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16. The owner or holder of stock in an incorporated company liable to taxation on its capital, shall not be taxed as an individual for such stock.

17. The personal property in excess of one hundred thousand dollars of a mutual life insurance corporation incorporated in this state before April tenth, eighteen hundred and forty-nine.

18. Property real, from which no income is derived, and personal property, situated within any city of the first class and be longing to the medical society of any county, which county is either wholly or partly within such city and which society was heretofore incorporated under the provisions of chapter ninetyfour, laws of eighteen hundred and thirteen, entitled "An act to incorporate medical societies for the purpose of regulating the practice of physic and surgery in this state," provided that such property is used for the purposes of such a society and not otherwise, and provided that such exemption of property for any society in the counties of Kings or New York shall not exceed one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and in any other county affected hereby shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars.

19. Property real from which no rent is derived and personal property, situated within any city of the first class and belonging to any incorporated pharmaceutical society of any county which is either wholly or partly within such city, which society has heretofore been or may hereafter be authorized and empowered by act of the legislature to establish and which has established or may hereafter establish, a college of pharmacy in such city; provided that such property is used for the purposes of such college and not otherwise, and provided also that the exemption of such property for any society in the counties of Kings and New York shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, and in any other county affected hereby shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars.

20. The commissioners of the sinking fund or other chief financial board of any city of the first class, may, in their discretion, by resolution, exempt from taxation for local purposes the real and personal property, or any part of it, of a corporation or association organized to maintain an academy of music, if, in the opinion of such board, the interests of such city require the maintenance of such academy of music, and it shall appear that the property so exempted represents or was purchased with the proceeds of popular or general subscription for the erection of such

academy of music. No property of such corporation or association shall be exempt, except the real property consisting of such academy of music and the furniture thereof, or personal property so subscribed and held for the purpose of constructing such academy of music. No such exemption shall be made for any year unless it shall appear that, during the preceding year, the corporation or association has not earned a net annual income upon the net cost of such academy and the furniture thereof.

21. Household furniture and personal effects to the value of one thousand dollars.

5. Taxation of lands sold or leased by the state. All lands which have been sold by the state, although not conveyed, shall be assessed in the same manner as if such purchaser were the actual owner. Improvements not acquired by the state but situate on land purchased by the state shall be assessed to the owner thereof. Where land is leased by the state such leasehold interest, except in cases where by the terms of the lease the state is to pay the taxes imposed upon the property leased, shall be assessed to the lessee or occupant in the tax district where the land is situated.

§ 6. The assessment of real and personal property. All real and personal property subject to taxation shall be assessed at the full value thereof, provided, however, that the owner of personal property shall be allowed a deduction from the full value of all his taxable personal property to the extent of the just debts owing by him but no such deduction shall be allowed by reason of the indebtedness of the owner contracted or incurred in the purchase of nontaxable property or securities owned by him or held for his benefit, nor for or on account of any indirect liability as surety, guarantor, indorser or otherwise, nor for or on account of any debt or liability contracted or incurred for the purpose of evading taxation.

7. When property of nonresidents is taxable. 1. Nonresidents of the state doing business in the state, either as principals or partners, shall be taxed on the capital invested in such business, as personal property, at the place where such business is carried on, to the same extent as if they were residents

2. The personal property of nonresidents of the state having an actual situs in the state, and not forming a part of capital invested in business in the state, shall be assessed in the name of the owner thereof for the purpose of identification and taxed in the tax district where such property is situated, unless exempt by law. This subdivision shall not apply to money, or negotiable collateral securities, deposited by, or debts owing to, such nonresidents nor shall it be construed as in any manner modifying or changing the law imposing a tax on real estate mortgage securities.

