fourteen. "And I do hereby promise and engage with your Lordship "and the said Joseph Mayor, that I will continue to employ the said "Joseph Mayor in the office of Curate in my said church, until he shall " be otherwise provided of some ecclesiastical preferment, unless, for any "fault by him committed he shall be lawfully removed from the same ; "and I hereby solemnly declare that I do not fraudulently give this " certificate to entitle the said Joseph Mayor to receive Holy Orders, but "with a real intention to employ him in my said church, according to "what is herein before expressed."* Witness my hand this sixteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine. Charles Jerram, Vicar of North Collingham, Nottingham. Declaration, (required by the Act.) We the before named Charles Jerram and Joseph Mayor, do declare to the said Lord Bishop of Lincoln, as follows: that is to say, I the said Charles Jerram do declare that I bonâ fide intend to pay, and I the said Joseph Mayor do declare that I bona fide intend to receive, the whole actual stipend, mentioned in the foregoing statement, without any abatement (in respect of rent, or consideration for the use of the glebe house, garden, and offices, thereby agreed to be assigned;) and without any (other) deduction or reservation whatever. Witness our hands this sixteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine. Charles Jerram. The incumbent who gives a TITLE, expressly binds himself to pay a certain stipend, which in the cases of non-resident incumbents, is fixed by law; in other cases, it may be settled by agreement between the incumbent and curate, subject to the sanction of the diocesan; the giving a Title does not authorize the diminution of Stipend. Any Curate consenting to take a less stipend than that fixed by law, is virtually guilty of Simony. Stipends payable to Curates required by Act of Parliament, Non-resident incumbents, admitted to benefices since 20 July, 1813, must allow stipends to there curates according to the following scale : The lowest stipend is £80. If the population of the parish or place amount to 300 the stipend must be £100. If the population of the parish or place amount to 500, the stipend must be £120. If the population of the parish or place amount to 750, the stipend must be £135 If the population of the parish or place amount to 1000. the stipend must be £150 Or the whole benefice, if it do not exceed these sums respectively. * To be omitted in the title for priest's orders. And when the net yearly income of a benefice exceeds £400, the Bishop may, (s. 86.) if he see fit, assign a stipend of £100, though the population does not amount to 300; and if the living be £400, and the population amounts to 500, he may add any sum, not exceeding £50, to any of the stipends payable by the incumbent, where the curate resides within the benefice, and serves no other curacy. When the population exceeds 2000, the Bishop may require the incumbent to nominate two curates, with stipends not exceeding together the highest rate of stipend allowed to one curate. The Bishop, with the concurrence of the Archbishop of the province, may assign smaller stipends, in the case of incumbents who have become incapable of performing their duties from age, sickness, or other unavoidable cause, and to whom, from these, or from any other special and peculiar circumstances, great hardships would arise if they were compelled to pay the full stipend. (s. 87.) A less stipend may also be allowed if the curate serve another church, in that case the stipend shall be less for each, than the above sums, by any amount not exceeding £30. (s. 89.) Clergymen who were incumbents of benefices before 20 July, 1813, cannot be compelled to allow more than £75 per annum, as stipend to the curates of such benefices, but the Bishop may add to that sum £15, in lieu of a house. (s. 84.) All agreements to pay, or receive less stipends than those assigned by the licence, are void; and if less be paid, the remainder may be afterwards recovered by the curate or his representatives. (s. 90.) When a stipend equal to the whole value of a benefice is assigned to the curate, he is (s. 91.) to be liable to all charges and outgoings legally affecting the benefice; and (s. 94.) when such a stipend is assigned, and the curate is directed to reside in the glebe house, the curate is liable to the taxes, parochial rates, and assessments of the glebe house and premises; but in every other case in which the curate shall so reside by such direction, the Bishop may, if he shall think fit, order that the incumbent shall pay the curate all or any part of such sums, as he may have been required to pay, and shall have