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court, in certain cases," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Williams asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act authorizing the board of supervisors of the county of Wayne, to abolish the fees of the offices of county judge and surrogate of said county," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

On motion of Mr. John D. Willard,

Resolved, That so much of the Governor's message as relates to assessment and the correction and equalization of the valuation of property, be referred to a select committee.

On motion of Mr. John D. Willard,

Resolved, That the State Engineer and Surveyor report to the Senate the names of the Railroad Companies that omitted to file in his office before the 1st day of December last, the report of their respective operations for the year ending on the 30th day of September last, as required by law; also whether any, and if any, which of said delinquent railroad companies have since filed such report, and when.

On motion of Mr. Loveland,

Resolved, That the Comptroller be requested to furnish the committee on public printing with a copy of the present contract for doing the State printing.

On motion of Mr. Paterson,

Resolved, That the committee on printing ascertain and report the cost of public printing for the years 1857 and 1858, separately, and that they report the cost of printing for each department, in such a manner as to show the cost for printing for each of the departments-State, Comptroller, Canal, Bank, Legislative and Executive, in separate items.

Mr. Smith offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Comptroller report to the Senate the amount of money paid out of the treasury to the Lieutenant-Governors for the years from 1846 to 1859, inclusive, aside from their compensation of six dollars per day as presiding officer of the Senate, stating for what services such payments have been made, and that he report the items separately, for each biennial term.

Mr. Schell moved to lay said resolution on the table.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the negative, as follows:

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The President then put the question whether the Senate would

agree to said resolution, and it was decided in the affirmative, as fol


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Mr. Williams offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Attorney General be requested to report to the Senate, whether in his opinion, in the present condition of the State treasury, and with the large amount of outstanding liabilities, (which have been liquidated,) and remain unpaid, this Legislature can pass any laws for the payment of alleged canal claims or canal damages, without conflicting with the provisions of the Constitution. The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said resolution, and it was decided in the negative, as follows

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Resolved, That the Comptroller be requested to report to the Senate the amount of salary paid to the Inspector General, since the creation of the office, giving the amount for each year, with the number of days' service charged, and the annual expenses beyond the per diem allowance.

On motion of Mr. J. A. Willard,

Resolved, That a respectful message be sent to the Honorable the Assembly, requesting that body to send to the Senate, the papers on file relative to the Antwerp Lumber Manufacturing company, and that when received they be referred to the committee on the judiciary.

On motion of Mr. Loveland,

Resolved, That the State Engineer and Surveyor be requested to give his opinion what the cost will be to the State to give five feet of water in the Champlain canal, to be completed on opening of navigation in 1860.

On motion of Mr. O. B. Wheeler,

Resolved, That the petitions and papers of Thomas Smith, to release certain lands of which Henry Smith died seized, be taken from the files and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

On motion of Mr Mandeville,

Resolved, That the Clerk procure the printing, upon card boards, of the list of members and officers of the Senate and Assembly, and also a list of the standing and select committees.

On motion of Mr. Darling,

Resolved, That a respectful message be sent to the Assembly requesting that body to send the Senate the petition of Ira E. Phillips and William J. Nelson, with the papers on file relating to their claim for moneys due them for work done on the Genesee Valley canal, and that when received they be referred to the committee on claims.

On motion of Mr. Ely,

Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Land Office be requested to communicate to the Senate all information they, or either of them may possess in relation to the title of the State to the ground lying in front of Washington market, in the city of New York, together with a copy of the lease executed last year upon the same; and that they also communicate the amount of the previous cost and revenue of said property to the State.

The Senate then resolved itself into a committee of the whole, and proceeded to the consideration of the general orders, being the bills entitled as follows :

"An act to amend chapter 5, part 2d of the Revised Statutes." "An act to regulate removals, suspensions and appointments in the offices of the State prisons."

After some time spent thereon, the President resumed the chair, and Mr. Hubbell, from said committee, reported in favor of the passage of the first named bill, without amendment, which report was agreed to.

