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House of Representatives,

Honolulu, T. II., April 20th, 1901.

The House came to order at 9:10 o'clock a. m., pursuant to adjournment.

Hon. J. A. Akina, Speaker, presiding.

Prayer by Chaplain Kamoku.

The House thereupon stood in recess, subject to the call of the Speaker.

The House reconvened at 10:05 o'clock a. m.

Mr. Speaker in the Chair.

Roll Call:

Present---Messrs. Ahulii, Aylett, Beckley, Dickey, Emmeluth, Ewaliko, Haaheo, Hihio, Hoogs, Kaauwai, Kauimakaole, Kaniho, Kawaihoa, Keiki, Kekaula, Keliikoa, Mahoe, Makainai, Makekau, Mossman, Nailima, Paele, Puuki and Mr. Speaker ---24.

Absent---Messrs. Gilfillan, Kumalae, Monsarrat, Prendergast, Robertson and Wilcox---6.

The Journal of Proceedings of the preceding day was read. Mr. Dickey claimed an error in the Journal, and moved that the portion of the Evening Journal showing that the amendment to strike out the word "Lihue" and insert the word "Waimea", in Chapter I, Section 2, and line 3, of Substitute H. B. No. 48, by the Special Committee on County and Municipal Government, entitled "An Act providing for and creating certain counties in the Territory of Hawaii, and providing a form of government for such counties," was carried, be made to show that the motion to amend was lost. Upon the motion to adopt the proposed correction, the ayes and noes were called, with the following result:

Ayes---Messrs. Dickey, Emmeluth, Ewaliko, Gilfillan, Haaheo, Hoogs, Kaauwai, Kawaihoa, Keiki, Kumalae, Makekau, Robertson and Wilcox---13.

Noes-Messrs. Ahulii, Aylett, Beckley, Hihio, Kauimakaole, Kaniho, Kekaula, Keliikoa, Mahoe, Makainai, Mossman, Nailima, Pacle, Prendergast and Puuki---15.

Present and not voting---Mr. Speaker---1.
Absent---Mr. Monsarrat--1.

Whereupon the Speaker announced that the motion to adopt. the proposed correction was lost. On motion of Mr. Prendergast, the Journal of Proceedings of the preceding day was approved as read.


The following communication from the Secretary of the Territory was read:

Territory of Hawaii,

Office of the Secretary,

Honolulu, H. I., April 20th, 1901.

The Honorable J. A. Akina,

Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the Governor has this day signed Act No. 5, entitled "An Act to prohibit the unlawful wearing of the badge of the Grand Army of the Repub


I am, sir,

Very respectfully,


Secretary of the Territory.

On motion of Mr. Beckley, the House proceeded to the order

of the day.


The following Bill came up for consideration upon its third reading:

Substitute H. B. No. 48, by the Special Committee on County and Municipal Government, entitled "An Act providing for and creating certain counties in the Territory of Hawaii, and providing a form of government for such counties."

During the reading of the Bill, on motion of Mr. Makekau, the House stood in recess until 1:30 o'clock p. m.


House of Representatives,

Honolulu, T. H., April 20th, 1901.

The House reconvened at 1:46 o'clock p. m.

Mr. Speaker

in the Chair.


The reading of Substitute H. B. No. 48, by the Special Committee on County and Municipal Government, entitled “An Act providing for and creating certain counties in the Territory of Hawaii, and providing a form of government for such counties," was resumed.

Upon the completion of the reading of the Bill, Mr. Beckley moved an amendment to Chapter I, Section 5, and in line 1 thereof, by inserting after the word "Molokai" and before the word "Lanai" the words "except the area included in the Leper Settlement". The amendment was adopted. Mr. Beckley moved that the Bill do pass as amended. Mr. Monsarrat moved an amendment to Sections 6 and 7 thereof, the purpose being to divide the Island of Hawaii into three counties, comprising the following Districts respectively: Kau and Kona; Hamakua and Kohala; and Hilo and Puna. The amendment was lost. Upon the motion that the Bill do pass, the ayes and noes were called, with the following result:

Ayes---Messrs. Ahulii, Aylett, Beckley, Emmeluth, Ewaliko, Gilfillan, Haaheo, Hihio, Kaauwai, Kauimakaole, Kaniho, Kawaihoa, Kumalae, Mahoe, Makainai, Makekau, Mossman, Paele, Prendergast, Puuki, Robertson, Wilcox and Mr. Speaker---23. Noes---Messrs. Keliikoa and Monsarrat---2.

