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of a million to seven millions five hundred thousand. The whites in 1890 were eighteen times as numerous as in 1790; the Negroes only ten times as numerous. In 1790 they were 19.27 of the whole population, and in 1890 they were only 11.93 of the total population. Excepting the defective census of 1880 and the census of 1810, every census report shows that the Negro is falling behind the white man in the rate of increase, thus showing beyond any doubt that the white race is more and more becoming the numerically dominant race. The most careful investigations settle the fact that the dominant civilization will be the white civilization, and the plain figures dispel the spectre of the numerical black control in this country and in the South.

A kindred method to colonization is the question of Diffusion, which has all the objections with even less of the advantages of the other plans. This plan, mark you, is proposed by those who believe that the rights of the Negro, political and otherwise, are not respected by his white brethren in the South. The idea is practically to take away from him by diffusion in other communities in other States any power for danger which he may have, thus rendering him a small factor in a large community. In other words the idea is to destroy him entirely as a political, economic, or social factor. The practical method, as I understand it, from those with whom I have discussed this subject, is to say to a certain number of Negroes, we will place you in different portions of the United States. 500,000 of you will go

to Ohio; 100,000 to Dakota; 100,000 will go to California, and so on. Here arise all of the great questions I have before discussed without any of the advantages. How will you procure the land in the different parts of the country upon which to place the discitizenized and deported Negroes? How will you get the consent of the people now living upon the lands to move out and give their homes to the Negro race? I will be pardoned for not discussing this subject further.

Then, again, there is another method, and that is the Absorption of the Negro race by the whites. Throw down all of the laws against inter-marriage of the white and black. Destroy all of the social laws affecting the equality or inequality of the races. Open the doors of the churches, of the family, and of the home, to white and black promiscuously. Do away with the white race by an absolute interchange of blood with the black, and let all be reduced to one level or raised to one height in the commingling of the two races. Let us consider this idea. What has been the effect of commingling of the two races one upon the other? I will not discuss this branch of the subject with any idea that there is any hope of its being adopted. I discuss it for the reason that it is one of the remedies prominently suggested. The South would never consider it. That is absolute, and I give it a place in my discussion to-day so that I can in some degree contribute my mite in showing that it is not feasible and should not be considered. It is too horrible for contemplation. This is

practically a world question, and is being considered. in all of its phases by numbers of people interested in the world's development. In looking over the learning of this question, I have been amazed at the vast number of people learned in sociology and in science who insist that this is the only method of settling the destiny of the two races in America. I will be pardoned if I do not go into a close detail of the physical discussion. As Le Conte well says, there is no question but that the crossing of different varieties within the limits of the primary race may produce good effect, but that the crossing of the primary races themselves has been at all times and under all circumstances ruinous. Race aversion is the best evidence of the fact that the danger line has been passed. I mean race aversion in the scientific sense.

Of all the races, we presume that the farthest apart are the black-skinned Negro and the Teuton race, the latter to which we largely belong. These are extreme types, and their permanent union would be, in all probability, the worst of any union which could be devised as between nations. What we are trying to do is to save the Negro race as well as our own. It is in greater danger than the white race. In all countries and at all times the inexorable rule has been that the weaker race has been annihilated by the stronger. This has been especially the case in the all-rule of the Saxon race. We wish to preserve the Negro for some splendid characteristics with which he is endowed. That the

Negro has magnificent characteristics is shown by the fact that his is the only race which has ever risen from the iron rule of the Anglo-Saxon. In every other case in conclusions with the Anglo-Saxon, the weaker race has been held by an iron hand, or has been wiped out of existence. The Negro to-day is as strong as ever, notwithstanding his contention with this dominant race. It would not be fitting at this place to go into a discussion of the physical differences, but with two races in which there is the great difference in the grade of evolution that exists between the Anglo-Saxon and the Negro races, class distinction seems to be absolutely necessary for the preservation of both. I will remark here at this point of the discussion that this race instinct exists not alone in the South, but it is as strong and vigorous in the North. The obvious reasons of its acuteness in the South are the closeness of our contact with the Negroes, and the near knowledge of their overwhelming danger to the white race and to the country.

In proportion to the number of Negroes in the South, in proportion to their intelligence and to their effect upon the body politic, there is as much race instinct and race prejudice to-day in the North as there is in the South. Reflect but for a moment that there is 92 per cent. of the Negroes in the South; that in Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina more than one-half of the inhabitants are Negroes, and in South Carolina, three out of every five people whom you meet are Negroes. In most places in the North only 1 per cent. are Negroes,

and at the highest, 5 per cent. With this statement before us, let me ask our Northern friends, who suggest the idea of Assimilation as an easy escape from the Race Question, what are their feelings upon the initiative steps of this process? Of the intelligent Negroes of the North, how many places of public trust are held by them? To what offices are they elected? What part have they in the social organizations of the North? Do the hotels welcome them? Have they any place in the homes of the Northern men, and does the Northern man visit the Negro's home as a guest? As a matter of fact is not the prejudice in the North as great as it is in the South? And here let me say, in no spirit of recrimination, that in any State in the North, where large numbers of Negroes have been massed therein, the troubles have come more quickly and have been more deadly in their consequences than in the South. I am not pointing the finger of criticism at the Northern States, but am simply attempting by illustration to enforce this great doctrine of race integrity. Let us reason from a higher law than the mere physical law that we have been discussing. us appeal to the great destiny of the nation pushing its civilization over the earth, and let us find out from history what has been the effect of the amalgamation of two primary races so different as the Negro and the white man.


Canon Rawlinson, who has investigated this question to a greater extent than any man in this century, filled as he was with the idea of the amalgamation of the

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