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and J. W. Pierce, as a Committee appointed by the Chair to examine the same.

This Committee reported the certificates of the delegates from Trinity and Union Churches, Claremont; St. John's, Portsmouth; Trinity, Cornish; St. Andrew's, Hopkinton; St. Peter's, Drewsville; St. Michael's, Manchester; St. Paul's, Con-. cord; Grace, Plainfield, as being in due form.

The list of the Lay Delegates was then called, and the following gentlemen appeared:

Trinity Church, Claremont-Thomas Leland, Isaac Hubbard, Simeon Ide.

Union Church, Claremont-Danford Rice, James H. Draper, Chester P. Smith.

St. John's Church, Portsmouth-J. W. Pierce.

Trinity Church, Cornish-Israel Hall, John L. Putnam.
St. Andrews Church, Hopkinton-Matthew Harvey.

St. Peter's Church, Drewsville-March Chase, Hope Lathrop, George Chase.

St. Michael's Church, Manchester-Samuel F. Wetmore. The Convention then proceeded to ballot for a Secretary, when the Rev. W. H. Moore was re-elected, who, by vote of • the Convention, made choice of Rev. D. G. Wright as Assistant Secretary.

On motion, the following Rules of Order were adopted:


1. The Morning Service of the Church shall be performed every day during the Session of the Convention.

2. When the President takes the Chair, no member shall continue standing, or shall afterwards stand up, except to address the Chair.

3. No member shall absent himself from the service of the Convention, unless he have leave, or be unable to attend.

4. When any member is about to speak, or to deliver any matter to the Convention, he shall, with due respect, address himself to the President, confining himself strictly to the point in debate.

5. No member shall speak more than twice in the same debate, without leave of the Convention.

6. While the President is putting any question, the members shall continue in their seats, and shall not hold any private discourse.

7. Every member who shall be in the Convention when any question is put, shall, on a division, be counted, unless he be personally interested in the discussion.

8. No motion shall be considered as before the Convention, unless seconded, and when required, reduced to writing.

9. When a motion is under consideration, no other motion shall be made, except to amend, to divide, to commit, or to postpone it; but a motion to adjourn shall always be in order, and shall be decided without debate. A question on amendment shall be decided before the original motion.

10. All Committees shall be appointed by the President, unless otherwise ordered.

11. The report of each Committee shall be made in writing, when so requested by any member of the Convention.

12. When the Convention is about to rise, every member shall keep his seat until the President leaves his chair.

On motion, resolved, That clergymen officiating in this Diocese, but not canonically resident here; clergymen of other Dioceses; and candidates for orders who may be present be admitted to sittings of the Convention; when Mr. Ezra Jones, candidate for orders in New Hampshire; Rev. Joel Clapp, and Rev. Albin K. Putnam, of Vermont, appeared and took seats.

On motion, the Convention took a recess till 3 o'clock, for the purpose of attending divine service. Morning prayer was read by Rev. W. H. Moore, Rev. Wm. Horton reading the lessons. A sermon was then preached by the Rev. Dr. Burroughs, from Revelations 2: 10. After which Mr. Isaac G. Hubbard was ordained Deacon, by the Bishop.

Wednesday, 3 o'clock.

The Convention was called to order. The President then proceeded to deliver before the Convention the following


Beloved Brethren of the Clergy and Laity:

The circumstances, under which I address you to-day, are to me, to you, and to the Churches of this ecclesiastical jurisdiction, of a very interesting nature. The clerical brother of a portion of you, and of you all the Christian brother in one communion and fellowship, who has occasionally been present in your conventions as an observer and listener, I return now after an absence of twenty-five years in the labors of another field, to employ what remains of life and labor in my native State. Nor do I come merely for the purpose of exchanging one parish for anotherone scene of ministerial toil for an equal and similar scene. It has pleased God and yourselves to call me to the sacred office of a Bishop in his Church, and in obedience to this call I come hither in strength not my own, and with but a humble estimate of my qualifications for the discharge of such high duties, to act as chief shepherd to this portion of Christ's universal flock. Even a quarter of a century, passed in most interesting labors amidst the flocks of another pasture, myself cheered and strengthened by associations and sympathies most sweet-fellow-laborer with brethren of the holy calling most dear-blessed with a pastoral charge, where all that I could desire of kindness and confidence and indulgent affection I freely enjoyed-has not deprived me of the ability to bring back a warm and earnest heart to the social institutions, and especially to the Church of my native State. To my brethren of the clergy, and to my brethren the lay

