Labor Laws of the State of Wisconsin and Orders of the Industrial Commission, 1920

Industrial Commission of Wisconsin, 1920 - 341 páginas

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Página 318 - Nothing contained in the antitrust laws shall be construed to forbid the existence and operation of labor, agricultural, or horticultural organizations, instituted for the purposes of mutual help, and not having capital stock or conducted for profit, or to forbid or restrain individual members of such organizations from lawfully carrying out the legitimate objects thereof; nor shall such organizations, or the members thereof, be held or construed to be illegal combinations or conspiracies in restraint...
Página 322 - No such restraining order or injunction shall prohibit any person or persons, whether singly or in concert, from terminating any relation of employment, or from ceasing to perform any worK. or labor, or from recommending, advising, or persuading others by peaceful means so to do...
Página 252 - That no such employee who may be injured or killed shall be held to have been guilty of contributory negligence in any case where the violation by such common carrier of any statute enacted for the safety of employees contributed to the injury or death of such employee.
Página 10 - The commission or any party may in any investigation cause the depositions of witnesses residing within or without the state to be taken in the manner prescribed by law for like depositions in civil actions in circuit courts.
Página 275 - A duly attested transcript of the birth certificate filed according to law with a registrar of vital statistics, or other officer charged with the duty of recording births, which certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the age of such child.
Página 272 - ... or before the hour of seven o'clock in the morning or after the hour of seven o'clock in the evening.
Página 252 - Act, such common carrier may set off therein any sum it has contributed or paid to any insurance, relief benefit, or indemnity that may have been paid to the injured employee or the person entitled thereto on account of the injury or death for which said action was brought.
Página 5 - ... laws- protecting the life, health, safety and welfare of employes in employments and places of employment, frequenters of places of employment...
Página 228 - Every person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written...
Página 5 - The commission shall have power to adopt reasonable and proper rules and regulations relative to all inspections, tests, audits and investigations and to adopt and publish reasonable and proper rules to govern its proceedings and to regulate the mode and manner of all investigations and hearings of public utilities and other parties before it. All hearings shall be open to the public.

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