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thou enable us to glorify thee, both with our bodies and with our spirits which are thine.

As every day brings us nearer our end, Lord teach us so to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Prepare us for whatever is appointed for us in life. Do us good by all thy providences, whether comfortable or afflictive: Help us to accommodate ourselves to them, and by all bring us nearer to thyself, and fit us for the enjoyment of thee in a better world.

Lord, let our family be blessed in him in whom all the believing families of the earth are blessed. Give us health and prosperity, and all needful temporal blessings; but especially let our souls prosper and be in health. Let all that belong to us belong to Christ; that we who dwell together on earth, may be together for ever with the Lord.

May our native country be still the care of thy Providence: In the peace thereof may we have peace. Let glory dwell in our land, and upon all the glory let there be a defence. Rule in the hearts of our rulers, and make them public blessings. May those who are in places of public trust, be faithful to the public interest; and may those who bear the sword, be a terror to evil-doers, a protection and praise to such as do well.

Own thy ministers in their work: Give them skill, ability, and zeal, to help souls to heaven. May the rising generation be such as thou wilt own, and as shall do more and better service in their day than has been done in ours. Comfort and relieve all that are in poverty and affliction. Teach us to sympathise with them, and dispose us to do all we can for their relief..

And do thou for us abundantly above what we are able to ask or think, through Jesus Christ, the Lord our righteousness. To Him, with the Father and Eternal Spirit, be glory and praise now and for ever. Amen.


GLORIOUS Jehovah! Thou hast thy being of thyself, and thy happiness in thyself alone. We have our being from thee, and our happiness is only in thee. It is therefore both our duty and our interest to seek unto thee, to implore thy favour, and to give unto thee the glory due to thy


We confess we are utterly unworthy of the honour, and unable for the work, of communion with thee. But we come to thee in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is worthy, and depend upon the assistances of thy blessed Spirit to work all our work in us.

Thou art good to all, and thy tender mercies are over all thy works; and thou art continually doing us good, though we are evil and unthankful. We have rested and are refreshed, when many have been tossed to and fro till the dawning of the day. We have a safe and quiet habitation, while many are forced to wander and lie exposed. One day tells another, and one night certifies to another, that thou art good, and never failest

those that seek thee, and trust in thee. We thankfully own thy goodness to us, and acknowl. edge ourselves to be less than the least of all the mercy and truth thou hast shewed us.

Above all, we bless thee for the gifts of thy grace to lost and miserable sinners in and through thy dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We praise thee that, having laid down his life to make atonement for sin, he rose again for our justification, that he might bring in an everlasting righteous. ness. We bless thee that our eyes see the light, and our ears hear the joyful sound of redemption by him, and of that life and immortality which are brought to light by the gospel. Glory be to God in the highest that there is on earth peace, and good-will towards men.

O grant us wisdom and grace, that we may rightly understand the gospel, firmly believe it, and cheerfully obey it; that so we may be saving. ly interested in the blessings which it reveals.

Through him, who was made sin for us, though he knew no sin, let us sinners be accepted as righteous. And as Christ died for our sins, we pray that we may be dying daily to them. May we also experience in our souls the power and virtue of his resurrection: May we rise with him from the death of sin to the life of righteousness; from the dust of this world to a holy, spiritual, divine, and heavenly life.

Help us to set our affections on things above, and not on things that are on earth. O that time, and the things of time, may be as nothing to us in comparison with eternity, and its infinite realities! Give us grace, we pray thee, to look up to the other world with such a holy concern and

realizing faith, that we may look down upon this world with a holy contempt and indifference, as those that must be here but a little while, and must exist in some unknown region for ever.

Give us grace, we pray thee, to live a life of communion with thee, both in providences and ordinances, and a life of dependance upon thee; at all times trusting in thy power, providence, and promises, and pouring out our hearts before thee. Enable us also to live a life of devotedness to thee; and of complacency in thee. May we set the Lord always before us; aim at thy glory as our highest end; and make religion not only our chief business, but our highest pleasure.

We beseech thee preserve us in our integrity to our dying day. O may we never forsake or forget thee! but with purpose of heart may we cleave unto the Lord, and not count life itself dear to us, so that we may finish our course with honour and joy.

Let thy good providence order all the circumstances of our dying, so as may best befriend our comfortable removal hence; and while we are here, make us wiser and better every day; more weaned from this world, more willing to leave it, and more fit for another and better.

Bless us, O Lord, as a family, with every thing suited to our several circumstances. Give us all wisdom to know the duties of our several characters and stations, and make us faithful in the performance of them. Be gracious to all that are related to us, or connected with us. Pity and relieve the children of affliction, and be a present help to all thy people in every season of distress. To thy providential care we commit

ourselves and each other for, the day ensuing. Preserve us from every danger, fortify us against every temptation, assist us in every duty, and graciously accept us in thy dear Son; to whom with the Father, and the Eternal Spirit, be glory and praise now and for ever. Amen.


O GOD, the infinite eternal spirit; most perfect in power, wisdom and goodness; though mortal eyes cannot behold thee, nor any created understanding comprehend thee, thou art ever present with us, and seest the secrets of our hearts. All our sins, and all our wants, are known to thee: But thou wisely requirest our confessions, as the exercise of our repentance, and our petitions and thanksgivings, as the expressions of our desires, dependance and gratitude. We confess our unfitness for such converse with thee. O thou, whose mercy inviteth miserable sinners to come unto thee, by the new and living way; meet us not in thy justice, as a consuming fire, but accept us in thy righteous and beloved Son.

Thou, who art the creator of all things, didst make us in thine image, to know, love, and serve thee. But sin hath corrupted all our powers, and perverted them from the ends for which we were made.

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