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down to Washington forthwith and "jerk old Abe Lincoln out of the White House." The majority in council having determined on sacrificing the Lieutenant, they started for the Potomac bridge with frightful yells and many formidable gesticulations.

A by-stander happening to suggest that the bridge might possibly be mined, they considered the question and concluded that Jones was not a bad fellow after all, and had only obeyed the orders of his rascally Government. Whereupon they retired, in search of more ammunition perhaps.

As the night advanced the streets became more crowded with people from the town and neighborhood, but up to the hour of midnight no troops except Ashby's squad of horse had made their appearance. By one o'clock the fires had sunk in ashes, when, gloomy, chilled, and fatigued, I sought a bed at the house of an acquaintance.

As I ascended the hill I met Colonel Allen's regiment coming down. From over-exertion and excitement I did not sleep soundly, and was frequently disturbed during the night by the sound of drums and the tramp of passing squadrons.

April 19.-On going down into the town this morning I found that there had been considerable accessions to the State forces, seven or eight hundred having arrived during the night and morning, while as many more were reported on the way.

If the present Government of the United States, as many maintain, and as its own attitude of late seems to admit, has neither the right to punish privy conspiracy, nor the power to defend itself against factious aggression, then why should we regret its overthrow? Let the impotent imposture perish, and the American people will speedily establish a more respectable and manly system on its ruins.

While indulging in these speculations my attention was directed to the flag-staff which stood in the yard of the Old Arsenal. The national standard had been lowered, and in its place floated the State flag of Virginia.

It would be difficult to describe the mingled emotions excited in my mind by this simple incident.

Once in my early youth I visited the crater of Vesuvius, and, venturing down the interior slope for some distance, I found myself upon a projecting cliff of lava. Here I stood for a time looking curiously down upon the sea of smoke that concealed every thing around and beneath, when a sudden breeze rolled the clouds away and for a moment my eyes beheld the hideous gulf that yawned below. A pit whose sulphurous horrors and immeasurable depth were revealed only by the glare of lurid flames and boiling lava-whose appalling aspect paralyzed the senses like the grasp of a nightmare. A sight which memory never recalls without the shudder that accompanied its first revelation.

So it seemed that the sudden gust of emotion, excited by the lowering of our starry flag, had swept away the mists of speculation and revealed in its depth and breadth the abyss of degradation opened by secession.

Yesterday I was a citizen of the great Amer

Confusion reigned supreme, ably seconded by whisky. The newly-arrived troops having nothing to eat, consoled themselves as usual by getting something to drink. Parties were detailed to search the houses for the arms and public property which had been carried off the evening before. This search was stoutly re-ican republic. My country spanned a contisisted by the women, who skirmished after their fashion with the guard, with tongue and broomstick, holding them at bay while their husbands endeavored to conceal the spoils they had acquired.

nent. Her northern border neared the frigid zone while her southern limit touched the tropics. Her eastern and her western shores were washed by the two great oceans of the globe. Her commerce covering the most remote seas, her flag honored in every land. The strongest nation acknowledged her power, and the most enlightened honored her attain

A rough estimate of the night's work showed that about sixteen thousand muskets had perished by the burning of the arsenals, and that one building (the carpenter shop) of the Poto-ments in art, science, and literature. mac Armory had also been destroyed.

On the other hand, several thousand new rifles and muskets complete, with all the costly material and machinery of the National Armory, had passed into the power of the revolution without a blow.

Such were the visible and material results, but the social and political consequences who could estimate?

I must confess that I felt this morning like a man wandering in a maze. The future exhibited but a dim and changing vista. Was the experiment of popular government indeed a failure, as our conservatives had been predicting from the commencement? Was Macaulay right when he said that our system would crumble into anarchy upon the first serious trial?

Her political system, the cherished ideal toward whose realization the noblest aspirations and efforts of mankind have been directed for ages. The great experiment which the pure and wise of all nations are watching with trembling solicitude and imperishable hope. It was something to belong to such a nationality. Something to be able, in following one's business or pleasure, to travel to and fro without question or hindrance, to take red-fish in the Mexican Gulf or trout in the great lakes, to chase deer in the Alleghanies or adventure among grizzly bears in the Rocky Mountains, and every where to remember, as you inflated your lungs with the free air, "This is my country!"

