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lating and providing for the inspection, testing, storage and sale of Kerosene Oil, approved on the 14th day of November, A. D. 1890, known as Chapter LXVIII, Session Laws of 1890, and to repeal all parts of an Act to permit the importation of Kerosene Oil for fuel and mechanical purposes, approved the 22nd day of April, A. D. 1896, and known as Act 14, Session Laws of 1896, inconsistent with the provisions of this Act."

S. B. No. 29, by Mr. Kanuha, entitled "An Act relating to licensed physicians."

S. B. No. 32, by Mr. Kanuha, entitled "An Act to define the Territorial Seal."

The following House Bill was reported printed and ready for distribution:

H. B. No. 81, by Committee on Finance, entitled "An Act to grant the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to exQueen Liliuokalani."

The Committee also reported that the following Senate Bills, being S. E. A. Nos. 5 and 6, respectively, had been presented to the Governor at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m.:

S. B. No. 28, by Mr. Crabbe, entitled "An Act to prohibit the unlawful wearing of the badge of the Grand Army of the Republic."

S. B. No. 33, by Mr. Kanuha, entitled "An Act to protect laborers and employees from extortion."


The Majority Report of Committee on Judiciary on the Governor's Message relative to revision of Hawaiian Laws by Chief Justice Frear came up for consideration. Mr. Mahoe moved to adopt the report. Carried.

The Speaker called Vice Speaker Beckley to the Chair.

H. R. No. 45, by Mr. Emmeluth, relating to Pali Road contract, and coramunication from the Superintendent of Public Works in reply thereto, came up for consideration. Referred to the Committee on Public Expenditures.


The following Bills came up for consideration on their second reading:

H. B. No. 19, by Mr. Robertson, entitled "An Act relating to the sale of alcohol; amending Section 15 and repealing Sections 10, 13 and 14 of Act 64 of the Session Laws of 1896," and the Report of Committee on Judiciary thereon. Mr. Emmeluth moved to adopt the report. Carried. Whereupon the Bill was

declared to have passed its second reading. Mr. Robertson moved that the Bill be typewritten and placed on the order of the day for April 11th. Carried.

II. B. No. 81, by Committee on Finance, entitled "An Act to grant the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to exQueen Liliuokalani," being a substitute for H. B. No. 49, by Mr. Keiki, entitled "An Act to appropriate pension for ex-Queen Liliuokalani." Mr. Mossman moved that Bill 81 do pass. Carried. Mr. Prendergast moved that the Bill be typewritten and placed on the order of the day for April 11th. Carried.

S. B. No. 15, by Mr. C. Brown, entitled "An Act to amend Section 424 of the Penal Laws, relating to the illegal manufacture for sale of spirituous liquors and substances." Mr. Emmeluth moved that the Bill be referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Carried.


The following Resolution, having been made the order of the day for to-day, came up for consideration:

S. C. R. No. 3, by Mr. Carter, relating to the destruction of Hawaiian gold and silver certificates. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

On motion of Mr. Emmeluth, the House thereupon stood in recess until 2 o'clock p. m.


House of Representatives,

Honolulu, T. H., April 10th, 1901.

The House reconvened at 2:10 o'clock p. m. Mr. Speaker

in the Chair.


Under a suspension of the Rules, the following reports of Standing Committees were presented:

On S. B. No. 36, by Mr. White, entitled "An Act relating to the appointment of Bailiffs for certain Courts in the Territory of Hawaii, and defining the duties and powers of such Bailiffs and fixing the amount of their compensation and providing for the payinent of such compensation," from Messrs. Emmeluth, Paele and Keliikoa, a majority of the Committee on Judiciary, recom

mending that the Bill do pass without amendment. Mr. Robertson stated he had no Minority Report to present, and moved that consideration of the report be postponed, to be taken up with the Bill. Carried.

On H. B. No. 56, by the Committee on Judiciary, entitled “An Act to regulate the employment of labor on the public works of this Territory," and S. B. No. 52, by Mr. White, entitled "An Act to prohibit the employment of any person not a duly qualified voter of the Territory of Hawaii, as a laborer upon any public work of any kind, manner or description in the Territory of Hawaii by any public officer, servant or agent of the Territory of Hawaii; or any contractor under and with the Territory of Hawaii, and to provide a penalty for the violation of such Act,” from Mr. Emmeluth, Chairman of the Committee on Judiciary, recommending a substitute Bill for both Bills.

On S. C. R. No. 3, relating to destruction of Hawaiian paper money, from Mr. Emmeluth, Chairman of the Committee on Judiciary, recommending that with certain amendments the House do concur in said Resolution. Mr. Dickey moved that the Report be adopted. Mr. Mahoe moved that the Report be laid upon the table. Motion to lay on the table carried.

