Imágenes de páginas

ing and fixing the value of the gold in grain or lumps, and for forming the same into bars, be, and the whole of the clause containing said provisions, shall be hereby repealed.

Mr. HUNTER. This bill contains no appropriation. It simply provides for the establishment of a branch Mint in California. The bill as first introduced contained a provision for abolishing the present assaying office. That the committee did not adopt. They have substituted a provision to allow the holder of gold in grains or lumps to take ingots or bars at pleasure at such rates and charges as shall be appointed. In all other respects it is similar to the bill passed last year.

The amendment was agreed to, and the bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amendment concurred in.

Mr. BRODHEAD called for the reading of the section relating to the compensation of the offi


After the reading of the bill had been proceeded with for a short time,

Mr. BRODHEAD said: I do not desire that the bill should be read any further. I understand that the salaries provided for in this are the same as those contained in the bill as it passed last session. I shall have no objection to it.

The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.


Mr. HUNTER, agreeably to previous notice, asked and obtained leave to bring in a bill to establish a Board of Accounts; which was read a first and second time by its title, and referred to the Committee on Finance.


A message was received from the House of Representatives, announcing that it had passed the joint resolution of welcome to Louis Kossuth.

In the course of the day the joint resolution was engrossed and signed by the Presiding Officers of the two Houses.

JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING. A message was received from the House of Representatives, announcing that Mr. GORMAN of Indiana, Mr. HAVEN of New York, and Mr. STANTON of Kentucky, had been appointed members of the Joint Committee on Printing.


Mr. FOOTE, of Mississippi. I rise to make a very short explanation. While I have been struck with the general accuracy of our Reporters this session, and the accommodating spirit which they | have manifested towards myself and other Senators, yet I feel bound to state that it has happened that my hastily-delivered remarks made the other day, by way of explanation of one or two points raised by the honorable Senator from North Carolina, [Mr. BADGER,] were reported erroneously; and I rise for the purpose of correcting one of several mistakes. I hope the Reporters will not be pained at my saying that those mistakes would not have occurred if they had pursued their usual course-and the one which they are always bound to pursue of bringing the report to the Senators before it is published in the papers. I do not censure them; but I regret that the necessity has arisen for making this explanation.

I will state what I am about to correct. The honorable Senator from North Carolina [Mr. BADGER] uttered certain general political doctrines to which I objected the other day. I am reported as saying "they break down the freedom of the press, destroy the freedom of speech, and after a while would lead to just such violent proceedings 'as have outraged the sensibilities of the so-called ' republican Government of France," &c.

I'intended to be understood as saying, substantially, that they broke down the liberty of the press and destroyed the freedom of speech, and that while leading to just such violent proceedings as those adopted by the so-called republican Government of France, and which so outraged the feelings of the people of that country, &c. I rise more for the purpose of protesting, in this gentle and respectful manner, against the whole report made the other day, and with the view of giving this delicate and admonitory hint to the Reporters that they may always be kind enough to bring the report to me before it is published.

Mr. BADGER. I wish to say a word. I would not have said anything upon this subject, had not the Senator from Mississippi brought it up. Though I do not choose to enter into any

corrections, I would say that I noticed a number
of mistakes in the remarks made by me the other
day. They can, of course, only be avoided as
suggested by the Senator from Mississippi, by
giving Senators an opportunity of correcting.
[The report alluded to was not one published in
the "Globe."]


Mr. FOOTE, of Mississippi. I hope the Senate will now take up the special order. I am informed at this moment that a gentleman who will go home to-morrow, or at some early moment, wishes to be heard upon the resolution which I submitted, and to reply to the few remarks I made the other day. For one, I am exceedingly anxious to accord him the opportunity.

The Senate proceeded to the consideration of
the following resolution:

A Resolution declaring the Measures of Adjustment to be a
definitive settlement of the questions growing out of de-
mestic slavery.

Be it enacted, That the series of measures embraced in
the acts entitled "An act proposing to the State of Texas
the establishment of her Northern and Western boundaries,
the relinquishment, by the said State, of all territory claimed
by her exterior to said boundaries, and of all her claims
upon the United States, and to establish a territorial gov-
ernment for New Mexico," approved September 9, 1850;
"An act for the admission of the State of California into
the Union," approved September 9, 1850; "An act to es-
tablish a territorial government for Utah," approved Sep-
tember 9, 1850; "An act to amend and supplementary to
an act entitled An act respecting fugitives from justice,
and persons escaping from the service of their masters, ap-
proved February 12, 1793,'" approved September 18, 1850;
and "An act to suppress the slave trade in the District of
Columbia," approved September 20, 1850, commonly
known as the "Compromise Acts," are, in the judgment of
this body, entitled to be recognized as a definitive adjust-
ment and settlement of the distracting questions growing
out of the system of domestic slavery, and as such, that
said measures should be acquiesced in and faithfully ob-
served by all good citizens.

Mr. BUTLER. Mr. President, I am very sorry that this debate has been suspended, because what I would have said last week would have been said in a very few words, and distinctly in reference to the topic before me. To resume and continue the debate now will not obviate the incidental injustice to myself and others, occasioned by so long a suspension. I went into the debate last Monday morning unexpectedly; that is to say, I spoke from information acquired only the day before. I had not seen any of the notices in the newspapers of the honorable Senator's resolution. I had not learned that they had been proposed in the Democratic caucus. Although, in some measure, I might have spoken from information thus acquired, my remarks were made mainly from views which I took of the subject whilst hearing the honorable Senator from Mississippi.


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arrows that had been laid aside for a contest for which I was not prepared, I confess that I then looked with surprise as well as concern upon the course which the debate was likely to take.


If the gentleman had satisfied himself with simply avowing that he intended to put the seal of approbation upon the compromise measures, might not have had cause to complain so much. If he had contented himself with being entirely silent as regards the effect which his resolution would have upon those who opposed it, I might not, perhaps, have been altogether satisfied, but I would not have taken material exceptions. But plause and commendation upon the cherished comhe went much further, and not only bestowed appromise measures, but turned round and fired on that camp, deserted as it has been, requires me to the camp of his former comrades. My duty to vindicate its history and the conduct of those who are connected with it. Under the cover of the proposition now before the Senate, there seems to be a double aim-to make a new platform for the security of some, and to expose others who are not willing to be forced from their original position; and this, too, in a manner unprecedented in the legislative history of this country, or any other. It is a mode of ratification of what is regarded as a popular measure by certain politicians-of course not so much for their own advantage as for the good of the whole country-not to give up to party what is meant for mankind. I may take a different view of the matter. Instead of quieting agitation and restoring harmony, this proceeding will sow the seeds of discord among those who have a common interest to defend the rights of the States, especially the Southern States, which are alone in danger, and which must be doomed if their true friends suffer party organizations to divide and destroy them. This measure is to be an ark for the elect of the land to be saved from the great deluge that may be coming over us. I suppose politicians will go into it by pairs, of different kinds, to make an improvement by amalgamation, as Mr. Burke said of a similar class, a Mosaic-work, "here a black piece, and there a red one," &c. The benevolent plan is to put to the sword all who are to be excluded from the ark, or who cannot be admitted into it by a party passport.

accuse them of bad faith in relation to it, but it was something like it.

