which they
belong, either with the civets, with which it was as-
sociated by Sparrman, and after him by the generality
of writers on zoology, or with the gluttons, by the
side of which Baron Cuvier has proposed to place it.
It must of necessity form the type of a new genus,
which may be further characterized by its thick, heavy,
depressed body; its short stout legs, with five toes up-
on each foot, each of the toes surmounted by slightly
arched unretractile claws, grooved along their under sur-
face, and much longer on the anteriour than on the |
posteriour feet; its total want of external
al ears, their
place being supplied by a slightly elevated margin sur-
rounding an auditory opening of moderate size; the
prolongation of its snout, which terminates in a soft
and naked muzzle; and the roughness of its tongue,
which resembles that of the cat in the sharpness,
elevation, and backward direction of its horny pa-

In size the Ratel is about equal to the Badger, to which it also bears a distant resemblance in form. The whole of the upper surface of its body, which is singularly broad and flat, comprehending the top of the head and neck, the entire plane of the back, and the root of the tail, is of a dull ash-gray, whiter towards the head, and strongly contrasting with the under parts, including also the muzzle, the contour of the eyes and of the ears, the limbs, and the remainder of the tail, which are throughout perfectly black. The only visible difference which we have been able to detect between the Asiatic and African animals consists in this, that the latter is described as possessing a stripe of lighter gray, about an inch in breadth, passing from behind the ears along each side, and forming the boundary of the two colours, which is entirely wanting in our specimen, and in the figure of the Indian variety given by General Hardwicke.

The hair all over the body, although tolerably smooth, is remarkably stiff and wiry; and the hide beneath it is excessively tough, and so loose that Sparrman's statement is scarcely to be regarded as an exaggeration, when he assures us that if " any body catches hold of him by the hind part of his neck, he is able to turn round, as it were, in his skin, and bite the arm of the person that seizes him." The claws on the fore feet are extremely long, and although not very strongly curved, of considerable power, being formed especially for digging up the earth; an operation which all the accounts of the animal's manners concur in stating that it performs with great dexterity. Of these claws the middle three are much longer than the lateral, and the internal one is placed far behind the others. On the hind feet the claws, also five in number, are of nearly equal length, but are much shorter, and proportionally much less powerful, than those of the anteriour members. The total length of the animal is about three feet, of which its tail forms a little more than a sixth. Its height does not exceed ten or twelve inches, and the length of its fore claws, when not worn down by constant use, is about an inch and a


from its eyes the rays of the declining sun, it, peers cautiously on either side of this singular kind of parasol, until it perceives a number of bees flying in the same direction. These it carefully marks, and follows in their track until it has safely lodged them in their nest, which it immediately commences pillaging. But if it should happen that, contrary to their usual custom, they have built in the hollow of a tree, the Ratel being unable to climb, and angry at its disappointment, wreaks its vengeance upon the senseless stock by biting around it; and the Hottentots know well that such marks on the trunk of a tree are certain indications of a bees' nest being contained within it.

It is added that the Ratel, as well as the native inhabitants of the neighbourhood of the Cape, is sometimes guided in this search after honey by a little bird, the Cuculus Indicator, or Honey-Cuckoo, which it seems has sagacity enough to know that both men and beasts are fond of the tempting spoil. This little creature, although incapable of storming a hive in its own person, takes advantage of the propensity which exists in others who are better fitted for the task, and invites the Hottentot or the Ratel to follow it by a peculiar note, which they both equally understand. Having thus secured their attention, it flies slowly on before them, alternately halting for them to come up with it, and then taking another flight, still admonishing them by its warning voice, until it arrives at the spot where the hidden treasure is deposited. There it suddenly ceases to be heard; but remains quietly perched on a tree in the vicinity, waiting for a share of the plunder which it usually receives as a reward for its interested service.

