Tobin, Daniel J., general president, International Brotherhood of Team- EXTENSION OF RECIPROCAL TRADE AGREEMENTS ACT MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1940 UNITED STATES SENATE, The committee met, pursuant to call, in the Finance Committee room at 10 a. m., Senator Pat Harrison (chairman) presiding. The CHAIRMAN. The hearing will come to order. The committee has met this morning for the purpose of holding hearings on the legislation continuing the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, House Joint Resolution 407, which will be placed in the record. I think it is well in the beginning to have inserted in the record the original Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act enacted in 1934, and the public resolution extending the original act for a period of 3 years. The committee will recall that in 1937 the original act was extended for a further 3-year period. The present act expires on June 12, 1940. I think it would be well also that the message of the President of January 3, 1940, to the joint session of the Congress, in which, among other things, he recommended that the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act be extended, be inserted in the record. (The insert material referred to by the chairman follows:) [H. J. Res. 407, 76th Cong. 3d sess.] JOINT RESOLUTION To extend the authority of the President under section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the period during which the President is authorized to enter into foreign-trade agreements under section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by the Act (Public, Numbered 316, Seventy-third Congress) approved June 12, 1934, is hereby extended for a further period of three years from June 12, 1940. Passed the House of Representatives February 23, 1940. SOUTH TRIMBLE, Clerk. [PUBLIC NO. 316-73D CONGRESS] [H. R. 8687] AN ACT To amend the Tariff Act of 1930 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Tariff Act of 1930 is amended by adding at the end of title III the following: "PART III-PROMOTION OF FOREIGN TRADE "SEC. 350. (a) For the purpose of expanding foreign markets for the products of the United States (as a means of assisting in the present emergency in restoring the American standard of living, in overcoming domestic unemployment and the present economic depression, in increasing the purchasing power of the American Murray, Hon. Reid F., Representative in Congress from the State of O'Mahoney, Hon. Joseph C., United States Senator from the State of O'Neal, Edward A., president, American Farm Bureau Federation Schloss, Hugo N., New York City, president, American Lace Manufac- Smith, Earl C., Chicago, Ill., president, Illinois Agricultural Association; Thatcher, M. W., St. Paul, Minn., chairman, legislative committee, Na- Wallace, Hon. Henry A., Secretary of Agriculture. Woll, Matthew, president, America's Wage Earners' Protective Conference... Page 750 183 413 286 799 743 295 415 570 676 47 541 Young, Howard I., St. Louis, Mo., chairman, tariff committee, National Association of Manufacturers; president, American Zine Institute; president, American Zinc Lead & Smelting Co... 409, 440 STATEMENTS, BRIEFS, LETTERS, TELEGRAMS, MEMO- Adkerson, J. Carson, president, American Manganese Producers Asso- Amalgamated Lace Operatives of America, Philadelphia, Pa. American Association of University Women.. American Flint Glass Workers' Union of North America. Battle, J. D., executive secretary, National Coal Association_. Bivins, Julian, Amarillo, Tex... Brown, Millard D., Continental Mills, Inc., letter from.. Business Advisory Council of the Department of Commerce_ Cigar Manufacturers Association of America, Inc., New York City.. 465 313 498 535 657 822 213 725 824 860 461 Dowsing, John E., tariff counsel, the United States Potters' Association.. 853 501 Gifford, R. W., chairman, foreign trade committee, Detroit Board of 282 Gilbert & Bennett Mfg. Co... 284 Gordon, John B., Washington representative, Bureau of Raw Materials for 718 Gregory, T. H., executive vice president, National Cottonseed Products 858 Herron, Col. F. L., representing the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors' Association. 538 Indiana Steel & Wire Co.. 284 Johnston, Franklin, publisher, American Exporter.. 828 Keefe, Thomas J., general manager, American Motorists Association, 642 Kornbliet, I. Robbins, executive secretary, American Watch Assemblers 855 Lubin, Hon. Isador, Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Department of 821 Me Pike, Miss Sara, president, St. Catherine Welfare Association, Yonkers, 864 Mollin, F. E., secretary, American National Livestock Association National Board of the Young Women's Christian Association of the Page National Society Service Star Legion, Inc.___. 508 National Women's Trade Union League of America 506 Noble, Hon. Edward J., Acting Secretary of Commerce. 820 Northwestern Steel & Wire Co... 284 Pieckett, Carlton I., Plymouth County Farm Bureau, South Hanson, Mass 675 Pike, H. H., Jr., chairman, Cuban committee, National Foreign Trade 856 Prentis, H. W., Jr., president, Armstrong Cork Co.. Proper, J. Howard, New York City, general counsel, American Champagne Guild_. 863 342 Roebling's Sons Co., John A. 284 Russell, Hubbard, past president of American National Livestock Association___ 864 Ryder, Oscar B., acting chairman, United States Tariff Commission. 166 536 Tanners Council of America, Washington, D. C......... 862 Thomas, E. P., president, National Foreign Trade Council, Inc., New York 849 Tobin, Daniel J., general president, International Brotherhood of Team- 567 283 Tracy, D. W., international president, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers__ 568 Wickwire Bros., Inc.. 284 Wickwire Spencer Steel Co___ 284 Williams, Langbourne M., Jr., president, Freeport Sulphur Co., New York |