Imágenes de páginas

Another object of Mr. Miyakawa's book is, we take it, a setting forth of the possibilities of Americo-Japanese intercourse. The author is well aware of Japan's debt to America in the opening by us of his country to the world, and he dedicates his volume to one of the grandsons of Commodore Perry, whom he calls Japan's "National Redeemer." A third aim of the author seems to be to trace the origin and growth of the Japanese Constitution and laws. Mr. Miyakawa's style has something of the inelasticity ob servable among Japanese when they try to speak English, as distinguished from the remarkable elasticity of their late enemies, the Russians, when they essay our language. Despite this, and though the text does not impress one as having as great originality and influence as some other books on Japan, there is in it a certain forcefulness and even fascination, for in it we learn the better to appreciate the peculiar Japanese way of looking at men and things.

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Sonnets Mr. Ferris Greenslet has written a delightful introduction, not too long, thoroughly well informed and thoroughly critical, discussing the sonnets in the volume from a technical point of view, and at the same time giving them the very high place to which, in the judgment of most critics, they are entitled. No better poetry has been written in this country than that which appears in this volume. Indeed, the Sonnets have not been surpassed save by the work of the greatest sonneteers. The volume is published in large-paper edition, and also in a smaller but very attractive form.

American Philosophy

"A connected story of the growth of [philosophical] opinion in the land" is a phrase in this volume2 which describes it very well. Until a recent time the land had produced but one philosopher deserving rank with the European masters-Jonathan Edwards. The late President Porter, of Yale, truly said, as the present author states, that philosophy has been chiefly used here in its applications to morals, politics, and theology. Dr. Riley presents it for the most part thus involved, as in the first section of his work, which treats of Puritanism and Anti-Puritanism. The course of its development is traced from the settlement of Massachusetts to the time of Emerson under the titles of Idealism,

1 The Sonnets of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Arranged, with an Introduction, by Ferris Greenslet. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. 75c.

American Philosophy. By I. Woodbridge Riley, Ph.D. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. $3.50, net,

Deism, Materialism, and Realism. Research among rare works and unpublished manuscripts serves here to rescue from oblivion some worthy but forgotten names; e.g., Samuel Johnson, first President of King's College, now Columbia University, a close disciple of the world-famous Bishop Berkeley, and the first American prophet of Berkeley's idealism. Another such, "whose very existence has been declared almost myth," was Cadwal lader Colden, Lieutenant-Governor of New York province two centuries ago, described as the first and foremost of American ma terialists." But neither he nor most of those here classed with him, whatever they ascribed


matter," were what the term "materialist" now denotes. They recognized the existence of God, as no modern materialist does. Dr. Joseph Buchanan, of Kentucky, who died young about a century since, "the earliest native physiological psychologist" Dr. Riley calls him, is the only one of these "materialists" who, as quoted, seems to deserve the name as now used. Priestley, chemist and theologian, and Dr. Benjamin Rush, the "father of psychiatry in America," a believer in God and immortality, no doubt entertained on minor points some views now current among materialists, but this seems rather slender ground for saying that "the South stood for materialism." More satis

factory and quite interesting is the account given of Deism, and how it fared in Harvard and Yale, King's and Princeton. Deism is rightly treated as a way of thinking, not a system of thought. Its representatives introduced here were as far apart as Cotton Mather and Bishop Berkeley on the right, and Franklin with Jefferson on the left. Its emphasis on natural law undoubtedly “hastened the intellectual emancipation of New England." But its banishment of God from activity in his world led down into a skepticism which, submerged by waves of revivalism, was succeeded by the “ common-sense philosophy of Realism, imported from Scotland, fostered alike in church and college, naturalized at Princeton, and overspreading the country. All American philosophy, indeed, is from imported stock, the account of whose naturalization and development here, as given by Professor Riley, is a valuable contribution to the history of civilization on this continent.

For Boys and Girls

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Homer's story,' here told in simple, choice language, and illustrated by twelve of Flaxman's plates in color, is one of the best of children's classics, and a most attractive giftbook.