In such an attack upon an angry swarm the toughness of the Ratel's hide must be a most effectual defence; and it is even stated that so difficult is it to penetrate its skin that a pack of dogs, which would be sufficient to despatch a moderate sized lion, have sometimes failed in their attack upon so comparatively insignificant an animal. Such is its tenacity of life that Mr. Barrow states that "it is a species of amusement for the farmers to run knives through different parts of its body, without being able for a length of time to deprive it of existence." Major Denham was, however, informed by the natives of Central Africa, where it is also found, that a single blow on the nose is sufficient to destroy it almost instantaneously: which may probably be owing to the thinness of the skull adjoining the ossa nasi. In the same regions it has obtained credit for so much ferocity, as to be said, at certain seasons, to venture singly to attack a man.

Very different from Sparrman's account is that given by General Hardwicke, whose testimony is so fully confirmed by the structure of the animal that its authenticity may be considered as beyond a doubt. The General states that it is found in several parts of India, in the high banks bordering the Ganges and the Jumna, from which it rarely issues by day, but prowls at night around the habitations of the Mahommedan natives, scratching up the recently buried bodies of the dead, unless their graves are protected by thorny bushes With respect to the habits of these animals we shall placed over them for the purpose. It burrows with first give an abstract of Sparrman's version of the re- such celerity that it will work itself under cover in the lations of the Hottentots and of the Dutch Colonists, hardest ground in the space of ten minutes. The which has been adopted by all subsequent writers. natives sometimes dig them out of their holes and take The bees, according to our author, furnish the Ratel them alive; the old ones, however, are with difficulty with his principal, if not his only, means of subsist- secured, and seldom live long in captivity. The young, ence. These insects are accustomed to take up their on the contrary, are very manageable, docile, and playabode in holes in the earth formed by various burrow-ful. Their general food is flesh in any state, but birds ing quadrupeds; and the Ratel is endowed with peculiar sagacity for discovering their nests, which it undermines with its powerful claws, in order to feast upon the honey contained in them. Aware that sunset is the period at which the bees return to their homes, it chooses that time for making its observations, which are conducted in a very curious manner. Seated upon the ground with one of its paws raised so as to shade

and living rats appear to be peculiarly acceptable. They are fond of climbing, but perform this operation in a clumsy manner; although they will ramble securely along every arm of a branching tree, provided it is sufficiently strong to bear their weight. They sleep much during the day, but become watchful at night, and manifest their uneasiness by a hoarse call or bark proceeding from their throat.


Canis familiaris. Var. borealis.


In placing the Esquimaux Dog by the side of the Iare-Indian, we have been guided not so much by the degree of affinity subsisting between them, as by a desire to afford an opportunity for comparing, or, if the reader so please, for contrasting these two remarkable varieties of the canine species, the faithful companions of two races of mankind as distinct as the dogs themselves, and alike inhabitants of the same dreary climate, dependent on the same precarious means of subsistence, and sharers in the same toils, the same privations, and the same pursuits. This object will be sufficiently answered by the figure above given, and by a brief description of the specimen from which it was taken. For a more particular account of the qualities of his race we need hardly refer to the narratives of the various northern expeditions which have for the last twelve years attracted so much of the publick attention. In all of these the Esquimaux Dog forms so prominent a feature, as the patient and enduring friend, the bold, active, and experienced hunter, the laborious beast of burden, in a word the indispensable assistant of his master under all circumstances and in every emergency, that it is impossible to have read them without retaining a strong impression of the value of the services which he performs for the rude tribes who owe every thing to his docility and to his skill.

Our specimen is of a dingy white with a tinge of yellow on the upper parts, which gradually fades away upon the sides, and exhibits no appearance of the black markings so commonly seen in this variety. Its size is that of an English mastiff; its make robust and well proportioned; with a short but regularly diminishing muzzle; upright and pointed ears; strong and thick set legs; and a long bushy tail covered with broadly diverging hairs and constantly curled upwards over the back. It was brought to England by Lieutenant Henderson, one of the companions of Captain Ross, and is as quiet and good tempered as it is possible for a dog to be. The Hare-Indian in our next. MATHEMATICAL GEOGRAPHY.