On Petition No. 43, by Mr. Puuki, asking for an appropriation of $32,000 for three bridges on the Island of Kauai, from Mr. Makainai, Chairman of Committee on Public Lands and Internal Improvements, recommending that Petition be laid upon the table, to be taken up with the Appropriation Bill. Consideration of report postponed, to be taken up with the Appropriation Bill.


The following Bills were introduced, read by title, passed first reading, and were ordered printed:

H. B. No. 99, by the Committee on Judiciary, entitled “An Act to regulate the employment of laborer on the public works of this Territory," being a substitute Bill for H. B. No. 56, by the Committee on Judiciary, entitled "An Act to regulate the employment of labor on the public works of this Territory," and S. B. No. 52, by Mr. White, entitled "An Act to prohibit the employment of any person not a duly qualified voter of the Territory of Hawaii, as a laborer upon any public work of any kind, manner or description in the Territory of Hawaii, by any public officer, servant or agent of the Territory of Hawaii, or any contractor under and with the Territory of Hawaii, and to provide a penalty for the violation of such Act."

H. B. No. 101, by the Committee on Judiciary, entitled "An Act providing qualifications of persons elected or appointed to public office or position."

H. B. No. 100, by the Committee on Judiciary, entitled “An Act to define a legal day's work either mechanical or industrial." Mr. Dickey moved to reject the Bill. Seconded by Mr. Wilcox. Lost. Mr. Emmeluth moved that the Bill do pass. Seconded by Mr. Ewaliko. Carried.


Under a suspension of the Rules, the following Resolutions were introduced:

H. R. No. 105, by Mr. Dickey, extending to Hon. E. J. Hill, M. C., from Connecticut, the courtesy of the floor of the House. Mr. Beckley offered a substitute inviting all the Washington officials on the Transport Buford to address the House. Mr. Emmeluth offered an amendment that a committee of three be appointed to wait upon them. Whereupon the Resolution was adopted to read as follows:

Whereas, there are now visiting in the City of Honolulu the Hon. Horace B. Packer, a Member of Congress from the Sixteenth District of the State of Pennsylvania; the Hon. E. J. Hill, a Member of Congress from the Fourth District of the State of Connecticut; the Hon. J. F. Cooper and the Hon. Charles A. Williard, newly appointed Justices of the Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands, and the Hon. Fletcher Ladd and the Hon. W. A. Kincaid, newly appointed Judges of the Court of First Instance of the Philippine Islands; therefore, be it

Resolved, by the House of Representatives of the Territory of Hawaii, that the said Honorables Horace B. Packer, E. J. Hill, J. F. Cooper, Charles A. Williard, Fletcher Ladd and W. A. Kincaid he and are hereby invited to address the House of Rep resentatives of the Territory of Hawaii on Thursday, April 11th, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., or at such other hour as will be most convenient to them;

And Be It Further Resolved, that a Select Committee of three members of this House be appointed to forthwith wait upon the within-named gentlemen and, after presenting them with a copy of this Resolution, that said Committee be instructed to earnestly request each of them to address this House upon any subject they may deem proper.

Messrs. Beckley, Robertson and Prendergast were appointed as such Committee.

H. R. No. 106, by Mr. Pacle, relating to appointing a Select Committtee to investigate charges of corruption of legislators by

liquor interests lobbying to defeat the Dispensary Bill, alleged by the Pacific Commercial Advertiser to have been made by Senator Russel on the floor of the Senate, was introduced and adopted. Messrs. Paele, Kumalae and Mossman were appointed as such Committee.


Under a further suspension of the Rules, notice was given of intention to introduce the following Bills:

By Mr. Prendergast, entitled "An Act amending Sections 1, 3, 8, 12 and 16, and repealing Section 13, of Chapter 50, Session Laws of 1890, being an Act to facilitate the collection of debts. from Government Beneficiaries."

By Mr. Makainai, entitled "An Act to prevent the storage of lumber within the fire limits of the City of Honolulu.”

By Mr. Makainai, entitled "An Act to amend Sections 430, 433 and 435 of Chapter 41 of the Penal Laws of 1897, relating to intoxicating liquors."


Mr. Prendergast, Chairman of the Committee on Enrollment, Revision and Printing, reported the following Bills printed and ready for distribution:

H. B. No. 83, by Mr. Mossman, entitled "An Act to authorize the Hawaiian Fuel Gas Company to exercise certain rights in Honolulu.”

H. B. No. 93, by the Committee on Judiciary, entitled “An Act to provide for the ascertainment and payment of all claims which may be made by persons whose property was destroyed by fire in the years A. D. 1899 and 1900 under orders of the Board of Health."

The Committee also reported that the following Bill, being H. E. A. No. 7, had been presented to the Governor at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m.:

H. B. No. 2, by Mr. Dickey, entitled "An Act to appropriate an Emergency Fund to be used in repairing the damage caused by the late storm."


Under a further suspension of the Rules, the following communication was read:

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