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these facts, when I saw two men in the centre of men reported to me. With these I returned to company A, Fourteenth Kansas, turn to run, but the brow of the hill, in the direction of the first before they could fairly turn round, Major Curtis attack, and plainly saw the enemy engaged in and the officers of the company forced them sacking the wagons, and, while there, plainly saw back, and I concluded the fight would be desper- the band brutally murdered. At the time of ate, and was hopeful; but before the officers the attack the band-wagon, containing fourteen could get their places, the same two men and members of the brigade band, James O'Neal, about eight more turned and ignominiously fled, special artist of Frank Leslie's Pictorial Newswhich the enemy perceiving, the charge was paper, one young lad twelve years old, (servant ordered, and the whole line advanced with a of the leader of the band,) Henry Polloque, of shout, at which the remainder of company A, Madison, Wis., and the driver, had undertaken and despite the efforts of General Blunt, Major to escape in a direction a little to the south Curtis, Lieutenants Tappin and Pierce, could of west, and made about half a mile, when not be rallied. At this time a full volley was one of the wheels of the wagon run off and fired by company I, Third Wisconsin cavalry, the wagon sloped on the brow of the hill, in which so staggered the right of the enemy, that plain sight of where I stood. As the direction I began to have hopes again; but as their left of the wagon was different from that in which continued to advance, their right rallied, but most of the troops fled, it had not attracted were checked so much that their line, as seen by such speedy attention, and the enemy had just me, was crooked, their right being behind. The got to it as I returned, giving me an opporfiring then became indiscriminate, and I saw tunity to see every member of the band, that company I stood firing their revolvers until Mr. O'Neal, the boy and the driver, shot, and the enemy were within twenty feet, and then their bodies thrown in or under the wagon, turned; but before any distance could be made and it fired, so that when we went to them, the enemy were in their midst, and out of forty all were more or less burned, and almost enof the company, twenty-three were killed and tirely consumed. The drummer-boy, a very six wounded, and left for dead upon the field. interesting and intelligent lad, was shot and At this time my attention was attracted to my thrown under the wagon, and when the fire own danger, the enemy having advanced so fast reached his clothes, it must have brought reas to cut me off from the rest, and after trying turned consciousness, as he had crawled a disa couple of dodges, I succeeded in getting into tance of thirty yards, marking the course by bits camp at Baxter's Springs, all the while closely of burning clothes and scorched grass, and was pursued; and found Lieutenant Pond, who was found dead with all his clothes burned off except in command, busily engaged in firing a mountain that portion between his back and the ground, howitzer outside his breastworks. The garrison as he lay on his back. A number of the bodies at Baxter's Springs consisted of parts of two were brutally mutilated and indecently treated. companies of Third Wisconsin cavalry, and one Being satisfied that Lieutenant Pond could hold company of the Second Kansas colored regiment, the camp against their force, I took two of the the whole under the command of Lieutenant men and started out on the prairie in search of James B. Pond, of company C, Third Wisconsin General Blunt, Major Curtis, or any other I cavalry. The camp had only been established a could find, and in about an hour after, succeeded few days, and in that time Lieutenant Pond in hearing of the General's safety, and learned caused to be built a breastwork like a log-fence, also that Major Curtis was supposed to be a on three sides of a square, in which were his prisoner, as his horse had been shot from under tents and quarters. The attack on the camp him. I learned this from a wounded soldier who had been a partial surprise, but the troops acted had concealed himself in the grass, while the splendidly, and Lieutenant Pond, taking the ex- enemy had passed by him; and just then disposed position outside the breastworks, loaded covering a deserted horse and buggy, placed and fired the howitzer three times without any him in it with a man to take care of him, and assistance, and the engagement was so close, they reached the camp in safety. The enemy that during this time some of the enemy had were still in plain sight, and remained on the entered the breastworks; and at the time I prairie till about four o'clock, when they marchentered the defences and got where Lieutenant ed south in a body. General Blunt and Major Pond was, the bullets were pelting against the Curtis had tried to stop the flight of our troops logs near by and all around him. As the fight from the start, and had several very narrow eswith the force of General Blunt had been out of capes in doing so, as the enemy were close upon sight of the camp, Lieutenant Pond had been them, and finally the General succeeded in colunable to tell what it meant, and very much sur- lecting about ten men, and with these he worried prised to see me, and in answer to my order for the enemy, attacking them in small parties, and his cavalry, with which I hoped to be of some when pursued by too large a force, falling back use to our scattered troops, told me, that he had until they turned, and then in turn, following that morning started out a forage train of eight them, so that at no time was he out of sight of wagons, and an escort of sixty men, who had the enemy, and most of the time close enough gone in the direction from which the enemy had to worry and harass them. As they withdrew come, and he supposed they had been "gobbled from the field, he searched for and took care of up," and in response to his order only seven the wounded, and remained upon the ground till

