OR, A TREATISE ON FEMALE RUIN, IN ITS CAUSES, EFFECTS, CONSEQUENCES, PREVENTION, AND REMEDY; CONSIDERED ON THE BASIS OF THE DIVINE LAW: Under the following HEADS, viz. MARRIAGE, ADULTERY, WHOREDOM, and POLYGAMY, FORNICATION, || DIVORCE; With many other INCIDENTAL MATTERS; PARTICULARLY INCLUDING An Examination of the Principles and Tendency of Stat. 26 GEO. II. с. 33. COMMONLY CALLED Printed for J. DODSLEY, in Pall-Mall. 1 Preparing for the Press-and speedily will be published, THELYPHTHORA, VOL. III. I. Shewing by what means, and by what degrees, the laws of JEHOVAH concerning marriage, were opposed and abrogated, and a NEW SYSTEM invented and established by CHRISTIAN CHURCHMEN. Extracted from the most authentic records, from the earliest times of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH after the APOSTLES, to the decrees of the COUNCIL of TRENT, anno 1563, inclufive. II. Observations on the foregoing uninterrupted SERIES of incontestible EVIDENCE, and the WHOLE applied to the subjects of this TREATISE. III. The true ORIGIN and NECESSITY of MARRIAGE-CEREMONY. With many other INCIDENTAL MATTERS. |