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From this memorable season every thing prospered more than before, both in spiritual and temporal concerns. William was well acquainted with gardening, and his wife, who was the prin cipal Interpreter, managed the

Thou hast made the sun, the " supplication! What shall I moon, the hills, the rivers, the" render to the Lord for all his bushes; therefore thou hast "goodness!" Who is a God like power also to change my heart. unto him, who giveth us all good Oh, be pleased to make it entire-things, if we ask them in the new." Some told us that they name of Jesus! had not been able to sleep all night for sorrow on account of their sins, and that they had been forced to rise to pray. Others said that on their hunting parties they had felt a sudden impulse to prostrate themselves before the Lord, and to pray for a re-business of the house; so that I newed heart. We were glad to found myself greatly relieved. hear this; yet we thought it our About this time brother Edwards, duty to be cautious, and not to wishing to teach the Hottentots take it for granted that all this his native English, left us to go was true and sincere. a little further into the country.

Among the difficulties with which we had to struggle, the Business increasing every day, want of a good Interpreter was and the Boschemen flocking to one of the chief. We longed us in considerable numbers, we and prayed for one who was per- were obliged, for the sake of fectly acquainted with the lan- distinguishing one from another, guage, and who was not a stran- to give them names, which I ger to the influences of divine wrote with chalk on their backs: grace. At length the Lord grant- accordingly when any one of ed our request, by the unexpect-them approached me, the first ed arrival of William Fortuin thing he did was to shew me his and his wife, who came to live shoulders. We made it our stuwith us. He was a Hottentot, dy to excite a spirit of industry and she a Boscheman; but both in them, for which purpose we were well acquainted with the gave them little presents; to the Dutch language, and were rath-men Tobacco; to the women er more civilized than the peo-Handkerchiefs: and dried fruit ple in general. In this event I to the children; for we had a clearly saw and thankfully ac-stock of these articles, which had knowledged the good Providence been given us by the Farmers of my great Master, who had when we left Rodezand. Several heard and answered my prayer; persons now seemed to discover and I recollect, as if it had hap- some tokens of a work of grace pened but yesterday, how great-on their hearts: yet I was afraid ly this occurrence strengthened to conclude positively about their my heart and my hands; and state. Among these was a man how it inspired my soul with named Abraham; O Baas, and love and gratitude; for my whole his wife Antjee, who expressed success seemed, under God, to themselves in some measure exdepend on this. I was constrain-perimentally, discovering at the ed to say, "I love the Lord, for same time a change of heart, " he hath heard the voice of my by a visible change in their con

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1805.] luct. There were, indeed, many people among us who seemed to pray to God; but we had reason to doubt the sincerity of some of them, as there was no suitable alteration in their lives, but much pharisaical ostentation, -mechanical profession, and, we feared, interested views, for some of them seemed to pray, with no other design than to obtain a piece of Tobacco from

Means for fireventing Sleep in the house of God.




Means for preventing Sleep in the house of God.

[UCH has been already said


on the impropriety of sleeping in time of divine worship. Ministers have often reproved from the pulpit, and writers have repeatedly declaimed against it in print. The prac tice, however, is still indulged; and it is lamentable to see how In the month of October, we many convert the house of God found our stock of provisions al- into a place of repose; and thus almost exhausted, and had re-grieve the Holy Spirit, and rencourse to our gracious Lord in der the ordinances of divine apprayer, who was pleased to an-pointment ineffectual. Bodily swer us, by inclining the heart disease, and excessive labor on of Francis Moritz, à Farmer, to the week days, have been alledgsend us a handsome present, ed as causes; and there is no consisting of a large Bullock, doubt but these may naturally thirty Sheep, a quantity of Flour, tend to indispose for public wor Salt, &c. The Hottentot serv-ship. But what shall we say to ants, who brought these valuable articles, cheerfully added to them several sheep of their own, as an expression of their joy in the blessing of the Gospel being brought to their country-ed to by professors in general;


them who cannot plead either of these, and yet are often found in this habit? It appears to me, that there is another cause, which has not been sufficiently attend

and that is a too great indulgence of the appetite, a species of intemperance which unfits both the body and the mind for devotion. I know not how it may be in other countries; but it seems that, in England, Sunday is considered as a day in which many think themselves at liberty to eat and drink more than on any other day in the week; and among those who consider this day as a day only of leisure and amusement we do

