Imágenes de páginas

treatise on book-keeping by double-entry. A perusal of the book affords full evidence that the author is master of his subject. We are glad to see this valuable addition to the books which are designed to teach - what every boy ought to learn in school-the double-entry system of book-keeping. A work so concise, simple and cheap as the one before us, ought to have a large sale.

A PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY on the basis of the Object Method of Instruction, illustrated with numerous Engravings and Pictorial Maps. By FORDYCE A. ALLEN, Principal of the Chester County Normal School, West Chester, Pa. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1862. 56 pp. Quarto.


It is truly refreshing to look at the elegant pages of this new book for the little We almost wish ourself back to our days of jacket and ruffled collar, that we might have the pleasure of studying this charming book with a boy's delight. The numerous cuts are large and beautiful. The maps, even, are adorned with instructive pictures. The letter-press is as fair and inviting as any typographical epicure can desire. The subject matter happily exhibits the author's good taste and We sincerely believe that this Primary Geography is one of extraordinary merit, and therefore deserving of the favorable attention we hope it will receive.

common sense.

JEWELS FROM THE QUARRY OF THE MIND. Edited by JAMES H. HEAD. Boston: Crosby & Nichols.

The field of the poets has been often gleaned. It is curious to notice the differing tastes of different gleaners. The selections in the book before us possess a quiet beauty which charms and soothes. They are not so much the great and stirring utterances of the poets as the calm and beautiful. It is delightful to have such a book at hand in a leisure or weary hour.

The publishers have shown their appreciation of these poetic utterances by giving them a form as attractive to the eye as they are to the heart.

JUVENILE BOOKS. Crosby & Nichols are continually adding to their extensive assortment of juvenile reading. Their late publications are pronounced by the proper authority up to the mark. FLORENCE ERWIN'S THREE HOMES pleases the young misses and shows them that heart-wealth is better than world-wealth. THE BEAR HUNTERS is just the thing for the boys, as is also ROUND THE WORLD. Let them read the latter, with the atlas before them, and it will teach a capital lesson in geography, as well as delight them. A little sick friend who reads all the books he can get hold of, pronounces THE DOG CRUSOE the very best he has read for some time. We have looked over these books with much pleasure, and do not wonder at the strong interest they excite in the youthful mind.

THE CAROL: a new and complete Music Book for Schools, Academies, and Singing-Classes. By WILLIAM B. BRADBURY. New York: Ivison, Phinney & Co. The examination of this book has given us real pleasure. We like its elementary exercises and methods of illustration much. We like too its great variety of good music. So fine a Carol deserves to be heard in every school.

Those who are contemplating any change of SCHOOL BOOKS are invited to examine the fol lowing STANDARD WORKS:

Eaton's Primary Arithmetic.

Colburn's Mental Arithmetic.

Eaton's Treatise on Written Arithmetic.

This has been the exclusive series for the past three years, authorized in the Boston Public Schools, and is used with the best results. It is extensively in use throughout the country. The Mental Arithmetic of WARREN COLBURN has long been the chief book of its kind, and is used EVERY


Worcester's History.

This is a well-known book of high value, and an acquaintance with the revised edition is now required for admission to Harvard College; it is a UNIVERSAL HISTORY.

Smellie's Philosophy of Natural History.

This is an entirely new edition re-written by Dr. JOHN WARE, and illustrated with over fifty elegant engravings. This is the STANDARD TEXT-BOOK in use in schools on this subject.

The Universal Speaker.

Those seeking new and interesting matter for school declamation and dialogues, will do well to examine this original work.

Philbrick's Primary School Tablets.

The Superintendent of the Boston Public Schools has furnished in these Tablets a new and invaluable aid to Primary instruction.

Taylor's Method of Classical Study.

The Principal of the famed Phillips Academy, at Andover, has in this little volume laid open the SECRET of his great success.

The above books are already extensively in use, being original, well established works of their kind from authors of established reputation. Teachers and school officers contemplating any change of Text-Books, in any of these departments, are earnestly requested to examine these books. VERY LIBERAL TERMs made for first introduction, making it more economical to use the best Text-Books than to continue with inferior ones.

Copies of books furnished for examination, with reference to introduction, on application to the publishers,

Jan. '62.







Principal of Chester County Normal School, West Chester, Pennsylvania, upon the OBJECT METHOD, and designed as the first book of the series, of which Smith's Geography forms a part.

