HUDIBRAS, IN THREE PARTS, Written in the Time of THE LATE WARS: Corrected and Amended. WITH LARGE AΝΝΟΤΑΤIONS, AND A PREFACE, BY ZACHARY GREY, LL. D. Adorn'd with a new Set of Cuts. VOL. II. LONDON: Printed by J. BETTENHAM, for W. Innys, A. Ward, MDCCXLIV. naries 8-14-30 HUDIBRAS : The ARGUMENT of THE THIRD CANTO. The Knight, with various Doubts possest, To win the Lady goes in Quest To know the Deft'nies Resolution; With whom b'ing met, they both chop Logick, About the Science Aftrologick; D OUBTLESS the Pleasure is as great This whole Canto is design'd to expose Aftrologers, FortuneTellers, and Conjurers. In Banter of whom, Dr. James Young, (in his Tract, intitled, Sidrophel Vapulans, &c. 1699. p. 35.) informs us, "That in 'the Pontificate of some such holy Father as Gregory the Seventh, a Lover of the Black Art; one of the "Tribe craved of his Holiness, a Protector, or Patron-Saint for Aftrologers, like as other Arts had: The good Pontiff willing to oblige a Faculty he lov'd well, gave him the Choice of all " in Saint Peter's. The humble Servant of Urania, depending " upon the Direction of good Stars, to a good Angel, went to "the choice Hoodwinkt, and groping among the Images, the " first he laid Hand on was that of the Devil in Combat with " Saint Michael; had he chosen with his Eyes open, he could "not have met with a better Protector for so Diabolical an Art." 'Twas a Custom in Alexandria formerly, for Aftrologers to pay a certain Tribute, which they call'd Fool's-Pence, because it was taken from the Gains which Aftrologers made by their own ingenious Folly, and credulous Dotage of their Admirers. [Turkish Spy, vol. 8. book 4. chap. 10.] See Judicial Aftrology, expofed by Cervantes, Don Quixote. Vol. 3. chap. 25. VOL. II. A *.3. |