Imágenes de páginas
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Bulls and blunders of literary men, 42.

Burning ship, the (a story) 408

Burning widows in India-see Widores.

Burns' club, in Liverpool, dissolution of, 196.

Burps, Mr. Gilbert, death of, 366.

Burns and scalds, cotton recommended for, 168.

Byron's (Lord) memoirs of himself, verses on, 12-Fifteen
years ago, 114-Lines beneath the portrait of, 284-
His lady and her daughter, 319.

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Cricket, game of, a dog employed in, 412.

CRITICISM, Literary, 8, 40, 83, 206, 213, 318, 421, 431
-Original French, 40, 80-Sham, 429-see Editorial


Crocus (lines) 200.

Cruelty to animals, Egerton Smith's letter on, 300.
Crusader, the, a poem, 20.

Currant wine, 98.


Damsels, the Three (a tale) 170.

Daughter, on the death of a, 352.

Dead bodies, stealing-see Anatomical.

Deaf and dumb, education of, in Liverpool, 1-In Man-

chester, 67, 84, 101, 114, 123, 132-French paper on,

100-Dialogues of, by signs, 10.

Death of a child (verses) 80.

Death warrant, a story, 136.

Debts, prompt payment of, hints respecting, 208.

"December's Eve at Home," 176.

Departure, the (verses) 404.

Derivations, some curious, 22, 24, 48, 59, 140.

Caves, in Yorkshire, singular, 26-In Somerset, 335-In Deserted house, 320.

Elba, 392.

Celtic surnames, 14.

Cemetery of Paris, 38-Of Père la Chaise, 189-see Mauso.


Challenge, whimsical apology for declining (verse) 44.
Charade, original French, 186-English, 268-see Vivent
les Bagatelles.

CHESS, beauties of, (in every number) letters on, 21, 28,
52-Investigation of the general theorem of the knight's
move, 28, 37, 48, 61, 76, 81, 88, 97, 248-Errata in,
and notes upon, 37, 48, 52, 88, 332, 400, 412, 432-
Queries or letters on, 140, 160, 172, 180, 184, 193, 209,
216, 232, 236, 248, 253, 264-Game between London
and Edinburgh, 128, 140-Challenge, 292-Etymology
of the term, 251-see Knight's move.

Chesnuts, mode of preserving, 103.

Chien du vieux soldat, 372, 380, 389, 400.

Child's sight, 260.

Chimneys, iron and uninvertible, recommended, 140, 143.
Cholera morbus, cure for, 67.

Christmas customs, festivities, &c. 149, 201, 211, 218, 220.
Chymical apparatus, new (with engraving) 113-see


Clapperton, Captain, expedition of, 199.

Clergymen said to be flatterers, 283.

Desolation of Eyam, extracts from, 424.

Devil's Mill, an American story, 291.

Devonshire, the Duke of, splendid fête at Moscow, 127.

Diet, Abernethy on, 237.

Dinner, economical, 207-Modern, 283.

Discovery ships, 324-see Captain Parry.

Dispensary, Liverpool, appeal of the committee of, 203.
Dog goes for snuff, 201.

Don Giovanni, editorial comments upon a singular trio in,
with specimens, 252.

Donnybrook fair, 75.
Dove and olive branch (verses) 36.
Dramatic notices, 80, 152, 164, 165, 169, 173, 181, 225,
239, 244, 312, 423.

Dramatic amusements, editorial defence of, 109.
Draughts, peculiar situation at, 136, 145.
Dreadful-accident makers, editorial article on, a whimsical

journal of a Penny-a-line Reporter, 429.

Dream, the (verses) by G. 352.

Drill sergeant, the, 174.

Drinking song, by Mr. John Burns, 284.
Drowning, hints for recovering from, 11.
Drunkenness, cause of, 425.

Dublin, life in, 54, 62.

Duelling, good story respecting, 343.

Climbing boys, letter respecting, affecting anecdotes of, 316. Dumbarton Castle, description of, 299.

Clock, ancient (with an engraving) 80-see Leibnitz.

Clorine, on the influence and uses of, 77.

Closing year, lines, by G. 192.

Club at St. James's (anecdotes) 257.

ell, song of the, from the German of Schiller (an original Clyde, humorous letter describing a steam excursion up

translation) 68.

ells, village, lines on hearing, 120.

en Nevis, lines on, 208.

ernier, Francis, biographical sketch of, 38.

letrothed, the, (an original tale) 58, 133, 154, 196, 222.
MOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 30, 38, 49, 73, 98, 137, 163,

the, 14.

