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We had supposed that our task was done; but the testimony of those who have left spiritualism in disgust, comes pouring in from every quarter,

A gentleman, now residing in Williamsburgh, was told by the spirits that he must give all of his property into the hands of James L. Scott, and T. L. Harris-whom the spirits testified were the "two witnesses" noticed in Revelation, and who were never to die—and go with them to Mountain Cove, Va., and that if he refused he would go to perdition. He obeyed, and was "duped to the tune of several thousand dollars !"

A married man, in this city, is now living in adultery with an orphan girl, by the authority of the spirits-one pretending to be the spirit of her father, tells her she is doing right!

MR. JOHN F. WHITNEY, editor of the New York Pathfinder, who represents himself to have been a devoted spiritualist "for the last two years, for months in constant communication with the spirits, at the head of the most extensive establishment in existence, for the investigation of the phenomena, publishing one of the leading journals, devoted entirely to the cause, and employing about the premises no less than eight mediums, for public sittings, for investigation and instructions, and this establishment being carried on at an expense of over two hundred dollars a week," believes in the "undeniable evidences of the existence of disembodied spirits," but denounces the intercourse, as tending to incal

culable evil and spiritualism as an infamous system. He says, "After a long and constant watchfulness, seeing for months and years its progress and its practical workings upon its devotees, its believers, and its mediums, we are compelled to speak our honest conviction, which is that the manifestations coming through the acknowledged mediums, who are designated as Rapping, Tipping, Writing, and Entranced Mediums, have a baneful influence upon its believers, and create discord and confusion; that the generality of these teachings inculcate false ideas, approve of selfish individual acts, and endorse theories and principles, which when carried out, debase and make man but a little better than the brute creation. These are among the fruits of modern Spiritualism, and we do not hesitate to say that we believe if these manifestations are continued to be received, and to be as little understood as they are, and have been, since they first made their appearance at Rochester, and mortals are to be deceived by their false, fascinating, and snake-like charming powers which go with them, the day will come when the world will require the appearance of another Saviour to redeem it.

"By their fruits ye shall know them.' This is the standard by which we would try them. Let the believers in this modern philosophy, and its acknowledged mediums, be judged by this text. By their lives, their daily acts, their position as good moral members of society, and upon that we will hang the

decision whether these manifestations be for good or for evil. Let them be placed in the scale of moral progression, and they will be found wanting.

"Seeing as we have, the gradual progress it makes with its believers, particularly its mediums, from lives of morality to that of sensuality and immorality, gradually and cautiously undermining the foundation of good principles, till we look back with amazement to the radical changes which a few months will bring about in individuals, for its tendencies are to approve and endorse each individual act and character, however good or bad those acts may be, drawing to respond to the enquirer's mind spirits in sympathy, who are but the counterpart of the mind that draws them, thus giving to each believer in Spiritualism, the approval of heaven, as they think, of their lives, be that life good, bad, or indifferent. If the individual be an adulterer or an adulteress, approval of their course is given from the spirit, and perhaps from what purports to be the spirit of a loving, devoted father, and who, while in the form, would have gone to his grave in wretchedness and misery to have known that one of his children could have so erred while living; or, perhaps a loving wife or husband, brother or sister, approving of that which their earth life was an apparent contradiction, and so on through almost the entire category of crime, we might furnish examples from our own observation, of what we ourselves during the past two years have witnessed.

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"We desire to send forth our warning voice, and if our humble position, at the head of a public journal, our known advocacy of Spiritualism, our experience, and the conspicuous part we have played among its believers, the honesty and fearlessness with which we have defended the subject, will weigh anything in our favor, we desire that our opinions may be received, and those who are moving passively down the rushing rapids to destruction, should pause, and ere it be too late, save themselves from the blasting influence which these manifestations are causing, and instead of wasting their time in running after false gods, seek the pure and spotless truth.... and all the virtues that make men worthy to receive the blood of Christ which washeth out all sin,' In conclusion, then, we would repeat, our belief in modern Spiritual manifestations is unchanged, save only, that we believe that evil is the tendency emanating from them, and the result to individual believers is to debase rather than to elevate, and to create discord where harmony should prevail. Its tendencies are evil wherever its influence is felt, and the only safety is to steer clear from them."


Such a rebuke, from such a source, must tell terribly against the "establishments" and circles of this satanic system.





Majestic star! the first of night,
Dispelling darkness in its flight,
It penetrates the gloom;
It shows us glory veiled from sight,
And guides our wary feet aright,
To bliss beyond the tomb.

Faith, as a cable, stays our bark,
As through the night, so drear and dark,
We plough the raging main;

Faith prompts her sons to mighty deeds;
And on to victory she leads,

Till they their glory gain.


There is a hope, whose beauteous tread
Illumes the regions of the dead,
And bids the sleepers rise;
With joys transporting and serene,
To view the most exultant scene-
The promised earth and skies.

Thou art a buoy, and anchor, too,
While we the guiding star pursue,
A pledge of endless life;

From thee all shame shall fly apace,
And thou thy righteous sons shall place
Beyond the bounds of strife.


O Charity! thou queen of light!
Thou perfect source of pure delight,

Thou solace of the soul;

When Faith and Hope their course have run,
Thy glory shall eclipse the sun,

While endless ages roll.

Thou art the bond of union strong,
By thee Faith purifies her throng,
Thy sons now rest above;

O! consolation's ceaseless fount!
Than thee, no grace can higher mount,
For God himself is love.

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