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tradited to another country, and yet we are asking for them to do that here.

Mr. Chairman, as I was saying, I think it ought to be pointed out that the Republic of China, Taiwan, were the ones who actually informed us of the arrest and detention of suspects in this case that allowed the U.S. police authorities to crack the case. And I think in no way should we be criticizing Taiwan, because at no time has the State Department or our FBI or other agencies in this case ever said or insinuated that Taiwan has been anything less than cooperative.

And as a matter of fact, three of the gangsters involved in the murder have already gone on trial in Taiwan, and three officials of the military intelligence bureau have been indicted.

So I think that shows extremely good faith on the Republic of China's part, and I think that we ought to be acknowledging that, even though we are passing this resolution.

Chairman FASCELL. Without objection, House Concurrent Resolution 110 is ordered favorably reported, and the chair will take appropriate action to bring it to the floor.

[Whereupon, the committee proceeded to other business.]



A. James Gregor is Professor of Political Science and Principal Investigator of the Pacific Basin Project, Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of fourteen books, the last being The Iron Triangle: A U.S. Security Policy for Northeast Asia (Hoover Institution). His most recent work, The China Connection, will be published by the Hoover Institution Press at the end of 1985.


Professor Gregor has published widely in sinological journals, including Asian Survey, the Journal of Asian Studies, Philosophy East and West, and Pacific Affairs. has served as Adjunct Lecturer at the School of Professional Studies at the Department of State and is an occasional lecturer at the United States War College in Washington, D.C.

The Henry Liu Murder Case and the Relations

Between the U.S. and the Republic of China on Taiwan


I welcome the opportunity to submit this written testimony as a contribution to the inquiry into the murder of Henry Liu and its implications for ongoing relations between the United States and the Republic of China (ROC) on Taiwan. is evident that the case is one that touches several critical issues, some that involve the very fundamental normative concerns of thinking Americans, and others that engage U.S. diplomatic, economic and security interests in East Asia.

The Injunction Against Prejudgment

The evident fact that the Henry Liu murder investigation is being actively pursued both by responsible officials in the United States and the ROC recommends a suspension of judgment, on the part of lay Americans and concerned members of Congress, until such time as probative results have been obtained. The official press release of the Police Department of Daly City, California, of January 29, 1985, indicates that the authorities of the ROC are cooperating fully with U.S. authorities in seeking a comprehensive resolution of the case. The official statement by the U.S. Department of State of January 15, 1985, indicates that the authorities in Taipei are fully apprised of the seriousness of the issues involved,

and have cooperated with U.S. authorities.

The News Briefing provided by the Department of State on November 29, 1984, specifically referred to the "full cooperation" afforded by the "Taiwan authorities" in this matter.

Anyone who is reasonably well informed with regard to this case recognizes that it is very complex. The victim, Henry Liu, murdered October 15, 1984, was a person who apparently served as an intelligence agent for at least three governments: that of the United States, that of the ROC, and that of the People's Republic of China (PRC) (see the reports in both Newsweek and Time magazines of January 28, 1985). As a consequence, any number of agencies or persons might wish him silenced for an indeterminate number of reasons.

To date, the only credible information available identifies three persons--Ch'en Ch'i-li, Wu Tun, and Tung Kuei-sen--as suspects in the murder. (Tung had since escaped the ROC authorities to the Philippines.) All three suspects are members of the Chu-lien pang (Bamboo Union Gang), a criminal organization active on Taiwan since 1956. The authorities in Taipei, about a month after the murder in Daly City (November 17, 1984, to be precise), informed authorities in the United States that Ch'en Ch'i-li was implicated in the murder and that in his statement, the accused implicated three officials of the ROC Defense Intelligence Bureau (DIB) in the felony.

The authorities in Taipei duly informed American

authorities of the charges brought against the DIB by the accused. As a consequence of the

testimony of the accused,

the government of the ROC, on January 13, 1985, detained

Wang Hsi-ling, the Director of the DIB, Hu Yi-min, the Deputy

Director, and Ch'en Hu-men, the Second Deputy Chief of the

DIB, pending investigation.

On January 15, 1985, the U.S.

government, fully informed of the situation, issued a statement revealing the involvement of "some members of the Intelligence Bureau" of the ROC in the murder.

It seems reasonably clear that (1) the ROC authorities have provided every assistance to U.S. authorities in the investigation of the murder; and (2) that the authorities in the ROC have made no sustained effort to conceal improprieties or violation of law wherever they might lead. At the moment, the investigation is continuing and there is no reason to believe that it will be anything but thorough and responsible. The authorities in Taipei have been candid, they have provided U.S. authorities access to the suspects, and they have been quick to identify those implicated by the suspects.

The Implications

The concern of Americans, embodied in legislation, is

the furtherance of fundamental, as well as civil and political,

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