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jesty's government has long anxiously desired to bring to a satisfactory conclusion; and enables an arrangement to be made for the immediate payment of that proportion of the original award, which was ordered to be conditionally liquidated by the lords commissioners of his majesty's treasury.

The enlarging of the jurisdiction of the courts of request, will, I trust, tend greatly to simplify the practice of those courts, and facilitate the disposal of cases which can be brought under their cognizance. The enactment which you have sanctioned for the amendment of the penal code, must, while it renders the administration of justice more efficacious, prevent that frequent recurrence of mitigation of punishment appointed by the statutes, which has hitherto necessarily taken place through the intervention of the power of the crown, and which enervated the general authority of the law.

Gentlemen of the House of Assembly

I have to thank you, in his majesty's name, for the supplies which you have granted for the public service, and for carrying on public works and improvements, and for the support of charitable institutions.

Hon. Gentlemen and Gentlemen

An efficient measure, having in view the means of extending instruction in every township, is now, perhaps, become more necessary, and would prove more acceptable

to the province, than at any former period.

During the recess, much information may be obtained by you, in different townships with which you are in constant communication, that may assist you in maturing a system for the accomplishment of this object.

With respect to the distribution of school lands, I may assure you that should it be desirable to select small portions of land for the especial use of any particular district or township, such arrangements as may be required, can be made without difficulty. Indeed I am convinced that the reservation of large blocks of land for the support of schools, depreciates the value of the endowment, and impedes the settlement of the country.

Under the present very favourable circumstances, in availing yourselves of the credit and resources of the province to improve the navigation of rivers, and to construct harbors and canals, you are, doubtless, providing ample means for augmenting the capital of the colony; but it is impossible to estimate too highly the advantage the province will derive by establishing carriage roads from the

canals and lakes to the back townships; although the outlay in forming them would be great, the revenue of every individual would be increased in proportion to the expense, and capital would be impelled into those channels which are most benefical to the community.




I am glad, after a long separation, again to have recourse to your wisdom and support. In the interval, my government has been exposed to serious trials. It has overcome them by its own strength; it has triumphed over factions.

Deceived by the generosity of our institutions, by our respect for the guaranties of public rights, they have miscalculated the strength of a legal and moderate policy. In Paris, in the name of the republicin the west, in the name of the counter revolution-they have attacked by force of arms the established order.

The attempts at republicanism, as well as counter-revolution, have been quelled.

The days of the 5th and 6th of June have made manifest the perversity and the imbecility of the friends of anarchy. They have made clear the danger of a policy which would temporize with subversive passions instead of crushing them in their birth. Constitutional monarchy has recognised its true friends and its true defenders in that generous population of Paris, in that intrepid national guard, in that brave and faithful army who have so energetically repulsed such attempts.

I have been very happy that my presence, by encouraging good citizens, has hastened to put down sedition.

It has been seen what force a constitutional king may find in the support of the nation, when compelled to have recourse to arms to defend the crown which he has been called on to wear, and the institu

tions which he has sworn to main


We have had to deplore in the west,insurrections and odious crimes. The mass of the population have not taken any part in it; and whenever the rebellion has broken out, it has been speedily extinguished. therefore, the culpable authors of civil war, who have so many times desolated those districts, lose all hope of a counter-revolution, as impossible in my eyes as in yours; for they find us unanimous to suppress it, always faithful to our oaths, and ready to unite our destinies with those of the country.

A recent event, and decisive for the public peace, will destroy the last illusions of this party.

Gentlemen, at Paris, as in the west, my government has been able to borrow from the existing laws all the energy compatible with justice. For like crimes like repression is necessary. In these critical days it was necessary that the defenders of public order and of liberty should find in the firm resolution of the governing power the support which they demanded.

It will be your task to examine whether our legislative provisions do not require in all this respect to be revised and completed, and by what measures the safety of the state and the liberty of the subject may at once be guarantied.

It is by persevering in this course of moderation and justice that we shall show ourselves faithful to the principles of our glorious revolution. This is the system which you have strengthened by your concurrence, and which has been sustained with

so great constancy by the able and courageous minister whose loss we deplore. Already the happy effects of this system are everywhere felt. Within, confidence revives; commerce and industry have resumed their course; Providence has spread its treasures over our fields; the scourge which so cruelly desolated us, has gone from us, and every thing promises us the prompt reparation of the evils by which we are afflicted.

Without, the pledges of national prosperity are not the less secure.

I have every reason to reckon on the pacific dispositions of foreign powers, and on the assurances which every day receive.


The intimate union which has been formed between France and Great Britain, will be to both nations a fertile source of welfare and of strength, and to all Europe a new guaranty of peace.

One question alone, might have prolonged in Europe some uneasiness. Notwithstanding the efforts of my government, the treaty of the 15th of November, 1831, which was to consummate the separation of Belgium and Holland, remained unexecuted; the means of conciliation seem to be exhausted; the object was not obtained. I considered that such a state of things could not continue without compromising the dignity and interests of France. The moment was come to provide for the execution of treaties, and to fulfil the engagements contracted towards Belgium. The king of Great Britain has participated in my sentiments. Our two flags wave together at the mouths of the Scheldt; our army, whose discipline and good spirit equal its valour, has arrived at this moment under the walls of Antwerp. My two sons are in its ranks.

In giving to the king of the Belgians my dear daughter, I have strengthened by a new tie the alliance of the two nations. The act which consecrated this solemn union, will be laid before you.

