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Prayer-the LORD's Prayerand told us, "when we pray," to use it. So, as He also gave us one Service, we may be sure that "when we meet in Church to worship GOD, we must put that Service in the highest place. 1 Cor. xi. 18, 20. The Divine Service has many names:

1. The Sacrament of the Altar; because of the place where It is celebrated. Heb. xiii. 10.

2. The Sacrament of the Body and Blood of CHRIST; because of the Presence of our Saviour's Body and Blood on the Altar in this Service. Cor. xi. 27.


3. The Eucharist; because it is an offering of thanks and praise to GOD. This word is applied to the service in the Bible. 1 Cor. xiv. 16. 1 S. Tim. ii. 1.

4. The Mass; either because of the words with which the people are in some countries sent away at the end of the service, or because It is the Christian Sacrifice. This word is in such names as Christmas, Candlemas, and Lammas. 1 Cor. xi. 26.

5. The LORD's Supper; because in It we eat the Flesh of CHRIST, and drink His Blood.

6. The Holy Communion; because in it we are made one with CHRIST, and CHRIST with 1 Cor. x. 16.


7. The Liturgy; because it is the Service that GOD gave, and in which His Priests minister. Acts xiii. 2.

It is offered chiefly for four ends:

1. For the honour and glory of GOD.

2. As an offering of thanks and praise to GOD for what He gives us.

3. For getting pardon of sin from GOD.

4. For seeking help and blessing through JESUS CHRIST.

You ought to attend the Church Services often: you must, if be a Christian, attend the Divine Service as often as you can. You cannot put any ordinance of man above the ordinance of GOD, which He appointed for constant use in His Church. Don't put the Church above the Saviour: if you do this, you sin very much, and must pray for pardon. You must not choose the service you like best, or go to Church at the time that is most convenient. Your duty is to ask when the Divine Service is used and to attend It. After you have done this, you may go to the Church Services, if you can.



All the names given by the Church to the Divine Service, and mentioned in the last

chapter, may be used by Chris-words just as they stand, and

tian people. Indeed, the best way is to keep them all in mind; for each of them tells us something about the doctrine of the Service. They do not teach us different doctrines, but different parts of the same doctrine. There is one great doctrine of this Sacrament which is taught us, more or less, by all the seven names. That doctrine is the truth of the Real Presence of the LORD JESUS in the Sacrament. Let me show you how needful it it is to hold this truth firmly.

It is the Presence of our Saviour on earth that saves us-"CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners." 1 S. Tim. i. 15. It is true, for GOD tells us, that JESUS CHRIST was made man-that He was an infant, a child, a youth, a man of sorrows. But we ask, Is JESUS present with us now? He is gone into Heaven, and will come again. In the meantime is He present or absent?

The LORD Himself has told us the truth. You will find what He says about it in S. Matt. xxvi. 26-28; S. Mark xiv. 22-24; S. Luke xxii. 19, 20; and 1 Cor. xi. 23-25. JESUS took bread and blessed it, and brake it, and said of it, THIS IS MY BODY. He took wine and blessed it, and said of it, THIS IS MY BLOOD. We must take these precious

try to believe them.


It will not be hard for us to believe what GOD says, if we think of His power and His goodness. He Who gave His Son to die for us can give Him to be our Food. GOD fed His people in the wilderness with bread from heaven, Exod. xiv. 4; and JESUS says that He is the true bread from heaven." S. John vi. 32. The LORD's Prayer teaches us to pray for daily bread; and the LORD says, "The bread that I will give is My Flesh, which I will give for the life of the world." S. John vi. 51. Even the devil believed that JESUS could turn stones into bread; and Christian people cannot doubt that He can give His Body under the form of bread. JESUS, Who changed water into wine -S. John ii.--can give His Blood under the form of wine. We must not wait for our eyes to tell us that JESUS is present; for "we walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Cor. v. 7. And if we ask how we are to walk by faith in this case, we learn from S. Paul that "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of GOD." Rom. x. 17. It is no matter what we see: we are to believe what we hear; and JESUS, the Word of GOD, says of the Bread and Wine-THIS IS MY BODYTHIS IS MY BLOOD.

There are two things about | of JESUS, spoken by His Priests the Real Presence that we must be sure to believe:

1. It is the LORD JESUS CHRIST Himself that comes to us in the Sacrament of the Altar. He comes to us in His two natures, both GoD and Man. For you know that our Blessed Saviour has not cast off His Human Body, but is still and for ever both GOD and Man-GOD as He was from the beginning in His glory-Man with His glorified Body. JESUS, the Son of GOD, came once from heaven and was made man; JESUS, the Son of Man, went up to heaven; JESUS, God and Man, comes down now to the altars of His Church.

