Imágenes de páginas

Shamed, Age thou art, 21
Shank, For his shrunk, 165
Shape, Execrable, 157

Shape express, Harmony of, 57
In any, 35

of a camel, In, 27
Such a questionable, 157
The other, 157
The Widow can, 190
Take any, 33

To assume a pleasing, 37
Shapes of foul disease, 14

our ends, Divinity that, 45
that can not, 157

Turns them to, 80
Sharp as a pen, As, 56
Sharpeneth iron, Iron, 83

Sharper than a serpent's tooth, 24
Shatter the vase, 179
She can turn, 176

- never told her love, 101

who ne'er answers, 79

Sheaf, Binds the, 30

Shears, With the abhorred, 51
Sheathes in calm repose, 60
Shed them, Prepare to, 170
Sheep, How many the, 196
Their ghostly, 196

Sheet, A wet, 157
Sheeted dead, The, 150

Shepherd fold, Bids the, 165

Shepherd's crook beside the sceptre,
Love lays the, 100

Shifts, Holy, 136
Shilling, A splendid, 158

Shine in more substantial honours, 128

Shined upon, Not, 38

Shines, A good deed, 35

afar, Fame's proud temple, 52

Shineth as the gold, 65
Shining frame, A, 57

- in the sky, 182

Shins, Till I break my, 194

Ship, There's not

a, 201

Ships that have gone down, Like, 40 Shirt, Changed their, 141

Who wants a, 151 Without a, 188

Shiver when thou'rt named, Men, 67
Shivering urchin, The, 177
Shock them, And we shall, 46
Shoe be Spanish, Whether a, 12
Shone forth, Daisies have, 32
o'er the dead, 18

Shoot folly as it flies, 125

- How to, 212

Shore, And one on, 113

Shore, By their native, 18 Control stops with the, 130 Drown in ken of, 34 Gathering pebbles on the, 25 Lash the sounding, 209 Rapture on the lonely, 138 Some silent, 38

Unhappy folks on, 128 Unknown and silent, 65 Shores, Upon a thousand, 155 Short and far between, 6 lived wits, Such, 195 retirement, 161

Shoulders, With Atlantean, 8
Show your breeding, To, 209
Showers, The sweetest, 188
Shriek, A solitary, 158
Shrine of the mighty, 68

Shrink, All the boards did, 187
Shroud his head, To, 75
Shrunk shank, For his, 165
Shuffled off this mortal coil, 173
Shun, Most carefully, 38
Shunn'st the noise of folly, 122
Shut the gates of mercy, 114
Shuts up sorrow's eye, 160
Shuttle, Life is a, 93
Shy of using it, 194

Sick, Maketh the heart, 77
man of the East, 158
of this bad world, 205
The devil was, 37
They are as, 158

Sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, 173

Side go bare, 10

Sieges, fortunes, Battles, 55
Sigh no more, ladies, 113
Prompts th' eternal, 71
Reasons why we, 5
to think, May, 82
Sighed and looked, 158
For his country he, 49
from all her caves, 35
Man the hermit, 110
to measure, 16

Sighing, Farewell goes out, 188
Like furnace, 164

Sighs and groans, Sovereign of, 31
Bridge of, 19

Sight, How oft the, 36

Is half so fine a, 56

Keen discriminating, 190
My aching, 158

of means, The, 36

of that immortal sea, 81
Out of, 117
Sensible to, 32

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Smiles from reason flow, 160
of joy, The, 205
Welcome ever, 188
Wreathed, 144

Smiling at grief, 101

Smooth current, Glides the, 41
Never did run, 99
runs the water, 187
stream, The, 209
the bed of death, 4
the ice, To, 49
Waller was, 43

Smoothed his wrinkled front, 39
Snail, Creeping like, 164
Snails, Feet like, 56'

Snake, Like a wounded, 91
Scotch'd the, 160

Snatch a grace, 67

Sneaking off, It is, 178
Sneaks to death, 29

Sneer, Teach the rest to, 139

Without, 139

Snore, Weariness can, 188

Snow, As pure as, 22

Snow-fall in the river, 137

Snow, The winter, 210

Wallow naked in Desember, Cổ Snug little island, 83 Skugg lies, 160

So much money, 208

the struck eagle, 44 Soap, With invisible, 71 Soar so high, Wont to, 44 When we, 193