paid, within one year ending Michaelmasday, next preceding the date of such order for any such taxes, parochial rates, or assessments as should have been due at any time after the passing of the Act. And in case any difference shall arise between the incumbent of any benefice and his curate, touching such stipend, or the payment thereof, or of the arrears thereof, the Bishop, on complaint to him made, may and shall summarily hear and determine the same, without appeal. (s. 83.) These papers having been sent to the Bishop, and duly examined, if approved, the Bishop will inform the Candidate for Holy Orders when and where he must attend for EXAMINATION,* the regular method of * Canon xxxv. -The Examination of such as are to be made ministers. The Bishop, before he admit any person to Holy Orders, shall diligently examine him, in the presence of those ministers that shall assist him at the imposition of hands; and if the said Bishop have any lawful impediment, he shall cause the said ministers carefully to examine every such person so to be C which examination is thus described; viz., "When the Bishop intends to hold an Ordination, all who are desirous to be admitted into the ministry, are to appear on the fourth day before the Ordination; and then the Bishop shall appoint some of the Priests attending him, and others skilled in the divine law, and exercised in the ecclesiastical sanctions, who shall diligently examine the life, age, and title of the persons to be ordained; at what place they had their education; whether they be well learned; whether they be instructed in the law of God. And they shall be diligently examined for three days successively: and so on the Saturday they who are approved shall be presented to the Bishop." (Burn's Ecc. Law, Tit. "Ordination.") The following papers may afford a tolerable idea of the nature of such examination for orders. Questions proposed to Candidates for Priests' and Deacons' Orders. What are the principal arguments in favour of the Trinity? What was Saint Paul's principal design in his Epistle to the Romans, and what are the principal arguments contained in that Epistle? What is the meaning of a Type ? State and explain some of the most remarkable types of Christ. In what respect are the moral doctrines of our Saviour superior to those of every other teacher? What is the difference between the words Ελληνες and Ελληνιςαι ? In what sense, and to what extent are the sacred writings inspired, and how is their purity and authenticity affected by the number of various readings ? What are the principal arguments to be used for the conversion of the Jews? Draw a parallel between the character of Moses and Christ. Is the validity of Scripture Prophecy affected by ancient oracles? Translate into Greek "Work out your own salvation" &c., and state the doctrine contained in this passage. What is the meaning of the word Pentateuch? Who was the author of it? explain the title of each book, and prove its authenticity. Who were the respective Roman Emperors at the birth and death of Christ, and how long is Christ supposed to have continued on earth ? ordered; provided, that they who shall assist the Bishop in examining and laying on of hands, shall be of the Cathedral church, if they may conveniently be had, or other sufficient preachers of the same Diocese, to the number of three, at the least; and if any Bishop or Suffragan shall admit any to Sacred Orders, who is not qualified and examined, as before we have ordained, the Archbishop of his province, having notice thereof, and being assisted therein by one Bishop, shall suspend the said Bishop or Suffragan so offending, from making either Deacons or Priests, for the space of two years. "The said ministers."] De jure communi, hæc examinatio pertinet ad Archidiaconum, saith Lyndwood; and so saith the canon law, in which this is laid down as one branch of the Archidiaconal office, viz. Examinatio clericorum, si fuerint ad sacros ordines promovendi, which thing is also supposed in our own form of ordination, both of Priests and Deacons, where the Archdeacon's office is to present the persons, as apt and meet, to the Bishop. But Lyndwood adds this further rule, Aliàs, si sit absens, Episcopus potest per se examinare, si velit; vel aliis idoneis circa latus suum id committere.