1 The Iliad for Boys and Girls. By the Rev. Alfred J. Church. The Macmillan Company, New York. $1.50.

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In this small volume the The Infinite author modestly sets forth Affection "the theology of a young man who has hospitably submitted himself to what is termed 'modern thought.'" Herein the larger aims of the Protestant Reformation seem to him to be coming to realization. "Thus," says he, we can no longer confine inspiration to the Bible, the incarnation to Christ, or religion to a church." He finds the real supernatural in the work of the Holy Spirit in the realm of moral life; for miracles in physical nature he sees no need. The divinity of Christ and the humanity of God are to him the two great truths to be emphasized. Christ is divine, because perfectly manifesting the character of God; the character of Christ is reproducible in his follow

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Marie Antoinette

The translation of M.

The Last Days of G. Lenotre's book by Mrs. Rodolph Stawell 2 is a valuable addition to the mass of literature already in existence commemorating the last sad days of Marie Antoinette. This book consists of chronicles that supply details of the awful fourteen months that the unhappy Queen-during their passage termed the "chattering Austrian” and after Louis XVI.'s death the "Widow Capet "spent in three prisons, "Les Feuillants," the "Temple," and the "Conciergerie," where she drank the cup of suffering and humiliation to its last bitter dregs. These chronicles are furnished by persons of humble lifeservants, jailers, turnkeys, and gendarmes, eye-witnesses to the sufferings of the gentle Queen who was to pay the penalty of her life for the transgressions of the tyrants of France who went scot-free. The simplicity and directness of these narratives give them a peculiar strength and value; they are far more convincing and pathetic than any studied rhetorical essays could possibly be. The translator has done her work skillfully, while M. Lenotre has evidently been at the utmost pains to sift the testimony and retain only that of absolute authenticity and that

1The Infinite Affection. By Charles S. Macfarland. The ilgrim Press, Boston.

2 The Last Days of Marie Antoinette. From the French of G. Lenotre. By Mrs. Rodolph Stawell. The J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia.

free from undue bias. Perhaps the most vivid record is that supplied by Rosalie Lamorlière, servant at the Conciergerie, who felt such tender sympathy for the unhappy Queen and did all in her feeble power to mitigate her sufferings; and it seems almost incredible that the Duchesse d'Angoulême should have allowed this loyal dependent to be deprived of her little pension and die in a hospital. There are many and excellent illustrations, and the book is printed on good paper and thoroughly well made.

The House of Sforza

The many readers who have been delighted and instructed by Julia Cart

wright's recent volumes on Beatrice and Isabella d'Este, the students of Italian history who have been instructed by Symonds's "Age of the Despots "-now well-nigh a classic-will take up the present volume 1 with interest. They will lay it down again with the feeling that here, if anywhere, one can find an account of a particular historical period affecting one of the Italian states, an account as clear and concise as it is brilliant and forceful. Almost a century elapsed between the year when Francesco Sforza made himself master of Milan and the year on which his grandson and namesake died childless. The events of these intervening years are among the most interesting in all Italian history, and are chronicled for us in this book with equal accuracy and charm. Six Sforza dukes in all wielded the scepter of Milan, and of these at least two were superbly representative types of the manysided Renaissance despot, one uniting in his person all the civic qualities which go to make a "Father of His Country" or the founder of a state, and yet who were skilled in the arts of war and of diplomacy, great patrons of art and letters. The Sforza princes are described for us in a volume of permanent value to every student of the Renaissance.

An Arabian Princess

This well-printed and extremely well illustrated book 2 is a translation from the German. It describes the extraordinary career of the daughter of the Sultan of Zanzibar, telling especially of her life in the royal harem, her subsequent escape, and her marriage to a German merchant. The personal narrative is not more interesting in itself than because it contains a number of interesting revelations concerning Arab life in general.

A History of Milan Under the Sforza. By Cecilia M. Ady. Edited by Edward Armstrong. G, P. Putnam's Sons, New York. $3.50.

Memoirs of an Arabian! Princess. Translated by Lionel Strachey. Doubleday, Page & Co., New York. $2.50, net.


