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I saw him like an erratic, lawless meteor without an orbit, sweep across the intellectual sky, brilliant only in its self-consuming fire, generated by friction with the indestructible and eternal truths of God.

That man was the archangel of modern infidelity, and I said, how true the Holy Writ which declared, "The fool hath said in his heart there is no God." Tell me not, O Infidel, there is no risen Christ! What intelligence less than God's could fashion the human body? What motive power is it, if not God, that drives the throbbing engine of the human heart with ceaseless, tireless stroke, sending the crimson stream of life bounding and circling through every vein and artery? Whence and what, if not God, is this mystery we call the human mind? What is it that thinks and feels and knows and acts? Oh, who can deny that divinity stirs within us? The flowers of the field rising from countless graves; the unfolding leaves of the forest heralding the approach of summer; the orchards and the meadows bursting into bloom, and myriads of winged minstrels filling the world with melody, are all the evangels of the Lord, demonstrating before our very eyes, the universal victory of life over death.

Look how the rose hears the far away call of the sun and blushes in the presence of its God. Look how the violet comes forth from its tiny tomb and opens its glad blue eyes to greet the spring. Are they not God's own answer to the question if a man die shall he not live again?

If the germs of inanimate life buried beneath the sod so surely respond to the silent command of summer, who can doubt that man shall rise up out of the unconscious

'dust into eternal life when God shall call? Can it be that the grass and flowers of the field are to be resurrected from the sod of earth, while man, for whom they were made, must sleep on forever?

What is life? What is death? Today we hear a bird singing in the tree-tops. They tell us that is life. Tomorrow the bird lies cold and stiff at the root of the tree. It will sing its song no more. They tell us that is death. A babe is born into the world. It opens its glad eyes to the light of day and smiles in the face of its loving mother. They tell us that is life. The child wanders from the cradle into the sweet fairyland of youth, and dreams among its flowers. But soon youth wakes into manhood and his soul is set afire with ambition. He rushes into the struggles of real life, and soon the lightning begins to flash from the gathering clouds of war; live thunder begins to fall around him, but he stands like a lion at his post, and when the shadow of an invisible wing sweeps across his pillow, a pallor comes over his face, his heart forgets to beat; there is only a gasp, a whispered "I am tired," and tired eyelids are drawn like purple curtains over tired eyes; tired lips are closed forever, tired hands are folded on a motionless breast; and the mystery of life is thus veiled in the mystery of death.

There must be a God. We look up through a telescope into the blue infinite and catch glimpses of His glory. We see millions of suns flaming like archangels on the frontier of stellar space. And still beyond we see on ten thousand fields of light, crowns and shields of spiral wreaths of stars, islands, and continents of suns floating on boundless opal seas. Are there no

Are there

Are there

worlds like ours wheeling around those suns? no eyes but ours to see those floods of light? no sails on those far away summer seas? No wings to cleave that crystal air? Surely there cannot be a universe of suns without a universe of worlds, and reason teaches us that there cannot be a universe of worlds destitute of life.

We turn from the telescope and look down through the microscope, and it reveals in a single drop of water a tiny world teeming with animal life, with forms as perfect as the human body, yet invisible to the naked eye. It cannot be denied that some power beyond this world created them. We know that some power beyond this world created us. We know that they must perish and that we must die, and we know that the power which created them and us and the stars above us lives on forever.

God is everywhere and in everything. His majesty is in every bud and blossom and leaf and tree; in every rock and hill and vale and mountain; in every spring and rivulet and river. The rustle of His wings is in every zephyr; His might is in every tempest; He dwells in the dark pavilions of every storm-cloud. The lightning is His messenger and the thunder is His voice. His awful tread is in every earthquake and on every angry ocean. The heavens above us teem with His myriads of shining witnesses. The universe of solar systems, whose wheeling orbs course the crystal paths of space, proclaim through the dead walls of eternity the glory and honor and dominion of the all-wise, omnipotent and eternal God.





Congressman Meyer London was born in Russia and came to the United States when he was twenty years old. He represented the 12th New York District in the 64th Congress. The following is part of a speech delivered on January 11, 1918, introducing a resolution providing that the United States should initiate the organization of an International League to secure Peace.

[Introduction.-On Friday, January 11, 1918, Hon. Meyer London, the Socialist member from New York, introduced into Congress a resolution providing that the United States should initiate the organization of an International League to secure Peace. Mr. London

spoke in part as follows:]

To the average man the phrase "International Peace" carries with it the idea of something vague, intangible, and infinitely distant. It has always seemed inconceivable that the nations of the world should be able to cooperate. The world's experience of the last three years has shown the contrary. Today, twenty-one nations, representing every race, every continent, every tongue, and every nationality, are engaged in a common and joint effort against four powers. We have in effect an international alliance, international cooperation, an in

ternational league. The thing that seemed a dream of dreamers has come to be true.

The concrete problem which presents itself to us is, can we extend the principle of international cooperation, now shown by the war to be a practicable proposition, into the future? Can we extend its operation so that it will embrace the world, and can we extend it so that it should have as its primary and sole object to secure, as far as is humanly possible, a durable peace? The four powers have so far been able to defy the rest of the world. But is it not primarily due to the fact that, with the exception of Russia, France, and England, each of the other allied powers entered the contest when it suited its own convenience? Does anbody doubt that had there been an International League to take simultaneous action against the invader of Serbia we should have been spared the present world tragedy?

The normal state of mankind is peace. That it is desirable all the nations of the world and all religions agree. The fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man constitute one of the fundamental concepts of every religious system. The pity of it is that these sacred words have been used so long by those who render lip prayer only, that the phrase has lost all meaning,

and one is almost ashamed to utter the sentiment. I intend to prove that not only is it desirable to establish lasting order in the relations of peoples, but that much progress has been made in the direction of finding the proposition a practicable one. Astonishing progress has been made. We find Mr. Taft, a gentleman of judicial mind, uniting on the proposition of the desirability and possibility of such a league with Trotsky, who has

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