It was something, when questioned of one's

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nationality in foreign lands, perhaps by the subject of a petty monarchy or obscure principality, the impoverished and degraded fraction of a once powerful empire, ruined by the madnoss of faction, local ignorance, and secession. It was something, in replying to such inquiry, to feel one's heart swelling with imperial pride such as moved the ancient Roman in the days when he could quell the insolence of barbaric kings with the simple announcement, "Civis Romanus sum."

This was yesterday. To-day, what am I? A citizen of Virginia. Virginia, a petty commonwealth with scarcely a million of white inhabitants. What could she ever hope to be but a worthless fragment of the broken vase? A fallen and splintered column of the once glorious temple.

But I will not dwell longer on the humiliating contrast. Come harness up the buggy and let us get out of this or I shall suffocate.

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arrival; but the opinions it typified rankled for some time after and bore troublesome fruits.

On Sunday, April 21, in pursuance of important private business, I went from Charlestown to Harper's Ferry, and thence by the train to Baltimore. As Maryland was at that time supposed to be one of the elect, and Baltimore, by the acts of the 19th, had earned the right to be regarded as a true Southern city, the railroad communication was uninterrupted.

At the stations near the city we heard the wildest rumors of fights going on and battles impending. The conductor told me that a large body of Pennsylvania volunteers were advancing on the town by way of Cockeysville, and that the Baltimoreans, six thousand strong, had marched out to meet them.

At the Camden Street dépôt I met Captain K- of the United States navy, with whom I exchanged salutations. He seemed in a good deal of perplexity, and, after some hesitation, told me he was about going to Washington, and asked if he could trust me with a message?

I replied with warmth that he might rely upon me, even if the message involved a question of life or death.

On our way to Charlestown we met great numbers of persons afoot, on horseback, and on wheels, hurrying to the scene of excitement. Some attracted simply by curiosity, others armed and demonstrative, eager to claim a share of the glory after the danger was over. My friend and I discoursed mournfully of the prospect before us and the country. Indeed He frankly apologized for the implied doubt, there was nothing in the subject calculated to but said that every thing was in such confusion promote cheerfulness. He hoped that the great that he did not know who to trust. He went change might be accomplished without war. I on to state that the city was in the hands of a neither believed in the possibility of such a re-revolutionary mob, and he wished to send a sult, nor did I wish it. Of the great twin gov- message to the officers in charge of the Naval erning powers in human society-Fraud and Dépôt not to display the United States flag as Force-I decidedly preferred the latter. I was usual on the next morning. There was no wearied and disgusted with the reign of subtle force to protect it, and, if displayed, it might phrasemongers and empty babblers, and hailed bring the officer into trouble and would be torn the dawn of an era which promised to develop down by the rabble. the latent manhood of the nation, and sweep away the cobwebs of tricky and compromising politicians with sword and fire.

The Captain's eye flashed and his lip quivered as he spoke: "If I had any means of defending it it should wave in the face of the whole city; but as we are helpless I do not wish the flag exposed to insult. We clasped hands, and I promised the message should be duly delivered. As I walked up street carry

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April 20, Charlestown.-To-day we received confirmation of the passage of the ordinance of Secession by the Virginia Convention. This was followed by news of the riots of the 19th in Baltimore, and the destruction of the Navy-ing my traveling sack I was accosted by men yard at Norfolk.

Under these accumulating proofs of the inability or unwillingness of the General Government to defend itself the arrogant confidence of the Secessionists continued to increase, while the Unionists exhibited a corresponding depression.