Mr. FOOTE, of Mississippi. I expressly disclaimed it.

I know that the honorable Senator said that his resolution originated in an enlarged patriotism, having no reference to party tactics. Sir, I have always remarked, that when patriotism becomes so diffused and enlarged, it becomes rather weaker than stronger. I did not know what the honorable Senator was aiming at, but, as I said then, I knew what the effect would be. Now, before I allude to or notice some remarks which specially While I denounced his proposition as a mode claim my attention, I will dispose, by way of exof ratification of the compromise to which I had planation, of some of the charges, or complaints been opposed, I said not one single word, I made perhaps I should say, which he made against those not a single allusion to his own State, or to him- who had charge of the fugitive slave bill. He inself, except, perhaps, of a political character, and timated that they did not do their duty to it. Perthat rather by implication than by any distinct ex-haps the charge was not made so strongly as to pression. He was pleased to say I had come into the debate inops concilii. I came into it, however, with nothing like militia præcogitata. I soon learned that I was contending with one who was conducting his movements with the concert and skill of political tacticians. But even regarding him as an organ confining himself to the views and purposes of himself and others, I might have felt little inclination or desire to continue and widen the debate. When, however, the gentleman enlarged the scope and aim of his remarks, and gave them such a direction that they could not escape me and others; and when he made allusions under a degree of excitement and passion for which I was not prepared, I had no alternative left but to make a rejoinder. They are allusions and remarks which cannot escape myself, in connection with the measures he has brought up for ratification, as a representative of the State of South Carolina. He knows as well as any man upon this floor, how painful it is to me to have anything like an occasion to participate in a debate of this kind. There are incidents in our lives which he knows very well make this painful to me. I must, however, discharge my duty, and I hope I shall do so in such a manner that, whilst I may show to the gentleman that "he who lives in a glass house should not throw stones," I may also endeavor to vindicate myself from some of the allusions and remarks which were intended to reach me. When I saw the gentleman, with so much deliberation, draw from his quiver

Mr. BUTLER. The charge was, that they had not brought forward the bill with that promptness, and urged it upon the consideration of the Senate with the energy, which the occasion, in the opinion of the gentleman, and some of his special friends, called for. I made an explanation in reference to the bill once before. It was at the first session of the last Congress called up at an early day, and I made my speech upon it as the chairman of the committee; and my friend from Virginia [Mr. MASON] had also made a speech upon it, when, the late Senator from New Jersey [Mr. DAYTON] having the floor, the whole discussion was suspended, to give the Senator from Kentucky, not now in his seat, [Mr. CLAY,] an opportunity of bringing before the Senate his measures of compromise. No objection was then made to letting the bill drop for awhile; but before the Committee of Thirteen had matured and disposed of their work, I suppose the suggestion was made to bring up the fugitive slave bill as a separate measure. Perhaps it was intended to make it a test in advance. Some of us who had charge of the bill might not have been inclined to yield too readily to the suggestions of those in whose course of policy we did not exactly agree, or there may have been a fair difference of opinion as to the

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It was to make use of one class of citizens to bring another to a sense of justice and a proper submission to the law. I approve its wisdom. An insurrection would be much more easily quelled by the array of neighbors and fellowized army, whose only influence would be the employment of force. An overwhelming force might be employed in the provoke collision, and end in blood. Whatever might be first case, whilst the other might only be strong enough to the views of our ancestors, it is certain that until 1807 the militia was the only force put at the disposal of the President to suppress insurrection, &c.

"The act of 1807 is in these words: "That in cases of in'surrection or obstruction to the laws either of the United 'States or of any individual State or Territory, where it is 'lawful for the President of the United States to call forth 'the militia for suppressing such insurrection or causing the 'laws to be duly executed, it shall be lawful for him to em

mode of using the fugitive slave bill. But when the bill was brought up under the suggestion of the honorable gentleman, and with the understanding that his Northern friends and allies would sup-citizens, than by the employment of a trained and organport it, how many of them voted for it? The two gentlemen from lowa [Messrs. DODGE and JONES] rored for the bill, and the honorable gentleman from Pennsylvania, no longer a member of this body, [Mr. STURGEON,] voted for the bill. The bonorable gentleman from New York, [Mr. DICKNON,] no longer here, would have voted for it, and explained at the time the reasons why he cid not, having paired off with his colleague. There were but three Northern Senators who voted for it. Let the country understand now, for the first time, if it never has been understood before, why honorable gentlemen from the North, who are now so vehement upon the subject of these compromises, did not vote on that bill, ether for or against it. When the compromise measures have swum to the shore, there are some willing to stretch out the hand of aid, but were anwilling to run the hazard of the flood when it was uncertain as to the fate of the bill referred to. Did they avoid that vote? or were they absent by accident when the vote was taken? Some of those gentlemen, I know, gave their moral support to the bil; but I state the fact, that it was not until the

had gone to the country, and obtained its favorable judgment, as they suppose, that some gentlemen became its open advocates. So much for that.

Now for another complaint and charge, which the honorable Senator has made, which may apply to myself, that is, denying the President power to enforce the law. I beg to bring to the attention of the Senate the report which I submitted in relation to the President's message, calling for additional legislation to enable him to enforce the fugitive slave law.

Mr. FOOTE, of Mississippi. I thought that I was distinctly understood by the whole Senate in stating that I had no allusion to the honorable Senstor in connection with this matter. I recollected Es report, and I have had occasion to read it in my own State in language of commendation. He Expresses some opinions in the report in which I do not entirely concur. But I was exceedingly struck with a portion of the language used in the report, expressing confidence in the disposition of the Executive to perform his duty faithfully in executing the powers vested in him on this important subject."

Mr. BUTLER. I wish to have the report read, not so much for any vindication of myself as that the Senate may understand my views.

