INDEX. 1 A. Synopsis No. Abandoned cigars, treatment of... Abandonment of kerosene..... Absolute- Alcohol Alcohol for colleges. Academy, private, free entry disallowed.. Accounts of the Midwinter Exposition at San Francisco, Cal 14536 14190 14381 14261 14163 14495 Relating to bills of lading, transportation of goods in vessels. 14129 Adams Express Company as common carriers.. 13821 Additional duty of 10 per cent on goods in warehouse more than a year prior to 13829 Additional duties- Do not accrue on account of difference in value of currency. Additions to entered value under duress. Admeasurement- Of vessels, fees for Of French vessels. Of vessels Advertising- 14239 14517 14554, 14555 14036 14540 14539 Immigrants, right of steamship companies to intervene in cases of investiga- For short shipment, none after goods have passed from custody of Govern- Of Regulations of 1892, importations from Canada by sea.. 13712 Of regulations relating to the anchorage of vessels in the port of New York... 14288 American- Bottles, exported filled with beer, free when returned empty... 14482 A single article of, imported separately from a collection simultaneously im- ported, free. 14009 A single article of, not belonging to a collection simultaneously imported, not Appeals before Board of General Appraisers, information to be furnished im- porters......... 13930 Appeal to the court in case of classification of pictorial paper 14189 Appointment- Of officers and employés in the custodian and janitor service. 14537 Of storekeepers and gaugers in Internal-Revenue Service.... 13739 Assistant Secretaries of the Treasury, assignment of duties to. 14271 Attorney, powers of, in case of transfer of ownership of imported goods... 14029, 14030 B. Synopsis No. Baggage- And effects of emigrants and others, disinfection of. Of immigrants, inspection of...... Of steerage and cabin passengers, inspection cards for..... Of steerage passengers from cholera-infected ports..... Bagging for cotton, Dundee Bags- Certificates of exportation regarding. Empty, reimportation of, filled with American products on exportation. Bakers' tools of trade.. 13645 14079 13997 14352 14311 14286 14281 14035 14548 Barges and canal boats in tow of steam vessels, lights for..... 14042, 14078, 14179, 14438 For export, drawback on corks and tin foil used in bottling, not allowed. 13851 14317 Bela H. Warner as a common carrier. Bengalines, silk and cotton... 13733 14147 Berberine, c. p. crystals, etc. Beta naphthylamine monosulphonic acid soda salt, a coal-tar preparation. Bias velveteen dress facings. Bibs, cotton Bicycle axles, screws, and nuts. Wheels.. Bicycles-- Drawback on. 13701 14022 13736, 13970 13667 14291 13776 14430 Synopsis No. Bills- Of health.. 13915 Of health of steamers of the Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company..... 14044 Of Malone and St. Lawrence Railroad Company as common carriers. 13838 Of Southern Pacific Company, San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railway 14441 Of Texas and Pacific Railway Company.. 13920 |