they were all taken in and cared for, and then that he might do his mite toward crushing the went into camp. The ground on which the fight rebellion; that he did not seek promotion, but took place, is a rolling prairie, extending west a was willing to serve where he could do the long distance, covered with grass and intersected most good. Truly, a patriot was lost when with deep ravines, gullies, on the banks of which Lieutenant Farr was killed. Other dead, many grow willow bushes, sufficient to conceal any of them brave and true men, were scattered difficulty in crossing, but not sufficient to protect and strewn over the ground for over a mile or from observation; and in retreating, many of our two, most with balls through their heads, men were overtaken at these ravines, and killed showing that they were killed after having surwhile endeavoring to cross. Major Curtis had rendered, which the testimony of the wounded become separated from the General, and while corroborates. They were told in every instance, riding by the side of Lieutenant Pierce, his horse that if they would surrender and deliver up was shot and fell. All supposed he was taken their arms, they should be treated as prisoners prisoner by the enemy, being close upon them, of war, and upon doing so, were immediately and Lieutenant Pierce saw him alive in their shot down. Sergeant Jack Splane, company I, hands. The next day his body was found where Third Wisconsin cavalry, was treated in this his horse had fallen, and he was, without doubt, way, and the fiend who shot him, after taking killed, after having surrendered. Thus fell one his arms, said: "Tell old God, that the last of the noblest of all the patriots who have offer- man you saw on earth, was Quantrell." Sered up their lives for the cause of their country.geant Splane is now alive, although he received Major H. Z. Curtis was a son of Major-General five balls, one in his head, one through his Curtis, and served with his father during his chest, one through his bowels, and the other memorable campaign through Arkansas, and was in his leg and arm. Private Jesse Smith was present with him at the battle of Pea Ridge, shot nearly as bad, and under the same cirwhere he did good service as aid to his father. cumstances; but he did not lose his consciousWhen General Curtis took command of the De-ness, and says, that the rebel who shot him, partment of Missouri, the Major remained with him as Assistant Adjutant-General on his staff, and when General Curtis was relieved of that command, the Major sought for and obtained an order to report to General Blunt as Assistant Adjutant-General, and in that position had done much toward regulating and systematizing the business of district headquarters of Kansas and the Frontier; and on General Blunt determining to take the field, Major Curtis accompanied him with alacrity, parting with his young and affectionate wife at Fort Scott, on the fourth of October, and met his horrible fate at Baxter's Springs, on Tuesday, sixth October. All who knew Major Curtis, acknowledged his superior abilities, and in his particular duties he had no equal. Beloved by the General and all his staff, his loss has cast a gloom over us, "whose business is to die," unusual and heartfelt. In looking over the field, the body of Lieutenant Farr was found near to where the first attack was made, with marks of wounds by buckshots and bullets. The Lieutenant was unarmed at the time of the attack, and had been riding in a carriage, but had evidently jumped therefrom and attempted to escape on foot. Lieutenant A. W. Farr was a prominent young lawyer, from Geneva, Wisconsin, and had been a partier of General B. F. Butler, at Worcester, Mass. At the time of the breaking out of the rebellion he took a patriotic view of the difficulty, and although a strong Democrat, like General Butler, had accepted a position where he thought he could be of service to his country, and has fallen in the good cause. Well does the writer of this, remember the night before his death, while we were lying on the ground with our blankets over us, the Lieutenant said, it was not ambition nor gain, that prompted him to enter the army, but only

