Imágenes de páginas
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LORD, we are in trouble. Thou art just, but we are wicked. Pardon the sin that causes our woes. Pardon the sins of mine that filled measure of the whole. evil, work good for us. confusion, make order. Thou King of kings and Judge of all men, plead the cause of Thy servants. From Thy throne in heaven, own us in our peril and deliver us. Thy

Out of

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O GOD, by Whose appoint-power can do it: let Thy ment the moments of our life run out: I beseech Thee to receive my prayers for Thy sick servants,-in whose behalf I most humbly beg the help of Thy mercy; that, their health being restored to them, they may return thanks to Thee in Thy Holy Church, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen.


O LORD that delightest not in the death of a sinner: I beseech Thee by Thy grace and providence to stay the course of - I who is entered into a way of sin and folly. Let him not go on to bring an end of shame upon himself in this world, and confusion of face in the world to come. Of

mercy grant it; to Thy great honour and our great happiness, for the comfort of body and soul, for us and ours and all that truly love and serve Thee, for all that hold fast Thy true religion in Thee and for Thee. For Thy tender mercies' sake hear us! For the sake of the Precious Cross and Passion of our Saviour help us! For Thine own sake be merciful unto us and bless us. Amen.



LORD JESUS, behold from Thy Holy Place in heaven all upon earth that are in misery of body or soul, and have mercy upon them. Have

Take them under Thy care, and supply all their wants, for Thy tender mercies sake. Amen.


mercy on all ignorant souls, | Thee or from man, if I instruct them: dark souls, were in their state. give them light: wandering souls, convert them: broken hearts, heal them: the tempted, rescue them; the languishing, revive them: the wavering, establish them: the fallen, raise them up: them that stand, confirm them: those groaning under sin, give them ease: those that go on in sin, stop them. LORD JESUS, Who didst shed Thy Blood for all souls to save them, shed Thy Holy Spirit on all and heal them.

And LORD, have mercy on all those that suffer in body, on all famishing with want, feed them: bound to beds of pain, loose them: in prison and bonds, visit them: persecuted and oppressed, relieve them: doubting and in anxious, settle them : danger and trial, save them. LORD JESUS, Who didst freely comfort the sorrowful and heal the sick when Thou wast upon earth, hear their cry and help them.

Have mercy upon all, far and near, with me and away from me, every son and daughter of Adam at this time in sorrow or pain upon the face of the earth. Whereever they are, whoever they I beseech Thee the GOD of all help and comfort, to give to them whatever help I would desire from


When pleasure shines upon

my way,

And all around is bright and gay;

With thankful gladness I can


My GoD is Love.

When Satan wields his dread-
ful power,
And o'er my path dark tem-
pests lower;


tell my heart in that sad hour

That GOD is Love.

When over buried hopes I grieve,

When foes are near, and friends

I faint not, while I still believe
That GOD is Love.

When dearly loved ones fade
and die,

Hope sees unbroken homes on

Faith knows that to Eternity
Our GOD is Love.

When, led by Death's cold
shadowy hand,

On Life's extremest bourn I stand;

I'll know that in the unseen land

My GOD is Love,

I'll yearn for that calm far-off | What time, my soul, sad

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Draw me with cords of tender love,

Fix all my thoughts and hopes above:

Draw me from earth and all below,

Make me in faith and love to grow.

I am a helpless wandering sheep

Oft on the way I fall asleep: JESUS! to rouse my slumbering heart

Thy strength and energy impart.

Oh! never from Thee let me rove,

All my distrustful fears re

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thoughts prevail,

And earthly comforts die; When doubt and fiery fears assail,

Lift up Thy trembling eye

The Son of GOD, our Priest most High,

One perfect Offering pleads; Attentive to the feeblest cry He ever intercedes. For every want, for every care

In Him is plenteous grace; Then raise thine heart in fervent prayer, And all His mercies trace.


Blest thought! He now, Who wept at Lazarus' grave, Who felt, though free from

sin, temptation's power, Regards me, whelmed with sorrow's darksome wave, While gathering fears assail in fiery shower.

He, Who of old, on Galilee's dark sea,

Stilled, with a word, the tempest's sullen roar Can to my lorn, sad spirit say,— Be free!

And waft me gently towards a peaceful shore.

But should this cup, which now seems filled with gall, Decreed in wisdom be my portion still,

He can infuse a drop to sweeten
Constraining grace to love
His holy will.

And when, unveiled, that | Wrestling as our Saviour

grateful heavenly theme,

The mystic chain of Provi

dence appears,


Prostrate in Gethsemane.

All for JESUS, &c.

Those links will aye reflect If through life we're called

the brightest beam, Which unbelief disguised with gloomiest fears.

May GOD's best gifts descend

in balmy shower, Reviving graciously drooping heart;


May He be with me in each trying hour! Then-all is well! though earthly joy depart.


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to suffer

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My heart desires to love and serve Thee: be Thou unto me all, and more than all. Guide my ways; supply my wants; keep me ever near Thee. Let not the world woo me, nor the devil tempt me, nor the flesh betray me; but keep me pure and undefiled before Thee; for JESUS CHRIST'S sake. Amen.

For her Children.

O Thou that art the widow's Judge and orphan's Father: I commend to ThyFatherly care, myself and the children that Thou hast given me. Holy Father, take my children under Thy care, and keep them in Thy fear. Preserve them by Thy grace and mercy. Let me serve Thee in them, and bring them up for Thee, May I never neglect them, nor distrust Thee by overcarefulness. Let my fatherless children find mercy in Thee, O my Father, for Thy Dear Son's sake. Amen.

[For her Husband, Chapter 109.]

The Orphan's Prayer.

O Thou ever-living GOD and Father of all; Father of the fatherless: Be my Father now and for ever.

Keep me from want.

Care for me in my cares.
Comfort me in my griefs.
Give angels to guard me.
Defend me from enemies.
Guard me against wrong.

Teach me how to do good. Convert me in my errors. Give me enough on earth. Make me an heir of heaven. Be my Father, my Guide, and my Salvation. Preserve me on earth: prepare me for heaven. Let me always love and honour Thee as my Father. Thou hast taken me up: leave me not, neither forsake me; but make me like Thy Holy Child JESUS. Amen.

[For Parents departed, Chap ter 109.]

The Prisoner's Prayer.

O merciful GOD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, let the sorrowful sighing of the prisoner come before Thee. Give me not over to Satan as a captive, nor to my lusts as a slave. Let Thy mercy free me from the fetters of guilt, and Thy mercy loose me from the bonds of sin. From chains and darkness in the prison of hell, good LORD deliver me. Save me from continuing in sin and delighting in it. Help me to repent of my sins. Teach me to make humble and holy resolutions of amendment. LORD JESUS, save my soul, for Thou hast redeemed me with Thy Precious Blood. Thou wast once in bonds for me make me Thy freeman in my house of bondage, and remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom. Amen.

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