Sober thoughts, 171

to bed, Go, 13

Society, Mutual Admiration, 122

one polished horde, 17
sometimes is, 161

The Vanille of, 178

where none intrudes, 138
With grief's, 69

Socrates, Wisest of men, 160
Sock, Jonson's learned, 158
Sofa, Wheel the, 189
Soft eyes look love, 148
Soft, Her voice was ever, 184
impeachment, The, 81
is the strain, 209
the zephyr blows, 119
words, 203

Soften rocks, To, 121

Soil of virtue, Affliction is the,

where first they trod, 60

Soiled with all ignoble use,

Solar walk, Far as the, 53

Sold to slavery, 55

Solder of society, 62


[blocks in formation]

Songs, Your, 211

of Apollo, The, 203

Sons, Affliction's, 3

of Belial, Wander forth the, 128

of heaven, The, 203

of night, Bloom for, 137

of the morning, The, 19

Soon or late, Death, 36

Soothe the savage breast, To, 121
Soothed with the sound, 12
Sophistry, Destroy his, 38
Sophonisba, O! 161
Sorrow, A rooted, 116

and darkness, Though, 67
but more closely tied, 40
Climbing, 161
Crown of, 162
Earth has no, 161
- fade, Or, 36

is in vain, Thy, 182

-never comes too late, 193

[blocks in formation]

Sought, Unknowing what he, 189
Soul, A mouse of any, 120
- am free, In my, 60
Crowd not on my, 158
Eloquence charms the, 39
Every subject's, 43
Flow of, 162
God the, 124

I think nobly of the, 143
Iron entered into his, 83
is dead that slumbers, The, 94
Measured by my, 117

of goodness in things evil, 49
of music shed, 72
of the age, 157

of wit, The, 19

Positive I have a, 162

rests and expatiates, 77
sincere, His, 17
so dead, With, 124
take wing, 35

the body's guest, 162
The palace of the, 171
The sleepless, 23

to dare, The, 184

to soul, Intercourse from, 83
was like a star, Thy, 165
Whiteness of his, 162

Soul's apparent seat, 56
dark cottage, The, 75
in arms, My, 54
sincere desire, The, 140

Souls shall leave this dwelling, When our, 2

sit close, Our, 162

Sound, Morn without a, 22

[ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

by the card, We must, 47

Grief that does not, 161

in public, To, 167

to men, 34

It was my hint to, 55

low, Tread softly and, 210

of me as I am, 165

or die, 14

Which no one can, 122

with most miraculous organ, 121 Speaker, Come before the, 92 Special providence, 143 Spectacle on nose, With, 164 Spectator of another's woe, 196

Speech is like cloth of Arras, 163 is silver, 163

Rude am I in my, 155
Rule of, 178

--was given, 163

Speed add wings, To thy, 143
Be wise with, 59

the going guest, 189

the soft intercourse, 83 Thousands at his bidding, 156 Spend word for word, 203 Spending, Getting and, 206 Sphere, Preserves the earth a, 170

[blocks in formation]

- These our actors were all, 148 Who still rule our, 178

Spiritual creatures, Millions of, 164 Spite, O cursed, 172

the world, To, 205

Splendid shilling, A, 158

Splendour, Character gives, 23

through the sky, Streaming, 63

Spoil the child, 150

Spoke, Words once, 203

Sponge, No more than a, 42

Spoon, He must have a long, 37

Sport of circumstances, Men are, 113 that wrinkled care derides, 164 to have the engineer, 46 would be as tedious, 75 Sports like these, By, 24

of children, The, 24 Spot, Out damned, 164 Spring, Come gentle, 164 - In the, 100

Spur, Fame is the, 51

I have no,


Spurns that patient merit, The, 173
Spy, That the infected, 49
Squander time, Do not, 172
Squeak and gibber, 150

Stable, Augean, 9

Staff of life, Tho, 19

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