One Christ

This " enquiry into the manner of the Incarnation " cannot be satisfactory to those to whom the statements of the ecumenical creeds are not as conclusive as they are to the author. Neither can it satisfy those whose critical judgment of the Epistle of James does not convince them, as the author is convinced, that its writer believed in "the

three Persons of the Godhead." Regarding

the Incarnation as a miraculous event, the author adopts a species of ti⚫ so-called "kenotic" theory, holding that a divine being subjected himself to the limitations of humanity, so as to be "unable to act or speak or think outside the limits imposed upon Him by his manhood," and yet retaining the memory of existence in eternal glory. The wonder grows when two wills-divine and human—with but a single consciousness are attributed to the Incarnate One. But the author feels bound to discuss his subject within the limits set by the ecumenical creeds and the formula adopted in the fifth century at Chalcedon.

The Scot

The loved and lamented author here makes history as charming as he heretofore has made fiction. Knowing his subject by heart, he warms to it with inborn sympathy. Whatever strangers may think of the Scot, he is at least interesting, whether in his difference or his resemblance to the rest of mankind. His Kirk, or National Church, is here presented as an embodiment of his character. The dawn of the eighteenth century found the Kirk turbulent, pugnacious, caring for orthodoxy more than for humanity, at the lowest ebb both in knowledge and in charity. The close of that century found those hideous flats covered by the returning tide. The hard struggle which has won the Scot a living from a niggard soil was reflected in the struggle to humanize the old Adam in the Kirk. Its austere and rigorous discipline, its worship, which proscribed the Lord's Prayer and delighted in many-headed, interminable sermons, its "Moderates" and "Evangelicals," its theology and its piety, give material for many pen-pictures of various characters, queer, hard, noble, and many a mirthful or pitiful reminiscence. "Scots worthies" are honorably commemorated, and the Scot in his home and with his books brings the story of the century to a climactic finish. Dr. Watson's love of human worth, wherever found, comes out in his tribute to the skepti

The One Christ. By Frank Weston, B.D. Longmans, Green & Co., New York. $1.60, net.

2 The Scot of the Eighteenth Century: His Religion and his Life. By John Watson, D.D. A. C. Armstrong & Son, New York. $2, net.

cal David Hume, of whom he relates some delightful anecdotes. Those who have read the late Dean Stanley's "History of the Church of Scotland can never forget it. The same may be said of this harvest from the same rich field.

George Matheson

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A remarkable biography this,' for the man was

remarkable. Scotland, prolific of great men, has produced few more influential than its celebrated blind preacher. Blind at his entrance into Glasgow University, but winning its highest honors, minister to a city parish with nearly two thousand communicants and a multitude of poor, assiduously visiting them, but never preaching the same sermon twice, while continually addressing the public through the press, he was one of the few heroic souls whose energy has wrung triumph out of seemingly hopeless disaster. An intensely human soul was he, warm-hearted, hopeful, humorous, imaginative, while practical, thoughtful, and devout-a noble and beautiful personality. For fifteen years he drew to his little village church at Innellan, on the Firth of Clyde westward from Glasgow, thoughtful people whom his reputation induced to fix there their summer home. The productivity of the rural manse in Scotland has never been better exemplified than in the volumes and essays that he issued

from Innellan. His removal thence to St. Bernard's, in Edinburgh, introduced him, in addition to the self-imposed tasks of his study and pen, to parochial labors of the most exacting kind. These, arduous for one with every faculty unimpaired, he faced and fulfilled with a thoroughness which proved his mettle, though with an expendi ture of energy that shortened his life. Dr. Matheson's books have been widely read in this country. The one that the public and he himself most cared for is "The Spiritual Experience of St. Paul," in which he seems to have found a close resemblance to his own. In such works as Can the Old Faith Live with the New?" and "The Psalmist and the Scientist," he showed his characteristic trait as a reconciler of opposing views, and in "The Distinctive Messages of the Old Religions" his catholicity, which gathered all their broken lights into their completeness in Christianity. More permanent, probably, than his influence as a speculative theologian is his hold upon hearts by the devotional writings which were born of his experience. These range through all the chords of the soul with an awakening touch of thought as well as of feeling. Among his