Having investigated the leading and most useful branches of Mathematical Geography, we will conclude that part of the subject with some remarks upon the construction and principal uses of globes and Geographical Maps.

To fix well in the mind the different parts of knowledge which form the study of geography, it is necessary to have before our eyes an image of the earth and its parts, on a small scale. The most simple of these representations is the artificial terrestrial globe; it is the earth in relief, with its seas, continents, and islands. The mountains, rivers, and principal towns, are also indicated on it. All these points have on the artificial globe their true position; they are represented in their totality and relatively to each other, as they are situate on the earth itself, according to astronomical observations and geodesick measures.

On the surface of the globe, ought to be indicated the terrestrial equator, the tropicks, the polar circles; then, by weaker lines, the other parallels to the equator, from 5 to 5, or from 10 to 10 degrees, according to the size of the globe. We also find the meridians indicated from 5 to 5, or from 10 to 10; they are numbered at their point of intersection with the equator. The parallels to the equator are also numbered at the place where they cut that meridian which has been chosen for the first. The ecliptick is also marked on good globes.

The poles are indicated by two points, on the axis of which the globe turns. These two points are fixed to a circle of metal which surrounds the globe from one pole to the other, so that on turning the globe, every terrestrial spot passes under this circle. It serves, therefore, as a general meridian, and is so called. The degrees of latitude, and even, on large globes, the minutes and seconds, are marked on the general me ridian.

The bearers, or feet of the whole machine, support a circular band of metal, or wood; it cuts the globe, in whatever position it may be placed, into two hemispheres, one superiour, the other inferiour; and thus represents the rational horizon. This artificial horizon has several circles traced on its surface; the inmost marks the number of degrees of the twelve signs of the zodiack; on it are the names of those signs and the days of the month. Another circle is divided into thirty-two parts, which mark the points of the com

[blocks in formation]

also at the foot of the globe a compass, which should be fixed in the parallel and meridian of the horizon. With the term meridian, which is indicated on the globe by the circle of metal passing through the poles; the circles of latitude running parallel to the equator, and the circles of longitude that cut the equator perpendicularly, and are all represented by lines drawn on the surface of the globe, we have perhaps already made the reader sufficiently acquainted. Caution, however it may be remarked should be exercised in calculating degrees of longitude on different globes, inasmuch as almost every nation assumes a different first meridian. Ptolemy fixed his first meridian at the Fortunate Isles (now Canaries,) Louis XIII, ordered that the first meridian should be placed at the Isle of Ferro, the most western of the Canaries; the Dutch fixed upon the Peak of Teneriffe; and Gerard Mercator, a famous geographer of the 16th century fixed upon the island Del Corvo, one of the Azores. The French mariners count from the meridian of the observatory of Paris; the English from Greenwich; the Spaniards from Cadiz; the Americans from Washington. Navigators also count longitude differently from geographers. According to the custom of geographers, the longitudes begin to be counted from the eastern side of the first meridian, and are reckoned in the same direction over the whole circumference of the equator, till they return to the western side of the meridian. In this way of counting the longitudes may rise to 360°. Mariners estimate the longitude from the difference of time which elapses between the passage of the meridians through the same heavenly body, or from the difference of hours counted at the same moment in two different places. If one has advanced towards the east, one counts more than under the meridian from which one set out; the contrary happens when one advances towards the west. In this way of counting, the longitude is always marked by the side nearest the first meridian, so that the longitudes only embrace the semicircumference, or do not rise beyond 180°, and the globe is divided into two hemispheres with respect to the first meriaian; in the hemisphere situated to the west, the longitudes have the denomination of occidental; and in the other oriental. All marine charts are established according to this system of numeration.

