Imágenes de páginas


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Duke Robert invades England-Henry punishes disaffected

barons-Hostile movements of Henry in Normandy-Battle

of Tinchenbrai-Battle of Noyon-Death of Queen Matilda

-Eustace and Juliana-The Blanche Nef-Geoffrey Plan-

tagenet-Death of King Henry-Prophecies of Merlin.. 69-74

CHAPTER XVIII.-A.D. 1135 to A.D. 1154.

Arrival of Stephen-Temporary confusion-Adherents of Ma-

tilda-Castles-Scottish invasion-Battle of the Standard-

Ecclesiastical power-Religious foundations since the Con-

quest-Cistercian abbeys-Cathedrals — Norman bishops-

Arrest of bishops-Synod-Landing of Matilda-Partisan

war-Battle of Lincoln-Stephen a prisoner-Bishop of Win-

chester swears fealty to Matilda-Revolt of the Londoners

-Military habits of Londoners-The route of Winchester-

Leaders of the war-Matilda's flight from Oxford-Turmoil

and desolation—Henry of Anjou-Death of Stephen.... 74-80

CHAPTER XIX.-A.D. 1154 to A.D. 1162.

Henry II. crowned-Establishment of order-Parentage of Becket

-Becket chancellor-Character of Henry-Becket ambassa-

dor to France-Malcolm of Scotland-Invasion of Wales-

Description of the Welsh-Wars on the Continent-Becket

Archbishop of Canterbury-Character of Becket........ 80-84

CHAPTER XX.-A.D. 1162 to A.D. 1170.

Deportment of Becket as archbishop-State of the secular law-

Clerical exemption from secular law-Council of Clarendon

-Constitutions of Clarendon-Becket arraigned at North-

ampton-Becket's flight from England-Excommunication

-Punishment of heretics-Henry and Becket meet at Tou-

raine-Becket returns to England-His murder at Canter-

bury Consequences of Becket's murder-The shrine of


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CHAPTER XXIX.-A.D. 1325 to A.D. 1346.

Mortimer and Isabella in France with Prince Edward-They re-

turn in arms-Fall and death of the Despensers-Edward

II. deposed-Edward III. proclaimed king-Murder_of

Edward II.-Invasion of the Scots-First campaign of Ed-

ward III.-Seizure and execution of Mortimer-Poem of the

evil times of Edward II.-Transition state of feudal relations

-Sir John Froissart; Chivalry-Military spirit of the reign

of Edward III.-Edward Balliol and the Scotch war-Claim

of Edward to the French crown-Naval victory of Sluys-

James Arteveld-Jane de Montfort-Edward lands in Nor-



CHAPTER XXX.-A.D. 1346 to A.D. 1357.

Nationality of the English-Landing of King Edward in Nor-

mandy-The march to the Somme-Passage of the Somme

at Blanchetaque-Position of the English at Cressy - The

battle-The victory-Cressy, the victory of the Yeomen-

Scotland; battle of Nevill's Cross-The siege of Calais-The

six burgesses of Calais-English colony founded at Calais-

The Order of the Garter-Windsor; St. Stephen's chapel-

The great pestilence - Mortality and misery - Statute of

laborers; scale of wages-Second statute; laborers confined

to one locality.....


CHAPTER XXXI.—A.D. 1350 to A.D. 1377.

Death of Philip of Valois-Renewal of the French war-King

Edward ravages Scotland-Expedition of the Black Prince

-The battle of Poitiers-King John a prisoner in England

-The Jacquerie-Invasion of France, and peace of Bretigny

-Sufferings of France-Condition of England-Statute of

apparel-Social state indicated by Chaucer-Accession to

the French crown of Charles V.-The Black Prince in Spain

-Bertrand du Guesclin-War in Gascony-Truce- The

Black Prince in England: his death-Death of Edward III.

-State of the English church-Wycliffe...

CHAPTER XXXII.-A.D. 1377 to A.D. 1399.