representatives of this Diocese, on this first occasion of meeting under our new relations, I present my affectionate greetings; and in humble, sincere reliance, as I trust, on the presence and help of the Spirit of Christ, I tender the assurance of my lively sympathies in all your cares and trials, and my ready co-operation in such plans and measures of usefulness as the cause of Christ may demand at our hands. Whether "the days of my appointed time" be many or few, I have given them to Christ by a vow of solemn dedication, and have become " your servant for Jesus' sake"-subdued and humbled under the consideration, that necessity is laid upon me, that "I count not my life dear unto myself, so that I may finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus."

In fulfilment of the intention expressed in my answer to the note of the Committee, who informed me of my election, I repaired to the city of Philadelphia, where, during the session of the General Convention, on the 20th day of October last, I was duly consecrated to the office of Bishop, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Illinois, assisted by the Rt. Rev. Bishops Brownell, Onderdonk, Ives, and Smith. Returning shortly after this solemnity to Claremont, where at the preceding Easter I had accepted the rectorship of Trinity Church, I began immediately to turn my thoughts to an early visitation of the Churches of the Diocese.

I shall now proceed to give you such an account of acts, facts and occurrences, as I deem to be demanded by the Canons of the Church, or by the condition and prospects of the Diocese. Of course, but little can have been done beyond a visitation of the Churches, during the few months, which have elapsed since the commencement of my Episcopal labors. With much interest I have looked forward to the assembling of this Convention, and especially to a meeting with my brethren of the clergy, in the hope that, by our united counsels, some plans may be formed and measures taken for the invigoration and advancement of the Church in the field committed to us.

My first public official act was performed in Union Church, Claremont, Nov. 6, 1844, where I preached in the afternoon and confirmed five persons, the Rev. Mr. Smith, the Rector, reading prayers. A good congregation assembled, and it was a season of solemnity to us all-the more so from a fact stated to me by the Rector-which was, that in this very Church, thirty-three years ago, my venerated and sainted predecessor, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Griswold, held his first Confirmation. The coincidence could not fail to impress me deeply, and I could not leave the altar until I had secretly offered a prayer, that I might have grace to "walk in the steps of his most holy life," and that I might be enabled, as he so eminently was, to give myself, soul and body, health and strength, time and substance, to the work of the Lord as a chief pastor. On Sunday, the 22nd of the present June, I again visited Union Church, preached, and confirmed nine persons-the Rev. Mr. Wright reading prayers. This service was held at 5 o'clock, P. M., when a very numerous congregation attended. The whole number confirmed in this parish is fifteen.

Friday, Nov. 15.-I visited St. Peter's Church, Drewsville-preached

twice and confirmed one person-the Rector, the Rev. Mr. Sprague, and the Rev. Mr. Putnam, my successor at Bellows' Falls, whom I here had the pleasure of meeting, assisting in the appropriate services. I can safely say, that this Church has never been in a condition so prosperous and so promising. The faithful and unremitting efforts of the Rector draw forth a ready response on the part of the people of that parish, as is shown in an increase of confidence, numbers, zeal and devotion to the various duties recognized as binding on our household of faith. This parish is free from debt, has a neat and commodious Church, which has recently been furnished with a bell, and a parsonage sufficient for the accommodation of a small family. The income of lands in the town, to which it seems to be entitled, when received, will place this parish above the necessity, as I trust, of asking for much, if any, further aid from abroad.

Nov. 23.-At the request of the Rev. Mr. Smith, of Union Church, Claremont, I visited and confirmed a sick person belonging to that parish. This was a case of clinical Confirmation, the person, a lady, being in the last extremity, and devoutly desirous of renewing the baptismal vows and of receiving the holy Eucharist. These two services, thus closely connected, at the bedside of one about to depart on the wings of hope to better worlds, in the unimpaired possession of faculties, and with a clear consciousness of death's approach, constitute one of the greatest and most affecting solemnities that can possibly be conceived.

