Imágenes de páginas

ATHENS: the capital of Attica, where Paul expounded the Faith to the Stoics and the Epicureans (xvii. 15xviii. 1). His two converts mentioned here were Dionysius the Areopagite, and Damaris.

ATTALIA: a city in Pamphylia, visited by Paul and Barnabas on the return from Galatia during the first journey; they sailed from here to Syria (xiv. 25).

BEROEA : a city of Macedonia; visited by Paul after he had been driven from Thessalonica on the second journey. The Jews here were "more noble than those of Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, examining the scriptures daily whether these things were so." The Jews from Thessalonica, however, drove Paul out from here also (xvii. 10–15).

BITHYNIA : a Roman province bordering on the Euxine Sea. "The Spirit of Jesus suffered” not Paul and Silas to go there on the second journey (xvi. 7).

CÆSAREA: the capital and residence of the Roman Procurator of Judæa. St. Paul visited it at the end of the second journey; and stayed there many days on the last journey at the house of Philip the Evangelist, who had settled there. He was sent to Cæsarea under guard by Claudius Lysias for trial before Felix, and lodged in "Herod's Palace." He remained here two years, until Festus came into office, and then after fresh trials was sent from here to Rome (xviii. 22; xxi. 8, 16; xxiii. 23, 33; xxv. 1, 4, 6, 13).

CAUDA: a small island to the south-west of Crete ; whilst running under the lee of the island the sailors secured the boat during the storm on the voyage to Rome (xxvii. 16).

CENCHREE: a harbour on the east of the isthmus of Corinth. St. Paul shaved his head here, as he had taken a vow before he left the port on the return from the second journey (xviii. 18).

CHIOS an island off the coast of Asia, passed by St. Paul on the return from the third journey (xx. 15). CILICIA: part of the Regnum Antiochi; Tarsus, the birth-place of St. Paul, was the chief city. Paul passed through Cilicia on the second journey going out (xv. 23, 41; xxi. 39; xxii. 3; xxiii, 34; xxvii. 5).

CNIDUS: on the extreme south-west of Asia, passed on the voyage to Rome (xxvii. 7).

CORINTH: evangelized by St. Paul on the second journey. The capital of Achaia. Here he worked as a tent-maker with Aquila and Priscilla, and taught for nearly two years. He was tried and acquitted by the Proconsul, Gallio (see c. xviii.). Apollos went to the city after his work at Ephesus (xix. 1).

COS : a small island on the south-west of Asia, passed on the third journey on the way home (xxi. 1). CRETE one of the largest of the islands in the

Eastern Mediterranean; on the voyage to Rome the ship called at the " Fair Havens " near the city of Lasea ; here Paul wanted to spend the winter, but the master of the ship tried to get as far as to Phoenix (xxvii. 7 ff.). CYPRUS: the largest of the islands. Paul and Barnabas preached throughout the island on the first journey, with John Mark. At Paphos they met the governor of the island, Sergius Paulus, and Elymas the sorcerer (xiii. 4, 12).

CYRENE: Lucius, one of the teachers at Syrian Antioch, came from this city, on the north coast of Africa (xiii. 1).

DAMASCUS : in the north-east of Syria. It is mentioned by St. Paul when telling the account of his conversion to the Jews, and later on to Agrippa (xxii. 5, 6, 10, II; xxvi. 12, 20).

DERBE: one of the cities of Galatia, in the region of Lycaonia. Visited by Paul on the first and second journeys (xiv. 6, 20; xvi. 1; XX. 4).

EPHESUS: the capital of the province of Asia. The scene of Paul's chief work on the third journey. He taught in the School of Tyrannus. Here was the great temple of the goddess Diana, whose images Alexander and the silversmiths made. Paul also visited the city on his second journey for a few days. Here Apollos also taught, and was instructed by Aquila and Priscilla (xviii. 19--xix.)