Ordered, That said bill be engrossed for a third reading. Mr. Hubbell, from the same committee, reported progress on the last named bill, and asked and obtained leave to sit again.

On motion of Mr. Diven, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended, and the bill entitled "An act to amend chapter 5, part 2d of the Revised Statutes," was ordered to a third reading.

Said bill was then read a third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the members elected to the Senate voting in favor thereof, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly, and request their concurrence therein.

Mr. Doherty asked to be excused from serving on the committees on retrenchment, public buildings, and expiring laws.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to excuse Mr. Doherty, and it was decided in the negative. On motion of Mr. Truman, the Senate adjourned.

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The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Mayo.

The journal of yesterday, was read and approved.

Mr. Johnson presented a petition of Wm. Richardson and others, of Albany, for the relief of Edgar Mortara, who is now forcibly detained from his parents in Rome, by the Papal authorities, which was read and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

Mr. Mather presented a petition of James Hay, for the real estate of John G. Leake, deceased, which was read and referred to the committee on claims.

Mr. John D. Willard presented a petition for the adjustment of certain claims against the State, and their application upon a debt held by the State against the Bank of Orleans, which was read and referred to the committee on finance.

Mr. Diven, from the committee on finance, to which was referred the Assembly bill entitled "An act to provide for certain expenses of Government," reported in favor of the passage of the same which report was agreed to, and said bill committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Halsted, from the committee on the incorporation of cities and villages, to which was referred the petition for the relief of the heir-at-law of E. Jansen, for an act to discontinue part of a public highway, &c., reported a bill entitled "An act to discontinue a part of a public highway in the town of Goshen, Orange county," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Halsted, from the committee on the incorporation of cities and villages, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to provide for the appointment of commissioners of deeds in the village of Ballston Spa," reported in favor of the passage of the same, with an amendment, which report was agreed to, and said bill committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Halsted, from the committee on the incorporation of cities and villages, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to amend an act in relation to payment of expenses for local improvements in the late village and city of Williamsburgh, and to actions and proceedings in respect thereto, passed March 20, 1857," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to, and said bill committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. John D. Willard, from the committee on the judiciary, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act in relation to Courts of Special Sessions, Courts of Sessions, and Police Courts," reported in favor of the passage of the same, which report was agreed to, and said bill committed to the committee of the whole.

The President presented the report of the Commissioners for the removal of Quarantine, to the Legislature, which was read, laid on the table and ordered printed.

(See Doc. No. 10.)

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The President presented the annual report of the Auditor of the Canal Department, which was read, laid on the table and ordered printed.

(See Doc. No. 4.)

Mr. J. A. Willard gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill to incorporate the Corpus Christi Ship Channel company.

Mr. Pratt gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill to authorize the reduction of the capital stock of the Kingston Bank, of Kingston, Ulster county.

Mr. Boardman gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill to amend an act entitled "An act to facilitate the formation of agricultural and horticultural societies, passed April 13, 1855.”

Mr. Sloan gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill to amend an act entitled "An act to reorganize the Warden's office of the port of New York."

Mr. Scott gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill extending the term of service of supervisors.

Mr. Mather gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill in relation to escheated lands, and providing for the descent of lands to aliens.

Mr. Ely gave notice that he would at an early day ask leave to introduce a bill in relation to the theatres in the city of New York.

In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Paterson asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act conferring additional powers and duties upon Courts of Special Session in and for the county of Monroe," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Paterson asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to provide for the appraisal of canal damages," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on canals.

In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Paterson asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to confer certain powers upon the board of supervisors of the county of Monroe, relative to the office of clerk of said county," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the internal affairs of towns and counties.

In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Spinola asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to incorporate the Mercantile Library association, of the city of Brooklyn," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on literature.

In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Spinola asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to change the name of the Cypress Hills Plankroad company to the Macadamized Road company," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was

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