About the same time we received repeated warnings of our danger from the Great-Kraal, the most numerous horde of Boschemen, and who were all robbers. These people, who had not been included in the peace before mentioned, were approaching us, as we were informed, with a design to surprise and destroy us; but we committed ourselves to the Lord, who enabled us to confide in his protecting care, feeling little anxie-not wonder at it; but how proty as to the event, and resolving to pursue our great object, which was to preach Jesus.

(To be continued.)

fessors of religion should adopt this practice, and why it is that they cannot deny themselves a little, is strange indeed! Yet what is more common than to hear of such dressing large and

that no more should be taken than will be found necessary for strengthening and refreshing, and so preparing the animal frame for a decent and becom ing behavior in the house of God. Now should this paper fall into the hands of any per, sons who have hitherto been in the habit of sleeping during worship, let me intreat them to try the experiment; let them guard against preceding indulgence, and I have no doubt but they will find a difference. Should a sleepy fit come on them, let them stand up, or change their posture in any other way, so as not to incommode others, and disturb their devotion. I cannot but think, if these means were tried, many might subdue a habit which is disgraceful to their characters, an insult to God, and a great trial to ministers.

expensive dinners, and asking a number of their friends on that day, as if it were a season appointed for feasting and conviviality, rather than for the worship of God! Is it any matter of surprise, therefore, to see people, who have been taking more than their usual quantity of animal food, and perhaps drinking more than their usual quantity of stupifying liquids, overcome with sleep when they come to sit down in the house of God? Surely, eating and drinking a few ounces less on the Lord's Day, in order that they might be more wakeful, worship God in a better frame, and hear their minister with greater pleasure, cannot be thought either an unreasonable or an impracticable thing. We often hear them say, indeed, that they are sorry they were overcome; and that they wished to keep awake, and be To what is above stated, many attentive; but that really it was arguments might be subjoined, not in their power. To this, per- as to the impropriety of the haps we may give credit. But practice, but we shall only select what is the reason? Does this one; and that shall be the resleepy habit arise from a natural-flection of a minister of the gosly heavy temperament of body?pel, on viewing some of his flock No; for on other occasions they in this unhappy situation:are as lively as any one. Does have been thinking," says he, it arise from their disrespect to" during the week, what subject their minister? No; they own I shall choose, that will be most they feel an attachment to him; profitable for my people; and and believe him, in many res- after having fixed upon one that pects, to be superior to others. I thought would be suitable, Į Does it arise from the subject to have been endeavoring to considbe discussed, which they sup-er the best manner I should treat pose to be of no importance or it, in order to impress it on their utility to themselves? No; I am minds. The Sabbath arrived; persuaded, that though these I ascended the pulpit; and now, may be sometimes the causes, thought I, God is waiting to be yet in general, it will be found, gracious,Jesus has promised that attention has not been paid to be in the midst,-angels are to the predisposition of the body looking on with eager expectafor public worship. It is not re- tion, the Holy Ghost is waiting quired that the Sabbath-day be to communicate his influence,

fast-day; but it is required,


and all Heaven seems to be in

that the Missionary Society there has received letters from Dr. Vanderkemp, at Algoa Bay; in which he mentions, that he had been ill for a long time; but was mercifully restored and the Lord had so blessed his labors, that he had baptized more than two hundred Heathen.