The Secretary read the report, as follows:

"In submitting my views on the message of the President referred to the Judiciary Committee, it is not my purpose to express my dissent from the general and unqualified conclusion of the majority of the committee, to wit: that it is accessary at this time, by further legislation, to give the President power over the militia and military forces of the Government, for the purpose of suppressing insurrections and combinations to obstruct the execution of the laws.

* There are some subjects of the message presented to the consideration of Congress, and which address themselves perially to the consideration of the committee, upon which I feel it a duty to express an opinion, lest by silence there might be a tacit recognition of one of the assumptions and an approbation of some of the recommendations of the Dessage.

"Previously to the act of 1807, it seems to have been the imphed understanding of all the departments of the Government that the President was confined to the militia, to suppress insurrections against the State government and to suppress combinations against the laws of the United States.'

The act of 1795 indicates the occasions and prescribes the manner in which the militia shall be called out and employed. The President cannot order out the militia to suppress insurrection against the State government, without being called on to do so by the legislative or executive authority of the State concerned.

"To suppress combinations against the laws of the United States, it is the duty of the President to judge of the occasion for calling out the militia. On all occasions for calling cut and employing the militia, it was made the duty, by the act referred to, to issue his proclamation as a previous warning to the employment of force.

"This provision was founded in usage, and has had the sanction of time, trial, and experience. It is but the warning voice of a forbearing Government. There might be some occasions when the interval between such warning and the actual employment of force might be of some duraBon. Other occasions might be such as to require the force to follow in quick succession to the warning of a proclamation. The order to call out the militia and the proclamation might emanate at the same time.

"It seems to have been in contemplation by the act of 1795 to put at the disposal of the President a quasi military posse comitatus of citizen soldiers, to maintain the dominion of the laws, in which they had the interest of citizens.

ploy for the same purpose such part of the land and naval 'force as shall be necessary, having first observed all the 'prerequisites of the law in that respect.'

So far as it regards the employment of the army and naval force, the President maintains that he is subject to no prerequisites of the act referred to, but that they are absolutely at his command for the purposes indicated.

"The words of the President are: Congress, not probably adverting to the difference between the militia and the 'regular army by the act of March 3, 1807, authorized the 'President to use the land and naval forces of the United 'States for the same purposes for which he might call forth 'the militia, and subject to the same proclamation. But the power of the President under the Constitution as com'mander of the army and navy is general, and his duty to 'see the laws executed is general and positive; and the act of 1807 ought not to be construed as evincing any disposi'tion in Congress to limit or restrain any of his constitu'tional authority.'

"The import of which is, that the President may use the Army and Navy as he may think proper under the plenitude of his constitutional authority, and that he is not constrained by the act of 1807, nor can he be restrained by any act of Congress. Being ex officio commander, he can use the Army in suppressing insurrections in a manner different from that in which he is required to use the militia.

"For the specific and sometimes delicate purposes indicated, I think Congress has the direction of the President. When actually in command for repelling invasion or for any other purpose, he must exercise his own judgment under his constitutional discretion. In one sentence I deny that the President has a right to employ the Army and Navy for suppressing insurrection, &c., without observing the same prerequisites prescribed for him in calling out the militia for the same purpose.

"His suggestion in his message is, that he shall have a right to employ the militia, as he contends he has a right under the Constitution to employ the regular military force -that is, without notice of a proclamation. I do not think he has the right to call out the military force of the Government without observing the prerequisites of the act of 1795, and I am unwilling to give him such power in calling out the militia. I would regard it as a fearfully momentous occasion to see the Army called out to shoot down insurgents without notice or proclamation.

"The truth is, it must be regarded as a significant omen of the times to be told that a marshal, under his plenary power to call out the posse comitatus, cannot execute constitutional laws without resort to force, and that to be executed with the promptness of executive will.

"Justice and the occasion require me to say, that I do not believe the power contended for would be abused by the present Executive. The precedent for the direction of a mild and just President may be the rod of power for a military despot. A. P. BUTLER.

"FEBRUARY 28, 1851."

Mr. BUTLER. Mr. President, this report did not materially differ from the report of the majority. I have seen it adverted to by the newspapers, and generally, I think, the report has been approved. If I had been influenced by feelings of sectional resentment, I might have been tempted to yield to the President's demands. The import of his message was, that he should be allowed not only to use the regular army, without proclamation, in putting down insurrections and bodies of men too formidable to be overcome by the ordinary posse comitatus of the country, but he required that there should be an armed militia at the disposal of his marshals, with bayonets and balls, who should put down those formidable bodies of men, without warning them-without having the riot act read to them at all. I did not agree to any such suggestion. I recollect that under the influence of the highly eloquent appeal which was made by the honorable Senator from Kentucky, [Mr. CLAY,] not now in his seat, this body was prepared almost for any law, and to adopt almost any suggestion. I recollected, however, that what might be urged as the precedent of to-day, might be the prescription of to-morrow, and the same principles which would prevail if his recommendation had been assented to in this case, might be abused by any arbitrary tyrant.

I made no allusion to the precedent as a means to overcome the liberties and institutions of the country. I say now, that if the fugitive slave law is to be enforced by the bayonet-by an armed posse comitatus, put at the disposal of the Executive-it is an evidence that it is a law which will not be enforced at all. I believe that it will

not-I believe that it has not been enforced. And in this Republic, when it is necessary that the bayonet should be used instead of voluntary submission to the dominion of the law by the citizens themselves, or by the ordinary force which can be evoked on the occasion to carry it into effect, it is a significant omen, and indicative of the times. Why, I read of these riots and these combinations being denounced as treason. I did not believe, at the time, that they would be construed so as to amount to treason against the United States. Whatever might be their real character, such would not be their complexion in the courts. The character of such meetings will depend more on the testimony of witnesses than the truth of facts, and no authority can overcome such influences. We have a great many rhetorical declamations in this Senate; and if the advertisements which go out from here were to indicate anything like the truth, there would be very little difficulty in carrying out the provisions of the Constitution. But the Constitution is a dead letter. United States courts have no jurisdiction over the subject, for it is not regarded as treason. It is referred to the State courts. What will be the result? The State courts take jurisdiction of this resistance of the fugitive slave law as of an ordinary riot or murder. Who are to decide upon the crime? A jury composed, perhaps, of those who sympathize with the person charged. Who is to award the punishment? The judge who, perhaps, entertains the same feelings, and indulges in the same sympathies. Or, if a tribuInal could be found-which I never expect to see— stern enough, in defiance of public opinion, to do justice, under the sanction of an oath, to the obligations of the Constitution, the sentence would be remitted by the Executive of almost any one of the non-slaveholding States.