and as he lay upon his face, jumped upon his back, and essayed to dance, uttering the most vile imprecations. Some unarmed citizens who were with us, were killed, and their bodies stripped of clothing. Take it all in all, there has perhaps not a more horrible affair (except the massacre at Lawrence, in Kansas) happened during the war, and brands the perpetrators as cowards and brutes. I will here also state that a woman and child were shot, at the camp, but both will recover. It was done premeditatedly and not by random shots, and the brute who shot the child, was killed by a shot from the revolver of Sergeant McKenzie, company C, Third Wisconsin cavalry. I respectfully call your attention to the facts set forth in this report, in hopes that the Government will see fit to retaliate for the actions of this band of desperadoes, who are recognized and acknowledged by the confederate authorities, and whose report of this affair stated that the brutality of the beast, was exultingly published by the confederate papers, and approved by the confederate officials. Captain A. N. Campbell, Fourteenth Kansas volunteers, while a prisoner in the hands of the enemy, at Fort Smith, Arkansas, was in presence of this man Quantrell, and heard him say, that he never did and never would take any prisoners, and was boasting of the number of captured soldiers he had caused to be shot, stating particulars, etc. These facts should be published to the civilized world, that all may know the character of the people against whom we are contending. I would also respectfully call the attention of the General Commanding to the fact that passes in and out of the posts of Sedalia, Springfield, and Kansas City, signed by the commanders of the posts, and also permits to carry arms, were found on the bodies of a number of the rebels killed in the fight, and from them and

other papers there is no doubt but that a portion of Quantrell's force was made up of persons belonging to the Missouri militia. I desire to take special notice of the bravery and coolness of Lieutenant James B. Pond, company C, Third Wisconsin cavalry, commanding the camp, Sergeant R. McKenzie, of company C, Third Wisconsin cavalry, and Sergeant R. W. Smith, of said company.

The number of the killed is as follows:
Major N. Z. Curtis, Lieutenant A. W. Farr,
Lieutenant Cook, .

Members of the brigade band,
Clerks and orderlies,....

Company A, Fourteenth Kansas,..


I, Third Wisconsin cavalry,....

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(in camp)

The loss of the enemy, as far as known, between twenty and thirty.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,



stances. The Lieutenant further stated, that as the enemy came over the brow of the hill, just from the direction of Pond's camp, it seemed without a doubt, that his little force had been captured, and destroyed also. He was further under the impression that Majors Curtis and Henning, and Lieutenant Farr, were prisoners.

Within an hour I was en route to the General's relief, with three companies of the Twelfth Kansas infantry, two companies of the Second Kansas colored infantry, and about one hundred cavalry, under Lieutenants Josling and Clark. Twenty miles out, I met a despatch from Gen6 eral Blunt, that he was safe with Lieutenant 18 Pond, who had been fortunate enough to repulse 23 the enemy in their attack on his camp. I push6 ed on, however, without relaxation, and arrived 10 at the Springs, a distance of seventy miles, in

the afternoon of the second day, although it was 80 the first heavy marching the infantry had ever 18 attempted. On my arrival I found that the General had sent off every mounted man he could 98 find, either as scouts or messengers, and had notified the officers in command on the line of the Arkansas River, of the disaster at the Springs, the direction in which the enemy was heading, and when he would probably cross the river.


Major Third Wisconsin Cavalry.

Assistant Adjutant-General, Department of Missouri, St. Louis.


