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Senator DOUGLAS. You have always been fine on this, but if you will get your colleagues to favor a strong Executive when the Democrats are in power, I will advocate the exercise of that authority.

Senator JAVITS. President Kennedy did act and I think President Johnson could and should act.

Senator DOUGLAS. I can imagine what would have happened from other members of your party had he done so.

Senator JAVITS. I would say with all respect, Senator Douglas that I can imagine what would happen to other members of your party had he done so.

Senator DOUGLAS. I would say that is tit for tat.

Senator ERVIN. If I may interject myself, I am glad that my friend from New York has brought the Senator from Illinois and the Senator from North Carolina and the Senator from Florida to agreement on the proposition that laws ought to be made by the Congress rather than by the President.

Senator DOUGLAS. That is what we are trying to do, embarrassing though it may be.

Senator JAVITS. Senator, just to conclude, obviously the President could not issue an order which enlisted the legislative powers. I believe he has the Executive power.

President Kennedy asserted it, and I believe President Johnson could assert it.

Senator DOUGLAS. The Executive order of President Kennedy still continues, but I think that applied only to public housing and FHA. Senator JAVITS. It did.

Senator DOUGLAS. Guaranteed housing.

Senator JAVITS. It did. It was limited to that.

Senator DOUGLAS. This is only a minority of public housing. There are about 700,000 public housing units in the country. Only about 2.5 percent of the housing units. FHA insurance is still a minority. The vast majority of housing is privately owned and privately financed.

Let it be said in the books that here you are a very eminent Republican asking the President to use more authority.

Senator JAVITS. That is correct, I am, where he has already used it, and where his authority to expand the existing protection from 23 percent of housing to 80 percent

Senator DOUGLAS. Senator Javits, you and I agree on so many subjects, let's not fall out.

Senator JAVITS. No. I thank you, Senator Douglas, for your testimony, and I pay tribute again to your tremendous leadership in this


I thank the Chair.

Senator DOUGLAS. It has been very minor really.

Senator ERVIN. I want to thank you for appearing before the committee and presenting your views in respect to the proposed legislation in such a genial and such an eloquent fashion. At the same time, let me express my regret that you do not entertain the same sound views on this legislation that I do.

Senator DOUGLAS. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

I always feel a privilege in appearing before you. You have had so much experience as a lawyer and a judge, and I hope you will forgive any inadequacies which I displayed.

Senator ERVIN. Well, you have not displayed anything that requires forgiveness.

Senator DOUGLAS. Thank you very much.

Senator ERVIN. And I hope you have a very nice trip out to your State.

Thank you very much.

Senator DOUGLAS. I hope to mend some fences. Finally, Mr. Chairman, I would like to include in the record as part of my testimony a fine analysis of the provisions of our bill, principal bills introduced in the House, and the bill prepared by the Administration. While I believe the analysis to be most accurate I should point out that it was drawn up on the basis of reports of the content of the administration's bill rather than on the final wording of the text of that bill. But again I say that the analysis is an especially useful one for comparing my bill with that of the administration.

(The matter referred to is as follows:)

Analysis of civil rights protection legislation pending in Congress
This analysis was made before the introduction of the administration's bill. It is based on advance reports of the bill's contents.
Revision and expansion of the sections relating to the administration's program may be necessary when it is introduced.

[Whenever the term "race or color" is used in S. 2923 and H.R. 12807 it includes civil rights workers who are promoting racial equality]

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Discrimination on basis of race, color, sex, political or religious affiliation, economic or social status prohibited. Names obtained from cross section of population under sampling plan prepared in consultation with Director of Administrative Office of U.S. Courts, with advice from Director of Census Bureau. Juries selected from names so obtained by random selection.

Requirement of ability to read and write English language repealed. Judge may exclude in cases requiring this ability, except no person with a 6th-grade education can be excluded from service. Attorney General, any citizen of judicial district or litigant may apply to court of appeals if selection procedures are not followed or if records are not kept. Court of appeals may appoint jury commissioners responsible to it. Questionnaires used in jury selection, names on jury lists and in jury wheel, names and race of those serving, date of service, etc., must be kept 4 years. Criminal penalties prescribed for failure to keep records or for destroying or dsmaging them.

Same as S. 2923.

Names obtained from voting lists. Random
selection made from those lists under plan
directed by chief judge of district court
with assistance and approval of Adminis-
trative Office of U.S. Courts and advice of
Director of Census Bureau. Names shall
not be used again until voting lists are

Existing requirement of ability to read and
write English retained unless person has
completed 6th grade.