Gentlemen preach to me eternally that this fugitive slave law will be executed, when every newspaper brings a refutation of the assertion. Have we not arrived at an eventful period in the history of the country? When I see that, by combinations, by contrivances, by legislative enactments, one of the solemn articles of the Constitution-for the fugitive slave law is nothing but an affirmation and recognition of the Constitution-is not only violated, but even put under the ban of the pulpit, let the gentleman not tell me that we are to put bayonets at the disposal of an Executive to enforce any such law. Let the gentleman not lay that flattering unction to his soul. I know that the people may be addressed, and that parties may make excuses and patched-up platforms, for the purpose of concealing the truth from the public mind; but it cannot be done.

Mr. FOOTE, of Mississippi. Lest I should have misunderstood the gentleman, I will ask him whether we are to understand him as just now announcing the opinion, that armed opposition on the part of citizens of a country, for the purpose of arresting the execution of the fugitive slave law, would not amount to treason?

Mr. BUTLER. I said no such thing. I know the difference between riot and treason. It would be treason to levy war against the United States, if there had been a concerted movement of a public kind to defeat the execution of a law, or of the Constitution, it would amount to treason. But these riots which break out suddenly for a private end-the release of a fugitive slave from his master-would be construed to amount to mere riot, and would not be held to be treason. And I said, too, that if a judge would award proper punishment, the Governor of the State would remit it. Mr. BRODHEAD. Not in Pennsylvania. Mr. BUTLER. I have a right to appeal to the Senate upon another subject in connection with this. The Senator from Mississippi vehemently urges the necessity of having statutory or legislative enactments for the ratification of this compromise. He may take either one of the horns of the dilemma. The gentleman was either opposed to some of the points of the compromise when they were under consideration, or he was in favor of them. I do not care which he takes. If he says he was opposed to some one of the propositions involved in the compromise, he must allow me to take his authority; and if, on that occasion, he denounced and was opposed to it, I have a right at least to expect from him some indulgence toward those who agreed with him on that occasion. | If, on the contrary, the gentleman was in favor of

the compromises, he surely will not take the position that he was "rowing one way and looking another," that he gave us his voice by a simple monosyllable of aye or no, when he gave his heart and hand to those who were forcing the measure on. He must take one or the other. He cannot escape it. He was either opposed to the admission of California, and opposed to the abolition of the slave trade in the District of Columbia, or he was in favor of those two measures. For, as regards the fugitive slave law, of which so much has been said, it was not a part of the original compromise. I take it that the record must speak upon this subject. Here are his votes: and how does the gentleman stand in the parliamentary mirror? He stands opposed to the admission of California, upon the ground that it was a precedent not to be found in the political history of this country. If I remember right, at one time he denounced Executive interference for the procurement of the admission of California. I need not go through all the gentleman's speeches in support. of this view, because they are too various; but I wish to go through this fairly. The gentleman said that California had been admitted under circumstances under which no other State had been admitted-in violation of all precedent; and in the next breath he says, why do the enemies of the compromise denounce this measure? He undertakes to vindicate California, and say that she came into the Umon just like any other State. At another time he admitted that she came in in violation of all precedent; and at the next moment, he says she was admitted in the same manner as any other State was admitted into the Union.

Allow me to say, that although California has been admitted against my judgment, and in opposition to my will and vote, I have met her representatives here with all respect and kindness, and entertain for them entire friendship. I urged the constitutional objection as well as I could in the speeches made at the time, with great respect and deference to those who differed from


WhatI do not intend to repeat them. ever may have been the operation of that measure and I think it may operate differently from the intention-the doctrine was proclaimed before her admission, and some of those who voted for it, assumed to do so on the ground that not another slave State should be admitted into this Union. Mr. Webster, with all his annotations and commentaries, has put it forth in that form. The doctrine was avowed and intended to be established by the precedent, that no other slave State should pollute the political association of this Confederacy; and the doctrine, if not avowed, was practically maintained, that the slave States of this Union were not, in a political point of view, equal to the non-slaveholding States. I believe the honorable Senator has exhibited many

evidences of a mind sensitive to the honor of

his State. Will he tell me that when these doctrines were announced and proclaimed, I was to submit to a system by which war was to be made upon the institutions of that section of the country which I in part represent? I opposed it on this ground, and I believe the honorable Senator did the same. Submit to inequality! Submit that my posterity shall not be equal in political eligibility with the sons of the honorable Senator from New York! [Mr. SEWARD.] Would I consent to the political disfranchisement of my own children? Yet such were the doctrines avowed, and such was the belief entertained as to the operation of that measure. 1 believe that gentlemen who entertain views of this kind, will be signally disappointed. I hope so, at least. For I believe the institution will continue to go South and West, and California will take it as peculiarly suited to her condition.


propositions received the fiercest denunciation
from that quarter. When the proposition to ad-
mit California was pending, I moved to amend
the bill so that California should be hereafter, with
her consent, so divided as you, Mr. President, had
previously proposed she should be. Upon consult-
ation with you, [Mr. KING,] I took the line which
is proposed in the amendment, for the reasons you
I did not get the support I anticipated;
and I will be prepared to show hereafter, from
the printed debates, what reasons were given by
honorable gentlemen for not voting for that very
proposition. I subsequently introduced another
proposition, that California should be, with her
consent, divided by that line, and that a territorial
government should be established south of it.
The objection, then, of certain gentlemen who
called themselves, par excellence, State-rights men,
was the supposition that they imagined my amend-
ment to convey that California, not yet admitted,
in their judgment, validly into the Union, should
be treated with so much respect as to have her
consent to this territorial curtailment asked. That
also was voted down. Whenever any gentleman
introduces a proposition here to divide California
with her consent, by the line of 360 30', or 350
30', treating her in all these respects as a sovereign
State, I shall vote for it, and some of those who
will vote for it in connection with me will vote
in a manner wholly repugnant to their former

Mr. BUTLER. Then the Senator admits that

while he wishes to make the compromise immu-
table, he is perfectly willing to change it when it
suits him. This is a "finality of a totality.'

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Mr. FOOTE. I should vote for that proposition in the same way that I should vote for a proposition to alter the boundary lines of any other State in the Union at her request. I would not vote for that sooner than a proposition to divide Texas or New York, if those States desire a new State to be formed within their limits. While I hold the compromise to be a definitive settlement, I do not hold it to be above the Constitution, and the Constitution expressly gives Congress the power of admitting new States. Now, perhaps, the gentleman is entitled to the triumph which he claims.

