BE TRUE TO THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Letter to a Public Meeting in Ohio, on the Anniversary of the Ordinance of WHERE LIBERTY IS, THERE IS MY PARTY. Speech on calling the Free-Soil State Convention to Order, at Worcester, September 12, THE FREE-SOIL PARTY EXPLAINED AND VINDICATED. Address to the People of Massachusetts, reported to and adopted by the Free- Soil State Convention at Worcester, September 12, 1849 WASHINGTON AN ABOLITIONIST. Letter to the Boston Daily Atlas, EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW: UNCONSTITUTIONALITY OF SEPARATE COLORED SCHOOLS IN MASSACHUSETTS. Argument before the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, in the Case of Sarah C. Roberts CHARACTER AND HISTORY OF THE LAW SCHOOL OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Report of the Committee of Overseers, February 7, 278 280 282 322 327 377 STIPULATED ARBITRATION, OR A CONGRESS OF NATIONS, WITH THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AND THE CONSTITUTION OF 425 . 441 FAME AND GLORY. AN ORATION BEFORE THE LITERARY SOCIETIES OF AMHERST COLLEGE, AT THEIR ANNIVERSARY, AUGUST 11, 1847. But if there be in Glory aught of good, MILTON, Paradise Regained. VOL. II. 1 A Da veniam scriptis, quorum non gloria nobis OVID, Epist. ex Ponto, III. ix., 55, 56. Singulari in eo negotio usus opera Flacci Pomponii, consularis viri, nati ad omnia quæ recte facienda sunt, simplicique virtute, merentis semper quam captantis gloriam.. VELLEIUS PATERCULUS, Hist., Lib. II. Cap. 129. Non privatim solum, sed publice furimus. Homicidia compescimus, et singulas cædes; quid bella, et occisarum gentium gloriosum scelus? — SENECA, Epist. XCV. § 30. Tanto major famæ sitis est quam Virtutis! Quis enim virtutem amplectitur ipsam, Præmia si tollas? JUVENAL, Sat. X. 140-142. Wealth and children are the ornament of this present life; but good works, which are permanent, are better, in the sight of thy Lord, with respect to the reward, and better with respect to hope. — Koran, tr. Sale, Ch. 18. For ages mingled with his parent dust, From the PERSIAN, by Sir William Jones: Life, p. 98. Then Peredur returned to his mother and her company, and he said to her, "Mother, those were not angels, but honorable knights." Then his mother swooned away. -The Mabinogion, tr. Lady Charlotte Guest, Vol. I. P 300. One day he met a poor woman weeping bitterly; and when he inquired the cause, she told him that her only brother, her sole stay and support in the world, had been carried into captivity by the Moors. Dominick could not ransom her brother; he had given away all his money, and even sold his books, to relieve the poor; but he offered all he could, himself to be exchanged as a slave in place of her brother. tonished at such a proposal, fell upon her knees before him. offer, but she spread the fame of the young priest far and wide. — JAMESON, Legends of the Monastic Orders: St. Dominick. - he offered up The woman, as She refused his Lord! what honor falls to a knight that he kills many men! The hangman killeth more with a better title. It were better to be butchers of beasts than butchers of our brethren, for this were more unnatural.— WYCLIFFE, Of the Seven Deadly Sins. Gueres ou peu il s'est aydé des gens d'espée en ses ambassades, si-non que de ses gens de plume, ayant opinion que l'espée ne sceut tant bien entendre ses affaires, ny les conduire et démesler, comme la plume. - BRANTÔME, Vies des Hommes Illustres et Grands Capitaines François, Discours XLV. He lives in fame that died in virtue's cause. SHAKESPEARE, Titus Andronicus, Act I. Sc. 2. Could rise or stand without this thirst of glory, In envious travel for the public good? Who would in books search after dead men's ways? F. GREVILLE, LORD BROOKE, Fame and Honor. Boccaline has this passage of soldiers. They came to Apollo to have their profession made the eighth liberal science, which he granted. As soon as it was noised up and down, it came to the butchers, and they desired their profession might be made the ninth. "For," say they, "the soldiers have this honor for the killing of men: now we kill as well as they; but we kill beasts for the preserving of men, and why should not we have honor likewise done to us?" Apollo could not answer their reasons, so he reversed his sentence, and made the soldier's trade a mystery, as the butcher's is.—SELDEN, Table Talk: War. The soldiers say they fight for honor, when the truth is they have their honor in their pocket. — Ibid. Certainly, as some men have sinned in the principles of Humanity, and must answer for not being men, so others offend, if they be not more. . . . . For great constitutions, and such as are constellated unto knowledge, do nothing, till they outdo all; they come short of themselves, if they go not beyond others. . . . . A man should be something that all men are not, and individual in somewhat beside his proper name. SIR THOMAS BROWNE, Vulgar Errors: Of Credulity and Supinity. |