FAIR HAVENS: a harbour in Crete, in which Paul desired to pass the winter on the way to Rome (xxvii. 8).

GALATIA: the name of the Roman Province in Asia Minor used in the Acts of the part which included the cities of Antioch and Iconium in the phrase "the region of Phrygia and Galatia" (xvi. 6; xviii. 23).

GREECE: south of Macedonia, including the province of Achaia (xx. 2).

ICONIUM: one of the cities of the Galatic region, visited by Paul and Barnabas on the first missionary journey. They were driven out by the Jews (xiii. 51; xiv. 1, 19, 21; xvi. 2).

LASEA in Crete, near the harbour of Fair Havens (xxvii. 81).

LYCAONIA: the region of Galatia, in which were the cities of Lystra and Derbe (xvi. 6, 11).

MACEDONIA: the Roman province north of Greece ; in it were the cities of Philippi, Thessalonica and Beroa (xvi. 6-9, 12; xviii. 5; xix. 21, 22, 29; XX. I, 3; xxvii. 3).

MARS HILL: see Areopagus.

MELITA: now called Malta, where Paul was shipwrecked (xxviii. 1).

MILETUS: on the coast of the province of Asia, close to Ephesus; from here Paul sent for the elders

of Ephesus and gave his farewell charge to them (xx. 15, 17).

MITYLENE: the chief town in the island of Lesbos ; Paul called there on his return from the third journey (xx. 14).

MYRA a city of Lycia; here Paul was put aboard a ship of Alexandria on the way to Rome (xxvii. 5). MYSIA : North-west of Asia Minor (xvi. 7). was situated in it.

Troas NEAPOLIS: Paul landed here on the way to Philippi; here he came first on to European territory (xvi. 11).

PAMPHYLIA : a maritime province on the south coast of Asia Minor; Paul visited it on the first journey (xiii. 13; xiv. 24; xv. 38; xxvii. 5).

PAPHOS : the capital of Cyprus, where Paul preached to Sergius Paulus (xiii. 6, 13).

PATARA: a port in Lycia, at which Paul called on the return of the third journey (xxi. 2).

PERGA in Pamphylia; here Mark left Paul and Barnabas on the first journey (xiii. 13, 14; xiv. 25). PHOENICIA: the part of Syria including the cities of Tyre and Sidon (xv. 3; xxi. 2).

PHOENIX: the harbour on the S. of Crete, which the master of the ship tried to reach on the voyage to Rome (xxvii. 12).

PHILIPPI: carefully described by Luke as a city of Macedonia, the first of the district, a Roman colony the first city of Macedonia to be evangelized by Paul on the second journey (see p. xix), (xvi. 12; xx. 6).

PHRYGIA: one of the regions of the province of Galatia; visited on all three journeys (xvi. 6; xviii. 23). PISIDIA: another one of the Galatic regions in which stood the city of Antioch, the scene of Paul's sermon on the first journey (xiii. 14; xiv. 23).

PONTUS: north of Asia Minor on the Euxine Sea; Aquila came from this province (xviii. 2).

PTOLEMAIS: a seaport north of Cæsarea, now called Acre; Paul landed here on the return from the third journey (xxi. 7).

PUTEOLI: the port on the coast of Italy, at which the corn ships discharged; here Paul found brethren, and stayed seven days (xxviii. 13).

RHEGIUM: another seaport a little south of Puteoli (xxviii. 13).

RHODES: an island on the south-west corner of Asia Minor; Paul passed it on the third journey (xxi. 1). ROME: the capital of the Empire; and therefore the goal of St. Paul's labours. First mentioned in reference to the banishment of the Jews from the city by Claudius which caused Aquila and Priscilla to go to Corinth (xviii. 2). Paul announced his own determination to see Rome at the end of his work at Ephesus (xix. 21). The

Lord assures him that his wish will be fufilled, in a vision at Jerusalem (xxiii. 11). In c. xxviii. we have the wish realised.