Cobbett's character of the Liverpool merchants, 13.

Cochrane, Lord, gallantry of, 171.

Colne Literary and Philosophical Society, poetical address,

Dunlop, Mr. his scheme of commercial education, 153.

Dunning letter, laconic, 88-In verse, 96.

Dupin, Monsieur, interesting document by, respecting -

education, 301.


Eagle, poetical address to an, 208.

Eagle and child, an interesting story, 141.

Earth, poetry on the, 168.

Earth, whimsical theory of, 89-see Geology.

Editorial manœuvres, dreadful-accident makers, sham cri-

Education, popular, editorial comments on, 301-see Deaf

and Dumb, School, Dunlop, and Dupin.

Eels, singular phenomenon of, 43.

Electricity, letters on, 204, 212.

Continent, travels on the (from the Leeds Mercury) 7, 46, Elephants, white, 151-Anecdotes of, 195.

Coffins, patent, 167.

Colds and coughs, recipes for, 212.

168, 203, 214, 221, 234, 261, 334, 365, 366, 415.


Wirds, anecdotes of, 39, 277.

ites of vipers, &c. 393.

Comets, 108.
Communication, rapid, 92.

lackwood's Magazine, some ridiculous passages in, 20.

Continent, recollections of, 189.

lind lady restored to sight, 107.

arting netting, 39.

102-see Travels.

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int impelled against the tide by the action of the tide, Continental adventures, a novel, 95, 106, 110.

eng, the art of, 111.

farewell (verses) 360.

hoak, by G. 396.

mien heart, the (verses) 344.

oznam, Mr. singular sketch of, 415.

esels, account of, 135.

alers, advice to, 45, 56.

ating, origin of, 207.

Cottages, wooden, at Harrington, 364, 375.

Cotton machinery, interesting paper on, 21.

Cough, cure for a, 153.

Counsel posed, 337.

Courtesy, letter on, 8.

Courtiers, 283.

Craik's lectures on poetry criticised, 206.

Craniology-see Phrenology.

Enigmas, &c.-see Vivent les Bagatelles.

Epilogue, by Liston, as Paul Pry, 96.

Epigrams, 5, 20, 59, 80, 96, 136, 151, 260, 284, 387, 416,

ticism, puffing, &c. 429.


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FASHIONS, Monthly-see first publication of each month. Infernal supper, 191.

Fatalist (original) in cantos, 44, 104, 192.

Fatness, extraordinary case of, 431.

Feasting, city, in 1478, 167.

Female, extraordinary, 59-Adventurer, 171.

Fever, contagious, treatment of, 31.

Field sports, 115.

Fire, hints for the preservation of books, &c. from, 40.

Fires in the moors, 64.

First-born, lines to my, 432.

Fish, frogs, &c. showers of, 64, 64, 93-Longevity of, 103
-Noisy, 348.

Fish, proposed reservoirs for breeding and keeping up a

Fleeting, fair, delusive Spirit," 168.

regular supply of, 24.

Floating company by cork jackets, 380.

Flower bed, tributary lines, by G. 160.

Insane person, acute saying of see Sheep.

Interment, premature, 30.

Iodine, in mineral waters, 37.

Ireland, sketches of, in a modern work, 318, 326.

Irish cabin, description of a, 151.

Iron, large piece lodged in a man's head, 128.

Irvine, Mr. Washington, biographical sketch of, 163.
Italy, travels in, 242-Verses on, 244-see Continent.

Italian, the Young, a story, 395.

Italian lovers, a melancholy story, 319.

Italian music, Rossini, &c. 161.

"I think on thee," 200.


Janissaries, account of the, 45.

Jericho, the plain of, 335.

Jokes, modern, and plagiarisms, editorial remarks on, 161.

Flowers of different colours on same stem, how to produce, Jurors, origin of withholding meat and drink from, 207.

392-Flower-pots for rooms, 37.

"Fond indication of poetic brain," by G. 144.

Fossil reptile, extraordinary, 395.

Fountains, the two (verses) 284.

France, original tour in, 166, 178, 187, 242.

French literature, criticism, &c. 8, 40, 45, 80, 380, 389,
400, 411, 420, 432-Verses and translations, 28, 128,
136, 186, 236, 416.

Friend, death of a, lines, by G. 432.

Frogs, fish, &c. showers of-see Fish.


Gaiters, origin of the word, 24.

Game preserver, miseries of a, 281.

Gaming, verses on, 368.

Gases, solution of, in water, 185.

Gas lamp, self-generating (with engraving) 213, 244.

