SCHEDULE C.-List of foreign countries and dependencies, etc. Continued.
Including the Bay Islands of Ruatan, Utila, Bonacca, etc. Including the Bay Islands of Ruatan, Utila, Bonacca, etc.
Off the south coast of Newfoundland.
The Bahamas, including the Andros Islands, Great Abaco, Great Bahama, New Providence, Harbor Island, Great Inagua, Eleu- thera, Long Island, and several smaller islands; Barbados, Ja- maica, Turks, Caicos, and the Cayman Islands, Morant and Pedro Cays; The Leeward Islands, comprising Antigua, the Virgin Islands (including Anegada, Tortola, Virgin Gorda, etc.), Nevis, Anguilla, Barbuda and Redonda, Dominica, Montserrat, and St. Christopher; Trinidad, Tobago, the Windward Islands, compris- ing Grenada, St. Vincent, the Grenadines (including Carriacou, Union, Cannouan, etc.); St. Lucia, and other smaller British islands in the West Indies not specified.
St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas Islands.
Orubo, Buen Ayre, Curaçao, Saba, St. Eustache, and St. Martin (south part of) Islands.
Desirade, Guadeloupe, Les Saintes, Martinique, Marie Galante, St. Martin (north part of), and St. Bartholomew Islands.
SCHEDULE C.- List of foreign countries and dependencies, etc.-Continued.
Classes or titles of countries to be entered on the statements of
(2) Commerce, on Forms Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
(3) Navigation, on Forms Nos. (4) Countries or islands embraced in the classes or titles in columns
10, 11, 12, and 13, as per col- umn 2, with the extensions indicated in this column.
Including its adjacent islands.
Including its adjacent islands.
Chinese Empire, including the adjacent islands of Formosa, Hai- nan, etc., but excluding Hongkong and Macao, for which see British and Portuguese Possessions.
India (comprising the lower province of Bengal, with Assam, the Northwest Provinces and Oudh, Punjab, Central Province, Bur- ma, Arakan, Pegu, Tenasserim with adjacent islands, Madras, Bombay, Berár, Ajmere, Koorg and British Baluchistán); Cey- lon; the Straits Settlements (including Penang, Wellesley Prov- ince, Perak, Malacca, and Singapore); Lakadivh, Maldivh, An- daman, and Nikobar Islands; Christmas and the Keeling Islands; Labuan; North Borneo, and other smaller possessions in India and the East Indies not specified, and the protectorates of the native states of Rajpútana, Central India (including Gwalior, Sindhia, etc.), Hyderábád, Mysore province, and Munjpur.
Bali, Banda, Borneo, except North Coast, and the islands of Anam- ba, Banguey, Laut, Natuna, etc. (except Labuan, for which see British East Indies), adjacent to Borneo; Celebes, and the islands of Bambung, Butong, Kambina, Pangansane, Sangir, Siao, Sulla, etc., adjacent to Celebes; Floris, Java, Lombok, Madura, the Molukka (including Amboina, Buro, Ceram, Gilolo, Ternate, etc.), New Guinea (west part of), Solor, Sumba, Sumbawa, Sumatra, and the islands of Banka, Billiton, Bintang, Karimon, Lingga, Riouw, Singkap, etc., off the east coast of Sumatra, and Beroo, Engano, Mega, Nias, Pagai, Verkins, etc., off the west coast of Sumatra; Timor (southwest part of), and the islands of Benjoar, Kambi, Kisser, Rotto, Sava, Simao, Wetter, etc., adjacent to Timor; and other islands in Malaysia belonging to the Nether- lands not specified.
... Settlements of Chandernagore, Karical, Pondicherry, and Yanaon on the east coast of Hindustan; settlement of Mahe on the west coast of Hindustan; and possessions in Cochin China, and Kam- bodia, Tongking, and Alam in Farther India.
Settlements of Damaun, Diu, and Goa, on the west coast of Hindustan; Macao Island, off the coast of China; Timor Island (northeast part of), etc., in Malaysia.
Including the Kiu Kiu and the Kuril Islands.
Siberia, including Saghalin Island; Bokhara and Khiva. Asia Minor, Syria, and the adjacent islands of Khios, Lemnos, Mytelene, Rhodes, Samos, etc., in the Mediterranean.