Nov. 27.-1 visited Trinity Church, Cornish-preached, and confirmed two persons-the Rev. Mr. Staples reading the evening service. During the last two years this gentleman has divided his labors between this and Grace Church, Plainfield. Trinity Church, Cornish, is one of the oldest of our Churches, though far from being one of the strongest or most flourishing, having suffered much, it is said, by emigration. Churches enjoying but half services, generally rise to a certain stage, and there remain stationary-seldom cheering the hearts of Zion's friends by any remarkable tokens of vigorous life and activity. It is exceedingly desirable and a fit subject for prayer, that the Lord would look graciously on this ancient and worthy flock, and strengthen them in heart and hand to raise the means, in addition to the income of funds, for the full support of a pastor. Mr. Staples resigned his charge at Easter, and is now engaged as a secular teacher at Windsor, Vt., though still ecclesiastically as well as personally resident in this Diocese. He is succeeded in both of these Churches by the Rev. D. G. Wright, who, as I have reason to think, has a fair prospect of laboring with acceptance and effect. Most earnestly should we pray that God will bless his zealous labors, and warm the hearts of his people with a self-denying love, to the cause of Christ and the Church, that they may strive together for the faith of the Gospel. Glad indeed shall I be to see the day, when the people of Trinity Church, the birth Church of our senior Bishop, shall feel so "strong in the Lord and in the power of his might," as to give full support to a minister. I have requested the Rev. Mr. Staples to administer the Holy Communion to them during the diaconate of the Rev. Mr. Wright, to do which he kindly expressed his readiness.

Nov. 28.-I visited Grace Church, Plainfield, in company with the Rev. Mr. Staples, preached twice and confirmed one person. The weather was stormy, and we met but a small congregation. Here, if means could be raised for the entire support of a clergyman, apparently much good might be done. There are a few families of decided Episcopalians, who might serve as a nucleus for large and vigorous accretions. It is, however, a discouragement to some degree, that our friends have not the entire ownership or control of a house of worship, various sects being owners in part. The usual congregation is represented to be numerous, averaging more than one hundred persons. A faithful preaching of the word and ministering of the sacraments, including a clear and candid illustration and enforcement of the distinguishing principles of the Church, may, with the divine blessing, eventually gather here a good parish. Much will depend on the zeal and prudent decision of our few friends now there.

Dec. 23.-I held a Confirmation in Trinity Church, Claremont, of which 1 am Rector, when ten persons were confirmed. Again, on Palm Sunday, March 16th, I confirmed two persons-making twelve in all. I certainly can do no otherwise than represent this Church as in a condition highly prosperous and happy. The congregation is large and increasing; but I need not anticipate the parochial report, and I add no more here.


Jan. 9, 1845.-I commenced a visitation of the eastern part of the Dio At St. Andrew's Church, Hopkinton, on that day I preached twice. The weather was stormy, and the attendance not numerous. I found here, and was assisted by, the Rev. Silas Blaisdale, late from Massachusetts, who, in compliance with an invitation of the Vestry, had taken charge about the end of the preceding October. For several years past this parish has suffered greatly in consequence of deaths, removals, and individual misfortunes in business. The Hon. John Harris, often a member of your Convention, and well known in the Diocese as a firm, zealous and efficient friend of the Church, departed this life a few weeks since. I look with confidence for the Saviour's blessing on the wise, patient and zealous labors of this early personal friend, the Rev. Mr. Blaisdale, in the due return of gladdening fruits. In this Church of my nativity may the sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty be multiplied.

Jan. 10. I visited St. Paul's Church, Concord, preached twice, and confirmed nine persons. The Rev. Darius R. Brewer, in succession to the Rev. Mr. Ten Broeck, who resigned the rectorship shortly after the last Convention, accepted the proffered charge about the first of November last, and has been laboring very assiduously and effectively to the present time. The congregation, as well as the communion list, is increasing in such a manner as encourages us to hope that we shall, ere long, have in the capital of our State a Church full of vital warmth and energy, and independant of all but the blessing of God. It is deemed to be of the greatest importance that this Church should be sustained and strengthened. Many persons from different parts of the State, drawn to this point by public business, will be likely to make here the beginning of an acquaint

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