Constitutional principles developed in the reign of Rchard II.—

Coronation of Richard II.-Council of regency-Wars with

France and Scotland-Capitation tax-Poll tax-Insurrection

of 1381-The insurgents in London-Suppression of the in-

surrection-Wycliffe's opinions coincident with the insurrec-

tion-Preachers of heresies-Translation of the Bible into

English-Contest with the pope-English literature and lan-

guage-Statutes of wages-Laborers in husbandry-Games

-Sanitary laws-State interference in social affairs......146-152

CHAPTER XXXIII.—A.D. 1382 to A.D. 1399.

Family dissensions-The king's guardians-Conduct of the war

with France-Suspicions of Lancaster-Scots and French-

men cross the Border-War with Scotland-Projected inva-

sion of England by France-Disputes of the king and the

parliament-Commission of regency-Secret council of the

king-Gloucester and other nobles take arms-The king's

advisers declared traitors-Battle of Otterbourne-Richard

assumes the government-Truce with France and Scotland

-Richard in Ireland—His marriage with Isabella of France

—The king becomes despotic-Coup d'état-Murder of Glou-

cester-Quarrel of Hereford and Norfolk-Their banish-

ment-Wretched condition of the country-Death of John

of Gaunt-Richard seizes his possessions-The king goes to

Ireland-Richard in Ireland-Henry of Lancaster lands at

Ravenspur-Betrayal of Richard by the Percies-Captivity

of Richard-A parliament called-Richard's deposition—

Henry claims the kingdom......

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CHAPTER XXXVI.-A.D. 1415 to A.D. 1428.

News of Agincourt arrives-Entry of Henry into London-State

of France-Henry's second expedition-Overthrow of the

Armagnacs-Siege and surrender of Rouen-Conferences at

Meulan between Henry, the Duke of Burgundy, and the

queen-Henry first sees Katherine-Negotiations ineffectual

-Burgundy murdered at Montereau-Peace of Troyes-

Marriage of Henry-Henry and his queen come to England

-Parliament held-Clarence killed-Henry returns to France

-Siege of Meaux-Katherine and her infant son came to

Paris-Illness of Henry-His death-Difficulty of forming a

just estimate of his character-Duke of Gloucester protector

-Death of Charles VI-Regency of the Duke of Bedford-

Feuds of Gloucester and Beaufort-Tutelage of Henry



CHAPTER XXXVII.-A.D. 1428 to A.D. 1447.

Defeat of the English before Montargis-Position of Charles VII.

-Commencement of the siege of Orleans-Salisbury killed

-Battle of Herrings-Despair of the besieged-Proclamation

-The peasant girl of Domremy-Joan of Arc travels to the

court of Charles VII.-Receives authority to relieve Orleans

-English_belief in witchcraft-Terrors and defeats of the

English-The siege of Orleans raised-Defeats of Jargeau

and Patay-Charles crowned at Rheims-Joan captured at

Compiegne-Tried as a sorceress and burned at Rouen-

French war continued-Henry VI. crowned in Paris-The

English disgraces and losses-Henry married to Margaret of

Anjou-Affairs in England-The Duchess of Gloucester

accused of witchcraft-Arrest of the Duke of Gloucester-

Deaths of Gloucester and Beaufort...

entries upon estates-Liveries-Rent-Relations of landlord

and tenant-Want of money by landowners-Prevalence of

litigation Occasional bribery-Petty law-suits-Number of

attorneys limited-Offences against person and property-

Hours of labor-Domestic manufactures-Interference of the

State with industry.....


CHAPTER XXXIX.-A.D. 1450 to A.D. 1485.

Combinations of masons-Association an English principle-

Domestic architecture-Timber houses-Consumption of

timber-Furniture and utensils-Dearness and scarcity of

clothing-Domestic servants - Females - Married life of

females-Housewifery-The clergy-Their intercourse with

the laity-Curates and chaplains-Pilgrimages-Wills-

Difficulties of communication-Letters-State of popular

knowledge-Beginnings of printing..


