Imágenes de páginas

50; Craniel development, stature
grounds of justification for their expul-

sion, 50-1.

Indian colony of La Salle, 98.

Indiana territory, 232-9.

and | Lands, public, Gov. Edwards claims for the
State, 343; State allowed to tax after sale
555; Swamp, granted, 572.

[blocks in formation]

Lages, the Big Gate, chief, 191.

La Salle, birth and character, 55; emigrates
to Canada, 56; meets Joliet and discovers
the Ohio, 58; builds Frontenac, 67; builds
warehouse at the Niagara, 69; builds the
Griffin, 70; voyage over the lakes, 71; visits
Illinois, 73; builds fort Crevecœure, 76;
sends Hennepin to explore Upper Miss.
78; journey through Michigan, 79; return
to Illa., 82; forms his Indian colony, 91-98;
explores the Mississippi, discovers its
mouth, and takes possession of the coun-
try in the name of the King of France,
94-6; builds fort St. Louis on Starved Rock
97; placed under arrest and sails for
France, 100; sails from Rochelle with a
colony and lands at Matagorda Bay, 101;
attempts to find the mouth of the Miss., to
return to Canada, and his murder, 102-4;
concealment of his death, 105; massacre
of his colony, 106; greatness of his ex-
plorations, 107.

Law, John, his theory of banking, 115; Mis-
sissippi scheme, 116; public infatuation 118,
note; driven from Paris, 119.
Lawler, Gen., 819.

Laws of the N. W. T., 213; of the Gov. and
Judges, 227; Ills. Territory, 1st grade, 244;
2d grade, 286 ;their frequent changes, 289;
curious territorial, 290; Black, 317, 911.
Lead Mines, 183 and note, 346.

Leavit, David, 486, note.

Le Compt, Mrs., 228.

Legislation, territorial specimens, 289; in
1824-6, 328; in 1861, 869; in 1865, 911; in
1867, 912; in 1869, 933.
Legislature, 1st State, 300.
Lesislative, escapades, 423, 667, 898; squabbles
663; rows, 666, 888; frauds, 886, 888 and
note, and 912.

Levering, Capt. at Gomo's village, 251,
Lewis & Clark's expedition, 234.
Lincoln, A., duelling affair, 623; speech at 1st

Republican convention, 644; plea for har-
mony in 1856, 654; life and character,
702; senatorial canvass, 707; farewell
speech at Springfield, 727; on route to
Washington, 728.

Lindly, his ride, 258.

Literature and Literati, 354.
Little Meadows, battle of, 134.
Lively family murdered, 275.
Lockwood, Judge, 325, 329, 453.
Loftus, Major, repulsed, 155.

Logan, J. A., speech against Bissell, 661;
senator, 715; at Belmont, 754; compli-
ments of Gen. Sherman, 784; at Raymond
and Jackson, 815; Champion Hills, 817;
sketch of, 824, 836; Atlanta, 842; address
to soldiers, 890.

Logan, Stephen T., 647, 868.

Missionary fathers, early French, 110.

Lovejoy, E. P., slavery agitation, 427; his Mississippi scheme, 117.

death, 432.

Missouri levies tribute upon Illinois produce,


Lovejoy, Owen, 653.
Louisiana Territory under the Ind. Territorial Mitchell's campaign, 779.

Gov't., 233.


Mohegans, 91, 94.
Monks' mound, 25.
Moore, Andrew, 257.

Macallister and Stebbins bonds, 426; their Moore, Lt. Gov., 462; sketch of, 465, 525, 537-

funding, 673.

Mackinaw, massacre of, 147.

Mail routes, early, 352.

Maine Law, 606; riot in Chicago, 608.
Marsh, Col., 775, 797.

Marquette, Father, birth and character, 59;
with Joliet discovers the Mississippi, 61;
stops at Kaskaskia on the Ills., 64; estab-
lishes mission of I. C. at the great town
of the Illinois tribes, 65; death, burial and
removal of his remains, 66.

Mascoutins, 6th tribe of the Illinois, 41.
Massac evacuates Du Quesne and builds Fort
Massac, 136.

Massacres, Chicago, 260; Indian Creek, 388;
Mackinaw, 147; Rosalie, 122; of the Tain-
aroas, 89.

M'Arthur, Gen., 760, 791, 818.
M'Clernand, J. A., 454, 469, 600, 649; Belmont
754; Henry, 758; Donelson, 759: Shiloh,
771; commands army of the Miss., and
captures Arkansas Post, 807-8; sketch of,
S10; at Port Gibson, 813; at Black River
Bridge, 817; assault on the entrenchments
of Vicksburg, 819; Union speech, 867,

M'Culloch, Lt. Col., 802.
M'Ilvain, Major, 797.

