Arnold, Jack, Birney, Mont., chairman, Farmers' and Stockmen's Com-
mittee Favoring Senate Ratification of Trade Treaties_...
Baldwin, Mrs. Harris T., Washington, D. C., first vice president, Na-
tional League of Women Voters...
Budd, B. C., Detroit, Mich., chairman, export committee, Automobile
Brock, J. Elmer, president, American National Livestock Association..
Brown, Millard D., Philadelphia, Pa., representing Continental Mills,
Carr, Harry C., vice president and treasurer, Bayuk Cigars, Inc., Phila- delphia, Pa.
Conover, Julian D., Washington, D. C., secretary, American Mining
Coulter, John Lee, Washington, D. C., representing the National Asso- ciation of Manufacturers
America, Memphis, Tenn---
Just, Evan, secretary, Tri-State Zinc and Lead Ore Producers Association_ Lerch, John G., New York City, representing Wool Hat Manufacturers' Association of America, and other domestic interests.
Marsh, Benjamin C., executive secretary, The People's Lobby, Washing-
Monro, W. L., president, American Window Glass Co., Pittsburgh, Pa....
Murray, Hon. Reid F., Representative in Congress from the State of
O'Mahoney, Hon. Joseph C., United States Senator from the State of
O'Neal, Edward A., president, American Farm Bureau Federation.
Peabody, Walter R., secretary, American Tariff League, New York City..
Pepper, Hon. Claude, United States Senator from the State of Florida..
Rogers, James Grafton, master, Timothy Dwight College, Yale University,
New Haven, Conn.........
Schloss, Hugo N., New York City, president, American Lace Manufac-
turers Association..
Smith, Earl C., Chicago, Ill., president, Illinois Agricultural Association;
representing the American Farm Bureau Federation..
Taber, L. J., master, the National Grange.
Thatcher, M. W., St. Paul, Minn., chairman, legislative committee, Na-
tional Farmers' Union; president, National Federation of Grain Co-
Wallace, Hon. Henry A., Secretary of Agriculture-
Adkerson, J. Carson, president, American Manganese Producers Asso-
ciation, Washington, D. C...
American Association of University Women_
American Flint Glass Workers' Union of North America..
Gregory, T. H., executive vice president, National Cottonseed Products Association, Memphis, Tenn..
Herron, Col. F. L., representing the Motion Picture Producers and Dis- tributors' Association..
Mollin, F. E., secretary, American National Livestock Association.. Morningstar, Joseph, president, Morningstar, Nicol, Inc., New York City National Association of Alcoholic Beverage Importers, Inc., Washington, D. C.....
National Board of the Young Women's Christian Association of the United States of America
National Council of Jewish Women.
National League of Women Voters.
Pieckett, Carlton I., Plymouth County Farm Bureau, South Hanson, Mass-
Pike, H. H., Jr., chairman, Cuban committee, National Foreign Trade
Council, Inc., New York City.
Murray, Hon. Reid F., Representative in Congress from the State of
O'Mahoney, Hon. Joseph C., United States Senator from the State of
O'Neal, Edward A., president, American Farm Bureau Federation.
Peabody, Walter R., secretary, American Tariff League, New York City. -
Pepper, Hon. Claude, United States Senator from the State of Florida.
Rogers, James Grafton, master, Timothy Dwight College, Yale University,
New Haven, Conn....
Schloss, Hugo N., New York City, president, American Lace Manufac-
turers Association.
Smith, Earl C., Chicago, Ill., president, Illinois Agricultural Association;
representing the American Farm Bureau Federation__.
Taber, L. J., master, the National Grange..
Thatcher, M. W., St. Paul, Minn., chairman, legislative committee, Na-
tional Farmers' Union; president, National Federation of Grain C-
Wallace, Hon. Henry A., Secretary of Agriculture-
Woll, Matthew, president, America's Wage Earners' Protective Con-
Adkerson, J. Carson, president, American Manganese Producers Asso-
ciation, Washington, D. C...
Mollin, F. E., secretary, American National Livestock Association
Morningstar, Joseph, president, Morningstar, Nicol, Inc., New York City
National Association of Alcoholic Beverage Importers, Inc., Washington,
D. C.............
National Board of the Young Women's Christian Association of the
United States of America
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