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1 The Life of George Matheson, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S. E. By D. Macmillan, M.A., D.D. A. C. Armstrong & Son, New York. $2.

religious lyrics is one, written after an hour of suffering, which bears the stamp of immortality, the well-known hymn, "O Love, that wilt not let me go." The note of eulogy that recurs throughout this record of an extraordinary career is justified by the facts. The free rendering of the The Messages Scripture text in paraphrase, of Jesus which is the most prominent characteristic of the series to which this new volume' belongs, is more serviceable in some parts of the Bible than in others. The messages of the prophets, the messages of Paul, often become more intelligible in paraphrase. In the Gospels there is less need of this. One greatly prefers the sublime simplicity of the first three verses of John to this expository commentary: "He who has been to us the Revealer of God has existed from all eternity in communion with God, and is himself essentially divine. He is so identified with God in reference to creation that it is possible to say that all things without exception came into being through his co-operation." The last prayer of Jesus in paraphrase seems superserviceably diluted. This treatment of John is only occasionally helpful. Dr. Riggs's ability is not in question, but rather the nature of his task. He accepts the Johannine authorship as involving less difficulty than any of the alternative theories.

Cairo, Jerusalem and Damascus

The text of Mr. Margoliouth's book differs from that of most volumes which describe the history of Cairo or Jerusalem or Damascus because it has been written by one long immersed in the atmosphere of the Orient and of the Arabic language. This feature is instructively evident on every page of the present work, and the text's value is enhanced by the useful and authoritative small glossary appended to it of Arabic and Turkish names. Mr. Margoliouth tells us that he has written the text to accompany Mr. Walter Tyrwhitt's very remarkable pictures in color illustrating the three cities above mentioned. These pic tures well reproduce the subtle charm of Cairo, the impressiveness of Jerusalem, and the fascination of Damascus-the last named perhaps the only easily accessible Oriental city, save Tangier, which seems not to have suffered from some Occidental admixture. Cairo, Jerusalem, and Damascus do not receive equal treatment, however. Most of the book is taken up with a description

1 The Messages of the Bible. Vol. X. The Messages of Jesus According to the Gospel of John. By James Stevenson Riggs, D.D. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. $1.25. 2 Cairo, Jerusalem, and Damascus. By D. S. Margoliouth, D, Litt. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. $3.50, net.

of the Egyptian capital as it has existed throughout the ages-indeed, all the text is distinctly historical rather than descriptive of present conditions. We do not always remember that Cairo eclipsed Bagdad, to be itself eclipsed by Constantinople; that for two and a half centuries Cairo remained the

capital of Western Islâm and the seat of the most powerful Moslem state. Mr. Margoliouth tells us about the five main periods of Cairene history-the Fatimide, the Ayyubid, the Mameluke, the Turkish, and the Khedivial-as we shall not find them elsewhere described. He ends his account of the present period with the mention of three great Englishmen-Baker, sent by Ismail Pasha to suppress the slave trade in the Sudan; Gordon, sent to the defense of Khartûm; and, as the author justly says, last but not least, Lord Cromer, "the statesman to whom the present financial and administrative prosperity of Cairo is due."

Life of

This book will be of interest not alone Eliza Baylies Wheaton to the friends of Wheaton Seminary, but to the wider circle who admire the noble type of womanhood that New England gave to the world during the nineteenth century. High ideals of duty, of character, and of intellectual attainment were combined in Mrs. Wheaton with a gracious charm of manner and a warm human sympathy that made her an exemplar for more than one generation of New England girls. Her winning yet forceful personality is vividly presented in this attractively made book, more especially as concerns her services to the cause of education in connection with the seminary which bears her name. Her memory as thus preserved will be an inspiration to all who read this fitting biography of a useful woman.

The author, while in resiThe Peasantry dence for several years of Palestine near Jerusalem, kept a daily journal of his observations and experiences, especially among the country folk. The material thus collected has been wrought into this interesting and well-illustrated account of village life, manners, and customs in Palestine. Professor Grant evidently cared to understand and appreciate his neighbors amidst all their limitations and disadvantages. This adds to the human interest of his entertaining book.