October 15, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor to report to you, for the information of the Major-General Commanding, the following particulars, as far as they came to my knowledge, or under my observation, of the late disaster at Baxter's Springs.

The graves were being dug and the dead carried in for burial as I arrived. It was a fearful sight; some eighty-five bodies, nearly all shot through the head, most of them shot from five to seven times each, horribly mangled, and charred, and blackened by fire. The wounded, who numbered six or seven, were all shot at least six times, and it is a remarkable fact that with the exception of Bennett, of the Third Wisconsin cavalry, all who were alive when they were brought in, are in a fair way of final recovery.

The circumstances of the double conflict, as well as I can gather them on the spot, are about these:

On the fourth instant Major-General Blunt, his staff, consisting of Major B. S. Henning, Third Wisconsin cavalry, Provost-Marshal; Major H. Z. Curtis, Assistant Adjutant-General; Lieutenant J. E. Tappin, Second Colorado cavalry, A.D.C.; Quantrell, with a force variously estimated at and Lieutenant A. W. Farr, Third Wisconsin cav- from six hundred to one thousand, was passing alry, Judge-Advocate; his clerks and orderlies, south, on the border line of counties in Missouri, the brigade band, and parts of two companies of and made a detour to attack the camp at Baxter's cavalry, respectively under the command of Lieu-Springs, which up to that time had been defendtenants Robert Pierce, Fourteenth Kansas, cav-ed by one company of colored men, under Lieualry, and Josiah G. Cavart, Third Wisconsin tenant Cook, and a fragment of company D of the cavalry, left this place for Fort Blunt, Cherokee Third Wisconsin cavalry only. Fortunately, Nation. About four o'clock on the morning of however, on the day before, I had sent Lieutenthe seventh instant, Lieutenant Tappin returned, ant James B. Pond, with part of another cominforming me that about one o'clock the day pre-pany of the Third Wisconsin cavalry, and a vious, General Blunt had been attacked, within a few hundred yards of Lieutenant Pond's camp, at Baxter's Springs, and the entire command, except the General himself and about ten men, either killed or taken prisoners, and the baggage and transportation captured and destroyed. He also informed me that the General could not be persuaded to come away, but remained with his few men, hanging near the enemy, to watch their movements, and succor any of the wounded who might be left alive, while he despatched him (the Lieutenant) to me to inform me of the circum

mountain howitzer. The cavalry was, however, all absent with a forage-train; but the blacks, the dismounted men of the cavalry, the howitzer, and Lieutenant Pond were still left. The first attack of the enemy, twelve м. of the sixth instant, was so sudden and impetuous, that he was inside the rude breastworks and firing pistolshots into the tents before our forces recovered from the surprise into which they were thrown by the onset. They rallied, however, promptly and gallantly, under the directions of the Lieutenant, and after a severe struggle, repulsed the

enemy, and drove him outside the fortifications. He then concentrated his forces for a more careful attack-formed in line of battle-but before the word could be given to charge, Lieutenant Pond opened upon them with the little howitzer, getting outside of his breastworks to operate it, which again threw them into confusion, and drove them over the brow of the hill. At this point, it seems, they first perceived General Blunt's little, column, which had halted for the wagons and band to close up, and immediately formed in line to attack it. They formed in two lines, one on the prairie, and the other under the cover of the timber, and commenced the advance. Coming in the direction they did, the General of course, supposed it was Lieutenant Pond's cavalry, either on drill, or coming out to receive him. For safety, however, he formed his little force in line of battle, and sent the wagons, with the band, clerks, orderlies, cooks, and other noncombatants, to the rear, and then rode about fifty paces to the front, accompanied by his staff, to reconnoitre, and endeavor to ascertain to a certainty what the approaching force was. Whatever doubts he may have entertained were soon dispelled, for the front line, pouring a volley, and raising the guerrilla yell, charged forward at full speed. The General turning in his saddle to order his body-guard to advance and fire, saw with shame and humiliation, the whole of it in disgraceful flight over the prairie. There was nothing left for it then, but to follow and attempt to rally them; he accordingly turned with his staff-officers, all except Major Henning, to endeavor to overtake the fugitives. By this time the enemy were upon and all around them, and their escape with life seemed almost a miracle.