Every hour brought accessions to the forces at Harper's Ferry. The volunteer companics from the adjoining counties were gathered in without the slightest regard to the political views of officers or men. The Border Guard of Martinsburg, a fine company, whose Captain and seven-eighths of whose members were decided Union partisans, at first made some difficulty about obeying the Governor's order; but at length, mystified by subtle counsels, they agreed to march to Harper's Ferry with the United States flag flying. As may be supposed the flag was soon furled after their

and women who, perceiving I was a stranger, beset me with questions and repeated the most startling rumors. Harper's Ferry was occupied by fifteen thousand Virginians, with thirty pieces of artillery. Lee was on Arlington Heights preparing to bombard Washington; while Jeff Davis, at the head of fifty thousand men, was marching on that doomed city-these were the jubilant gobemouches: others in mortal terror followed me to learn when the Virginia army was coming to relieve Baltimore, now threatened by a hundred thousand Abolitionists, determined to sack and burn it in revenge for the affair of the 19th. I said what I could to chasten the hopes and soothe the fears of these good people, and kept on my way.

Throughout the town every thing evidenced alarm and excitement. Men and boys were running wildly about armed with swords, horse

pistols, fowling-pieces, bowie-knives, and every imaginable weapon of offense. At first I saw them singly or in small parties, anon they marched by in organized companies and even battalions. On Baltimore Street crowds were collected in front of hardware stores and shops, where fire-arms are sold, crushing in the doors and helping themselves to every thing that would answer for a weapon. Axes, scythes, hatchets, sword-canes, pitchforks, were distributed to the eager and half-frantic mobs. In addition to the weapons and utensils thus violently obtained there was a reasonable amount of promiscuous stealing of matters pertaining to the commissary rather than the ordnance department. Tobacco, whisky, jewelry, and, an article which in all civilized countries is recognized as the main-spring of war, money.

To these proceedings the city police appeared to make but a demonstrative resistance, occasionally firing a volley from their revolvers in the air, which only served to increase the turbulence of the mob, and evidenced that these guardians of law and order were either too timid to act, or were themselves in sympathy with the rioters.

still continued, the mobs occasionally breaking into shops in search of arms.

The battle of Cockeysville did not take place as was expected. The Pennsylvanians, who were for the most part unarmed and altogether unprepared for a warlike encounter, had received warning of the proceedings in Baltimore, and prudently halted. The Baltimoreans suspended their attack until the result of certain negotiations with the authorities at Washington should be known. It was finally conceded that these troops should turn back and reach the Federal city by another route. The immediate cause of the popular outburst having been removed by this acquiescence, the excitement began visibly to subside; and although the revolutionary faction had still absolute control of the city, symptoms of a sweeping reaction had begun to manifest themselves. Nevertheless, during the week that followed, the national flag was nowhere displayed, and on the street every body talked secession if they expressed any opinion at all. Around Barnum's were congregated a number of sinister-looking fellows, who publicly boasted of the part they had taken in the affair of the nineteenth. Among these I recognized several border ruffians of Kansas notoriety. Volunteer companies still paraded the streets under the State flag of Maryland, yet it was evident that more discreet and methodical heads were directing affairs. Disorder and violence were repressed. The wild volunteers were organized and shut up in barracks where they could do no immediate mischief, and where their superfluous enthusiasm might be cooled off by hard drilling, guard-duty, and uncomfortable beds. For this judicious management of these dangerous elements I believe Maryland was somewhat indebted to Colonel Huger of South Caro

In following up Captain K's directions for the purpose of delivering the message with which I was intrusted, I at length found myself at the head-quarters of the volunteer medical staff, hastily improvised to succor those who were expected to fall in the great battle that was to be fought. There were two or three wash-tubs full of lint, a barrel or two of rolled bandages, splints, tourniquets, and cases of baleful knives, hooks, and probes lying open and all ready for use. The cruel and cold-blooded aspect of these apartments was softened by the presence of tables covered with sandwiches, cold fowls, sliced tongue, and pickles, flanked by decanters of whisky and baskets of Cham-lina, then of the United States army. pagne.

Ignoring the patent lint and scientific cutlery I took a young surgeon's advice, gratuitously proffered, and helped myself to Champagne and sandwiches. I here learned that all communication with the North had been cut off by the burning of the railroad bridges, and that the city had risen in arms to drive back the Pennsylvanians "en route via Cockeysville" for Baltimore and the Federal Capital. No collision had yet been reported, but the surgeons waited in momentary expectation of a call for their services.