Absent---Messrs. Dickey, Hoogs, Keiki, Kekaula and Nai


Whereupon the Speaker announced that the said Bill, having received the affirmative votes of a majority of all the members elected to the House, had passed the House.

S. B. No. 88, by Mr. Carter, entitled "An Act appropriating three thousand and five hundred dollars for the use of the Board of Education in making a display at the Buffalo Exhibition." Mr. Mahoe moved that the Bill do pass, upon which motion the ayes and noes were called, with the following result:

Ayes---Messrs. Aylett, Beckley, Emmeluth, Ewaliko, Gilfillan, Haaheo, Kaauwai, Kaniho, Kawaihoa, Keliikoa, Kumalae, Mahoe, Makainai, Makekau, Mossman, Paele, Prendergast, Puuki, Robertson, Wilcox and Mr. Speaker---21.

Noes---Messrs. Ahulii, Hihio and Kauimakaole---3.

Absent---Messrs. Dickey, Hoogs, Keiki, Kekaula, Monsarrat and Nailima---6.

Whereupon the Speaker announced that the said Bill, having received the affirmative votes of a majority of all the members elected to the House, had passed the House.

S. B. No. 51, by Mr. White, entitled "An Act to regulate and provide for the inspection, testing, storage and sale of pe

troleum and its products, and to repeal all parts of an Act regulating and providing for the inspection, testing, storage and sale of kerosene oil, approved on the 14th day of November, A. D. 1890, known as Chapter LXVIII, Session Laws of 1890, and to repeal all parts of an Act to permit the importation of kerosene oil for fuel and mechanical purposes, approved the 22nd day of April, A. D. 1896, and known as Act 14, Session Laws of 1896, inconsistent with the provisions of this Act." Mr. Emmeluth moved that the consideration of the Bill be indefinitely postponed. Seconded by Mr. Prendergast. Mr. Robertson moved that the Bill be referred to the Committee on Finance, with instructions to investigate and report upon the probable effect of the Bill if passed. Carried.

S. B. No. 29, by Mr. Kanuha, entitled "An Act relating to licensed physicians.' Mr. Makainai moved that the Bill do pass. Upon this motion, the ayes and noes were called, with the following result:

Ayes---Messrs. Ahulii, Beckley, Emmeluth, Hihio, Kaauwai, Kauimakaole, Kaniho, Mahoe, Makainai, Mossman, Paele, Prendergast, Puuki and Mr. Speaker---14.

Noes---Messrs. Gilfillan, Haaheo, Kumalae, Makekau and Robertson---5.

Present and not voting---Messrs. Ewaliko and Keliikoa---2. Absent---Messrs. Aylett, Dickey, Hoogs, Kawaihoa, Keiki, Kekaula, Monsarrat, Nailima and Wilcox---9.

Mr. Emmeluth moved that further consideration of the Bill be postponed until April 22nd. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Makekau, the House thereupon adjourned.

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House of Representatives,

Honolulu, T. H., April 22nd, 1901.

The House came to order at 9:25 o'clock a. m., pursuant to


[blocks in formation]

Present---Messrs. Ahulii, Aylett, Beckley, Ewaliko, Haaheo, Hihio, Kaauwai, Kauimakaole, Kaniho, Kawaihoa, Keiki, Kekaula, Keliikoa, Kumalae, Mahoe, Makainai, Makekau, Monsarrat, Mossman, Nailima, Paele, Prendergast, Puuki, Wilcox and Mr. Speaker---25.

Absent---Messrs. Dickey, Emmeluth, Gilfillan, Hoogs and


The Journal of Proceedings of the preceding day was read and approved.


The following communications from the Honorable Senate were read:

To the Honorable Speaker

Senate Chamber,

Honolulu, T. H., April 19th, 1901.

and House of Representatives,

Territory of Hawaii:

I have the honor to herewith transmit Senate Bill No. 45, which passed its third reading in the Senate this day.

Very respectfully,


Clerk of the Senate.

To the Honorable Speaker

Senate Chamber,

Honolulu, T. H., April 19th, 1901.

and House of Representatives,

Territory of Hawaii:

I have the honor to herewith transmit Senate Bill No. 83, which passed its third reading in the Senate this day.

Very respectfully,


Clerk of the Senate,

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