Mr. BUTLER. I claim no triumph. The gentleman's own explanation shows where he considers the triumph is. While he insists on these compromise laws being like unto the laws of the Medes and Persians, so perfect as not to be changed, yet he admits there are contingencies on which they may be changed. That is what I intended to say. It is so wise now that he does not choose to let anybody consult the progressive improvements and suggestions of time; but he wishes to stitch down and pin everybody else to his propositions, upon the ground that the Procrustean bed, whether shorter or longer, is the only true measure for the country. I shall put another proposition to the gentleman, and shall expect him to answer that too.

Mr. FOOTE. I will answer as many as the gentleman chooses to put to me, if he will only allow me an opportunity of answering them fully. Some gentlemen never answer any questions I put to them, but I challenge the propounding of ques- || tions from any adversary.

lutionary resistance their connection with this Government. Now, the gentleman must be placed in this situation: Suppose Mississippi, for any of these causes, or all of them, should determine upon quitting this Union, or assume a position in which her connection could no longer be continued, and the gentleman was called upon to take sides with Mississippi or the Federal Government, which would he prefer?

Mr. FOOTE. I shall reply in due season if the gentleman will give me an opportunity, but in the first place I must tell him that I consider it insulting to the State which I represent here, which has always proved true to the Constitution, to put her in any such predicament as that described. Never will the State of Mississippi, in my opinion, be in such a position as to call on any of her sons to make war upon the Federal Government; and when she shall do so, I shall deliberate the question and decide according to my sense of propriety. I acknowledge my respect, my profound respect, for what I deem the supreme law of the land, and those who do not, in my opinion are traitors wherever found.

Mr. BUTLER. Well, then, the gentleman, in a contest between Mississippi and the Federal Government, would consider himself a traitor if he were to fight against the Federal banner.

Mr. FOOTE. The gentleman may make his own commentary; I shall state my views in full hereafter.

Mr. BUTLER. Mississippi here meant something or she meant nothing. If these causes were appended to the gentleman's resolution, I presume he would go for them or against them. What is the supreme law of the land of which he speaks? I say the settled doctrine of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and I believe of Georgia and of Alabama, would be, that this is a confederacy of sovereign States, and not a consolidated Government, which has the exclusive right to decide upon the duty of its members. I know there are questions of perplexity, and the gentleman might take time to consider; but I know where my allegiance will be in a contest of that kind. I would not stop to chop logic on the construction of papers when my hearth and fireside are invaded and I am called upon to defend them. If my blood is to be spilt in a contest between my State and the Federal Government, I would not take time to deliberate, as the gentleman says he would, where my allegiance was due. The impulse of my heart, and the dictates of a judgment long and deliberately formed, would mark out my path of duty.

Another of the topics upon which the Senator from Mississippi dwelt. He said he would never consent to have the Constitution of the United States amended-he said he wanted no amendment to the Constitution of Washington. Why, sir, the Constitution itself, with the wisdom that characterized its original organization, provides for amendments. My deliberate opinion is, that if amendments had been made to answer the exigencies and progressive development of this country, we would have been a happy Confederation of Republics, under a union having satisfactory guarantees for the rights and interests of all; but, instead of amending it according to the original provision of the Constitution, we have now got to a time when Mr. BUTLER. The honorable Senator in his it is declared that it shall never be amended. And I speech referred to the resolutions of the Missis-would say to the gentleman frankly, that I can see sippi Convention. I wish to ask him a question, and I do not wish a disquisition in reply. I observe that the Mississippi Convention have resolved that there is no other remedy for abuse of the Constitution but revolutionary resistance; that there is no right in any one of the members of the Confederacy to resist the Government and form a new government except they incur the penalties of treason and rebellion against the Federal ConstiNow, let me ask the honorable Senator a ques-tution. The gentleman has chosen to denounce, tion, which I expect him to answer-and I hope in no measured language, the State of South Carhe will answer it without the least hesitation: olina. Now, I think he will find himself in a diSuppose a proposition were to come up to-morrow lemma from which he cannot escape if he answer to divide California, with the understanding that the question I now propound. The Mississippi one portion should be a slave State, or that both Convention has said that for an interference with should be slave States, would he vote for it? slavery in the States-interference with the commerce in slaves between States-the abolition of slavery within the District of Columbia-the repeal of the fugitive slave law-the abolition of slavery in the Territories, would constitute a ground for the dissolution of their connection with the Federal Government; and that for these causes which Mr. BUTLER. I say that as long as the mathey have assigned, they would dissolve by revo-jority can make these compromises or give con

Mr. FOOTE, of Mississippi. I will answer by citing past history, if the gentleman will allow me. I introduced two propositions on the subject myself while this matter was pending, for neither of which, according to my recollection, I had the gentleman's support, or that of his political associates in this body. On the contrary, both of those

no occasion why he should wish it amended. He has not said that he is in favor of a consolidated government, but he has maintained that this Government and the Constitution, in all the difficulties which may be involved, may be overcome by compromises-the compromises of the majority; and if the gentleman chooses always to act with the majority, he has no occasion for amendments.

Mr. FOOTE. Does the gentleman undertake to charge me with having said, at any time, that the Constitution of the United States could, in my opinion, be put down by compromises? Mr. BUTLER. No, sir.

Mr. FOOTE. That is the way the gentleman's remarks will be understood. I stated the other day, that one of two reasons why I supported the compromise was, that it was not only constitutional in itself, but that none of the constitutional lawyers of this body had attempted to make an elaborate argument to this when they were challenged to attempt it.

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structions to the Constitution, it will not be amended, and the gentleman is emphatically a majority man. I did not say that the gentleman would agree to what he regarded as a palpable violation of the Constitution, but I said the tendency of this mode of treating the Constitution was to have these excrescences in the form of compromises to give it a validity which it would not otherwise fare. I think we ought to meet the crisis and rovide a remedy.

The gentleman says that I have proposed no amendment. True, I have proposed none, but there are amendments which I will vote for. When the Federal Constitution was under consideration in Philadelphia, it was proposed that no measure fecting the regulation of commerce, or the disbursement of the public money, should pass withgut a vote of two thirds; and I tell the gentleman that I would now vote for such a provision. If an amendment was proposed to afford new guarantees to the slaveholding interest, requiring Congress to give governments to Territories, without restricon as to slavery, I should vote for it. If I were to consult the security of this Government, I would vote for amendments that would give enforceable guarantees to the minority, and not leave the majority to fritter it away by construction, or deform it by compromises. There are many salutary amendments that might be proposed.

