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the Resting-place prepared for His worship, then the sinner's heart rejoices and his cup is full.

PART IV. To dwell in the House of the LORD for ever is the aspiration of the soul that has truly seen GOD in His Sanctuary. We go on from strength to strength,—the Bread of Heaven our Food, the unwearying song of Heaven our Rest.

PART V. Morning and Evening, at the least, we must present ourselves before the LORD. However distracted by the cares of this life, we can begin and end our daily toil by a few heart-prayers of yearning and searching for the Restingplace above.

PART VI. The voice of joy and health is in the dwelling of the righteous. Each family will go apart, morning and evening, to rest awhile in the service of GOD.

PART VII. Every change and trial may be made a time of refreshing and a place for the weary to rest in. Hearts fixed upon true joys in the future, have quietness and confidence now.

PART VIII. We are resigned to the changing seasons of our mortal life, when we learn our share in the unvarying plan of eternity. The summer and winter of the Christian year help us to be sober on the bright days and calm on the dark days of our earthly pilgrimage. The life which we live in the flesh may have its joys and sorrows; but their sunshine and their shadows pass away. Our true life is hid with CHRIST in GOD. The Feasts and Fasts of His Church draw our hearts away from our own things, leading us to take up the Cross and follow Him. And those quiet Resting-places seem to mark the stages of the way by which we go to the many mansions of our Father's Home.


"Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you Rest."-S. Matthew xi. 28.

1.-FAITH. FAITH is the first thing that a Christian needs. It is a gift of GOD, by which we are made able to believe all that GOD has told us. Your faith must be firm, because it rests on GOD, who cannot lie. Your faith must be entire, because it does not rest on your own private opinion. Your faith must be active, for faith without works is dead. Nothing must make you give up your faith. You must not choose your own religion; but believe all the truth that GOD teaches in His Church. The chief truths of the Christian faith are in

2. THE CREED. 1. I believe in GOD the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:

2. And in JESUS CHRIST, His only Son, our LORD;

3. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary,

4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead, and buried;

5. He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead

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This is the Gospel that all Christians must believe :

I. GOD the Father made all things. In six days He made this world; and put Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, in the Garden of Eden. There the devil tempted Eve to eat of the fruit of a tree that GOD had told them not to touch. So GOD was angry at this sin, and by sin came death-not the death of the body only, but also the death of the soul for ever in Hell. But GOD so loved the world that He sent His Son to save sinners.


II. GOD the Son came to upon Him, and struck Him, save all men. To do this He and put a crown of thorns WAS MADE MAN. He had no upon His head. The next Father on earth, but was con- morning, on Good Friday, He ceived by the Holy Ghost. suffered under Pontius Pilate, The Blessed Virgin Mary was the Roman governor of the His Mother. He was born at country; being nailed to a Bethlehem on Christmas Day, cross on Mount Calvary, near was brought up at Nazareth, Jerusalem. Two thieves were and worked as a carpenter crucified with Him, one on with S. Joseph, who His right hand and the other thought to be His father. on His left. There our BlesWhen He was twelve years sed Saviour died, giving up old, He stayed in the temple His spirit into His Father's at Jerusalem, though S. Joseph hands, and going into the and His mother knew not of place of the dead. Joseph of it, and talked with the teach- Arimathea buried Him in his ers of the law. When JESUS own new tomb. The Sacred was about thirty years old, Body of JESUS did not decay; He was baptized by S. John but He rose again on the third the Baptist in the river Jor- day, Easter Day, and showed dan; and was forty days in Himself to His disciples and the wilderness tempted by the other witnesses. He stayed devil, yet without sin. He on earth forty days, telling then went about doing good the Apostles what they were for three years and a half. He to do when He left them, protaught the people as GOD only mising that the Holy Ghost could teach them, cast out would come to them. He went devils, healed the sick, and up to heaven on Ascension raised the dead. All this time Day. He is in heaven now He was a poor man and a man with His Body and pleads for of sorrows, not having even a us; and loves us as much as place to live in. His twelve when He died to save us. He Apostles whom He had chosen, will come again some day to and some other faithful peo-earth, and will judge us all, ple, were with Him. At last, Judas, one of the twelve, betrayed His Master. JESUS gave Himself up to those that wished to kill Him. He suffered many things from His enemies on that sad night: they scourged Him, and spat

both the living and the dead. To those who are not ready to receive Him, He will then say, "Depart, ye Cursed," and to those that are ready He will say, "Come, ye Blessed."

