Imágenes de páginas

Killock, a small anchor.

Pint, point.

Kin', kin' o', kinder, kind, kind Pocket full of rocks, plenty of


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Snaked, crawled like a snake; | but to snake any one out is to track him to his hidingplace; to snake a thing out is to snatch it out. Soffies, sofas.

Sogerin', soldiering; a barbarous amusement common among men in the savage state.

Som'ers, somewhere.
So'st, so as that.

Sot, set, obstinate, resolute.
Spiles, spoils; objects of political
Spry, active.

Staddles, stout stakes driven
into the salt marshes, on
which the hay-ricks are set,
and thus raised out of the
reach of high tides.
Streaked, uncomfortable, dis-

Suckle, circle.

Sutthin', something.

Suttin, certain.

[blocks in formation]

Tu, to, too; commonly has this sound when used emphatically, or at the end of a sentence. At other times it has the sound of t in tough, as, Ware ye goin' tu? Goin la Boston.


Ugly, ill-tempered, intractable. Uncle Sam, United States; the largest boaster of liberty and owner of slaves. Unrizzest, applied to dough or bread; heavy, most unrisen, or most incapable of rising.


V-spot, a five-dollar bill. Vally, value.


Wake snakes, to get into trouble. Wal, well; spoken with great deliberation, and sometimes with the a very much flattened, sometimes (but more seldom) very much broadened.

Wannut, walnut, (hickory.)
Ware, where.
Ware, were.

Whopper, an uncommonly large lie; as, that General Taylor is in favor of the Wilmot Proviso.

Wig, Whig; a party now dissolved.

Wunt, will not.
Wus, worse.
Wut, what.

Wuth, worth; as, Antislavery perfessions 'fore 'lection aint with a Bungtown copper. Wuz, was, sometimes were.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]



[blocks in formation]

Antonius, a speech of, 181-by
whom best reported, ib.
Apocalypse, beast in, magnetic
to theologians, 222.
Apollo, confessed mortal by his
own oracle, 222.

Apollyon, his tragedies popular,

Appian, an Alexandrian, not

equal to Shakspeare as an
orator, 181.

Ararat, ignorance of foreign
tongues is an, 193.
Arcadian background, 243.
Aristophanes, 175.

Arms, profession of, once es-
teemed, especially that of
gentlemen, 154.
Arnold, 183.
Ashland, 243.

Astor, Jacob, a rich man, 230.
Astræa, nineteenth century for
saken by, 240.

Athenians, ancient, an institu-
tion of, 182.

Atherton, Senator, envies the
loon, 201.

Austin, St., profane wish of,
184, note.

Aye-Aye, the, an African ani-
mal, America supposed to be
settled by, 167.


Babel, probably the first Con-
gress, 199-a gabble-mill, ib

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