In connection with this subject and I say it to the Senator from Mississippi, more in sorrow Lan in anger,—I wish he had not thought proper to allude, as he did, with rather a sneer, to the book of my late distinguished colleague, and to deBounce the proposition contained in that book in 8 way which evidently showed that it was under the ban of his censure. I was not prepared for that. I have not read Mr. Calhoun's book. His memory is not committed to me, neither are the works of his great intellect committed to me. I would not be able to take care of them; but the least we could have expected of those who often agreed with and admired that distinguished man was, that we should not assail him before the world, and the Parliament of the nation, where the gentleman himself had so many, and seeming kindly, associations with him.

Mr. FOOTE. The gentleman does not charge me with ever having agreed with Mr. Calhoun that the Constitution should be amended, so as to give additional constitutional guarantees to the South? I protested against that during his life. Mr. BUTLER. I did not say that.

Mr. FOOTE. What did the gentleman say? Mr. BUTLER. I said that the gentleman frequently agreed with, and was a great admirer of, Mr. Calhoun.

Mr. FOOTE, (in his seat.) On some questions I did agree with him, but on most I did not.

The PRESIDENT. The conversation must not go on in that way. The Senator is always at Liberty to make an explanation, with the consent of the gentleman having the floor, but he is not at liberty to sit in his chair to make comments while the speaker is going on.

Mr. FOOTE. I understand my duty as well as the Chair can inform me.

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own sphere, and that no law should be passed without the concurrence of both. I am very sure that such a proposition as that, if ingrafted on the Constitution, might give it a better operation than it now has under the combination of interest and numbers. I do not undertake to be the expounder of Mr. Calhoun's views, nor do I say that I am prepared to adopt them. I am sure the gentleman has not done justice to them. I do not enter into the views of Mr. Calhoun; for he never mentioned the subject to me in his lifetime, and I have not yet had an opportunity, and I regret it, to read his book. I only noticed the remark of the gentleman, in passing, with a view to show that in some respects his interpretation of the book might not be the interpretation of everybody. There are other minds besides his to look at the subject; and when a great work of the kind is to be measured, it must be measured by an enlightened public opinion after full discussion upon the subject.

Sir, I have touched upon these things with regret. The Senator from Mississippi is in favor of the compromise; and he denounces, in no measured terms, all those opposed to it; not that the gentleman seems to be governed by unkind feelings to many embraced in the sweep of his cen


Mr. FOOTE. I have here, elsewhere, and everywhere, wherever I have attempted to speak of the struggle which occurred in the two Houses of Congress, in reference to the questions contained in the plan of compromise, said, uniformly and emphatically, that, so far as the conduct of Senators and Representatives was concerned in that struggle, I had no censures whatever to bestow; nor that I wished them to be censured in any shape or form by any patriotic man in the country. The President of this body knows what my views on this subject were, for we have talked together. All that I have said was, that now, when these measures have become the law of the land; now that the great experiment of compromise was in course of trial, I did conceive that it was the duty of all parties, North and South, to make a fair experiment of those measures, and not to engage in violent agitations against any feature of them. I have simply condemned all attempts at the North, or at the South, at this time, to break up the compromise. But I have never undertaken to condemn any man, or set of men, for decent, zealous, patriotic opposition to any of the measures of adjustment which they themselves disapproved at the time. This is, and always has been, my attitude on that subject.

Mr. BUTLER. That may be; but the gentleman knows as well as any one here, that no one had greater influence-perhaps I may say that he had uncommon influence-in getting up the Southern Address; he was the prime mover of it. And I think the gentleman must, to some extent, assume the responsibility of the Nashville Convention. I say that, after the position which that gentleman has occupied, justice, if not generosity, requires that he should at least look to the motives, which I hope he will, of other persons who are disposed to stand up to the propositions which they avowed at the time in the Southern Address. I supposed it was a matter of historical interest to the gentleman. And now I will say here, for the first time, what I have heretofore said to my friends, that the Nashville Convention was premature. My friends know that this was my opinion. If there is one gentleman in this hall who has contributed fuel to the fires of Southern resistance and indignation, the honorable Senator has fed them as freely as any other. I am not now making any accusations against him for mere change of opinion and position. I have said nothing at course, when he changes it; but when the Senator from Mississippi thought proper to speak of South Carolina, and allude to her internal contests, the

Mr. BUTLER. I am inclined to think that injustice has been done, perhaps unintentionally, to my late distinguished colleague; and perhaps some newspaper correspondents may make out of it something tributary to the state of the public mind. I think, however, that the book is not in danger from such commentaries, or any that can be made upon it by the Senator. They will not add to nor take from its merits. They may, it is true, make false impressions, for the time, upon superficial minds, who look not into the book itself; but those who are capable of appreciating it, and seek after the truth, will read for themselves, and formall, nor will I say anything, in reference to a man's an enlightened and honest judgment. It is not true, as the honorable Senator has said, that Mr. Calhoun thought there should be two Executives with the

high in spirit, as pure in motive, and would be as brave in action, as any men who ever adorned the pages of history. I differed from friends in South Carolina; but here, I cannot allow that difference to prevent my doing them justice, if they required it at my hands.

Mr. FOOTE, of Mississippi. If the honorable gentleman had read my speech as reported, or if he distinctly recollected what I said the other day, he would certainly find himself effectually relieved from the necessity of making the remarks which he has just made. I stated distinctly that I entertained a high respect for the people of the State of South Carolina. I expressed the high gratification which I felt, that the real people of South Carolina had come nobly to the rescue of the honor of the State in the contest lately in progress there between them and certain demagogues. I hoped that the people there, under the lead of the honorable gentleman and such as he, would vanquish the demagogues in that struggle. That is what I said. I did not denounce the Legislature of South Carolina. I did not denounce any organized body of men there, Legislature or Convention. If I have any particular sentiments unfavorable to such bodies, I withheld them; but I did denounce, and I shall continue to denounce, any man or set of men in South Carolina, who dared to urge the people of that State to attack the forts of the United States within her limits-to make war upon the General Government-and who dared to say, perverting the language of the immortal Henry, "I say we must fight.' I did denounce such persons, and

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not those who were inclined to arm the State for her own defence against the General Government, in the event of an unjust attack neither menaced nor expected. I did denounce persons who, as I am prepared to prove by their speeches, attempted, without any aggression on the part of the General Government, to incite the people of South Carolina to an immediate attack upon the Government. These are the men that I denounced, and I am responsible here and elsewhere, for the strongest language used in decrial of them. I shall always decry them.

Mr. BUTLER. If I had not been interrupted I should have gone on and stated, perhaps, what the gentleman could not have taken exception to, so far as I am concerned. I have not said anything in a personal point of view, but I must do my duty to others.

