Imágenes de páginas
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Ex cathedra (Lat.), papal or authoritative decision.

Exceptio probat regulam (Lat.), the exception proves the


Excerpta (Lat.), extracts.

Ex concesso (Lat.), from what is conceded.

Ex curia (Lat.), out of court.

Ex dono (Lat.), by the gift.

Exempli gratia (Lat.), for the sake of example; for example; usually contracted into E. G.

Exeunt and exeunt omnes (Lat.), all go out.

Exit (Lat.), the departure, from the stage, of an actor.

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Ex parte

(Lat.), on one side; on the part of.

Ex pede Herculem (Lat.), we see a Hercules from the foot; we judge of the whole from the specimen.

Experimentum crucis (Lat.), the experiment of the cross; a decisive experiment; a most searching test.

Experto crede (Lat.),

trust one who has had experience

Ex post facto (Lat.),

after the deed is done.

Ex tempore (Lat.), on the spur of the moment.

Extra muros (Lat.), beyond the walls.

Ex uno, disce omnes (Lat.), from one, learn all; from one

you can judge of the whole.

Ex usu (Lat.), from or by use.


Facetic (Lat.), sallies of wit and humor; jokes.
Facile princeps (Lat.), evidently pre-eminent; the admitted


Failis est descensus Averni (Lat.),

the descent to hell is

easy; the road to evil is an easy one.

Fac-simile (Lat.), an exact copy or likeness.

Fait accompli (Fr.), a thing already accomplished.

Fata Morgana (It.), the fairy Morgana; a mirage at sea near Messina, Sicily.

Fata obstant (Lat.), the Fates oppose it.

Fauteuil (Fr.), an easy-chair.

Faux pas (Fr.), a false step; a mistake.

Fecit (Lat.), he made it on a painting, &c., put after an artist's name.

Feliciter (Lat.), happily; successfully.

Felo de se (Lat.), one who commits a felony by suicide. Femme couverte (Fr.), a woman covered or sheltered; a mar

ried woman.

Femme de chambre (Fr.), a chambermaid.

Feræ naturæ (Lat.), of a wild nature—said of wild beasts Festina lente (Lat.), hasten slowly.

Fête champêtre (Fr.), a rural festival.

Fête Dieu (Fr.), the Corpus Christi festival of the Roman Catholic Church.

Feu de joie (Fr.), a bonfire.

Fiat justitia, ruat cœlum (Lat.), let justice be done, though the heavens should fall.

Fidei defensor (Lat.),
Fides Punica (Lat.),
Fidus Achates (Lat.),

defender of the faith. Punic faith; treachery.

faithful Achates; a true friend.

Finem respice (Lat.), look to the end.

Flagrante delicto (Lat.), in the commission of the crime.
Fortiter in re (Lat.), with firmness in acting.

Fortuna favet fortibus (Lat.), fortune favors the brave.
Fronti nulla fides (Lat.), no faith in the appearance; there
is no trusting to appearances.

Fuit Ilium (Lat.), Troy has been.

Fulmen brutum

(Lat.), a harmless thunderbolt.

Furor loquendi (Lat.), a rage for speaking.

Furor poeticus (Lat.), poetic fire.

Furor scribendi (Lat.), a rage for writing.


Garde du corps (Fr.), a body-guard.

Garde mobile (Fr.), a guard liable for general service.

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Gentilhomme (Fr.), a gentleman.

Gloria in excelsis (Lat.), glory to God in the highest.
Gloria Patri (Lat.), glory to the Father.

Gourmand (Fr.), a high liver.

Gradus ad Parnassum (Lat.), a step to Parnassus, a mountain sacred to Apollo and the Muses; a book containing aids in writing Greek or Latin poetry.

Grande parure (Fr.), full-dress.

Guerre à outrance (Fr.), war to the uttermost.

Guerre à mort (Fr.), war to the death.


Habeas corpus (Lat.), you may have the body (a writ in


Haud passibus æquis (Lat.), not with equal steps.

Haut gout

(Fr.), refined or elegant taste.

Hic et ubique (Lat.), here and everywhere.

Hic jacet (Lat.), here lies-used on epitaphs.

Hic labor, hoc opus est (Lat.), this is labor, this is work. Hic sepultus (Lat.), here buried.

Hinc illa lacrima (Lat.), hence proceed these tears. Historiette (Fr.), a short history; a tale or brief narrative. Hoi polloi (Gr.), the many; the rabble.

Hombre de un libro

(Sp.), a man of one book.

Homme d'esprit (Fr.), a man of talent; a witty man.
Honi soit qui mal y pense (Fr.), evil be to him who evil


Horribile dictu (Lat.),

Hors de combat (Fr.),

terrible to be said.

out of condition to fight.

Hortus siccus (Lat.), a collection of botanical specimens.
Hôtel de ville (Fr.), a town hall.

Hôtel des Invalides (Fr.), the military hospital in Paris.
Humanum est errare (Lat.), to err is human.


Ibidem; Ibid (Lat.), the same place.

Tch dien (prov. Ger.), I serve.

Id est, usually contracted into i.e. (Lat.), that is.

Ignis fatuus (Lat.), a will-o'-the-wisp; a deceiving light.

Imitatores servum pecus (Lat.), imitators, a servi.e herd. Imperium in imperio (Lat.), government in a government. In æternum (Lat.), forever.

In armis (Lat.), under arms.

In articulo mortis (Lat.), at the point of death; in the last struggle.

Incognito (It.), an unknown person.

Index expurgatorius (Lat.), to cleanse; a list of passages in books which are to be expunged.

In esse (Lat.), in being.

In extenso (Lat.), at full length.

In extremis (Lat.), at the point of death.

In flagrante delicto (Lat.), taken in the fact.

In forma pauperis (Lat.), in the form of a poor person; as a poor person; in law, to sue "in forma pauperis" relieves from costs.

In foro conscientiæ (Lat.), before the tribunal of conscience. Infra dignitatem (Lat.), below one's dignity-often abbrevi

ated into infra dig.

In hoc signo vinces (Lat.), under this sign or standard thou

shalt conquer.

In hoc statu (Lat.), in this state or condition.

In limine (Lat.), at the threshold.

In loco (Lat.), in the place.

In loco parentis

(Lat.), in the place of a parent.
into the midst of things.


In medias res
In memoriam (Lat.)

to the memory of; in memory.

In nomine (Lat.), in the name of.
In nubibus (Lat.), in the clouds.

In pace (Lat.), in peace.

In perpetuum (Lat.), forever.

In petto (It.), within the breast; in reserve.

In pleno (Lat.), in full.

In posse (Lat.), in possible existence; that may be possible.

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