M'Lean, John, 300, 306; senator, 680.
M'Roberts, Samuel, 322, 329; senator, 683.
Matheny, C. R., 300; J. H., 690, note.
Mather, Thos., 419, 437.
Matteson, Gov., his admin., 599; life and char-
acter, 602; prosperity of the State, 605;
his canal scrip fraud, 668; death, 673,


Meillet's expedition to the St. Joseph, 1778, 172
Membre, Zenobe, 68, 78, 93, 97.
Menard, Pierre, Lt. Gov., 299.
Merchandizing in early times, 351.
Mexican War, 522; calls for volunteers, 523;
response, 524; organization of Regiments,
525; destination, 527; battle of Buena
Vista, 530; Cerro Gordo, 537; 5th and 6th
Regiments, 540-1.

Michigan separated from Ind. 234.
Milburn, Rev. W. H., opinion of Douglas, 710.
Military arrests, 890.

Militia rights, 236.

Militia system, 358; how brought into disre-
pute 361-2.

Mills in early times, 226, 348.

Mormons, 489; their prophet, 489; book of,

490; hegiras, 494; arrival in Ills., 495:
their charters, 496; arrest of their prophet,
497; assassination, 508; trial of the accus-
ed, 513; Apostles assume gov't of church,
511; Mormons driven from Lima and
Green Plains, 516; battle of Nauvoo, 518;
final expulsion, 519.

Morris, Capt. mission to Ills., 1764, 152.
Morris, I. N., 880.

Morrison, Don, 525, 553, 581, 600, 657.
Morrison, Mrs. Robert, sketch of, 229.
Mound Builders, 27.

Mounds, artificial, 24-5-6-8; natural, in N. III,


Mulligan, Col., 749.
Municipal taxation, 936.


Naopope, Indian, 381.
Natches, Indians, La Salle's visit to them,
96-7; massacre of whites by them, 122;
their extermination, 122.

Northwestern Territory gov't proposed for
it in 1784, 206; organized under ordinance
of 1787, 210.

Notable women of old Illinois, 228.
Nauvoo, battle of, 518.

New Design, settlement, 226.
Newspapers, early, 353.

Non resident lands, trespasses upon, 418, note.


Oakley, Chas., fund com'r, 437, 445-
Officers, first State, 300.

Oglesby, Gov., his admin, 907; sketch of, 908;
at Ft. Donelson, 760; at Corinth, 791.
Old Man's creek, battle of, 386.
Ohio company, 133.
Ordinance of 1787, 210, 283.
Osages mislead and murder Spanish expedi
tion against Ills., 121.


Palmer, J, M., at Bloomington conv., 651; Gen.
at Farmington, 783; at Stone River. 792;
Chicamauga, 828, 836; Peach Tree Creek,
841; resigns, 843; Gov., his admin., 929;
life and character, 931; takes State's rights
ground, 933; vetoes, 934; connection with
Chicago fire, 942; embroglio with the mil-
itary authorities, 944,

Missionaries, Jesuits, 53; Recollets, Supitians, Parties, Republican, 635; Whig, dissolution


of, 638; Know-nothing, 646.

Partizan feeling buried and revived in 1861,


Party affairs during rebellion, 866.

Party principals, 336, 356, 365, 417, 441, 462, 552,
600, 642,652,716, 878, 907, 930.

Party tickets, first, in 1838 441.
Peace Congress, members of, 868.

sale, 555;
charters refused under State
policy, 562; policy abandoned, 567; their
bad faith, 568; railroad era dawning, 567;
conventions, 563, 570; extent of, 1851, 571;
3 cent law and tax grabbing law, 934;
municipal taxation for, 934, 936.
Rain fall, mean annual and monthly table, 19.

Peace conventions of the democracy in 1863, Randolph co. established, 227.
Rangers, first organized, 249.

899; in 1864, 904.

Peace movement of the Legislature in 1863, Ransom, Gen., S19; sketch of, 853.


Peck, Ebenezer, 460, note.

Peck, John M., D. D., 326, 355.

Penitenitary, resume of its history, 924.
Pensacola, capture of, 120.

Peoria, early hist. of, 274, note; in 1827, 351,
Peoria Lake, expeditions to, in 1812, 268, 276.
Phillips, Supreme Judge, 300, 326.
Piankishaws, residence and relationship, 41.
Piasa, pictured rocks of, 62, note.
Pioneers in counties, 347, 356, note.
Pitman's report on the French settlements in
1766, 175-6.