-Gibson 169. Ayliffe Parer 402. Mention the principal circumstances of the birth, preaching, manner of the death of John the Baptist, and compare him with Elijah. Give an account of the Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees. State the principal arguments on which the truth of the resurrection depends. What is the derivative sense of the words ευαγγέλιον, αποτολος, χρισος, μετεωρος? Explain what is meant by natural and revealed Religion. On what grounds did the Christians change the day of the Sabbath, and what are the uses and ends of the Sabbatical institution ? Compare the advantages and disadvantages of a Liturgy. What is the etymology of the word Deacon ? When were they instituted? What was their office in the 1st century, and what is their office in the Church of England ? Shew that the oracular responses of the heathens do not impair the arguments which prophecy attests in favour of Christianity. Translate into Greek, from Matthew, xxii chap. 41 ver. to the end, and resolve the question. Explain the following words, Tetrarch, Ethriarch, Centurion, Publican, Proselyte. How much is a Denarius, Didrachma, Mite, Cubit, Sabbath day's journey? Translate the words λατρεια, λειτυργια, δουλευω. State some of the principal types and prophecies of Christ contained in the Pentateuch. What is meant by the sin against the Holy Ghost? Prove from Scripture the divinity of Christ. Explain Matthew, v. 22. and turn it into Greek and Latin. Shew that Moses acted by a divine commission. In what year was he born? Give a chronological account of the major prophets. Where did they respectively prophesy? Required a full and etymological sense of the words, αγναφος, δευτεροπρωτος, επιουσιος, Ιησους, Χρισος. Give some history of Herod the Great and family, and the divisions of his kingdom. In each of the Gospels some circumstances are mentioned not to be found in the rest. State the respective peculiarities. Translate into Greek and Latin, Matthew, xx. 16, and explain the parable of the labourers in the vineyard. Draw a map of the boundaries of the Holy Land. Prove the authenticity of the old Testament by quotations from the new. In what years did the Israelites enter and leave the wilderness? State the causes of their long continuance, and the principal events which befell them there. What is meant by the Apochryphal Writings, and in what light are they to be regarded? Explain, and defend the personality of the Holy Spirit. Shew that the apostles could not have been influenced by any corrupt or fraudulent motives. Questions, 1st and 2d Epistles to Timothy. 1. In what year of the Christian era is it probable that the first Epistle was written? State the reasons for the opinion which you adopt as to its date. &c. 2. Give some account of Timothy, the place of his birth, parentage, 3. Describe the geographical situation, &c. of Ephesus, and mention the names of the remaining six Churches of Asia. 4. Point out the distinction between ανομοις, ανυποτακτοις, ασεβεσι, αμαρτωλοις, ανοσιοις, and βεβηλοις. 1 Tim. I. 9. Also between δεησεις, προσευχασ, εντευξεις 1 Tim. II. 1. Also state your opinion as to the import and distinction of διακονος, ευαγγελισης, πρεσβύτερος, and επισκοπος. 5. Give some account of the nature of the office of Deacon, the time and the occasion of its institution, with the names of the first seven Deacons. 6. Mark the quantities of the penultimate of the following words : μαρτυρων, νεοφυτον, ασπιλον, ακρατεις, βελτιον, αλυσιν, μεσίτης, μεμβρανας. 7. Derive the following words: παρρησια, αφιλαργυρον, διλονους, ψευδωνυμου, αναζωπυρειν, σρατολογησαντι, οφθοτομουντα, φιληδυνοι, ετεροδιδασκαλειν, αδιαλειπτον, αισχροκερδεις. 8. Construe the first five verses of 1 Tim. iv., and shew from an induction of the several particulars what Church is probably meant. 9. Αλλα συγκακοπαθησον τω ευαγγελιῳ. κ. τ. λ. 2 Tim. i. 8. Give the construction of this passage, and shew whether the verb should be connected with ευαγγελιῳ οι κατα δυναμιν θεου. 10. In what year of Christ, how soon after writing the 2nd Epistle, and under what Emperor, is it generally supposed that Paul suffered martyrdom? 11. Give a short outline of the character, and several duties of a Christian minister, as far as can be collected from the 2nd Epistle of Paul to Timothy. Examination Paper. 1. Translate the following passage. 2. Write short explanatory notes on the words in Italics; and quote declarations of our Church against the errors referred to. 3. Illustrate from Scripture the passage commencing "Aut nisi hoc malint" &c. "Quid unquam aut Petrus Papæ simile habuit, aut Papa Petro? Nisi hoc fortè velint dicere, Petrum, cùm esset Roma, nunquam docuisse Evangelium, nunquam pavisse gregem, abstulisse claves regni cælorum; abscondisse thesauros Domini sui; tantùm sedisse in Laterano; et omnia spatia Purgatorii, et suppliciorum genera digito descripsisse ; animas miseras alias in cruciatum relegasse, alias, acceptâ mercede, repentè pro arbitrio exemisse: Missas privatas, quæ in omnibus angulis dicerentur, tradidisse; sacra mysteria, summissâ voce, et alienâ linguâ |