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THE Author offers the following pages rather as a specimen of what he wished to do, than of what he has actually accomplished. He is aware that a great variety of matter, deeply interesting to the clergy, lies scattered through many and expensive volumes, which are not within the reach of the clergy in general. He was anxious to collect as much as his time and other circumstances would allow. He trusts that the following pages, wanting as they confessedly are in many particulars, may nevertheless not be altogether unacceptable to his younger brethren in the ministry; and he will receive, with the deepest gratitude, any hints, or information, from such as may be disposed to assist him in rendering his work more generally useful, in a future edition.


INSTRUCTIONS, various, 24-76: for obtaining License to Stipendiary Curacies,

24-28; Lectureship, 28; Perpetual Curacy, 30; Augmented Chapelry, 32;

Collation to Prebend or Benefice, 33; Vicarage, 34; Donative, 36; Institu-

tion, 37; Induction, 37; Reading in, 38; Resignation of Benefice, 40;

Sequestration, 47; Purchase of Advowsons and Presentations, 50; Chap-
laincy to Noblemen, 55; Dilapidations, 58; Exchange, 59; Lapse, 59; on
obtaining Second Benefice, 60; Dispensation, 63; Glebe Houses, 70; As-
sistance in Building, 73; Pyncombe and Horner's Charity, Marshall's Trust,
Royal Bounty, 74; Parliamentary Grants.

PASTORAL WORK, 76-79: Speculum Gregis, 80.

SCHOOLS, 81-124; (Infants'), 81; Remarks on, Qualification of Masters and

Mistresses, 85; Address on Establishing, Rules of, 86; Register Books,

87, Apparatus necessary; Time Table, 88; Order of Proceedings, 88;

Prayer, 89; Specimen of Morning and Afternoon Lessons, 89-92; List of

Works on, 92.

(Dames'), 93; (Adult), Regulations, 93; (Day), 95,

(Sunday), Rules for, 96; Sick Club, 97; Library, Registers, Reward Tickets,

98; Texts of Scripture, 99; Hints for Teachers, 100; Sunday School Re-

membrancer Society, Address and Rules, 101; Application for Aid in

Building Schoolrooms, 103; Sunday School Union, 105; British and

Foreign School Society, 106; National Society, 108; Suggestions in Build-

ing, Sites for, 110; Committee of Council on Education, Regulations, 115;

Queries, 119, 122; General Instruction Society, 124.

CATECHIZING, 125-164: Canon on, 125; Course of Catechetical Lectures on

the Lord's Prayer, 126-164.

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