Politics of the people in 1830, 356.
Pontiac, his conspiracy, 137; sketch of him,

137, 140; encouraged by the Illinois French,
139, 141, 146; plot frustrated by an Indian
girl, 144; his allies reduce all the forts
west of the Alleghanies, 147; massacres,
149; De Villers in Ills. withholds fur-
ther aid, 151; enraged he raises the siege
of Detroit, and with his warriors visits
Fort Chartres, 154; sends belt of wam-
pum to Southern Indians, 155; repulse of
Major Loftus, and deterring of Capt. Pit-
man at N. Orleans, 155; his embassadors
demand aid from the Gov. of N. Orleans,
156; bends to destiny, 158; meets Crog-
han, 159; last appearance before his con-
guerors, 160; death and burial, 161.

Pope, John, Gen., 768.

Rawlings, fund com'r, 437, 445.
Reaction against peace movement, 889.
Rebellion, Illinois in the War of, 722; cause

of, 723-4; Gov's proclamation, 731; upris-
ing of the people and enlistments, 731,
732,734, 869; schedule of regiments-in-
fantry, 733; cavalry, 738; artillery, 739;
Adj. Gen's office, 738; medical dep't and
camps, 740; patriotism of women, 741;
Soldier's homes and sanitary commissions,
744; occupation of Cario, 733, 743; seizure
of arms from the St. Louis arsenal, 744;
Illinois in Missouri, 746; on the Cumber-
land, Tennessee and Mississippi, 757;
in Northern Miss. and Ala., 769; Ken-
tncky, Northern Miss. and middle Tenn.,
785; Vicksburg campaign, 799, 811; move-
ments on the Miss., Soo; Chattanooga,
campaign, 825; Atlanta (836) and Nash-
ville campaigns S36, 845; Meridian cam-
paign, 851; Red River Expedition, 851;
March to the Sea, S54.
Rector, Stephen, Capt. 279, 280-1.
Red Bird, chief, 372.
Regulators, 292.

Renault, operations in Ills., 120.
Republican party, organization, 635; conven-
tion and first platform, 642; 1st campaign
645; its Bloomington platform, 652; posi-
tion of advanced anti-slavery men 650.
Repudiation, State on verge of, 452.

Pope, Nathaniel, sec of Ill. Ter., 244; in con- Retrospect from 1830, 346.

gress, 295, 296, note.

Population of Illinois in 1765, 163; in 1800, 217,
232, 235; in 1810, 245; in 1820, 302; in
1825, 331; in 1830, 367; in 1835, 438; in 1840,
543; in 1845, 543; in 1850, 664; in 1855,
664; 1860, 720; 1865, 910; 1870, 438.
Posey, Alex., Gen., 392.

Revenue, territorial, 287; State, how raised
305, 307, 338, 367; deficiency, 481; sufficien-
cy, 556.
Reynolds, John, soubriquet of Ranger, 274:
Judge, 301 and note; Gov., his admin., 363;
life and character, 364; message, 366; as
financial agent, 444.

Pottawatamies, origin and early habitation, Reynolds, Thos., Judge, 300, 324.

[blocks in formation]

Ribourde, Gabriel, 68, 88.

Richardson, W. A., candidate for Gov., 650,
656, 661, 878; senator, 715.
Rigs, Capt., 279.
Riot, Chicago, 608, 639.

Rivers, Illinois system, 14; the Fox and Wis-
consin, 395, note.
Rocheblave, 179, 185.

Rogers, Robt., French surrender to him, 138.
Robinson, J. M., senator, 681.
Russell, Col. of U. S. Rangers, 270.
Russell, John, author, 355.
Ryan, Michael, State senator, 484.


Sacs and Foxes, their migrations, wars, settle-
ments, tribal distinction and strength, 36-S;
in Black Hawk War, 373.

Salaries of Ist State officers, 303; in 1825, 329;
constitution of 1848, 548; of 1870, 938.
Sanitary commissions, 742, 886-7.
Seats of Government, 914.

Secret politico-military societies, 894.
Semple, James, senator, 685.

Senators in Congress, sketch of, 679,

Senatorial campaign of Douglas and Lincoln,

J St. Clair, Gov. sketch of, 212; in Ill., 213; his
defeat, 221; confirms land titles, 236.
St. Louis founded, when, 163.
Stampede of horses in B. H. war, 395-
Starved Rock, 79, 90, 97.

State, condition and wealth, 1851-3, 604-5;
growth in 1860, 720; wealth in 1864, 911.
State enabling act, 296.

State policy, 562.

Steamboat, Ist in the west, 293.

Stillman, major in B. H. war, 386.

Sterling, Capt., takes possession of Fort
Chatrres, 156.

Stokes, Capt., seizes St. Louis arsenal, 744-

Settlements, advance of, in 1818, 302; 1830, 346: Stuart, Alex., territorial judge, 243.