At this time too, it seems to have struck Major Henning that the enemy approached from an angle which might miss Lieutenant Pond's camp, and that consequently, he might be safe. With this thought he determined to strike for the camp, and endeavor to bring Pond's forces to the assistance of the General. Accordingly, he charged straight forward at full speed, passing through a shower of bullets, and through the enemy's line; deflecting a little to the right, he was over the brow of the hill before the enemy could recover from his astonishment at the daring feat. About half-way from the brow of the hill to the camp, he saw a party of five guerrillas, who had taken three of Lieutenant Pond's men prisoners, and were hurrying them off; as they were directly in his way, and a much larger force behind him, he was cool enough to reflect that temerity was here discretion, and instantaneously charged them. He shot two of them, killing one, and frightening the others so badly that they abandoned the prisoners and took to flight. He then approached the camp at full speed, swinging his cap around his head, to announce that he was a friend, and after narrowly escaping being shot by our men, at length arrived there in safety. He here learned of the attack on the camp, and that not a cavalry man was left, all being absent with the forage-train.

The distant sounds of the battle showed already that infantry was useless; and he again turned his horse's head in the direction of the field, and solitary and alone, forced his way through the scattered bands of the enemy back to the side of his chief and his little band of supporters. History should not fail to record such deeds of gallantry and devotion.

General Blunt, in his endeavor to rally his men as fast he could catch up with them, was frequently thrown behind, and several times almost surrounded, although mounted in a superior manner. He finally rallied some fifteen men, and charging his foremost pursuers, compelled them in turn to retire. He then started Lieutenant Tappin, with four men, to me, and determined with the balance to watch the enemy. They killed our men as fast as they caught them, sparing none. The members of the band were shot as they sat in the band-wagon, and it was then set on fire. They rifled all the trunks, boxes, etc., in the different wagons, and then set them on fire, with the bodies of the teamsters in them, and all others who happened to be in them when taken. The non-combatants were slaughtered as ruthlessly as the soldiers. Lieutenant Farr was killed early in the struggle. Major Curtis came very near escaping, although his full uniform and showy horse made him a conspicuous mark; he was some distance in advance of his pursuers, when, just as his horse was gathering himself to spring over a deep ravine, he was struck on the hip with a ball, which so stung or frightened him, that he missed his leap, and falling short, threw the Major over his head. The horse gathered himself almost instantly and galloped wildly over the prairie. The Major was first taken prisoner and then brutally murdered. Thus died as gallant a soldier and as true a gentleman as ever drew a sword in defence of his country. It may well be said of him, as of Chevalier Bayard of old, "he was without fear and without reproach."

The enemy, seeing that General Blunt persistently kept them in view, keeping away if pursued, and returning as soon as the pursuit slackened, were no doubt forced to believe that a large force was approaching, of which he was only the advance. His persistent following them up, doubtless riveted this conclusion in their minds, as they hurried through their wholesale work of slaughter, and then moved off slowly to the South. General Blunt hovered near them till near night, and then returned to the melancholy work of caring for the wounded and collecting the dead. But few were left alive, as their evident intention was to kill all. The bodies of Major Curtis and Lieutenant Farr were not found until the next day.

Lieutenant Pond is entitled to great credit for his gallant defence of his camp; and Lieutenant Pierce, who strove hard to rally the flying soldiers. But the men seemed struck by a sudden and uncontrollable panic, and I met many of them within ten miles of Fort Scott as I moved out with my force.