These diversities in the manner of estimating the longitude necessitate calculations of reduction. We are obliged, before using a map, to examine what is the meridian adopted by the geographer, "which often embarrasses even learned persons."*

When we have to do with longitudes reckoned according to the method of geographers, that is, by making the entire tour of the globe by the east, we must take the difference of longitude of the two meridians to be compared; and if the meridian from which we wish to set out is to the west of the other, this difference must be added to all the longitudes counted from the other; in the contrary case it must be retrenched. We will illustrate this by an example: Moscow is 35° 12' 45" from the meridian of Paris, how many is it from that of Greenwich? Add the difference, which is 2° 20′ 15′′, and you will have the result 37° 33'. Here is another: Paris is 20° from the meridian of the Isle of Ferro, how many is it from the Dutch meridian of Teneriffe? This meridian being a degree more to the east than the other, retrench 1o from the given longitude, and you will have 19°.

The reduction of longitudes, reckoned according to the practice of navigators, is much more in use. In setting out from the same meridian, all the oriental marine longitudes, as far as 180°, remain the same as in the manner of reckoning adopted by geographers. With respect to the occidental marine longitudes, it is sufficient to deduct them from 360°, to bring them to the numeration of geographers. Here is an example: Venus's Point, in the island of Otaheite, has been

[blocks in formation]

determined by navigators to be 151° 50′ 30′′ of western longitude from the meridian of Paris. If from 360° we take off 151° 50' 30", the difference, which is 208° 9' 30", will be the longitude according to geographers. By an inverse operation, we may transform into nautical longitude the geographical longitudes above 180°, by deducting them from 360°.

The first use that is made of the globe is to determine the distance from one place to another. The shortest distance of two points on the sphere, is measured by the arc of the great circle which joins them; and as all great circles are equal, the degrees of any one of them contain the same number of itinerary measures as those of the meridian. We take therefore with a compass the opening of the are comprised between the points proposed, and carry it to the meridian or the equator, which are graduated.

We have mentioned what is to be understood by North and South, East and West; it is by studying the globe attentively that we come to understand perfectly the value of those terms. Two terrestrial points, situated under the same meridian, are directly north and south of each other, and all the intermediate points, that is to say, all the points of the line of distance, are equally north and south of each other, and all reciprocally on the same point of the compass. In like manner any two points whatever, taken under the terrestrial equator, are directly east and west of each other, and all the intermediate points are equally so, and are reciprocally on the same point of the compass.

It may not be amiss, to mention the singular fact, that if a vessel is directed constantly towards the same point of the compass, that point not being one of the four cardinal points, it will describe on the globe a curve, which does not return into itself, but which is indefinitely prolonged in a spiral manner, always approaching the pole, without ever reaching it. It may be asked, why, going constantly on the point east to reach a pluce really situated to the east of another, (by the shortest route,) one never gets there, but, on the contrary, always gets the further from it? The reason is, that by always following the same point of the compass out of the equator, and changing the meridian, we do not describe the arc of the great circle which measures the distance of the two places, but a spiral or loxodromick curve, which will never pass by the spot required. The experiment may be tried upon the globe.

There are two points on the globe where there is neither east nor west; these are the two poles. The globe may also be considered with respect to the extent of its surface, which is 16,501 200 square marine leagues, supposing the earth a sphere. If we wish to know the extent of any zone whatever contained between two parallel circles, geometry teaches us, that the surface of a spherical zone is to the area of the sphere as the distance of the parallels which bound it is to the diameter. It is not our design however to enter into the calculation; but a German geometer has calculated from these principles, tables of the square surface of the zones, by which may be easily obtained the area of the surface of any given district of country.

To find on the artificial globe the latitude of any terrestrial place, the globe must be made to turn round its immoveable axis till the fixed meridian be brought on that place; and the degree marked on the meridian at that point will give the latitude of the place. The longitude of the same place will then be found, on the equator, at the point where this circle passes under the meridian.

