Publication of Production and Profits in Coal: Hearings Before the Committee on Manufactures, United States Senate, Sixty-sixth Congress, Third Session, on S. 4828, a Bill to Promote the Ownership, Production, Distribution, Costs, Sales, and Profits in the Coal Industry and by Publication of Same, and to Recognize and Declare Coal and Its Production and Distribution Charged with Public Interest and Use, and for Other Purposes. In Three Volumes, Volúmenes2-3U.S. Government Printing Office, 1921 |
Términos y frases comunes
anthracite coal asked average bids bill bituminous coal BOWEN capital stock cent CHAIRMAN CHANTLAND charge Coal & Iron coal business coal company Coal Mining Coal Operators Commander HILTON contract corporation cost DANIEL dealers Delaware directors district dividends fact Federal Trade Commission field figures Fuel Administration GARFIELD GOMPERS Government HUDDLESTON income increase interest Interstate Commerce Commission labor labor power Lackawanna Lehigh Valley Coal Lehigh Valley Railroad letter margin meeting ment miners MORROW National Coal Association NESS net income nine months output paid Pennsylvania period Philadelphia & Reading Pool ports President profits purchase question railroad company Reading Co Reading Coal Reading Railroad record referred retail RITTER sales realizations sell Senator FERNALD Senator KENYON Senator REED Senator WALSH Shipping Board statement tion tonnage tons transportation TRIGG United wages Washington West Virginia WING
Pasajes populares
Página 1832 - That the labor of a human being is not a commodity or article of commerce. Nothing contained in the antitrust laws shall be construed to forbid the existence and operation of labor, agricultural, or horticultural organizations, instituted for the purposes of mutual help, and not having capital stock or conducted for profit, or to forbid or restrain individual members of such organizations from lawfully carrying out the legitimate objects thereof; nor shall such organizations, or the members thereof,...
Página 1832 - States, or a judge or the judges thereof, in any case between an employer and employees, or between employers and employees, or between employees, or between persons employed and persons seeking employment, involving, or growing out of, a dispute concerning terms or conditions of employment...
Página 1841 - Without attempting to review and reconcile all the cases, we are of opinion, that as a general description, though perhaps not a precise and accurate definition, a conspiracy must be a combination of two or more persons, by some concerted action, to accomplish some criminal or unlawful purpose, or to accomplish some purpose, not in itself criminal or unlawful, by criminal or unlawful means.
Página 1832 - ... unless necessary to prevent irreparable injury to property, or to a property right, of the party making the application, for which injury there is no adequate remedy at law...
Página 1843 - ... organized and operated exclusively for the mutual benefit of their members, nor to any corporation or association organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, or educational purposes, no part of the net income of which inures to the benefit of any private stockholder or individual.
Página 1848 - An Act done in pursuance of an agreement or combination by two or more persons shall, if done in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute, not be actionable unless the act, if done without any such agreement or combination, would be actionable.
Página 1848 - An act done by a person in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute shall not be actionable on the ground only that it induces some other person to break a contract of employment or that it is an interference with the trade, business, or employment of some other person, or with the right of some other person to dispose of his capital or his labour as he wills.
Página 1843 - That nothing in this section shall apply to mutual savings banks not having a capital stock represented by shares...
Página 1879 - The right of persons employed in the civil service of the United States, either individually or collectively, to petition Congress, or any Member thereof, or to furnish information to either House of Congress, or to any committee or member thereof, shall not be denied or interfered with.
Página 1914 - Act, but the repeal of existing laws or modifications thereof embraced in this Act shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued, or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil cause before...