By letters which our Baptist Brethren have received from India, we learn, that Mrs. Thomas, the widow of Mr. J. Thomas, is dead. Felix Carey has been ill, in some danger of a con


readiness to shout praises to God, if but good is done in his name! But alas! these reflections have been no sooner indulged, the text named, and the subject announced, than I have beheld some nodding, others putting themselves into a commodious posture for sleep, and others actually slumbering! A death-blow, thought I, is given to all my designs, and to all the pleasing thoughts that occupied my mind. Why have I been studying? For what have I prayed? Can God be in this place? Can I take any comfort to my-sumption; but hopes are enterself? It is as if my instructions tained of his recovery. Mr. Cawere of no weight, my sermons rey's second son, William, has of no consequence, and all my also been received into the attempts to do good in vain.' church. The work of God goes Thus the preacher has retired to his closet with sorrow, under have seldom had an ordinanceon among the natives. the idea of the little utility of his day without some additions. As ministrations; and been almost they cannot find employment for ready, with Jeremiah, to say, all the converts at Serampore, That he would "speak no more and as many of them come from in the name of the Lord." a considerable distance, it is their practice now, after baptizing and receiving them into the church, to send them home to their country and kindred, to tell what the Lord hath done for them.— Among the converted natives, there are two or three whom our friends encourage to preach thè gospel to their countrymen,They have been cruelly beaten by them, and their lives threatened; but have borne it with much Christian patience and fortitude; declaring, in the face of their persecutors, that they were more concerned for them than for themselves. One of them is a young Brahman, and who has lately been married to a young Christian female..

O ye that profess to worship and love God, and who have never once tried to use the means against this evil practice, let me intreat you, by the sacred commands of God, by the respect you should pay to your ministers, by all that is decent and interesting, by all the promises of the Divine Presence, as well as by all that is consistent and reasonable, to reform a practice which is such a cancer to your profit, a stumbling block to the weak, a plea for the wicked, and an offence to God!

C. B.

Religious Intelligence.

BY a letter received by Mrs. Palm from Rotterdam, we learn




for my ignorance and infidelity, branded me as a Precisian!

Danger of public amusements.

ALYPIUS, a friend of St. Au gustine, was accustomed to hold in the utmost horror and detestation the gladiatorial combats, which were exhibited in the age in which he lived. Being invi, ted one day, by his companions, to be a spectator of those inhuman sports, he refused to go. They, however, insisted on his accompanying them; and drew him along against his will.When they had all taken their seats, the games commenced. Alypius shut his eyes, that objects so abominable might not pollute his mind. "Would to

God," said Augustine, "he had also stopped his ears!" For having heard a great cry, he suffer

GENTLEMAN of my acquaintance was asked in company, What led him first to embrace the truths of the gospel, which formerly he was known to have neglected and despised? He said, "My call and conversion to God our Saviour was produced by very singular means: A person put into my hand Paine's Age of Reason: I read it with attention; and was very much struck with the strong and ridiculous representations he made of so many passages of the Bible. I confess, to my shame, I never had read the Bible through; but from what I remembered to have heard at church, or accidentally on other occasions, I could not persuade myself that Paine's report was quite exact, and the Bible quite so absurd a book as he represent-ed himself to be conquered by ed it. I resolved, therefore, that I would read the Bible regularly through, and compare the passages when I had done so, that I might give the book fair play. I accordingly set myself to the task; and as I advanced was so struck with the majesty which spoke, the awfulness of the truths contained, and the strong evidence of its divine original, which increased with every page, that I finished my enquiry with the fullest satisfaction of the truth as it is in Jesus; and with my heart penetrated with a sense of obligation I had never felt before, resolved henceforth to take the sacred word for my guide, and be a faithful follower of the Son of God. But, judge of my surprise! I no sooner began to avow my sentiments, and to change my course of life, than those who never reproached me

his curiosity, and opened his eyes to see what it was, imagining that he still retained the power of shutting them. One of the combatants was wounded. No sooner did he behold the purple stream issuing from the body of the unhappy wretch, than instead of turning away his eyes, they were arrested on the object, and became intoxicated with those brutal combats. He was no longer the same man: he, by degrees, imbibed the sentiments of the multitude around him, joined in their shouts and exclamations, and carried away from the amphitheatre a violent passion for returning and not only did he go the second time with those who had ensnared him, but he himself enticed others. Yet this man began at first with an abhorrence of such criminal amusements, and re


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