The dial, which is commonly adapted to the north pole of the globe, serves to show the hour in one part of the earth when it is noon in another; for, by placing the latter under the meridian, after having fixed at noon the needle of the dial, and making the globe turn till the meridian is on the place, the hour of which is required, the needle will indicate on the dial the hour.

wanted: it is afternoon if the globe has been turned to the east, and forenoon if it has been turned to the west. The length of the longest day for all the points of a hemisphere, may likewise be determined by the artificial globe-the manner of doing it is abundantly suggested in the elementary books which usually accompany these globes. The directions of the winds with respect to the meridian line, and the names assigned to them, are generally marked on the horizon. By placing a globe in a dark room with a taper which answers perpendicularly to the centre of the horizon, placed at a considerable distance relatively to the diameter of the globe, and turning the globe, we then obtain the same phenomena as the sun produces during the rotation of the earth, according to the different positions which the axis of the earth takes with respect to that luminary, The distances of places is also very simply determined by the artificial globe, and many other useful points are ascertained which renders the artificial globe exceedingly interesting and important. Indeed, it is our opinion, that no school-teacher should undertake to instruct a student in geography without the aid of globes. The largest artificial globe ever constructed, we believe, is at Cambridge, England;-this is 18 feet in diameter. In beauty of execution, a copper globe in the library of the French Institute, it is said, surpasses all others. Peter the Great, in 1664 adorned his new capital with one about 12 feet in diameter. Napoleon had a splendid one placed in the Thuilleries, which remains there now. Globes are of very early date, but we do not hear that engraving was applied to them, until about 1530.

We shall conclude Mathematical Geography in our next part, when we shall be prepared to take up the more interesting branch of Physical Geography.


This edifice was erected in 1827-8, by the Episcopa. society of Troy, and is one of the best specimens of the Gothick style of architecture in the United States. The walls are of a dark coloured lime-stone, hammered and laid in mortar. The main body of the building is 103 by 70 feet. At the west end, a tower projects 12 feet, and is 100 feet in height. The basement is 9 feet high, and the walls of the main building rise 38 feet above it. There are five windows on each side, and three on each end; the large window over the altar is 40 by 20 feet. The galleries and ceiling are supported by clustered columns. The wood work of the building is painted in excellent imitation of oak. The number of pews is 140 on the lower

floor, and 70 in the galleries. The organ is a fine toned and powerful instrument. The court around the church is enclosed by a handsome fence.

The church was built under the superintendence of Mr. James M Farland, master mason, and Messrs. Coryell & M'Rae, carpenters, all of Troy, and cost, including the building lot and furniture of the church, $37,600.



The real history of written astronomy, that is, of actually recorded and moderately correct observations, in sufficient number to constitute a body of science, commences with Hipparchus, about 160 years before our era. Prior to his time, it is difficult to do more than speculate upon the few facts which are left to us. That astronomical observation of a certain description began in the very earliest ages, there can be no doubt; but here there could be but one instrument. the horizon, and but one theory, the actual motion of the heavenly bodies round the earth. The earliest observations mentioned are those of the rising and setting of stars, which led to the registration of the different appearances presented by the heavens in the course of a year, to which may be added lunar and solar eclipses, and comets. The rapid motion of the moon in the heavens would probably have caused the lunar zodiack to be first marked out, though it is clear that the solar zovation has always been one of the accompaniments of diack was of a very early date. Astronomical obsercivilization, both in modern and ancient times, and however much we may conceive ourselves entitled to look down upon the notions of our predecessors, we must not forget that in speaking of any country which possessed an astronomical theory worth so much as laughing at in modern times, we place that country in the list of exceptions to the rule which prevailed through the greater number. If the Chaldean system appear insufficient, or the Ptolemaic complicated, these are yet real results of thought, and to a certain extent, actual representations of fact. Mungo Park mentions an African tribe, whose opinion it was that the inhabitants of the west fried the sun when he got down to them, and after heating him sufficiently for next day's service, took him round by a private passage to the east. If we could collect the astronomy of the whole ancient world, there can be little doubt that the com paratively humble efforts to which we are coming would appear miracles of sense and reflection, among theories not much superiour to those of Park's Afri