SALAMIS: a city of Cyprus; the first city in which Paul and Barnabas preached on the first journey (xiii. 5). SALMONE: on the east of Crete (xxvii. 7).

SAMARIA: Paul passed through with Barnabas on the way up to the council (xv. 3).

SAMOS: an island off the coast of Asia; Paul called on the third journey (xx. 15).

SAMOTHRACIA: an island lying between Troas and Neapolis; Paul called there on the second journey (xvi. 11).

SELEUCIA: the port of Antioch in Syria, whence Paul started on his first journey (xiii. 4).

SIDON in Phoenicia. The ship called here on the voyage to Rome, and Julius allowed Paul to visit his friends (xxvii. 3).

SYRACUSE: in Sicily. The ship called here on the voyage from Malta (xxviii. 12).

TARSUS: the chief city of Cilicia and the home of Paul (xxi. 39; xxii. 3).

THESSALONICA: one of the chief cities of Macedonia. On the second journey Paul and Silas were persecuted by the Jews, who stormed the house of Jason (xvii. 11, 13; xxvii. 2).

THE THREE TAVERNS : near to the Market of Appius on the road to Rome (xxviii. 15).

THYATIRA: the city of Lydia, the seller of purple, in Asia (xvi. 14).

TROAS the city of Mysia, where Paul saw the vision of the man of Macedonia on the second journey; on the third journey he preached here on the first day of the week," and Eutychus fell from the window (xvi. 8, 11; xx. 5, 6).


TROGYLLIUM: a mountain spur overlooking the narrow channel between Samos and the mainland; the ship may have anchored under this on the third journey (xx. 15).

TYRE the most important city of Phoenicia; Paul held a service on the beach on his way to Jerusalem on the third journey (xxi. 3, 7).


The Officers of the Church.



This title was not confined to the Twelve; St. Luke gives it to Barnabas and Paul in xiv. 14; and it is evidently given to James, the Lord's brother, from his position in c. xv. The Apostles always stand first in the order of the ministry.

[blocks in formation]

Associated with the Apostles in Jerusalem were the Elders. They sat in the Council to determine the question of the circumcision of the Gentiles (xv. 6, 23); and they are with James when he received St. Paul (xxi. 18). They seem to have formed the permanent local ministry of the Church, since Paul and Barnabas ordained Elders in every Church on the first missionary journey (xiv. 23), and in Paul's address to the Ephesian Elders he speaks of them as being over the Church of God there (xx. 28).


These two orders of men are mentioned in connection with the Church at Syrian Antioch (xiii. 1), and a list is given of them; Paul and Barnabas are placed among them. They seem to have taken the work of teaching and preaching in the Church. Judas and Silas, the two delegates of the Council to Antioch, are also described as prophets in connection with their exhortation of the brethren (xv. 32). Agabus is also mentioned as a prophet (xxi. 10–11); and the four daughters of Philip the Evangelist are said to have prophesied (xxi. 9).


Philip, one of the Seven, is alone given this title. It seems to have referred to preaching the Gospel to those outside the Church (xxi. 8, and compare viii. 4, 40).

Church Authority.

Paul evidently retained the supreme control of the churches he founded, whilst James, the brother of the Lord, was the head of the Church in Jerusalem; as such he presides at the Council (c. xv.), and receives Paul on his last visit (xxi. 18).

The question of circumcision being a matter affecting the whole Church is referred from the local Church of Antioch to the Council of the Apostles and Elders at Jerusalem (c. xv.).


Although nothing certain is said in the second part of the book, yet we know by comparing Paul's statement to Felix that he had gone to Jerusalem "to bring alms to my nation" (xxiv. 17) with 2 Cor. viii.-ix. that this was an organized collection throughout the churches of St. Paul for the brethren in Judæa; and that the delegate of each Church was travelling with him in this work (see xx. 4).

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