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brought from the Atlantic to your Western seas. Chiefly yours the wealth that shall ever swell in volume from Oriental trade; and chiefly yours shall be the world's acclaim for this vast enterprise.

This splendid prospect opening before you is no dream. It is a reality at hand. It is no imagination; it is the fulfilment of prophecy.

Humboldt, the scientist of statesmanship as well as of nature, saw in the Pacific the great commercial ocean of the future and upon its shores the theater of the crowning efforts of human enterprise. He saw the Pacific slope, an empire in itself whose cities undreamed of save by him, should be the focus of the commerce of the ancient Eastern world. He saw tremendous lines of mighty ships carrying our trade and our civilization to newly opened Asia. He saw that the tidal wave of human enlightenment would not end at the Golden Gate, but that it would sweep on till the paralyzing institutions of the far East should be swept away and its unnumbered millions made modern. He saw that the power which must dominate this historic drama for which continents, islands and oceans serve as the stage, peoples and races as the characters, must inevitably be the American Republic. And he saw that the section whose mission it should be to master this great situation for the whole American people necessarily is the Republic's Pacific slope.

It is an opportunity so elemental and so rare that the favor of Providence alone explains it; and that opportunity is yours. You will not neglect and despise it. That future whose greatness requires great men to meet and master it, you will not fail to appreciate and rise to its far heights you, the sons of a magic soil and clime;



you, born beneath the shade of forests miraculous, reared with the world's greatest mountains behind you and the world's greatest ocean before you; you, children of imperial circumstances that mark you as the guardians of universal situations and the solvers of elemental problems. The people of the Pacific slope can not belong to the feeble company of little Americans, doubters of the righteousness, wisdom and power of the American people, infidels to American destiny, opposers of American progress.

No, you are the descendants of men who proved their belief in the expanding powers of our race by crossing deserts and scaling mountains to reach this land of promise. You are the children of the fearless ones in whose minds burnt the fire of prophecy and in whose breasts beat the heart of faith in their race and in themselves. And now when the dream of statesmen and philosophers concerning you is being realized, you will turn to the graves of your heroic sires and, gathering from their great faith new faith for your work, move forward to the achievement of your duty as unquestioningly and courageously as they moved forward to the doing of their vast duty in their day. So shall you carry the Republic's banner in the advance over the oceans which henceforth shall be hers. So shall the mastery of the Pacific be the Nation's large achievement and the regeneration of the Pacific's peoples the Republic's high hope and heavy work. Thus, people of the Pacific slope, have nature and events made you the advance guard of the Republic's onward march and given into your hands the keys which unlock the doors of the Republic's future and your



Speech closing the Republican compaign of 1902 in Ohio, delivered in Music Hall, Cincinnati.

THE day of passion in politics is past. The day when


prejudice controls elections is gone. The day when the demagogue can influence American voters is no At the end of the argument, the American people never have decided any question upon any other basis than that of reason and righteousness. But the time was when, for a brief season, waves of unrighteous agitation could sway masses of voters for a period and menace the well-being of the Republic. In the end these have always been overcome; and with greater ease and in shorter space as time wore on.

It was a bitter battle and a long one against the agitation for repudiation; but the sound cause won. It was a sharp fight and an earnest one against fiat money; but the sound cause won. It was a desperate struggle and a dangerous against free silver-but, after all, the real battle lasted only three months; and the sound cause won. The storm of fear against imperialism dissolved almost before it formed; and just so to-day the crusade of the Opposition against American organized industry has ended almost before its banner was unfurled.

It ended because honest men and thinking men met that proposition of industrial annihilation with reason and facts. A campaign of abandoned issues - that is



how history will describe the political conflict of 1902 a campaign of abandoned issues because a campaign of false issues. The real and only sovereigns of the world are Truth and Reason.

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Why is it that the power of the demagogue in American politics has declined and is declining now with accelerating speed? Why is it that appeals to passion are daily becoming more powerless at the ballot-box? It is because of the growth of American intelligence — because the facts on any question get to the voters more quickly. Only a few years ago weeks were required to place before the citizen facts on any question; and error, misrepresentation and all the craft of designing men based thereon had time to take root and flourish. Imperfect communication among the people was the demagogue's opportunity.

But to-day the facts on any question proposed at sunrise, are laid before the whole people before nightfall. In the cities an extra edition of a newspaper, except where such papers are "owned" or "controlled," dissolves a falsehood in an hour. Rural free delivery places before every farmer the truth of every situation at each day's set of the sun. The telegraph brings the mind of Los Angeles and that of Boston together quicker than the speed of daylight. Communication between New York and Cincinnati is instantaneous. Railways put every citizen of the Republic in personal contact with every other citizen. Electric roads have abolished the seclusion of every farm-house.

Eighty millions of people are in closer touch to-day than the inhabitants of Cincinnati alone were thirty years ago. What one man knows all men may know. And,

knowing the facts, the people reason on them; and reasoning on them, the people reach just conclusions; and reaching just conclusions they act, they vote. And so it is that the influence of passion on the American mind has passed. So it is that the day of the demagogue is done.

But they would not be without an issue had any proposition they advanced been true and sound. They are without an issue now because every proposition they advanced is false in fact and wrong in reason. And therefore, while we can not to-night discuss a single living question on which this campaign began, we can examine as curiosities of history those propositions which the enemy have deserted. A political speech can now be nothing but a lecture on antiquities.

Let us take them in their order. Last Spring the Opposition to the Government declared that imperialism was ruining the Republic; American soldiers were dishonoring the American flag and disgracing the American name; an ocean voyage had changed the nature of American officers; tropic skies had transformed gentlemen into savages; havoc, pillage, outrage were American methods in the Republic's advance across the seas.


Where now is this campaign of slander? before the charge of facts led by reason! Who dares now ask the support of American voters upon the ground that their soldiers have shamed their country? And, yet, that was the battle-cry of the Opposition to the Government only four months ago. How many votes would any candidate get to-day upon the issue that Lawton, MacArthur, Chaffee, Wheaton or Bell were officers of infamy? Yet, that was the slogan of the Opposition to the Government only four months ago.

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