§ 8. Place of taxation of property of residents. Every person shall be taxed in the tax district where he resides when the assessment for taxation is made, for all personal property owned by him, or under his control as agent, trustee, guardian, executor or administrator. Where taxable personal property is in the possession or under the control of two or more agents, trustees, guardians, executors or administrators residing in different tax districts, each shall be taxed for an equal portion of the value of such property so held by them. Rents reserved in any lease in fee or for one or more lives or for a term more than twentyone years and chargeable upon real property within the state, shall be taxable to the person entitled to receive the same, as personal property in the tax district where such real property is situated, at a principal sum, the interest of which at the legal rate per annum shall produce a sum equal to such annual rents, and if payable in anything except money, at the value of the rents in money to be ascertained by the assessors, the value of each rent to be assessed separately, and for the purpose of the taxation thereof such person is to be deemed a resident of such tax district. When a person shall have acquired a residence in a tax district, and shall have been taxed therein, such residence shall be presumed to continue for the purpose of taxation until he shall have acquired another

residence in this state or shall have removed from this state. The residence of a person on July first shall be deemed his residence for the purpose of assessment and taxation during that year. If he shall have actually and in good faith changed his residence after July first, and before August first in any year, from one tax district to another, and shall make proof to the assessors at or before their last meeting for the correction of the

assessment-roll of such change of residence and that he is assessed in the tax district to which he has removed, his name and the assessment of his personal property shall be stricken from the assessment-roll of the tax district where he resided on July first. In case of any controversy as to the proper place of taxation within the state of any person, his residence for purposes of taxation may be determined by the tax commission, subject to review by the court.

§ 9. Place of taxation of real property. Real property shall be assessed as of July first in the tax district in which it is situated. In all cases the assessment shall be deemed as against the real property itself, and the property itself shall be holden and liable to sale for any tax levied upon it.

§ 10. Taxation of real property divided by line of tax district. If a farm or lot is divided by a line between two or more tax districts it shall be assessed in the tax district in which the dwelling-house or other principal buildings are located, in the manner provided by section nine of this chapter, the same as though such farm or lot was wholly in such tax district, except that if the land is unoccupied or has not buildings thereupon, or if the farm or lot consists of two or more parcels, with separate dwelling-houses or other principal buildings, the portion of such farm, lot or tract of land lying in each district shall be separately assessed therein. If such land is situated in two or more counties and is wild and uncultivated and not occupied and used for agricultural purposes, the portions of such land lying in each county shall be separately assessed therein. If the boundary line of a tax district passes through a building, any portion of which is used as a dwelling, the owner of such building, if occupying the same or residing in either tax district, and otherwise, the person occupying such building as a dwelling-house, may elect in which district such building and the adjacent land, owned, occupied and connected therewith shall be assessed, by serving a written notice of such election on the assessors of each tax district during the month of May; but if such election is not made, the property shall

§ 11. Place of taxation of property of corporations. The real estate of all incorporated companies liable to taxation shall be assessed in the tax district in which the same shall lie, in the same manner as the real estate of individuals. All the personal estate of every incorporated company liable to taxation on its capital shall be assessed in the tax district where the principal office or place for transacting the financial concerns of the company shall be, or if such company have no principal office, or place for transacting its financial concerns, then in the tax district where the operations of such company shall be carried


In the case of a toll bridge, the company owning such bridge shall be assessed in the tax district in which the tolls are collected; and where the tolls of any bridge, turnpike, or canal company are collected in several tax districts, the company shall be assessed in the tax district in which the treasurer or other officer authorized to pay the last preceding dividend resides.

§ 12. Taxation of corporate stock. The capital stock of every company liable to taxation, except such part of it as shall have been excepted in the assessment-roll or shall be exempt by law, together with its surplus profits or reserve funds exceeding ten per centum of its capital, after deducting the assessed value of its real estate, and all shares of stock in other corporations actually owned by such company which are taxable upon their capital stock under the laws of this state, shall be assessed at its actual value.

813. Stockholders of bank taxable on shares. The stockholders of every bank or banking association organized under the authority of this state, or of the United States, shall be assessed and taxed on the value of their shares of stock therein; said shares shall be included in the valuation of the personal property of such stockholders in the assessment of taxes in the tax district where such bank or banking association is located, and not elsewhere, whether the said stockholders reside in said tax district or not.

§ 14. Place of taxation of individual bank capital. Every individual banker shall be taxable upon the amount of capital invested in his banking business in the tax district where the place of such business is located and shall, for that purpose, be deemed a resident of such tax district.

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