Gas, natural, 291-Portable, 337.

Gastronology, a new science, 436.

Genius, musical sportive sallies of, 252.

Geology, a bold guess at, original communications from a
foreign correspondent, 49, 57, 85, 88-Editorial remarks
on, 116.

German poets, original translations from, 20, 37, 60, 68,

80, 96, 112.

Gertrude, by Mrs. Hemans, 120.

Gibson, Mr. John, presents the Royal Institution with a

bust of Mr. Roscoe, 348.

Gifford, Lord, biographical sketch of, 98.
Giovanni, Don-see Don.

Godfather's manœuvring, a tale, by Miss Mitford, 233.
Grain, boiled, 91.

Grammatical criticism-see Queries.

Gravitation, query respecting, 212-Letter on, 220.

Greece, original verses on, 236, 292.

Grecia Victrix, by W. Roscoe, Esq. 224.

Grief, lines on, 276.

Groaning lad, an impostor, 108.

Grosvernor's (Lord) tenants' ball, 262.

Gun-shot wounds, Mr. Abernethy on, 324.

Gymnasia, editorial remarks on, 205-Letters on, 205, 240.


Hallelujah monument in Wales, 257, 272, 299.

Hara, O', tales of the family of, 309.

Harmonics, grave, Mr. Molyneux's paper on, 417.

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Macdonald, Dr. examination of his mode of musical nota.

tion, 25-see Musical notation.

Macgowan, the late Rev. - verses to the memory of, 176.
Macready, Mr. farewell address of, 76.

Hawaii, island of, interesting description of, and the ex- M Carthy's Dream (verses) 5, 28.

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Heber, the late Dr. lines to the memory of, 336.
Hebrew vowel points, whimsical and original essay on, 230. Manchester exhibition of paintings, critiques on, 372, 376,

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Moths, destruction of, 423.

Murder indicated by a dream, 23.
Murdered guest, story of the, 220.
Murder and suicide-sce Beauchamp,

MUSIC, viz.:-" 0 Love will venture in," 6-Flute I
by a Liverpool Amateur, 13-Original Waltz, by
Cohan, 56-La Peleriné, by M. Devin, 70 Quad
by Mr. Cohan, 90-Quadrille, by Mr. Harding
Chester, 119-A Waltz, 129-Charles the Tenth,
-Lilla, 146-Russian Waltz, 162-Isabel, 194 C
by Haydn, 215-Te Deum Chant, 223-Masque
scene in Don Giovanni, 263-The Epaulette, 2
"Here we three have met again," 285-" Te a salu
&c. 313, 321, 330-"A! welladay, my poor be
345-" God save the King," arranged in a new and
gular manner, by Samuel Webbe, 861-" Why he
my fond bosom?" 377-On Grave Harmonics, by
Molyneux, 416.

Musical notation, alleged improvement (with example
25, 44, 55, 84, 99, 100, 124, 131, 155, 156.

Musical festival, in Birmingham, 104, 115.
Musical dinner, beef and cabbage, 240.

Musical whims, editorial comments on, 252.

Mummy, Egyptian, exhibited in Liverpool, 890.


Napoleon's Life, by Sir W. Scott, extracts from, 405-
Narratives, Tales, &c.-see Tales.

National paradoxes, 29.

"Native Land," a song, 244-Verses, 852.

NATURAL HISTORY, 9, 13, 13, 37, 39, 43, 49, 64
92, 103, 115-Entertaining letter on, 91, 98 see S


Neglect, lines, by G. 216.
Negro sermon, 59-Anecdotes, 170.

Nerves, verses on, 60.

Nervous complaints, 171.

New year's gifts, 232.

Night-blowing Flowers (verses) 160.

North-west passage, 196.

Numidians, the, story of, 433.

Nun, the, horrible story of, 248.


Obesity, extraordinary case of, 431.

Oblige, good play upon that word, 96.
Observer's letter to the editor, 108.
Old soldier, a story, 94.

Orators, school for-see School.

Oratory, legal (burlesque) 315.

Organ, hydraulic, 207.

Orthography, whimsical, 201, 837.

Ostriches, curious particulars respecting, 115.
Ough, seven different pronunciations of, 337.
"Out from Pandora's box," &c. by G. 404,

Outcast, the (verses) 208.

Ouvrard, M. memoir of, 49.

Owls, the (from Blackwood) 186.


Paez, General, sketch of, 261.

Panacea, the (verses) 152.

Panoramas of the pen, 386, 396.

Parish clerk, original story, 15, 41, 66, 78.

Parisian society, sketches of, 335.

