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To practically develope and perfect the Sewing Machine Art, is to carry joy and gladness to no small portion of the civilized world. To a liberal extent, it is to provide an honorable support to the indigent and the dependent, and to multiply the means of social advancement to all.

But to render the Sewing Machine Art in the highest degree useful, it is necessary, 1st. To divest the Sewing Machine of every loose and clumsy attachment-of every delicate and complicated contrivance. 2d. It must be simple in its construction throughout, that it may be easily understood and readily adjusted. 3d.-It must be certain in its results, that the operator may not be discouraged with the undoing of imperfect work, and the loss of goods ruined by a second sewing. 4th.-It must be adapted to great range of workmanship, as most can have but one Machine for every kind of sewing. 5th.-It should be strong and durable in all its parts. This may seem less important for light family use, where the most delicate Machine may work well for a while, but even this light service will soon render it less certain in its operations, requiring more and more frequent and expensive repairing.

In our improvements of the Sewing Machines we have rendered each movement positive and absolute, and at the same time light and easy, so as to obtain the highest speed with little or no noise, and without injury to the Machine. We have so simplified its construction, that the most inexperienced can operate and regulate it without er countering the usual difficulties and discouragements so frequently complained of by beginners in the use of Sewing Machines. Indeed we defy the world to produce the first intelligent and unbiased mechanic who will not pronounce it the best Family Sewing Machine he ever saw; but we deem it more dignified that the machine should proclaim its own merits.

We, therefore, seek simply an intelligent examination of the MERITS of our Machine in comparison with others. This examination we would have the most impartial. To this end we suggest that the same course be adopted that was adopted by the Board of Examiners at the Franklin Institute, in Philadelphia, at their annual exhibition. Their report on Sewing Machines is very instructive, and is therefore alluded to in this Circular. By thus referring to the course adopted by the Franklin Institute, we may be disclosing a secret of the trade, and yet to those about to purchase a Sewing Machine for Family use, it is but doing as we would be done by.

Let the machine be threaded with fine spool cotton, or Silk, the upper and under spools alike. Then take some dozen pieces of different fabrics, ranging all the way from the finest gauze, to the heaviest cloth, and even stout, hard leather. Sew each of these with the machine running at its highest speed, without stopping, or even changing the tension. Repeat this process backward and forward some score of times. Now, if the sewing on all the different fabrics is perfect, the seam elastic, and alike on both sides no skipping of stitches-then it is safe to conclude that the Machine is not a poor Machine at least, and the Machine that will do this best, is the best for family use. The reasons are obvious, for such a machine will do the first-class fine work with the same facility that it will do the first-class heavy work-will run from one kind of work to another without altering tension or re-adjusting Machine, and will pass over seams without breaking needle or skipping stitches.

Such are our ideas of a good SEWING MACHINE, and such is the Machine we offer


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to the public. We do not say that it runs faster, and easier, and stiller than every other Machine in use: but we will say-and with emphasis-that it runs as fast, and as easy, and with as little noise, as any first-class Machine in Market. Neither do we say that it will -. with eq manufa

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with the running-up, or basting; and also by the action of the guage-roller the upper goods are carried forward as rapidly as the under goods, and, as the guage-roller is spiral, it keeps the work well up to the guage, insuring uniformity of seam.

The QUILTING GUIDE is also a simple and very useful attachment, and is one dollar extra.

We have also an ADJUSTING BINDER, which is three dollars extra. It is designed for binding hats, caps, cloaks, coats, pants, &c., &c., and is simple and effective. Send for a Catalogue giving Price List, &c., to



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