I have also given orders to my ministers to communicate to you the treaty concluded on the 4th of July, 1831, between my government and that of the United States of America. This transaction puts an end to the reciprocal claims of the two countries.

You will also be informed of the treaty by which Prince Otho of Bavaria is called to the throne of Greece. I shall have to request of you the means of guaranteeing efficiently with my allies, an indispensable loan for the consolidation of a new state, founded by our care and assistance.

I request that our fundamental legislation may be promptly completed. The laws announced by the 69th article of the Charter, will be presented to you in the course of the session.-You will have to delibe. rate on the responsibility of ministers, on the departmental and municipal administrations, on the organi, zation of public instruction, and on the condition of officers.

Several other laws of less political importance, but of great interest to the affairs of the country, will also be presented to you.

I regret that I am not able at present to propose to you any reduction of the public charges; our duty towards France, and the circumstances in which we are placed, impose on us still heavy sacrifices; but the general position of Europe permits us to anticipate their conclusion. The future appears to us under favourable auspices; credit is sustained and is strengthened, and indubitable signs attest the progress of national wealth.

A few efforts more, and the last traces of the anxieties inseparable from a great revolution will disappear. The feeling of confidence in the future; and then will be realized the most cherished of my

wishes-that of seeing my country raise itself to the height of prosperity, for which it has a right to aspire, and of being able to say, that my efforts have not been useless in the fulfilment of its destinies.


The session of the states-general of Holland was opened at the Hague on the 15th Oct. 1832 by the king in person, when his majesty delivered the following speech.

High Mightinesses

During the last months of the session that has just closed, I had some hope of being able, at the opening of this session, to announce to you the cessation of the state of disquietude in which the country has been kept for these two years, in consequence of the Belgian revolution. My hopes have not been fully realized; the forbearance which North Holland has displayed, and the sacrifices I imposed upon my. self, instead of leading to a reasonable solution, have of late only in creased the exactions it is sought to force upon us.

The communications that will be made to you by my orders, respecting the state of the negotiations, will convince you that the condescension of which we have given proofs, has reached its utmost bounds-those which are fixed by the honour, the independence, and the safety of the country. In the meanwhile I am happy in being able to announce to you, that I have received from the foreign powers fresh marks of interest. I am equally happy to be able, in this state of things, to assure your high

mightinesses, that the means of defence organized along our frontiers are on the most satisfactory footing, and that our land and sea forces merit the greatest praise for their discipline, their warlike ardour, and their fidelity, and fully answer to the care that has been constantly bestowed upon them.

If, contrary to all expectation, the interest of the country should require a greater display of forces, I am even now prepared for that purpose with all the necessary means, fully relying on the assent of the nation.

The provincial and communal administrations have terminated their labours relative to the levy of the militia and communal guards (Schuttereyen,) for the present year; these labours have been executed with promptitude and perfect order. The young conscripts manifest the greatest eagerness in join ing their corps, and rival our old soldiers in faithfully performing their duty. The fate of the defenders of the country has excited my anxious solicitude. All the supplies of the war department are ensured by the generous gifts of the Netherlanders.

Amidst the internal and satisfactory tranquillity of the country, our colonies are supplied with the troops and ships necessary for their defence. The fisheries and commerce have

received the requisite protection. Tranquillity also prevails in our possessions beyond sea. A more economical administration, which we have established in the East Indies, and the great extension given there to agriculture, the salutary influence of which is already felt, inspire us with a hope that our possessions in the East Indies will soon supply our commerce with a new element tend. ing to the prosperity of the country. Our commerce and our navigation, have experienced an increase rather than a diminution, thanks to the activity and intelligence of the mercantile classes, and ship owners. If the force of circumstances has diverted them from their primitive directions, new openings for enterprise have been made, and they have considerably extended.

Thus your high mightinesses will perceive that we still occupy among commercial nations the rank that belongs to us, and which I hope to preserve to my beloved and loyal subjects, in spite of all violent and treacherous attempts. (Here the king mentioned the flourishing state of agriculture, the order now prevailing in every branch of the administration, the excellent state of the canals and dykes, the improvement of literature and the sciences, and the appearance of the cholera in Holland.)

Several important laws will be presented to you. Several questions for modifying the civil code are ready to be laid before you. I even entertain a hope that during the present session, you will be able to revise the whole of the civil code.

Following up the measures already adopted, I shall submit to your high mightinesses a statement

of the increase in the wants of the state for next year, and the means that have been thought most efficacious to supply them.

As to the extraordinary expenses which may result from a prolongation of existing circumstances, I wish to continue the use of the means which you have found eligible for some time past, and which the persons interested have adopted without hesitation. Thus the necessity of forced contributions is removed; public credit is improving, and the treasury, managed with order and economy, remains in a state to answer every demand.

Nevertheless the burthens which the nation has to support continually are heavy, and the prospect of the future is still gloomy; but the Netherlanders, animated with a sense of honour and a spirit of patriotism, bear them with resignation, and gladly bring their gifts for the defence of their fellow citizens.

These sentiments are tranquilizing for us. A nation who call to mind the glory of their ancestors, and who, in the present day, distinguish themselves by their love of order and submission to the laws, has a right to the respect of other nations.

It is in the approbation of the nation and in the sentiment of our just rights, that we find the most powerful support for the consolidation of the interests of the kingdom, as well as the well-grounded hope that, strengthened by measured confidence in the decrees of the Almighty, we shall enable our compatriots, when the time shall come, to gather the fruit of the most noble persever


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