The work is the result of many years of observation and experience in the school and lectureroom, and is emphatically Primary in its character.

The author has proceeded upon the hypothesis that the study of geography will be superficial and profitless unless attention is at first directed to subjects and objects which are either already or which may readily be made familiar; - that a commencement embracing home scenes, people, animals, plants, etc., furnishes the only standard by which the child can judge of similar objects in other parts of his own, or in foreign countries. The work is peculiarly illustrated by about two hundred and fifty pictures, and by thirteen picture-maps, executed in the finest style of the art; the former will fully illustrate the text and take a prominent part in the presentation of the subject, the latter, printed in colors, will show the young pupil at a glance the geography of a country by such pictures upon the map of that country as will exhibit its great physical features, Zoology, Botany, Ethnology, and the occupation of its people.

The publishers feel assured that this book, prepared, as it has been, by a teacher of experience, and upon nature's plan, will supply a want long felt by the best educators of the country.

Teachers and School Directors will be furnished with copies of this work, in flexible covers, by mail, upon receipt of 25 cents in money or postage stamps, by the publishers; and schools will be supplied with the work upon accommodating terms.




Containing a Concise Text, and Explanatory Notes,



..QUARTO. PRICE $1.00.

SMITH'S NEW GEOGRAPHY has been in course of preparation for many years, and is the crowning production of the distinguished author. No pains have been spared to combine in this work all that is essential to a complete and comprehensive School Geography, and great care has been taken in its construction to render it of the greatest practical usefulness in the school-room and family.

words and terms. This feature is of great practical value to teachers, and intelligent scholars.

The following are some of its features which deserve attention: I. Clearness and comprehensiveness of expression in the Text, especially in the Definitions; it being the aim of the author to teach the pupils just what they want to know, and in as few words as practicable.

II. Superior colored Maps, exhibiting the Races, Religions, Governments, and states of Civilization of different nations.

III. Forty-four Vicinity Maps of the Principal Cities on the globe.

IV. Thirty-two large full-paged Maps of States and Countries.

V. Copious Marginal Notes and Explanations, giving the derivation and meaning of difficult

VI. Comparative Map on a uniform scale, exhibiting the relative size of the different Countries and larger Islands on the globe.

VII. Railroad Map of the United States, exhibiting the principal railway lines, with their connections.

VIII. Physical Geography, with Humboldt's System of Isothermal Lines.

IX. Outline of Mathematical Geography. X. Geographical Clock, exhibiting the relative time of day under different degrees of Longitude.

From the Massachusetts Teacher.

"All we have to say is, that this Geography is a novelty and a choice one too. If we had to select to-day a geographical text-book for our own use we should choose this." ***

Teachers and School Directors will be furnished with copies of the work, in flexible covers, by mail, for examination, upon receipt of 50 cents in money or postage stamps, by the Publishers; and schools will be supplied with the work, for introduction, upon accommodating terms.

March, '62.

J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia.

DESIGNED FOR HIGH SCHOOLS, ACADEMIES, AND COLLEGES. This is a new edition of the ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY, with the addition of a Complete System of Plane and Spherical TRIGONOMETRY, analytically treated, and practically applied.

No work of the kind has been in the same time more extensively introduced, or more highly commended by DISTINGUISHED EDUCATORS. It is now used in High Schools, Academies, and Normal Schools in all parts of the country, including in NEW ENGLAND alone UPWARDS OF SIXTY ACADEMIES.

A. P. STONE, A. M., President of the National Institute of Instruction, writes: "It stands the test of the schoolroom well- the only sure guarantee of the merits of any schock


WILLIAM C. EsTY, A. M., Professor of Mathematics in Salem Public High School: "The only text-book of the kind which presents, in a form suitable for High Schools, the improved methods of the present day."

D. B. HAGAR, A. M., late President of Massachusetts State Teachers' Association: "I have, with the unanimous concurrence of our school committee, adopted it for use in the Eliot High School. I cannot pay the work a higher compliment."

Prof. G. P. HAWES, A. M., of Maryland Agricultural College:

"There is a wholeness and a brevity about it which is truly refreshing in this book-making age. I particularly admire its method of teaching trigonometric functions-an improvement upon the old system, and that too on an essential point, as it changes the basis of investigation wholly for the better."