Parrot, the single-speeched, 425.

Parry, Captain, third voyage of, 71, 324, 348.

Hunter, John Dunn, denounced as an impostor, 207, 316, Mathews, Mr. speech of the Irish orator, 220-At Home, Parsnip wine, recipe for, 98.

Mechanical improvement upon wheel work, 223.

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mn, Mead, &c. trial of, 72.

tre la Chaise, 189.

Shakspearean jubilee, at Stratford, 352.

Sheep, live and dead, not the same number of legs, 337.

touse, the famous French navigator, supposed clue to Shell fishes, loves of the (verses) 52.

The fate of, 346, 350, 351.

weril of the Peak, song in, 168.

Jenomena, natural-see Scientific, and Natural.

HILANTHROPIST, the, 67, 265.

hilomathic society, address of the president of, 289.

hilosophers, whims of, 195.

hrenology, paperson, 17, 26, 33, 41, 63, 64, 65, 83, 98,
98, 105, 112, 121, 148, 157, 171, 188-Burlesque verses
on, by, 224-Burlesque on, 431-see Scientific.

Physiology, remarks on, by Mr. Abernethy, 273.

Piers, larding see Landing.

Plagiarisms, modern, editorial remarks on, 161.

Pleasure (verses) from the German, 96.

Piorals, manner of forming, 112.

JOETRY (original) in every number-Selections from, in
every number-Mr. Craik's lectures on, criticised, 206.

Polar expedition-see Parry.

Poor, state of, 264.

Porcupine man, 153, 171.

Potatoes, preserving dry, for flour, 103.

Preacher, dull, bon mot respecting, 337.

Precipice, the, a story, 197.

Ship, burning, a story, 408.

Ships of war of the ancients (with an engraving) 149.
Shipwreck-see Storm.

Shoes all in one piece, without seams, 88.

Shopmen, Liverpool, hours of attendance, 123, 156.
Showers of fish, frogs, &c. 64.

Shower-bath, and the Ettrick Shepherd, 151.
Sicily, original letters from, 325, 333, 349.

Siddons, Mrs. memoir of, 214.

Sight, extraordinary delusion of, 402.

Signs of taverns, whimsical origin of, 337.

Singing, epigram on, 369.

Skating, female, 283.

Skulls, thick, utility of, 251.

Sleeping on the tops of houses, singular scene, 277.
Sleeping children, verses to, 284.

Smith, Egerton's, swimming jacket and collar, 8, 16, 24,
31, 32, 36, 48, 52-Militia return, 160-Letter respect-
ing cruelty to animals, 300.

Snakes, double-headed (with an engraving) 9-see Serpent.
Snow, lady lost in, 269.

Snow storm in Scotland, 314.

Son, hopeful, 425.

Sonnets, by G. 152, 328-From the Spanish, 200.

Prophecying and preaching, 207-Political, singular, 212. Spanish literature, 213.

Preservation, wonderful, 220.

Prison, singular escape from, 203.

Proverbs, explanation of certain, 22.

Spices, use of, in hot climates, 251.

Punning the foundation of all wit, 337.

Spider, singular particulars

respecting, 37.

Sportsman, old, and his hunter, 51.

Puns, whimsical, 75, 151, 152, 172, 207, 277, 327, 337, Spirits, the abode of, 148.
272, 337, 337, 392.

Puppyism-anti, 75.

[blocks in formation]

Spring flowers (verses) 292.

Spring, lines to, by G. 368.
Stammering, benefit of, 277.

Stanzas, by G. 168-Stanzas to A. M. 320.

Steam engines, curious facts respecting, 172, 175, 303-
In the 16th century, 277-Singular one, 347.

Steam-packet United Kingdom, description of, 22-De-
scription of the trip in ditto, round the north of Scot-
land, 42-Navigation, 74-Editorial paper on, 197.

Steel dies, method of hardening, 75.

Rejected communications, editorial note to the writers of, Stories, tales, narratives, &c. 15-see Tales.


[blocks in formation]

Storm, snow, in Scotland, 314.

Storm and shipwreck of the Maria, with missionaries on
board, 43.

Strutt, Mr. speech of, on the corn laws, 176.
Sublime, a taste for the, 335.

Suicide, the, a tale, 2.

Sun eclipse (with an engraving) 161, 168-Total, 176.
Superstition and credulity, editorial essay on, 53.

Surgical dissections-see Anatomical.

Sweets, the effects of eating or drinking, 19.
Swimming collar and jacket, proposed by Egerton Smith,
8-see Smith.