1 The Life of Eliza Baylies Wheaton: A Chapter in the History of the Higher Education of Women. Prepared for the Alumnæ of Wheaton Seminary by Harriet E. Paine. The Riverside Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

2 The Peasantry of Palestine. By Elihu Grant, B.D., Ph.D. The Pilgrim Press, Boston. $1.50.


In the article entitled "The Reasonable

but Unreasoning Animals," by Mr. John Burroughs, in The Outlook for December 14, the writer has compared only high types of mind in the human with very low types of animal mind, skipping over a vast number of intermediate minds. He says of his dog, “I see him across a gulf." Much as I like dogs, I agree there is a gulf we cannot cross; but to go on and conclude that all animals are across such a wide gap is to fail to count

in the higher animals and lower savage and child minds which can only be counted on to fill this gap. The writer cites examples and incidents to prove his position from our common birds and domestic animals, with which we are all familiar, and his reasoning will appeal to persons unfamiliar with the orang-utan, the chimpanzee, the lower monkeys, and the long list of low savage and semi-civilized minds.

Mr. Hornaday has studied the orang in his native state, and also in captivity, together with many of the other higher types of animal mind. Also in the tropics he has seen the lower types of man. Mr. Burroughs, drawing his conclusions from such animals as most people see about them, does not agree with Mr. Hornaday.

A most learned psychologist may have that widespread weakness, which is human, of a repugnance toward the minds between ours and the lower types of mind, and he may work downward with this bias of unconscious repugnance affecting his judgment. Better the opinion of a natural naturalist, if I may express it so, who has no repugnance toward monkeys or savages and other low types of men. Such observers, at the time they consider, can bring themselves down to the level of considering a lower animal as an equal, thereby getting in true sympathy with its passions and desires. This is the keynote of true observation, in this field at least, and the importance of it cannot be overestimated. Inability to have sympathy with children as equals is widespread among adults, however learned. Good teachers of children are often poor learners from children, it being seemingly impossible for them to maintain, with any child, that feeling of equality, simple equality and nothing more, long enough for an understanding of certain sensitive children.

Mr. Burroughs says that "the lower animals all seem to be upon the same plane." How is it that a pig will hunt about and, with the

tip of his tongue, will pick up individual straws, and, collecting them in his mouth, will

deposit them in one pile and so make a good bed, where the most intelligent dog would freeze to death? In turn, the feelings of a

dog will be greatly affected by more or less musical sounds from a musical instrument which will not affect in the slightest any pig. I think I could give a hundred such curious instances, from my own observation, of unequal distribution of useful faculties— faculties which, as we go up higher and higher in the scale, are more and more to be found all in one animal; yet at the top, in mankind, we do not find every faculty as acute as it may exist lower down.

Mr. Burroughs cites a satisfactory and really beautiful quotation and manages to derive from it that "round and square are one." Again, as I have said, few of us, if we have the desire, have opportunity to witness the mind-workings of any of the types of animals higher than those the writer mentions. Readers of The Outlook will not forget, however, that the higher animal types and the lower human types really exist to-day, and that they naturally form the connecting links between higher man as we see him and the lower animals as we see them about us in our domestic animals and common wild birds. A child is generally three years old before it can count five intelligently. According to Sir John Lubbock, no Australian language contains numerals even up to four. Yet according to Dr. C. J. Romanes a young chimpanzee was easily taught to count straws up to five, and, if one straw in her hand was lacking, she would sometimes turn up the end of another straw in her hand and in that cute way make the number of straw tips she was asked to show. Much more along this line of proof might be given. A great deal remains to be collected, and it is to be hoped that the recent inroads into tropical Africa will not totally destroy any of these invaluable forms before they have given to the world their share of precious




In a recent editorial note in The Outlook you say, in justifying our present navy, "Should the day ever come, as we hope it may, when an International Supreme Court at The Hague is firmly established, armies and navies will still be needed to carry out the decrees of that court and to maintain

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