The enemy left between twenty and thirty dead on the field; as their wounded were taken away with some ambulances and buggies they captured, it is impossible to state their number. Disastrous as this engagement has been, it would undoubtedly have been as bad, if not worse, if General Blunt and his little force had not been near. In that event, a more careful and combined attack would have been made on Pond's camp, and with the force around it, must finally have succumbed, and every person there would undoubtedly have been put to death.

such proceedings would appear as an offensive
discrimination against our State. Our citizens
are aware that highly important elections have
recently taken place in other States, without, as
it is believed, any such interference by the Gov-
ernment authorities; and if votes by hundreds
of thousands have been allowed to be cast there
without objection, and with no limit upon the
elective franchise other than the State laws pre-
scribe, and where one, at least, of the candidates.
so supported was considered so hostile to the
Government that for months past he has been
banished from the country, certainly any such
didates in this State would, under such compar-
isons, be more justly objectionable, and finds
nothing in the present condition of things here
to justify it. I rely therefore upon your Excel-
lency for such an order as will prevent it.
I have the honor to be, with great respect, your
Excellency's obedient servant,

The names and number (accurately) of our killed and wounded will be forwarded in a sub-interference as between the loyal men now cansequent report.

I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding.
Colonel O. D. GREEN,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Department Missouri, St. Louis.

Doc. 215.


October 31, 1863.


November 2, 1863.

To His Excellency A. W. Bradford, Governor of

SIR: Yours of the thirty-first ultimo was received yesterday, about noon, and since then I have been giving most earnest attention to the subject matter of it. At my call General Schenck has attended, and he assures me that it is almost certain that violence will be used at some of the voting-places on election day, unless prevented by his provost-guards. He says that at some of those places the Union voters will not attend at all, or run a ticket, unless they have some assurance of protection. This makes the Missouri case of my action, in regard to which you express your approval.

To His Excellency, President Lincoln: SIR Rumors are to-day current, and they reach me in such a shape that I am bound to believe them, that detachments of soldiers are to be despatched on Monday next to several of the counties of the State, with a view of being present at their polls on Wednesday next, the day of our State election. These troops are not residents of the State, and consequently are not sent for the purpose of voting, and as there is no reason, in my opinion, to apprehend any riotous or violent proceedings at this election, the inference is unavoidable that these military de- The remaining point of your letter is a protachments, if sent, are expected to exert some test against any person offering to vote being put control or influence in that election. I am also to any test not found in the laws of Maryland. informed that orders are to be issued from this This brings us to a difference between Missouri Military Department, on Monday, presenting cer- and Maryland, with the same reason in both tain restrictions or qualifications on the right of States. Missouri has, by law, provided a test suffrage-of what precise character I am not for the voter with reference to the present rebelapprised-which the Judges of Election will be lion, while Maryland has not. For example, expectel to observe. From my knowledge of General Trimble, captured fighting us at Gettysyour sentiments on these subjects, as expressed burgh, is, without recanting his treason, a legal to Hon. R. Johnson, in my presence, on the voter by the laws of Maryland. Even General twenty-second instant, as also disclosed in your Schenck's order admits him to vote, if he recants letter of instruction to General Schofield, since upon oath. I think that is cheap enough. My published, in reference to the Missouri election, order in Missouri, which you approve, and GenI cannot but think that the orders above re-eral Schenck's order here, reach precisely the ferred to are without your personal knowledge; same end. Each assures the right of voting to and I take the liberty of calling the subject to all loyal men, and whether a man is loyal cach your attention, and invoking your interposition allows that man to fix by his own oath. Your to countermand them. I cannot but feel that to suggestion that nearly all the candidates are suffer any military interference in the matter of loyal I do not think quite meets the case. In our election, or to prescribe any test of oath to this struggle for the nation's life, I cannot so voters when all the candidates in the State-confidently rely on those whose election may with the exception, perhaps, of two or three in have depended upon disloyal votes. Such men, one Congressional District, are all loyal men- when elected, may prove true, but such votes would be justly obnoxious to the public senti- are given them in the expectation that they will ment of the State. There are other reasons why prove false. Nor do I think that to keep the

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