The nations who are known to have cultivated astronomy before the Christian era are the Chinese, Indians, Chaldeans, Egyptians and Greeks. The first made it a matter of politicks, the three next of religious observance, and all four applied it to astrology. Among the Greeks only, the science had no reference either to politicks, religion, or soothsaying; and here it throve with a vigour which permits us to make the astronomy of Hipparchus and Ptolemy a part of the chain which ends with Newton and Laplace. What we know of the four first-mentioned nations is not suf ficiently certain or definite to warrant our drawing very positive conclusions as to the time when they began to study the science; and the question is rendered the more difficult by the pretensions to antiquity which have been advanced in favour of each by wellinformed men of modern times. Each nation has its advocates, who maintain that the Chinese, the Indians, the Chaldeans or the Egyptians, were the first astronomers; which is of itself sufficient to prove the question doubtful. Fortunately it is of little consequence; and also the astronomy of the first and two last is of a character and extent which will justify our saying



that, be it very ancient or not, there is nothing on the | as well as eclipses. They had the celebrated Metonick face of it which needs the supposition of any very long period of nineteen years, and it is supposed that Meton time having been expended upon it. The Hindoo obtained it from them, though this point is doubtful. astronomy, on the other hand, though certainly more They had also other periods, the meaning of which has extensive and correct, may have been, for any thing caused discussion. Simplicius, a commentator on that can be shown to the contrary, received from the Aristotle, relates that a series of eclipses preserved at Arabs of the middle ages. At least such is the opinion Babylon was transmitted by Alexander to Aristotle, of Laplace, Delambre, and several celebrated Anglo- and contained the observations of 1903 years preceding Indians, who have had means of knowing more of the the conquest of Babylon by the Macedonians. subject than either. But this question is one of diffi- Ptolemy gives only a few of them, the earliest of these culty, and ought not to be considered as finally settled. not reaching higher than B. c. 720. They are of the The Chinese have some annals which were trans- roughest kind, the times being given only in hours, and lated by De Mailla, a Jesuit missionary at Pekin, 1777-the part of the diameter eclipsed within a quarter; but 1785. They claim to go back to the year B. c. 2857, nevertheless they are the earliest trustworthy observabut of astronomical phenomena they record hardly any tions we possess, and led, in the hands of Halley, to thing, except eclipses of the sun, and the appearance the discovery of the acceleration of the moon's mean of comets, and of the former nothing but the fact and motion. We find also among the Chaldeans the use the day of their happening. They state that the as- of the clepsydra as a clock, of the gnomon as an instrutronomers by profession were obliged, on pain of death ment for measuring solstices, and of the hemispherical to predict every eclipse that occurred, and that, even dial called by the Greeks cxaon, for ascertaining the after such phenomena were found capable of predic- positions of the sun. By the clepsydra they were tion, it was the practice to shout, beat drums, &c., enabled to divide the ecliptick nearly into twelve equal during every eclipse, to frighten away the monster parts, and are thus said to have invented the zodiack. which they supposed to be devouring the sun. The Egyptians have left us no observations, and few mathematicians, in spite of their responsibility, were astronomical relicks the meaning of which can be made forbidden to make any alteration in their theories or very clear, though it is probable that they were the methods, without the consent of the emperour. The first instructers of the Greeks. Their year was of loss of many methods, asserted to have been formerly 365 days. They observed eclipses, but none have practised, is attributed to the burning of all scientifick come to us; they foretold comets, according to Diodobooks by one of their princes, B. C. 221. But perhaps rus; but as this author also mentions at the same time the loss was not great; for Gaubil, who recalculated that they foretold future events, it becomes doubtful their asserted eclipses, could not verify more than one whether we are to understand that their predictions. of a date anteriour to the time of Ptolemy; and even were successful. The idea attributed to them that that one is doubtful. The fact of the motions of the Mercury and Venus moved round the sun is not menplanets was known to the Chinese, but not the preces- tioned by Ptolemy; whose silence on this and many sion of the equinoxes, till about A. D. 400. They had other points, writing as he did in Egypt, is remarkable, also the Metonick and Calippick periods. The im- unless it be admitted at once as a proof of exaggeration provements which were gradually introduced in the in the preceding accounts. The correct manner in earlier ages of the Christian era might have been, and which some of the pyramids are said to be placed north probably were, the work of Europeans. and south has always been quoted as a ground of suspicion, that these buildings had some astronomical use. The zodiack has also been attributed to the Egyptians. The only attempt at a measure which we have remaining is one of the diameter of the sun, the meaning of which is obscure; but if what Delambre mentions (without citing his authority) be true, that they measured time by the distance run by a horse, as well as by the clepsydra, we need not be surprised that Ptolemy found no assistance from their ancient observations. The story of Thales teaching the Egyptians how to find the height of the pyramids by the shadow, and that in Herodotus, of his being told by them that the sun had twice risen in the west, are, so far as their credit goes, confirmations of the opinion generally formed of Egyptian astronomy.

