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Upon motion of Mr. Oldham that part of the report in reference to increase in dues from three dollars to five dollars per year was adopted.

Judge Joseph M. Hill discussed the advisability of changing the committees, and upon motion of Mr. W. C. Rodgers that part of the report was adopted.

The President introduced Mr. Cummins Ratcliffe, of Little Rock, who read a paper on "Mining Law." (See Appendix, p. 82.)

Mr. S. H. Mann, of Forrest City, was introduced by the President and read a paper on "Special Legislation." (See Appendix, p. 93.)

This paper was discussed briefly by Messrs. H. B. McKenzie, J. E. Williams, Kie Oldham, W. L. Terry, S. D. Campbell and T. S. Buzbee.

The Secretary, as chairman of the Committee on Publication, reported as follows:

To the President and Members of the Association:

The minutes were published and distributed as usual. The expense of publishing the minutes is becoming greater each year because of larger number of papers. The Democrat Printing and Lithographing Company has been printing our reports at about cost, which has saved the Association considerable expense.


Mr. J. E. Williams and Mr. T. S. Busbee stated that they would not be in attendance longer and could not serve on the Auditing Committee, and the President appointed Mr. J. W. Crawford and Mr. John Fletcher in their stead.

The meeting adjourned until next morning.


The President called the meeting to order and introduced Hon. C. B. Moore, of Texarkana, who read a paper on "The Oath, Its Uses and Abuses." (See Appendix, p. 104.)

Judge U. M. Rose was introduced by the President.

Judge Rose said: "Gentlemen of the Bar Association, when I was invited to take some part in your proceedings I hesitated as to the propriety of obtruding myself again on your notice, but the invitation was conveyed in such flattering terms that I found resistance quite impossible." He then read his address on "The Life and Character of Chester Ashley." (See Appendix, p. 137.)

J. W. Blackwood moved a vote of thanks to Judge Rose for his contribution to the history of the State, and especially the history of a man that has so honored our profession, which motion was unanimously adopted.

Mr. W. V. Tompkins stated that the condition of the Supreme Court docket, which has been for a long time the solicitude of the Bar of the State, had been retrieved by the faithful, active and earnest work of the court, and it was deemed proper to present a resolution, which he read as follows:

"We have all been witnesses of a remarkable achievement. Five years ago our Supreme Court was three years behind with its docket, and was sinking deeper and deeper into the slough of despond. Today the Court is up with its work, and cases are disposed of within a few months of the time when the appeal is taken. Such results have been accomplished in other States by special commissions, but with us the Court itself, without assistance, has accomplished the herculean task. All the members of the Court are entitled to the gratitude of the community. They have worked nobly and in perfect harmony, seeking only to do their duty, and turning out an amount of work that has been crushing in its extent. Nor has there been any decline in the quality of their performance. No one reading the opinions of our Court in the last five years can detect evidences of haste. Cases have been carefully considered and well decided. The law's delays, which are so hard to bear, have been reduced to a minimum at no sacrifice of law or justice. The result has been accomplished, not by recklessness or precipitation, but by order, system and the strict enforcement of the rules. The position of the Chief Justice is such that, as he must bear the blame of failure in

these particulars, so is he most largely entitled to the honor of the achievement. Therefore, while we respect and thank every member of the Court who have all worked so faithfully to rescue us from the unhappy condition in which we found ourselves a few years ago, we feel especially grateful to the distinguished Chief Justice who led in the noble work of redemption, and who so organized the labors of the Court that it shows itself equally capable of handling its docket, now that he has returned to the Bar. Therefore be it

Resolved, That the Bar Association of the State of Arkansas tender to the Hon. Joseph M. Hill its thanks for his eminent services as Chief Justice of our State, and for the courtesy which he always displayed, even when enforcing the rules with the greatest firmness, and that we welcome him back to the Bar with all our hearts.

Mr. Tompkins then moved the adoption of the resolution by a rising vote, and it was so adopted unanimously.

At the request of Judge E. A. McCulloch the President appointed Messrs. Harry Wood, M. S. Cobb and J. D. Head to fill the vacancies on Committee on Uniform State Laws.

The President also appointed Messrs. S. D. Campbell and John Fletcher to fill the places of absent members of Committee on Nominations.

The Association adjourned until 2 p. m.


The meeting was called to order by the President.

The Secretary reported that the following had applied for membership in the Association and that their applications had been approved by the Executive Committee:


T. S. OSBORNE, Fort Smith

J. F. WILLS, Clarksville


C. A. CUNNINGHAM, Little Rock
SAM M. WASSELL, Little Rock

W. P. STRAIT, Morrilton

E. A. WILLIAMS, Morrilton
W. R. DONHAM, Benton
W. H. GARNETT, Camden
R. J. SOUTHALL, Marion
G. W. SWAIM, Little Rock

M. ROUNDTREE, Little Rock
SCOTT WOOD, Hot Springs


JAS. E. HOGUE, Hot Springs

C. E. PETTIT, Stuttgart

D. L. McRAE, Prescott

Upon motion they were duly elected members.

The Auditing Committee reported as follows:


To the President and Members of the Association:

MR. PRESIDENT-Your Committee on Secretary and Treasurer's Books beg leave to report that they have examined the books and accounts of said officers and find all accounts properly kept and all funds coming to the hands of the officers properly accounted for, and all balances properly struck.

Respectfully submitted,



The President introduced Mr. John W. Stayton, of Newport, who read a paper on "Baseball Jurisprudence." (See Appendix, p. 118.)

The President called for reports of committees.

The Committee on Law and Reform had no report.

The Committee on Judicial Administration reported as follows:


To the President and Members of the Association:

Your Committee on Judicial Administration submits the following:

The Constitution of this Association, naming this and other committees, fails to prescribe the duties of such committees, other than to make reports and recommendations for action on the part of the Association, hence the matters set out in this report may more properly come under the report of some other committee, and much that should be considered herein may be, and probably is, omitted.


Uniform rules for the conduct of the business of the Court, as well as uniform law, should prevail throughout the State. An exchange of circuits among the several Circuit Judges of the State would tend largely toward bringing the rules and manner of procedure and conduct of the business of the different Circuit Courts to the knowledge of the several Judges, as well as to the members of the Bar of the State, and to the attainment of this end we recommend the frequent exchange of circuits by the several Judges, as is provided for in section 1321 of Kirby's Digest.


In view of the fact that the process of the Courts is frequently abused in the large number of needless witnesses often summoned in criminal cases, and mindful of the fact that under the law as held by our Supreme Court the Court is powerless in limiting the number of witnesses and thus saving to the public ofttimes the payment of large cost bills that should have been avoided, but believing that the Courts would be sustained in enforcing any reasonable rule looking to the protection of the public interest, we recommend that the Circuit Courts adopt such rules as will require the Prosecuting Attorney or any one calling for subpoenas for witnesses for the State, and the defendant or his attorney, or any one calling for subpoenas for witnesses for the defendant to file with the clerk a written request for sobpoenas for witnesses, giving the names of the

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