[blocks in formation]

Discrimination on basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or economic status prohibited. Names obtained from voting registration lists; but if judicial council of circuit determines use of voting lists would not be nondiscriminatory, it could prescribe other sources of names. Random selection from voting or other lists.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Discrimination on basis of race or color pro-
hibited. But where this is shown, or rec-
ordkeeping provisions of bill are not fol-
lowed. prohibitions applicable to Federal
juries go into effect.

Discrimination on basis of race, color, or sex

Also applicable if records are not kept (see below).

1. Suit in district court brought by Attorney 1. Transfer by defendant to Federal court.
General, citizen of district, or litigant.
Upon showing of discrimination or
failure to keep records, court can direct
Director of Administrative Office of
U.S. Courts to administer jury system
and apply Federal standards.

2. Initiation of cases in or transfer to Federal
courts (see below).

Methods of demonstrating discrimina- 1. Any final judgment of Federal or State tion

[blocks in formation]

court within 5 years determining that
there has been systematic race or color
exclusion from jury unless local officials
prove exclusion no longer exists.

2. Showing that over a period of 2 years ratio
of colored within area to total popula-
tion exceeds by or more ratio of
colored serving on juries to total num-
ber of persons serving on juries (except
where colored are less than 10 percent of
Similar to that for Federal juries with same
criminal penalties.
Attorney General may file suit to enjoin any
change in law affecting juries after Jan. 1,
1966 if change is for purpose of circum-
venting provisions of this bill.

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic]

Analysis of civil rights protection legislation pending in Congress-Continued

This analysis was made before the introduction of the administration's bill. It is based on advance reports of the bill's contents. Revision and expansion of the sections relating to the administration's program may be necessary when it is introduced.

[Whenever the term "race or color" is used in S. 2923 and H. R. 12807 it includes civil rights workers who are promoting racial equality]

[blocks in formation]

Type of case.

Basis of Federal jurisdiction.

S. 2923, Douglas, Case, and other bypar-
tisan Senators; H.R. 12807, Diggs and
other Congressmen

H.R. 13323, Mathias (Maryland) and other
Republican House Members

Any case triable under State or local criminal law.

Administration program

Whenever trial in Federal court is necessary to assure equal protection of the laws to victim or group to which he belongs.
Requirements for trial in Federal court.. (1) Determination by Federal district court, if jurisdiction is challenged, that trial is necessary to assure equal protection of the laws.

[blocks in formation]

(2) Certification (nonreviewable) by Attorney General, at or prior to final arraignment, that prosecution in Federal court would fulfil
responsibility of United States to assure equal protection of the laws.
Case must involve a victim who is a member of a racial or color group subject to discrimination or a person advocating or supporting equal
protection for such racial or color groups. Discrimination exists where members of the racial or color group are (1) systematically excluded
from jury service; (2) systematically denied the franchise in elections involving judges or prosecuting officials; (3) systematically segre-
gated or discriminated against in jails, police stations, courts, or other public buildings related to the administration of justice; (4) sys-
tematically subjected to harsher punishments upon conviction; (5) systematically subjected to more onerous terms or conditions of bail
or conditional release. A final judgment of a court within 5 years that there has been jury exclusion or voting discrimination, unless it
is shown that such exclusion or discrimination has ceased, shall be conclusive on these issues. Jury and voting discrimination may be
proved by a showing that the ratio of the population of the group in the area to the total population exceeds by 1% or more the ratio of
the number of persons of the group serving on juries bears to the total number of persons serving on juries (over a 2-year period) or the
ratio of the number of persons of the group registered to vote bears to the total number of persons registered to vote.
In any trial under these laws, the substantive State law relative to the crime shall apply, including that of penalties. Federal rules of
procedure shall govern the trial. Postconviction matters such as custody, parole, probation, etc., shall be under Federal law.

In all cases subject to the jurisdiction of these proceedings, FBI, U.S. marshals and other U.S. officials may act to prevent or investigate
crimes even though the Attorney General has not as yet filed his certificate.

In any instance in which the Attorney General could initiate a suit under these provisions, he may remove a prosecution commenced in
State court to Federal court by filing a certificate, provided that jeopardy has not attached.

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights authorized to conduct investigations of jury discrimination.

After investigation, Commission shall submit its findings to responsible State or local authorities. If controverted Commission shall consider responses and may revise findings. If still controverted it shall conduct a public hearing, then publish findings.

Commission's findings shall constitute evidence in any action brought under this bill, except to extent that person controverting them satisfies the court that they are not correct.

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