Ryley, Mr. song composed by, and sung at the dinner Swimming match, 56.

given to Mr. Brougbam in Liverpool, 424.


Safety-valves, improvements in, 175, 240.

Swiss Alp horn, 403.

Sympathy, original lines on, 424.

Synonimous words, with opposite significations, 105.

Salter, Mr. critique on the performance of, 152, 164, 169. Sym's (Captain) whimsical theory of the earth, 89.

Sarnen, Valley of, Diorama, 369.

lealds and burus, cotton recommended for, 168.

Scarf, the, or Natural Magic, a tale, 253.

lceptics, arguments addressed to, 269.

Ichool for Orators, or the Peep at the Forum, 165, 173,


Ichool discipline, letters on, 112, 124, 124, 132.
lchoolmaster, Irish, 39.

CIENTIFIC NOTICES, 9, 35, 45, 49, 57, 64, 74, 75, 77,
80, 85, 89, 93, 100, 107, 113, 117, 120, 129, 144, 161,
175, 181, 184, 194, 195, 218, 239, 240, 244, 291, 308,
311, 336, 347.

Scott, Sir Walter, and the Scotch novels, 16, 20, 96-In
France, 164 Declares himself the author of the Scotch
novels, 283, 286, 308-Letter respecting, 299-And the
Italian bust-vender, 425-Life of Napoleon-see Napo-

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Talavera, battle of, from the German, 241.

TALES, NARRATIVES, &c. 2, 30, 41, 58, 66, 86, 94, 95,
101, 106, 110, 121, 126, 133, 135, 136, 140, 141, 151,
154, 170, 171, 172, 186, 190, 191, 197, 198, 203, 210,
222, 233, 241, 248, 253, 265, 274, 281, 291, 298, 305,
309, 318, 319, 332, 343,359,367,394, 398, 408, 425,
427, 433-see Temple, Charlotte.

Talma, biographical sketch of, 137-Funeral of, 137.
Tartini, anecdote of, 128.

Teeth, new surgical operation on, 100, 113-see Tooth.
Tell, William, a new translation of, 225, 238, 245, 270,

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Time, lines to, by G. 186, 416.

Tivoli, cascades of, 267.

Tobacconist's sign, 88.

Toilet, South American, 251.

Tooth-ache, alleged cure for the, 153, 417-see Teeth.

Tragedy in real life, 145-see Beauchamp.

Traitor's grave, a story, 425.

Translation of a French epigram, 5.

TRAVELLER, the, 7, 26, 46, 54, 61, 62, 71, 75, 78, 101,
102, 120, 135, 144, 150, 166, 187, 189, 199, 242, 266,
268, 276, 279, 325, 333, 349-see Continent, Voyages,
and Hawaii.

Travelling, quick, 92.
Trial, singular, of Penn, Mead, &c. 72.

Tributary, lines, by G. 250.

Trossachs, description of the, 413.

Trunk, the old, a theatrical anecdote, 60.

Tunnel under Liverpool, 268, 391-Under the Mersey,

297, 391-Wonderful one in Norway, 391.

Turner, Miss, abduction of, editorial comments on, 317.
Tyrolese peasants' evening hymn, by G. 236.

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Welsh hallelujah monument (with an engraving) 257.
Welsh war-song, by Mrs. Hemans, 320.

Westerne, Mr. pupil to Mr. Webbe, 186, 209.

"When the mild dew of eve" (poetry) 320.
Widow's lament (verses) 216-Immolation of, in India,
381-Letters respecting Manchester meeting, 381.

Wife, my dear, verses to, 266.

Wilkie, Mr. the artist, dinner to at Rome, 287.

Wind, to the (verses) 176.

Window-blinds, improved (with an engraving) 239.
Windsor, jaunt to, 101.

Wine, first discovery of, 208.

Wit, second-hand, editorial remaks on, 161.
Witch, the, a story, 199.

[blocks in formation]

Woulfe's apparatus, improved (with an engraving) 93.
Wrecks, plundering of, 265-Excellent story, 265.

Writing, bombastical or ridiculous, 23-see Blackwood.


Year, lines to the new, 208.
Yeast, use of, in putrid fevers, 218.
Yelverton, Mr-sce Mesical notation.

York, Duke of, lines to the memory of, 224-Memoirs of.


Yorkshire caves, excursion to, 26-Scenery, by Mr.Rhodes,


Youth the season for a gout (in Caval) 109.

Zilla, verses to, 0, 120.
Zoology, 9.

Where the preceding Six Volumes of the Kaleidoscope may be had.


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