Mr. FOOTE. If the gentleman chooses to defend such men, he can do it.

Mr. BUTLER. South Carolina, in her first resolutions of 1848, proposed nothing but coöperation with the other States. In 1849, in the mildest terms, she proposed the same thing. In 1850--I say it upon my responsibility in this Chamber-she called her convention in reference to a course projected and intimated by the State of Mississippi. I cannot be mistaken in that. Is it just that any reproach should attach to her from a representative of Mississippi?

There were many things well calculated to aggravate the popular excitement and indignation at the course of the General Government. Whilst the people were deliberating on their condition, and the course the State should pursue, the Administration showed both a want of wisdom and decency. For what purpose some troops were sent to the forts in Charleston is not distinctly understood. The effect was to arm all parties with a determination to resent the insulting demonstration; and it was difficult for her public men to restrain excitement and control consequences. That movement has left an abiding impression on the public mind. There was not the slightest occasion for troops, and if one drop of blood had been shed, there would have been a civil war that would have put the questions now in debate under the arbitrament of the sword. The gentleman might have found it a difficult task to have found enough constables to hang the traitors. He would have been consumed in his own State if he had made

same powers. He is a historian, and he knows least, in my opinion, that delicacy or propriety a demonstration against South Carolina. The

very well that there were two Consuls in Rome, with a Tribune to control them. By a partition of power, and such control of it by the tribunitial veto on occasion, the Roman Republic moved on with success and energy. I presume that Mr. Calhoun might very well have entertained the idea that two Presidents might be very well: one perhaps having jurisdiction of foreign and the other of domestic affairs, or some such partition of duties. I presume he intended that each should be independent in his

could require of him, was to forbear unkind allusions to her course, and especially to abstain from availing of his own change of doctrine and position to give point to those allusions. The mass of those who, in South Carolina, were for putting her in advance of what I regarded the position she should occupy, are persons whose motives and designs would place them before the tribunal of history in a point of view far above reach of the gentleman's arrow. They are as

issue would have been far above party strife or rhetorical display.

I cannot go further into this subject, except to express my opinion that injustice has been done to those of South Carolina who have attempted to conform to the suggestions of Mississippi; not altogether under the counsels of the honorable Senator, but yielding very much to influence which his counsels and those of others had. Therefore

I think such an allusion as he made was entirely unnecessary.

Mr. FOOTE, of Mississippi. I will not now ask the gentleman to allow me to explain, because I have interrupted him so often. Yet, if it would make no difference to him, I would go on now to explain the attitude of the State of Mississippi. Mr. BUTLER. The gentleman is at liberty to proceed.

Mr. FOOTE. I shall explain more fully hereafter. I wish now simply to protest against what the gentleman has said in regard to the course and attitude of the State of Mississippi. It is true I signed the Southern Address; and I now approve every word contained therein. It is true, I did forward a letter from Mr. Calhoun to my own State which proposed the holding of the Nashville Convention, and which marked out to some extent the then expected modus operandi of that body. It is true, also, as I have heretofore asserted, that not one single word is contained in that Southern Address or in Mr. Calhoun's letter which recommends secession, or intimates that there should be any amendment to the Constitution. The State of Mississippi was willing to meet, in a proper manner and a truly patriotic spirit, the citizens of the rest of the slaveholding States of this Union in the Nashville Convention, for the purpose of fraternal consultation, in regard to the means most proper to be adopted for guarding against certain dangers with which we were then menaced-one of which was the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia; another of which was the attempt to impose the Wilmot proviso. I will not reiterate all the measures with which we had been then menaced for some years, and to which the Southern Address, in the most solemn manner, called the attention of the South; to guard against which the State of Mississippi, under advice received from South Carolina through me, in the manner I have described, was willing to send delegates to a Southern Convention. I will add, though, that it was doubtless one of our objects in this movement, to secure our long-withheld right to an efficient congressional enactment providing for the recapture and restoration of fugitives from service. But I reiterate, that we did not commit ourselves to secession, nor did we insist on amending the Federal Constitution.

I will say further to the honorable gentleman, that the State of Mississippi, as she was justified in doing, came to the conclusion, gravely and deliberately-and I believe all dispassionate men will admit that she acted wisely in coming to that conclusion that the plan of compromise effectually guarded against every single danger with which the South had been antecedently menaced, and secured to her the fugitive slave law, to which she was entitled by the Constitution, in addition, together with certain other incidental advantages, some of which I endeavored to point out the other day. Now if, in the opinion of the State of Mississippi, the compromise has operated in a manner so comprehensively beneficial, how can it be contended that the State of South Carolina, when she undertook, without just reason, to manifest dissatisfaction with the acts of adjustment, and proposed a Southern Congress for the purpose of arraying the Southern States against them, was led into that attitude by the State of Mississippi? I have heard that said before, and I have denied it. Had the wise monitions of the parent Convention of Mississippi been adopted by the Nashville Convention, the South would have had no further trouble. I believe this advice would have been adopted and acted upon, but for certain intriguing politicians, who attempted, in my opinion, in bad faith-of which I shall give the proofs hereafter-to wield the machinery of the National Convention, gotten up for very different purposes, for the overthrow of the Union; a very ingenious plan having been adopted, under the advice of certain persons who have openly avowed themselves subsequently to have been secret disunionists in heart and design at that time, in demanding terms of settlement so extravagant and unreasonable as to make all hope of their ultimate adoption utterly absurd.

One of the leaders of South Carolina, a gentleman who is reputed to be the author of the Nashville Address, declared, as I well recollect, in a speech delivered in Charleston, immediately after his return from the Nashville Convention, that he had entertained no expectation when the celebrated ||

demand of 36° 30' was made on the part of the Convention, that it would be acceded to; but that he, for many years past, had been tired of the Union and anxious to break it up, and expected, through the agency of the Nashville Convention, and by demanding terms of adjustment which would not be acceded to by Congress and the Northern States, to accomplish his long-cherished object. This noted avowal, I say, was made in Charleston after the session of the Convention had drawn to a close; but that gentleman cannot deny that he had been quite particular in not declaring such views and objects in the Nashville Convention. All will perceive from this statement that the honorable Senator [Mr. BUTLER] has entirely misunderstood the true position of the State of Mississippi, and I hope not hereafter to hear her accused of being instigated by any portion of the extravagant movements of certain factionists in South Carolina.

Mr. BUTLER. I have only said that South Carolina, to some extent, shaped her course according to the plan marked out by the State of Mississippi. The Senator has made allusious which cannot be mistaken. I must, therefore, in justice to my colleague, yield the floor, to allow him an opportunity of speaking, although there is much more which I would have said, but for the frequent interruptions with which the course of my remarks has been broken in upon, and the allusions to my colleague which it is but justice he should have an opportunity to notice.