Afghanistan, Arabia, Baluchistán (not British), Maskat, Persia, Siam, Native and Independent India, and East Indies not speci- fied.
Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania.
New Caledonia and dependencies, in Australasia; Marquesas and Society Islands, Tahiti, Murea, and Raiatoa, Tubuai and Vavitao, Wallis Islands, Paumotu, Gambier, and Rapa Islands, and Clip- perton Island, in Polynesia, and all other French Possessions not elsewhere specified.
Sierra Leone and settlements on the river Gambia in Senegambia, Gold Coast (including the towns of Cape Coast Castle, Elmina, Akkra, Lagos, etc.) in Upper Guinea, on the west coast; Cape Colony, British Kaffraria, and Natal, on the south coast; Ascen- sion, St. Helena, and Tristan da Cunha Islands, off the west coast; and Amirante, Mauritius, Rodriguez, and Seychelle Islands, off the east coast.
Sierra Leone and settlements on the river Gambia in Senegambia, Gold Coast (including the towns of Cape Coast Castle, Elmina, Akkra, Lagos, etc.) in Upper Guinea, Ascension, St. Helena, and Tristan da Cunha Islands.
Cape Colony, British Kaffraria, and Natal.
Amirante, Mauritius, Rodriguez, and Seychelle Islands.
Algeria and Tunis on the north coast; settlements on the Senegal, Goree, Dakar, etc., on the coast of Senegambia, and Grand Bas- sam, Dabon, Assini, Gabun, and Grand Popo, on the west coast: Porto Novo on the Slave coast; Obokh on the east coast and the Gulf of Tajúra, and Réunion, Mayotte and the Komoro Islands, Nossi Bé and Ste. Marie de Madagascar, off the east coast.
Italian possessions and protectorates in Africa, including Massaua, the northern part of Somali Land, Abyssinia, and other territory.
SCHEDULE C.-List of foreign countries and dependencies, etc.-Continued.
Classes or titles of countries to be entered on the statements of
(2) Commerce, on Forms Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
(3) Navigation, on Forms Nos. (4) Countries or islands embraced in the classes or titles in columns
10, 11, 12, and 13, as per col- umn 2, with the extensions indicated in this column.
The Cape Verde Islands; Portuguese Guinea (including Bissao and adjacent territory south of the river Gambia, and the Bissagos Islands off the coast); Whidah in the Kingdom of Dahomey; the Kingdom of Angola (including Landana and Kabinda); the coast territory from the mouth of the Kongo to Ruy de Pina, at the mouth of the Kunene (including Loanda, Benguela, Mossámedes, etc.), and the islands of Principe and St. Thomas in the Gulf of Guinea in Western Africa; the province of Mozambique with the region about the Lower Zambesi and settlements along that river; Sofala, and Delagoa Bay in Eastern Africa.
Morocco, Nubia, Independent Somali Land [not Italian], Zangue- bar, South African Republic, Orange Free State, etc.
Aden Peninsula, at the entrance to the Red Sea; Falkland Islands, off the east coast of South America; Malta, Gozo, and Cypress 18- lands, in the Mediterranean; Auckland, Fiji, and Norfolk Islands, and other British Possessions not elsewhere specified.
Togo-Land, the Kamerun region, German Southwest Africa, Ger- man East Africa, Kaiser Wilhelm Land and its dependencies, comprising the northern part of Southeast New Guinea, including Long Island, Dampier Island, and several other small islands ad- jacent; the northerly islands of the Solomon Group, viz: Bougain- ville, Choiseul, Ysabel, and several smaller islands; the Bismarck Archipelago, including the whole of New Pommern (formerly New Britain), New Mecklenburg (formerly New Ireland), New Lauen- berg (formerly the Duke of York Islands), and the Admiralty, Hermit, New Hanover, Fischer, and several smaller adjacent is- lands, and the Marshall Islands.
Ceuta and the Presidios of De Velez, Melilla, Ifni, etc., in Morocco, on the north coast; the islands of Fernando Po and Annobon in the Gulf of Guinea, with the coast about Corisco Bay; and the Sahara Coast Protectorate from Boca Grande to (South) Cape Blanco, and other Spanish Possessions in Africa not specified; Ladrone, Caro- line, Sulu, and Pelew Islands in Polynesia, and all other Spanish Possessions not elsewhere specified.
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