Prof. F. A. ALLEN, A. M., Principal of Chester County Normal School, Pa.:

"After giving it a fair trial—at least, a satisfactory one to me - I have concluded to introduce it into our Normal School. My opinion of the work is here given in a tangible form."

Prof. J. V. N. STANDISH, A. M., of Lombard College, Ill.:

"Prof. Greenleaf seems to have followed the 'golden mean' between Euclid and Legendre; it is neither too wordy nor too concise. I regard the work as most excellent."

Prof. H. A. PRATT, A. M., Principal of Hartford City High School, Conn. :

"It is undoubtedly the best work on the subject now offered to our schools."

STILES FRENCH, A. M., Principal of a Classical and Scientific School, New Haven: "The whole book is remarkably well adapted to the purposes of instruction."

Prof. E. J. YOUNG, Principal of East Allentown Grammar School, Pa.:

"It is a work of rare merit, and I sincerely and conscientiously recommend it as undoubtedly the



Is so generally used in the best Schools of every State in the Union, as to have become A NATIONAL STANDARD.


New Primary Arithmetic, exchanged for the old book and.

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Dozen prices.



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Keys to the Intellectual, Common School, and National Arithmetics, Algebra, and Geometry and Trigonometry are published, for Teachers only. All interested are respectfully invited to correspond with us.

Published by ROBERT S. DAVIS & CO., Boston

Feb. '62.


Original Dialogues,


Author of The Standard Speakers, The Standard Readers, Spellers, etc., etc.

THE few Original Dialogues that Mr. SARGENT has published having attained a rare popularity, and been in extensive demand for School Exhibitions, etc., Mr. S. has yielded to the repeated solicitations of many of our most eminent teachers in all parts of the country, and

consented to prepare the new collection which we here announce.

It forms

a handsome large duodecimo of 336 pages, with a fine portrait of the
author, engraved on steel, and with wood-cuts representing
appropriate attitudes in dialogue delivery.

Price 1.00.

The usual discount to the Trade.

On receipt of one dollar, a copy will be sent, postage prepaid, to any teacher or pupil.

Every school-boy and school-girl ought to own a copy.

"The dialogues are eminently adapted to representation; vivid, full of action, with characters well discriminated, and language never bordering on coarseness."- National Intelligencer.

"The best collection of dialogues in the language. It ought to be introduced into every school in the country where elocution is taught." -N. Y Home Journal.

"A book worth having. It is written in excellent style, and calculated to delight all intelligent boys and girls."- Chicago Democrat.

"Will be a favorite in every academy, high school, grammar school, or county school, everywhere where "boys are boys." It is decidedly the best collection of dialogues for youthful representation that we have ever examined."— Gardiner, (Me.) Home Journal.

"These dialogues seem to be immensely popular with the boys. The book reached a third edition before it had been out ten days."- Boston Post.

"Many a weary search have we had in our school days for just such a book as this."— Manchester, (N. H.) Mirror.

Sargent's Standard Readers, Charts, etc.

The Readers, being newly electrotyped, will present an unworn face. Sargent's Standardt Series of Readersis now the leading Series used in the Eastern States, and in most of the principal cities of the Union, and comprises five carefully graded Readers, a Primer, and two Spelling books.

Copies of the Readers will be furnished gratis to School Committees and Teachers, who are desirous of examining the same, with a view to introduction into schools, on application to the publisher. Or they will be sent by mail, prepaid, when the amount of postage is sent in stamps. The postage rates are, on the Fifth Reader, 24 cents; the Fourth, 18 cents; the Third, 15 cents; the Second, 12 cents; and on the First, 9 cents; Standard Speller, 12 cents; Standard Primer, 6 cents; Smaller Standard Speller, 6 cents.

The New Lithographed Edition of Sargent's Standard School Charts (to accompany Sargent's Standard Readers) is now ready. The Charts are six in number, and each Chart is 22 by 28 inches in dimensions. The charts may be had either on six single sheets, as they come from the store, or mounted on htree large cards with a chart on each side. In sheets, these charts may be nailed or pasted, on a wall, and renewed at small expense, when defaced. The six lithographed Charts, in sheets, will be sent by mail, postpaid, for 75 cents. Mounted on Cards, they will be furnished at $1.50 for the set, or 50 cents a card. An explanatory pamphlet goes with them.



April, '61.


13 Washington St., Boston, Mass.

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