Mr. RHETT next addressed the Senate until past the usual hour of adjournment, when, without finishing, he yielded the floor, and the Senate adjourned.

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Mr. BAYLY, of Virginia, asked the unanimous consent of the House to introduce a resolution calling upon the President for information.

Mr. ROBINSON. Is it in order now, Mr. Speaker, to move a suspension of the rules, to consider the resolution from the Senate?

The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Virginia has the floor.

Mr. BAYLY. I will say to the gentleman from Indiana, [Mr. ROBINSON,] that I have no intention of being in the way of the resolution concerning Kossuth. My resolution is simply one asking important information from the President; and to which I presume there will be no objection.

IMPRISONMENT OF MR. THRASHER. reported to the House, as follows: There being no objection, the resolution was

Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested, so far as in his judgment may be compatible with the public interest, to communicate to the House any information in possession of the Executive respecting the imprisonment, trial, and sentence of John S. Thrasher, in the Island of Cuba, and to his right to claim the protection of the Government, as a native-born citizen of the United States.

The question was then put, and the resolution was adopted.


Mr. ROBINSON. I now move a suspension of the rules, for the purpose of taking up the resolution of welcome to Kossuth. I shall also ask that it be put upon its passage.

The question was then taken, and the rules were suspended.

The resolution was then read the first and second times by its title.

Mr. ROBINSON. I now move that the resolution be put upon its passage; and upon that motion I ask the previous question.

Cries of "Read the resolution."
The resolution was read, as follows:

A Joint Resolution of welcome to Louis Kossuth. Resolved, That Congress, in the name and behalf of the people of the United States, give to Louis Kossuth a cordial welcome to the capital and the country; and that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to him by the President of the United States.

The question now being upon ordering the resolution to a third reading,

Mr. ROBINSON called for the previous question.

Cries of "That's right!" "Let's have the previous question!"

The previous question was then seconded, and the main question ordered; and being put, was carried in the affirmative.

The resolution was then read a third time.

The question now being, "Shall the resolution pass?"

Mr. RICHARDSON moved the previous question, which was seconded, and the main qustion was ordered to be put.

Mr. CAMPBELL, of Ohio, asked the yeas and nays on the passage of the resolution; which were ordered; and being taken, were-yeas 181, nays 16; as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Aiken, Charles Allen, Willis Allen, Allison, Andrews, John Appleton, William Appleton, Babcock, Bartlett, Barrere, David J. Bailey, Thomas H. Bayly, Beale, Bell, Bennett, Bibighaus, Bocock, Bowne, John H. Boyd, Breckenridge, Brenton, Briggs, Brooks, Buell, Burrows, Busby, Joseph Cable, Lewis D. Campbell, Thompson Campbell, Cartter, Caskie, Chandler, Chapman, Chastain, Clark, Cleveland, Clingman, Cobb, Conger, Cullom, Curtis, Daniel, Geo. T. Davis, J. G. Davis, Dawson, Dimmick, Disney, Dockery, Doty, Dunham, Durkee, Eastman, Edmundson, Edgerton, Evans, Faulkner, Ficklin, Fitch, Florence, Fowler, Freeman, Henry M. Fuller, Thomas J. D. Fuller, Gamble, Gaylord, Gentry, Giddings, Goodenow, Gorman, Grey, Grow, Hall, Hamilton, Hammond, Harper, Sampson W. Harris, Hart, Haws, Hascall, Haven, Hebard, Hendricks, Henn, Hibbard, Hillyer, Horsford, Houston, Howard, John W. Howe, Thomas M. Howe, Hunter, Ingersoll, Ives, Jackson, John Johnson, Daniel T. Jones, J. Glancy Jones, Geo. G. King, Preston King, Kuhns, Kurtz, Landry, Letcher, Lockhart, Mace, Mann, Edward C. Marshall, Humphrey Marshall, McCorkle, McDonald, McLanahan, McMullin, McNair, McQueen, Meacham, Meade, Miller, Miner, Molony, Henry D. Moore, John Moore, Morrison, Murphy, Murray, Nabers, Newton, Olds, Outlaw, Andrew Parker, Samuel W. Parker, Peaslee, Penn, Penniman, Perkins, Phelps, Porter, Price, Rantoul, Richardson, Robbins, Robie, Robinson, Ross, Sackett, Schermerhorn, Schoonmaker, Scudder, David L. Seymour, Origen S. Seymour, Skelton, Smart, Smith, Snow, Benjamin Stanton, Frederick P. Stanton, Richard H. Stanton, Abr'm P. Stevens, Stone, St. Martin, Strother, Stuart, Sutherland, Sweetser, Taylor, Benjamin Thompson, Geo. W. Thompson, Thurston, Townshend, Tuck, Wallace, Walsh, Ward, Washburn, Watkins, Welch, Wells, Addison White, Alexander White, Wilcox, Wildrick, and Yates-181.

NAYS-Messrs. Abercrombie, Averett, Bragg, Albert G. Brown, Caldwell, Isham G. Harris, Holladay, James Johnson, George W. Jones, Martin, Morehead, Savage, Scurry, Alexander H. Stephens, Williams, and Woodward-16. So the resolution passed.

Mr. McMULLIN, when his name was called, said he should vote for the resolution, though with great reluctance. [Great laughter.]

Mr. ROBINSON moved to reconsider the vote just taken, and to lay that motion on the table; which latter motion was agreed to.

The question was then taken upon the title of the resolution; and it was agreed to.

Mr. SMITH. Mr. Speaker

Mr. STANTON, of Tennessee. I rise to a question of privilege.

Mr. SMITH. I rose for the same purpose. I move to reconsider the vote just taken, by which the title of the resolution was adopted, and I ask if upon that motion I cannot submit a few remarks on the merits of the resolution?

The SPEAKER. Debate upon that question must be confined to the merits of the title of the resolution, and the reasons for its reconsideration.

Mr. RICHARDSON. I rise to a question of order. I desire to inquire whether there was a division upon the question of adopting the title? If there was no division, then I have no question to make.

The SPEAKER. There was no division. Mr. RICHARDSON. Then I have no question to make.

Mr. SMITH. I ask the Clerk to read the title of the resolution and the resolution.

Mr. CARTTER. I object to the reading of the resolution. That is not now under consideration. The SPEAKER. It is competent for the House to order the reading of the resolution. The question, therefore, is, Shall the resolution be read?

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