After some further search I at length found an opportunity to deliver the message with which I had been intrusted, and thus ended the adventures of the day.

Owing to the condition of the city, and the stoppage of communication with the North, I found it impossible to conclude my business as speedily as I had hoped. I therefore took quarters at the house of a friend, determined to bide my time, and meanwhile to amuse myself observing the march of events.

On Monday, 22d of April, the excitement
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Meanwhile the under current of loyal feeling was becoming every day more decided. The best men in Maryland were known to be unswerving in their determination to support the nationality, while hundreds, who, under the sudden excitement and confusion of ideas incident to the times, had seemed to acquiesce or had actually joined in the late movement, believing they were called upon to defend the city from attack, now, upon reflection, perceived the ruin to which they were inadvertently hastening, and turned their backs on it. The leaders of the movement began to be alarmed at this aspect of affairs. One of them, a local politician, meeting an acquaintance from Virginia on the street expressed himself thus despairingly, "Damn it, the excitement is going down, they are all caving in; if something is not done to keep it up we are all ruined. Can't you tell me some exciting news? something that I may publish to keep the people moving? I don't care a damn whether it is true or not-if it is only sufficiently stimulating."

It was thus easy to perceive that Baltimore

101. Compromise, Duty and Laziness.

97. Plan of Cemetery at Chattanooga... 318 | 149. Fixed on a Waterfall

98. Andersonville, View from Gate 99. Amenities of the War 100. The Drum Ecclesiastic

102. Camp, Sugar-Loaf Mountain.

103. Head-Quarters near Hyattstown. 104. Masked Battery, Edward's Ferry...

105. Topographical Camp, Darnestown... 421 157. Rabb's Battery...

106. Battery at Edward's Ferry

107. Adam the Minstrel.....

108. View from Head-Quarters


320 150. Washing-Barge.
409 151. French Fishers.
412 152. Chain Barrier
414 153. Samuel R. Curtis
414 154. Battle of Pea Ridge .






415 155. James G. Blunt
417 156. Francis J. Herron




422 158. Iowa and Wisconsin Regiments..... 591 424 159. Entry into Little Rock


425 160. Lady Godiva; the Coventry Procession 625

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112. Origin of the Tonkawa Indians. 432 164. The Cider Mill.... 113. Head of the Ke-che-a-qui-ho-no River 434 114. Crossing the Rocky Mountains...... 436 115. Arrival near Fort Massachusetts 438 167. The Work-House, Blackwell's Island 683 116. Stampede of Horses and Mules. 117. The Grizzly Bear..

118. Jim Baker's Fight 119. Texas Rangers...






... 682

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

126. Signal-Station, Montgomery County.. 547
127. Encampment of Signal Party.... 548 179. Interior of a Cell.
128. The Old Zouave
550 180. Prisoners getting Ice.
129. Machines for Field Reconnoissance.. 558 181. Building Sea-Wall..
130. Camp Seminary, Alexandria ... 559 182. Breaking Stones
131. Winter Camp of Fourth New Jersey 561
132. The Seminary Pump....
133. Esthetics

134. Wooden Legs..


135. The Rob Roy in the Rollers..
136. Esquimaux Canoe Summerset
137. A Choked Channel
138. Shooting a Rapid...
139. The Rob Roy on Wheels.
140. Cattle Swimming the Meuse..
141. Singers' Wagon .......
142. In the Hay-Fields

143. Accommodations Wanted

144. Morning Visitors to the Rob-Roy. 145. The Rob Roy in a Crowd

146. Sailing on Lake Zug.

147. Shirking a Waterfall

570 189. Burning of the Schooner.
570 190. Destruction of Salt-Works
571 191. Battle of Olustee ...
572 192. Blue-Fishing on the Beach
573 193. Black Dogs of Berkshire.....
574 194. Prince

577 199. Defying Thunder

148. Passing the Rapids of the Reuss.... 578 200. Vale Dogs and Tobacco


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