III. GOD the Holy Ghost makes all Christians holy.

He first came to the disciples | heaven to all believers."

on Whitsunday, ten days after JESUS had ascended. Then the Church of CHRIST was formed. That Church is one, for CHRIST is one. It is holy, for the Holy Ghost is in it. It is apostolic, for it is built on the twelve Apostles. It is Catholic or universal, for it holds all the faith, and has in it all God's people. There is a Communion of Saints; for all the holy ones, both the living and the dead, are one: they love and pray for one another. There is one Baptism for the Remission of Sins. It is by Holy Baptism that we are made members of CHRIST, and have all our sins washed away. And there is Pardon of Sins for those who fall after Baptism; if we confess our sins, we may have the gift of Absolution. We shall all rise again with our bodies. And that we may rise to glory, we must live in CHRIST and on CHRIST, while we live upon the earth. JESUS said, "I am the Bread of Life;" and just before He suffered on the cross He gave us the Blessed Sacrament of His Body and Blood, that we might eat and live for ever. We must all live for ever, either in Heaven or Hell. But JESUS said, "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." He has "opened the kingdom of

Therefore we say at the end of our Creed "Amen;" meaning that we believe all that is in it, and that we hope through the Gospel to be saved.

These are the chief things that the Creed teaches us. We learn by it that there are Three Persons in One God, and that all Three are equal in all things-also that They all equally love us, and desire to do us good.



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In God the Father I believe, Whose word created all that is First of the Trinity,

In heaven, and earth, and seaIn JESUS CHRIST, His Son, our LORD,

By Holy Ghost conceived, Of Mary born, by Pilate slain,

Derided, disbelieved;

Who on the third day rose from death,

Ascended into heaven; And sits at GOD's right hand of power

Till judgment shall be given. I in the Holy Ghost believe, One Holy Catholic Church, The blest Communion of the Saints,

Free grace for all who search, And I believe in sins forgiven, In rising from the dead, In life for ever, joy in heaven, Or woe in hell instead.

A. J. B.

I believe; LORD, increase my faith; and give me grace

that, with a holy life, I may adorn the religion I profess. Keep me stedfast in this faith into which I have been baptized, that no errors may separate me from Thee. May Thy love, O merciful Father; Thy grace, O blessed JESUS; Thy fellowship, O Holy Spirit, defend and comfort me, till I attain the end of my faith, even the salvation of my soul. Amen.

LORD, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief, and supply the defects of my weak faith.

Grant me to love the Father for His tender love, to adore the Almighty for His power, to commit the keeping of my soul to my faithful Creator.

Grant me to partake from JESUS of salvation, from CHRIST of Anointing, from the onlybegotten Son of Adoption; that I may serve the LORD for His Conception, in faith; for His Birth, in humility; for His Sufferings, in patience and hatred of sin; for His Cross, in crucifying all beginnings of sin; for His Death, in killing the desires of the flesh; for His Burial, in bury- | ing evil thoughts by good works; for His Descent, in meditation upon hell; for His Resurrection, in newness of life; for His Ascension, in setting my heart on things above; for His Sitting on High, in minding the good things

on His right hand; for His Second Advent, in awe of His return; for His Judgment, in judging myself before I am judged.

Grant me from the Holy Spirit to receive the breath of saving grace; that in the Holy Catholic Church I may have my calling, holiness, and portion; with a Fellowship of her sacred rites and prayers, fastings and mournings, watchings, tears, and sufferings; for assurance of Forgiveness of sins; for hope of Rising and passing to eternal Life. Amen.

[The 31 Prayers in Chapters 3, 7, and 10 are arranged for use in a month.]

1. Glory be to Thee, O Father, Who didst make all things, and Who didst so love the world, as to give Thine only Son to save us.

2. Thou, O Blessed JESUS, art the only Son of GOD, full of grace and truth in Thee sinners have hope: all love, all glory be to Thee.

3. LORD JESUS, Thou didst stoop so low as to take our nature, having GOD only for Thy Father, and Mary, a pure virgin, for Thy Mother; and didst dwell among us to save us: all love, all glory be to Thee.

4. O Blessed JESUS, my LORD and my GOD, may I grieve for my sins, which

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