2. The LORD JESUS is really present in the Sacrament of the Altar. It is not that you think He is present with you, or feel that Divine Presence. It is not fancy, but truth. As JESUS once 66 came unto His own, and His own received Him not,"-S. John i. 11,- so He comes now to the worthy and the unworthy. JESUS was Present to "the disciple whom JESUS loved" and to "the traitor." Our faith does not make JESUS Present: our unbelief does not make JESUS Absent. Man is nothing and can do nothing. GOD is the only worker. GOD only can make GOD Present anywhere. Nothing but the mighty words

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in the Consecration Prayer, can "bring CHRIST down from above." Rom. x. 6. It is not, then, a matter of feeling or of fancy. We do not feel GOD'S influence in the Blessed Sacrament. We do not make Him Present by our faith. We believe that He is Present.


There is only one true and perfect Sacrifice the offering of our LORD JESUS CHRIST on the Cross to take away our sins. The sacrifices under the Law only showed forth that one sacrifice, till JESUS came. Now, in the Sacrament of the Altar we "shew the LORD's death till He come" again. 1 Cor. xi. 26.

Our Christian Sacrifice is not like the Jewish sacrifices. Under the Law "the blood of bulls and goats" was offered; but now we have the offering of the Precious Blood of CHRIST, as of a Lamb, without blemish and without spot." 1 S. Peter i. 19. For JESUS said, "The bread that I will give is My Flesh;" and gives us, at the Altar, His Body, "broken" and His Blood "shed."

When you think of the Christian Sacrifice, keep these two things in mind :

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1. There is only one High Priest. The Jewish Priest

hood is gone. The LORD JESUS CHRIST is our great High Priest, after the order of Melchisedeck. He brings forth Bread and Wine for us. Heb. iv. 14, v. 10; Gen. xiv. 18. The Priests, that He has sent out, do nothing of themselves. They only do what the High Priest told them. S. Luke xxii. 19.

2. There is only one Sacrifice. All the Jewish sacrifices are gone. The LORD JESUS CHRIST offered one Sacrifice on the Cross, and there can be no other. Besides, that one sacrifice can never be repeated. It can only be pleaded and applied in the way GOD appoints.

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3. It is the Christian Sacrifice-the Service by which we join on earth in the work of CHRIST in Heaven, and plead for all the benefits of our Saviour's death. So you must with all your heart join in the service when you come to it.

For all these reasons Christians take delight in decora

You see, then, what the Christian Sacrifice means. JESUS is our one High Priest:ting the Altar with its ornatherefore He has Priests to serve under Him on earth. The one Sacrifice of the Cross is perfect: therefore it is plead

ments, and doing all they can to show their faith and love. JESUS lay in a manger once: let Him have a throne now.

Even if you have not yet received the Holy Communion, you may attend the service and have Communion in the Prayers. Don't give up the smaller blessing because you cannot yet claim the greater. You cannot learn to come to JESUS by staying away from Him. As a baptized Christian you have a right to attend this service. Use what you have well, and GOD will give you more: "He that hath, to him shall be given." S. Mark iv. 25.

The Communion Service.

The LORD's Service begins with the LORD's Prayer and a short Collect. Then the Priest reads the Ten Commandments; the people nine times pray for mercy and grace, and after the Tenth Commandment, beseech GOD to write all His laws in their hearts. The Collect for the Church and Queen comes next. Then you turn to the Collect for the Day. After it the Epistle is read. The Holy Gospel, which comes next, has in it some of our Saviour's words or tells us of Him, so all stand up when it is read. In the Creed we have the faith of the Gospel in the words of the Church; and in the Sermon, when there is one, we have some teaching on the Gospel, or the Creed, or some other part of the

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truth from one of GOD's ministers. Before the Sermon notices are given out, and the people are told of the Feasts and Fasts.

After the Sermon the people make offerings to GOD of money-"They shall not appear before the LORD empty." Deut. xvi. 16. All Christians should offer what they can to GOD.

But, if you have no money, you can join equally with other people in the greater offering. The money is given to GOD on the Altar; but the offering that GOD requires is the Bread and Wine, which are, at this part of the Service, presented on the Altar by the Priest, as the Church orders. The Prayer for the Church is then read. In it we ask GOD to accept our alms and offerings, that is, the money and the Bread and Wine. Then, in the same prayer, we ask blessings for all set over GOD's people in the Church and State, and for all the people of GOD.

You will find that three long exhortations follow here. The first of them will help you to prepare for receiving the Communion; the second shows you the great need of receiving It; and the third the great danger of coming unprepared. These exhortations are sometimes used during the Service. Then follows a short exhortation be

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