[blocks in formation]

Taensas Indians, habitation, life and worship.

Tamoroas, their massacre, 89.
Tax grabbing act, 934.

Shawneetown, 158; settlement and survey, Tax, non-resident, 307.

245, note.

Shawnees, character and migrations, 40;
Shields, James, 524, note, 528, 538; dueling

affairs, 623, 627; senator, 685.

Short, Capt., fight with Indians, 278.

Sickness, fatal, in 1797, 226.

Sims, Capt. in Clark's expedition, 185.

Tecumseh, council with Harrison, 248; his
union of the Northern and Southern tribes

Temperature, mean annual, 19.

Territorial Legislatures, of N. W. T., 227; of
the Ind. T., 239, 242, note; of the Illinois
T., 283, 289; sketch of members, 284.

Slavery, action of Congress, 1784, 207; and in The Nation's guest, La Fayette, 331.

1787, 212.

Slavery in Illinois, French, introduced, 309;

Thomas, Jesse B., election to Congress, 242,
300; senator, 679.
Thompson, Samuel H., 336.

recognized by Great Britain, 310; by Vir-
ginia, 311; prohibited by ordinance of Times, Chicago, suppression of, 892.
1787, 311; Congress petitioned to suspend Tippecanoe, battle of, 256.

restriction, 312; indentured, 314; rendered Times, Hard, 304, 448.

instructions, 202; proclamation, 203; death

at bat, of Blue Licks, 204.

valid by Const. of 1818, 315; bill abolish-Todd, John, Virginia Gov. of Ills., 185; his
ing it vetoed by Gov. Edwards, 316; effort
to amend const. of State to recognize it,
321; conduct of the slavery party, 324; the
advocates for and against, 325-6; the vote


Slaves, No. in Ill., 310, 311.

Sloan, Wesley, 564.

Sloe, Thos. C., 335.

Slocumb, Rigdon B., 365.

Smith, Edward, 443, 435.

Tonti, Henri, accompanies La Salle, 68; at
Ft. Crevecœur, 79, 85; encounter with
the Iroquois, 86; expulsion from the great
town of the Illinois. 88; at the mouth of
the Miss., 94; efforts to rescue La Salle's
colony in Texas, 106; his important ser-
vices, 109.

Topography of the State, 14.

Smith, Joseph, life and character, 489; his ar- Towls, Judge, 244.

rest, 497; his death, 508.

Town, great, of the Illinois Indians, 89, 97.

Smith, T. W., Judge, his impeachment trial, Township organization, 556.

368, 453, 458; dueling affair, 622.

Snyder, Adam W., 462.

Trade and commerce, early, 293, 350.
Treat, S. H., 460.

Society, character of, in 1818, 303; 1830, 357; Treaties, of Paris 141, 164; Indian, 222, 225,

in 1840, 449.

Soil, formation of, 15.

Soldiers in the field, their patriotism, 8oo.
Spanish expedition against Ills., 120.
Sprigg, territorial judge, 243.

St. Ange refuses further aid to Pontiac, 154;
yields Fort Chartres and leave the country,

234, 235, 371, 379.

Treating at elections, 357.
Trembling lands, 394, note.
Tribune, Chicago, 650, 909, 934.
Trotier's mission to Kickapoos, 256.
Trumbull, L., 460, 469, 482, 551; senator,

Turchin, Basil, Gen., sketch of, 782.

Turning point of the State, 473.
Two-mill tax, 546, 550, 555.


Venango, Post, taken, 148.

Vigo, Col., reconnoiters Vincennes, 192, 193.
Vincennes, submission to Virginia, 184; re-
captured by the British, 192; surrender to

Clark, 198.

Vincennes, De, his murder, 126.
Virginia establishes Illinois county, 202.
Voudouism in Ill., 230.


Wait, W. S., 470, 484, 563.

Wall, G. W., 891.

Wallace, W. H. L., sketch of, 777.
War, Chicasaw, 124; French and English,
133; Pontiac's, 137; of the Revolution,
172, 173, 204; Indian, from 1783 to 1795,
217; of 1812, 247, 260, 268; Winnebago.
370; Black Hawk, 373; Mormon, 508; Mex-
ican, 522; Rebellion, 722.

Warren, Hooper, 325, 353.

Wayne, Gen., campaign on Maumee, 225.
Webb., E. B. 43S, 446, 601.

Wells, Lt. Gov., 551, 553, 669, 673.

Waubansee, chief, 266, 394.

Wells, W. Wayne, Capt., 263-5.

ed, 123.

[blocks in formation]

West, Company of the, 115; its charter revok- Young, R. M., state finance agent, 444; sen-

ator, 682.

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