CHAPTER XL.-A.D. 1450 to A.D. 1461.

Death-struggle of the feudal power--The house of York-Banish-

ment and murder of Suffolk-Insurrection of Cade-He

enters London-His death-Spirit of revolt in England-

York in arms against Somerset-Incapacity of the king-

York protector-The king recovers-York superseded-First

battle of St. Alban's-Triumph of the Yorkists-York's

second protectorate ended-Reconciliation of the two fac-

tions-Commencement of the civil war-Battle of Blore

Heath-Parliament of Coventry-Battle of Northampton-

The Duke of York claims the crown-Battle of Wakefield

-Death of York-His son, Edward, wins the battle of Mor-

timer's Cross-Second battle of St. Alban's-Edward pro-

claimed king-Edward and Warwick march from London-

Battle of Towton.....

CHAPTER XLI.-A.D. 1461 to A.D. 1471.

Popular support of the house of York-Coronation of Edward

IV.-Executions-Attainders-Lancastrian exiles-Renewed

attempts of Queen Margaret-Insurrections-Battle of Hex-

ham-Edward in peace-Debasement of the coin-The king's

marriage-Warwick's estrangement-Marriage of Edward's

sister to the Duke of Burgundy-Marriage of Clarence to

Warwick's daughter-Power of Warwick-Yorkshire in-

surrection-Insurrection under Sir Robert Willes-Warwick

and Clarence defeated-They fly to France-Invasion of

Warwick and Clarence-Restoration of Henry VI.-Edward

in exile-His return-Landing at Ravenspur-Reconciliation

of Edward and Clarence-The march to London-Battle of

Barnet-Henry again a prisoner-Landing of Queen Mar-

garet-Battle of Tewkesbury-Richard of Gloucester-Fal-

conbridge-Death of Henry VI.........


CHAPTER XLII.-A.D. 1471 to A.D. 1483.

Total depression of the enemies of the house of York-The court

of Edward IV., its splendor and ceremony-Patronage of

the new art of printing-Disputes of Clarence and Glouces-

ter as to Gloucester's marriage-Invasion of France-Ad-

roitness of Louis XI.-Death of the Duke of Burgundy-

Trial and condemnation of Clarence-Scotland-Death of

Edward IV.-Accession of Edward V.-Jealousy of the

family of Woodville by the great nobles-Arrest of Rivers,

Vaughan, and Grey-The queen flies to sanctuary-Glouces-

ter and Buckingham enter London with the king-Glou-

cester appointed protector-His friends obtain important

posts-Coronation of Edward V. fixed-Arrest and execu-

tion of Hastings-Gloucester proclaims that his life is threat-

ened-The Duke of York removed to the Tower-Alleged

marriage of Edward IV. previous to his union with Eliza-

beth Woodville-Sermon at Paul's Cross-The Duke of

Buckingham harangues the citizens at Guildhall-The ille-

gitimacy of Edward's children declared-Gloucester takes

the crown-Execution of Rivers and others-Coronation of

Richard III.-Examination of the evidence that Richard III.

caused the sons of Edward IV. to be murdered.........199-207


I.-A.D. 1483 to A.D. 1485.

Spirit of an age reflected by chroniclers-Mixed character of

Richard-Revolt of Buckingham-Suppression of the revolt

-Indifference of the people-Salutary laws of Richard's

parliament-Statutes now first printed, and in English-En-

couragement to printers and sellers of books-Daughters of

Edward IV.-Death of Richard's son-Death of Richard's

queen-Henry, Earl of Richmond- -Inadequate preparations

against invasion-Battle of Bosworth Field-Death in battle

of Richard III...


CHAPTER XLIV.-A.D. 1485 to A.D. 1492.

Richmond crowned in the battle-field-Henry VII. crowned at

Westminster-His parliamentary title-Marriage with Eliza-

beth of York-Henry VII. suited to his times-Imposture of

Lambert Simnel-Battle of Stoke-Alleged harsh treatment

of the widow of Edward IV.-The Earl of Warwick exhib-

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