The question with regard to the Hindoos is not whether their astronomy is sufficiently high in its pretensions to make it worth while to inquire into its antiquity, but whether an astronomical system of a very advanced character, which certainly was found among them, is or is not as old as they assert it to be. This system is found in certain tables which have been brought into Europe by Legentil, and in an original work; and it may be fairly considered as about equal to the European system of the twelfth century. The epoch claimed by the tables is B. c. 3102, the beginning of the Cali-yug, or iron age of Hindoo mythology, at which time a conjunction of all the planets is asserted. But this has too figurative a character; and moreover, the elements of the tables are hardly such as would have been derived from observations actually made at that period. That the epoch is fictitious may be readily believed: but the question is, was this fictitious epoch formed by Hindoos from their own observations before the Christian era, or was their system introduced by the Arabs, or by direct communication with the Greeks? On the one hand it is argued that the Indian tables, being in many respects a mean between those of Ptolemy and Albategnius, may have been derived from those two; on the other hand, the remarkable correctness of several points, and the known character of the people in question, whose advances in mathematicks cannot be doubted, and whose habits have, throughout recorded history, induced them to repel all connexion with foreigners, are urged in favour of the originality of their system. Those who are curious may consult Bailly's Hist. de L'Astronomie Indienne, on the one hand, or Delambre, on the other; but this question has unfortunately been treated with consider-lus, B. c. 300 (?) made the observations which afterable spirit of system on both sides.

The Chaldeans, according to Diodorus, had long observed the risings and settings of the heavenly bodies,

With regard to the astronomy of the Greeks previously to the earliest extant works, there is little to be said. The Ionian school, founded by Thales B. c. 600, followed in succession by Anaximander, Anaximenes, and Anaxagoras added little or nothing to practical astronomy. If Thales announced the eclipse of B. c. 610, it was the year only; and the opinion of the earth's motion, attributed to Anaximander, rests on slender foundation. The school of Croton, founded by Pythagoras about B. c. 500, and sustained by Philolaus, produced no observers, though it certainly adopted the opinion of the earth's motion. Meton, B. c. 432, introduced the cycle of 19 years; Calippus, B. c. 330, introduced the improvement of the former known by his name. Eudoxus of Cnidos, B. c. 370, brought into Greece, according to Pliny, the year of 365 1-4 days, and wrote some works, one of which exists in the poetical version of Aratus. Timochares and Aristyl

wards enabled Hipparchus to discover the precession. Pytheas, about the time of Alexander, measured the latitude of Marscilles with tolerable accuracy. The

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