Imágenes de páginas

world, man shall put it there; that even if all evolution be necessarily truncated, yet moral evolution, so long as our race lasts, there shall be; that even if man's virtue be momentary, he shall act as though it were an eternal gain." It was an inspiring message that the finer spirits of the French Revolution bequeathed as a legacy to the nineteenth century; is not the message equally inspiring which the one great poet left living at the close of the nineteenth century has brought to the twentieth as a gift? That message is again illustrated, and if possible even more impressively, in the poem entitled "Super Flumina Babylonis.”

"Unto each man his handiwork, unto each his crown,

The just Fate gives;

Whoso takes the world's life on him and his own lays down, He, dying so, lives.

"Whoso bears the whole heaviness of the wronged world's weight And puts it by,

It is well with him suffering, though he face man's fate;
How should he die?

"Seeing death has no part in him any more, no power
Upon his head;

He has bought his eternity with a little hour,
And is not dead.

"For an hour, if ye look for him, he is no more found,
For one hour's space;

Then ye lift up your eyes to him and behold him crowned, A deathless face.

"On the mountains of memory, by the world's well-springs,

In all men's eyes,

Where the light of the life of him is on all past things,
Death only dies."

[blocks in formation]

Beers, H. A., 2.

Beethoven, L. van, 50.
Berkeley, G., 55.
Björnson, B., 340.

Blackwood's Magazine, 24.
Boehme, J., 113.
Boerne, L., 70.

Brandes, G., 81, 107-9, 207.
British Critic, 83.
Brooke, S., 54, 57.
Brown, F. M., 290.
Browning, E. B., 4, 12, 147.
Browning, R., 38, 54, 57, 58,
140, 192-220, 247, 269, 292,

Bruno, G., 112, 113.
Buchanan, R., 297.
Burke, E., 36, 57, 99.
Burne-Jones, E., 287, 289, 290,
Burns, R., 68.

Byron, G. G., 13, 25, 35, 59,
64-95, 106, 107, 120, 141, 361.

Caine, H., 84.
Canning, G., 147.

Campbell, J. D., 126.
Carducci, G., 348.

Carlyle, T., 72, 73, 80, 93, 114,
116, 125, 227, 273, 346, 358,

Carman, B., 282.

Chamisso, A. v., 70.

Castelar, E., 49.

Chapman, G., 43, 380.

Chartism, 193, 342.

Classicism, 179.


Chaucer, 322-4, 326-7.

(See Ro-

Coleridge, S. T., 35, 37, 55, 87,

96-127, 131, 142, 176, 199.
Colvin, S., 27, 179-80, 187.
Condorcet, J. de, 38.
Constant, B., 117.

Convention of Cintra, 146,
Corson, H., 11.
Cowper, W., 59, 142.
Crabbe, G., 142.

Dante, 46, 49, 203, 301-6.
Darwin, C., 35, 212, 242.
Delavigne, C., 70.
De Quincey, T., 166.
DeVere, A., 154.
Dial, 288.

Dickens, C., 186.
Didactic literature, 8.
Dowden, E., 34, 65, 70, 76, 94,
103, 118, 147, 149, 163.
Drachmann, H., 81.

Eastern Question Association,

Edinburgh Review, 24.
Education, 277-80.

Emerson, R. W., 210, 288, 376.
English society, 16, 66, 81-2.
Ethics, 186, 382.

Evolution, 2, 211-6, 239-43.
(See Darwin.)

Fichte, J. G., 111.

Fitz Gerald, E., 236.
Flaubert, G., 70.

Forman, H. B., 31, 272, 299,

Fox, C. J., 36, 173.
Freedom, 105-7, 144, 267.
French Revolution, 3, 15, 36,
37, 39, 43-4, 64, 97-8, 100,
135-9, 161, 163, 193, 268,
284, 306, 383.

Galton, A., 271.

Gates, L. E., 275, 281.
Gentleman's Magazine, 58.
Germ, 286.

German literature, 114.
Gifford, W., 173.
Godwin, W., 41, 163.

Goethe, 10, 29, 46, 69, 73, 74,

83, 105, 115, 143, 117, 189,
228, 229, 235, 257, 273, 376.
Gosse, E., 286.

Greek Revolution, 51, 91, 92,
Guiney, L. I., 32.

[blocks in formation]

Hugo, V., 57, 70, 75, 373.
Hunt, H., 292.
Hunt, L., 24.

Huxley, T. H., 214.

Ibsen, H., 80, 106, 335, 340.
Iceland, 332, 334.

Immermann, K., 70.

Italy, 161-2, 370-1.

Jackson, A., 174.
Johnson, S., 119.
Jones, H., 201.
Joubert, J., 33.

Kant, I., 35, 55, 111, 112, 115,
235, 379.

Keats, J., 1-32, 35, 55, 61, 87,

Kingsley, C., 342.

Lamartine, A. de, 70.
Lamb, C., 120, 125.

Landor, W. S., 3, 13, 38, 91-2,
100, 159-191, 195-6, 321, 371.
Lang, A., 60.

Leopardi, G., 80.
Lessing, G. E., 115.
Liberty. (See Freedom.)
Life and poetry, 7, 12.
Llandaff, Bishop of, 137.
Lowell, J. R., 135, 155, 182,

Mackail, J. W., 324, 332-3,
335, 341.

Madison, J., 173.

Magnusson, E., 332.

Mallock, W. H., 5.

Martineau, J., 238.

Masson, D., 17.

Maurice, F. D., 342.

Mazzini, G., 69, 72, 93, 171,
367-9, 371.

Mickiewicz, A., 69.

Mill, J. S., 5, 112, 116, 124-5.

[blocks in formation]

Quarterly Review, 24.

Republicanism, 173-5, 371-3.
Religion, 55-8, 149-51, 176-7,
200, 222, 224, 232-3, 238-9,
252-4, 264-6, 270-2, 310-2,
Renan, E., 346.

Romanticism, 1, 178.
Rossetti, C., 4, 286, 301.
Rossetti, D. G., 197, 284-315,
Rossetti, G., 301.
Rossetti, M. F., 301.
Rossetti, W. M., 48.

Rousseau, J. J., 37, 75, 76, 77,

Royce, J., 200.

Ruskin, J., 253, 287, 339-40.

Sagas, 332.

Sainte-Beuve, C. A., 76.
Saintsbury, G., 357.
Santayana, G., 218-9.
Saturday Review, 19, 365.
Schelling, F. W. J., 111-2.
Schopenhauer, A., 78-80, 214.
Scott, W., 4, 114, 154.
Shakespeare, W., 18, 119, 123,
207, 359.

Sharp, W., 317, 335.

Shelley, P. B., 6, 13, 28, 33-63,
64-6, 68, 78, 87, 89, 106, 107,
110, 138, 150, 197-9, 280,
361, 373.

Shorey, P., 239, 247.

Sidney, P., 5.

Singleton, A., 29.

Smith, G., 207.
Socialism, 342-3.

Southey, R., 4, 37, 98, 104, 142,

Spain, 145, 165.

Spencer, H., 212.

Spinoza, B., 235, 259, 376.
Staël, Mme. de, 117.

Stedman, E. C., 160, 178, 189,
291, 328, 352.

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